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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1902)
THE COURIER 11 fe. r & I, & - f ft:' -v Pranks?" . Pranks and practical jokes furnish the true spice to college life. It is im possible for a fraternity to exist or a society of any sort continue within the limits of a university campus hoaxing. And Lincoln is no exception to the rulf. Hair raising tortures for the recruits are legion. But they are applied under the oath of secrecy and it would be rude and unjust to vociferously disclose them In an article such as this. How ever, th,e average Lincoln citizen un derstands the situation when a digni fied son of Editor Bowlby, for instance, approaches the hurried passerby and attempts to palm off a hot tamale. He is simply proving his courage to the frat. Sometimes the Joiners are allowed to slide down inclined plans Into sand banks or hang suspended over the un known darkness of a cellar. A son of a judge or congressman may be com pelled to pass the hat for a Salvation Army lass. Th'en the sufferer may be bound hand and foot and placed on the doorstep of some peaceful dwelling house. A ring at the doorbell, a pat tering of feet, the tormentors disappear and the situation is truly embarasslng for the pilgrim Journeying towards the fraternal shrine. But pranks are nearly always on tap In fraternal circles. Anyone may be the victim who proves susceptible to easy and amusing "kidding." A favorite trick is to send an invito tion to some bashful youth supposed to emanate from a popular young lady. Of course the surprised and flattered student prepares to fill the date and at the proper moment, is chagrined by the resonant and clanging horse laugh. Swiping signs to decorate the in terior of rooms always appeals to the adventurous. Indians with tomahawks poised in front of cigar stores are also In demand. Posters and pictures of celebrated theatrical stars, musicians and other famous folks go the same way. Interior decorations are startling and amazing in proportion to the ingenuity of the frat members. Not long ago a certain fraternity aroused the envy of all colleagues by an expedient compar atively simple. A stocking of liberal dimensions was secured and stuffed with cotton. The upper portion was deftly nailed to the celling, allowing the opposite extremity to angle down wards like a Damascus blade. The visitors on first entering the room were almost wlllln&to testify un der oath that some woman had been unfortunate enough to break through the ceiling and was struggling to re gain her liberty. The old "bill of sale" trick was ef fectually worked some time ago dis guised by several Ingenious details. Generally this ruse Is used to entrap the police on Hallowe'en night. The culprits rent a sign of some sort. They aldo get a bill of sale. When a police man appears the boys take long steps. Of course the patrolman arrests them. At the station they flash the bill of sale and grow Indignant because hon est citizens are not allowed to go home with their property.. One of the students, In working the improved edition of the trick, pur chased a part of a bunch of bananas. He got his bill of sale In the form of a receipt. The bunch was allowed to hang Just outside the fruit stand, the purchaser explaining that he would get the fruit "pretty soon." A policeman appeared. The Joker slyly unhooked the fruit and started away on a dog trot. The officer caught! him before he had gone half a block. The wagon was called. "When the ve hicle dashed down upon the policeman and his prisoner the latter had found his receipt. Just a trifle wicked was the scheme formulated by a law student to gain time on a board bill. His landlady mod estly reminded him. Oh yes, he would go upstairs and get the coin. He as cended with all the airiness of a spring robin. Down he came again madder than a March hare. Someone had taken his watch. He was going to have the house searched by the police. He looked at the land lady suspiciously and she began to weep. Of course he did not call the police but he continued the tirade. Then he waited for a remittance. But another boarder happened to know that the watch had been pawned. He maneuvered around and secured the check. After redeeming the watch he rescued the lady as truly as did ever a knight of the historical novel era. The creditor pressed her claim. But the erring one escaped her because a parental check wiped out the bonded Indebtedness on the last day of grace. DANIEL HORBIGAN. Fusion candidate for police judge. Daniel Horrlgan, a young Lincoln attorney and candidate for police judge on the fusion ticket, was born In the centennial year at Lanark, Carroll county, Illinois. In 1885 he removed with his parents to Adams . county, Nebraska, where he worked on the farm during the summer season and attended district school In the winter. He attended normal schools in both Lincoln and Hastings, taught school for a time and finally graduated from the law course of the state university after taking several years' work In the literary college. Since his graduation he has been connected with the law office of Judge Broady. Mr. Horrlgan Is a good "mixer" and has many warm friends In the city. He Is especially popular among his acquaintances In business cir cles. He has taken a keen Interest In political and municipal affairs since his residence in Lincoln. He believes in a strict enforcement of the law. He Is not identified with any faction and his friends enthusiastically champion his cause, de claring that If elected his efforts will ever be an honest administration of the affairs of police Judge. While Mr. Horrigan Is a young man. he has had a wide experience in political work- and stands high in the councils of his party In the state. 1 THE PROGRESSIVE STORE Spring Opening OF A FINE FRENCH KID GLOVES qfr A "3-. 0F THE CELEBRATED KID GLOVES FOR WHICH WE ARE SOLE LINCOLN AGENTS. These Gloves are too favorably known to need any lengthy explanation of their goodness there are no better Gloves than those made by Reynier. Reynier's first quality real French Kid, in Suedes and Glaces, pair 12.00 Rey nier's first quality Overseam Suede, pair $ 1.76 Reynier's 'Special Slake" Suedes and Glaces, pair $1.50 THE BEST $1.00 AND $1.25 KID GLOVES MADE Made by the Celebrated P. & L. makers. 3-clasp Overseam and 2 -clasp Pique, cf first quality French Lambskin, with fine silk embroidery, come in black, gray, mode, ox blood, beaver, pearl, brown and white, guaranteed, pr. $1.25 t 2-clasp Overseam, made of fine French Lambskin, one row of silk embroid- V nr nil onlnre nair . . . . . . A1 OO , J , H. W.V.U, ... ... ..-...-.-..- .V V m- Stylish Veilings STRICTLY A VEILING SEASON This .is decidedly a veiling season, and in the eastern cities no woman is considered correctly dressed for the street without one. We are show ing all the new effects, our line being particularly strong in plain and fancy meshes, the new light weight effects in black, black and white, white and black, eta All prices, per yard, 20C, 25C, 35C, 50C, tO Jl.50 New Spring Ribbons Ribbons are being extensively used in every imag inable way this season. Ribbons for corsage bows. Ribbons for hair bows. Ribbons for sashes. Ribbons for the new military bows. Ribbons for the neck. All the soft effects in Liberty Satin, Satin Taffeta, Metallic Taffeta, and a large stock of all the new ideas in Fancy Ribbons. SPECIAL NOTICE. We make all Bows for our customers free of charge, m ?