The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, March 29, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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    fcrumflnnffi 'i"
Oftertor)' 'The Holy City." Stephen
Adams: Miss Pearl L. Rotruck.
Baptism of children.
Confirmation hymn, "The Happy Day,"
Edward F. Itimbault.
Confirmation and reception of now
At the evening sen-ice the Sunday
school will Join with the choir in render
ing Remrtergs "The Evergreen Shore,"
a service prepared especially for this ser
vice, and the following:
"The Land of Light," W. W. Abbot;
Miss Pearl Rotruck.
Duet "Morning Breaks Upon the
Tomb." Remsberg; Dorotha Griffith,
Pearl L. Rotruck.
St. Paul Methodist Eplsiopal church.
Reverend F. L. Wharton. D. D., pastor.
Prelude Simple Confession, Thome;
organ and violin.
"The Way of the Cross." Nevin; Mrs.
Mark Woods.
Duet 'The Lord Is My Shepherd."
Smart; Mrs. Woods and Miss Florence
"From Glory to Glory-." wlth violin
obllgato), Gelbel; Mrs. Mark Woods.
"Be Comforted Ye That Mourn."
Fisher; Miss Florence FIske.
"Resurrection," Harry Rowe Shelley;
Miss Flske.
Mr. Ed. Walt, violinist.
Mr. A. A. Hadley. organist.
At the First Baptist church on Good
Friday eve was presented for the first
time In this city the cantata "The
Seven Last Words of Christ." music
by Theodore Dubois. The cantata -was
given under the direction of Doctor J.
M. Mayhew, who also presided at the
organ. Doctor Mayhew is an organist
and director of ability, and is accom
plishing excellent results -with the choir
In this church. The contata was sung
by the First Baptist choral union of
fifty voices. The solos are written for
soprano, tenor and baritone, and were
suns by Miss H. I. Bedford, Mr. H.
Augustine Smith of Chicago, and Mr.
CW.JCettering of Denver. The music
throughout is dramatic The choruses
were effectively sung. Miss Bedford's
voice Is well adapted to the songs as
signed to the soprano. Mr. Smith is
the possessor of a euphonious voice,
and his rendition of his solos was es
pecially pleasing. Mr. Kettering was
in fine voice and sang with much feel
lag; bis friends are glad that he is
Bear enough to return to them occa
sionally. The program bore a request
that, inasmuch as the service was a
religious one, the audience refrain from
all applause, the request was respect
ed, but the close attention of the large
audience proved its Interest.
Services .for Easier at Trinity Metho
dist Episcopal church. Sixteenth and A
Easter dawn service 6 a. m.
Morning service 10:38 Rev. N. A. Mar
tin, pastor. Theme of sermon "The
Power of an -Endless Life."
Music for morning service.'
Organ Prelude In D Major, Henry
Anthem "He is Risen." Fred Schilling.
Anthem "The Resurrection." H. R.
Organ Triumphal march, Mendelssohn.
Sunday school, 12:15. Program as fol
lows: Opening Song "The Young People's
Scripture reading in concert.
Singing "What Would Jesus Do?"
Singing "Make Me White as Snow."
Teachers mark attendance and take
Introductory remarks by Superintend
ent. Solo "Echoes of Old Hymns," Mr.
Lesson No. 1, Rev. Martin.
Get ready to sing.
Lesson No. 2. Mabel Fritz.
Singing "The Comforter has Come."
Lesson No. 3, Dee Eastman.
Lesson No. 4, Ruth Martin.
Lesson No. 5,'-IV.tth Aspinwall.
Singing "All Hall the Power of Jesus'
Lesson No. 6, Chris Leash.
Lesson No. 7. Dessle Pearson.
Lesson No. 8. Willie Eppens.
Singing "Trust and Obey."
Lesson No. 9, Dola Pugh.
Lecson No. 10. Irene Suter.
Lesson No. 11. Ernest Wilson.
Slnglpg "Lost, But Jesus Saved Me."
Lesson No. 12, Mr. Stanley.
Birthday offerings.
Secretary's report.
Closing service.
Junior League 4 p. m.
Epworth League 6:30 p. m.
Evening service 7:30. Program:
Organ Voluntary-
Easter Joy Choir.
Apostrophe to Resurrection between
verses Maud Shamp.
Prayer Pastor.
Opening Address Earl Jackson.
Scripture reading.
Opening Address Myrtle Kelgan.
"Oh! Be Glad"-Cholr.
"An Easter Flower" Emma Trigg.
"Oh Wondrous Night" Choir.
"Easter Lilies" Primary department.
Dialogue "Dee Elche, Dale Pugh, Tom
Worsley, Leta Llnch.
"Ye Beams of Easter Morn" Choir.
Songs Primary department.
"If I Must Die" Choir.
"The Risen Savior" Five girls.
Address by pastor, N. A. Martin. .-.
"Rejoice, ye Nations" Choir.
Offertory "Hosanna," Choir.
Congregational singing.
First Baptist church. Reverend H. O.
Rowlands, D. D pastor. Easter morn
ing 10:30.
Organ "Allegro," Guilmant; "Spring
Song," Mendelssohn.
Anthem "Awake up My Glory," Barn
by. Offertory "Epilogue," Dudley Buck.
Sermon Rev. H. O. Rowlands.
Postlude "Hallelujah." Handel.
Organ Recital (a) "Suite Gothlque,"
Bolllman; "Choral;" "Menuet;" "Prlere
a Notre Dame;" "Toccatta." (b) Spring
Song, Mendelssohn, (c) March In E flat,
"Christ the Victor" Sacred Cantata by
Dudley Buck. Rendered by the First
Baptist Choral Union. Soloists: Misses
Redford and Lansing; Messrs. Carter and
Tae PMonefcy of Givfe
Not a nickel of Andrew Carnegie's
ten million dollar "national university"
donation goes Into buildings. It Isn't
to be a university, but a fund. It will
fill a gap in the American educational
program by helping men and women
engaged in original research. No other
American has ever given away $80,000,
000. But a good many other Ameri
cans gave their lives to save the flag
and the government under which An
drew Carnegie made the 180,000,009.
while he was making It. A man can
not really give anything but himself.
Carnegie gives himself when he spends
days and nights planning how to do
the most good with the millions he is
handing back to the people. Frank
Putnam In the National.
Chief Deputy Game Warden.
George B. Slmpkins, who now bears the more or less euphonious title
of chief deputy game warden of the state, is a native of Illinois, being
born at Minonk, September 10th, 1865. He early realized the possibilities
of the coming state of the west and migrated to Nebraska at the age of
nineteen. He settled at the little village of Reynolds, down in the lower
edge of Jefferson county, where he went into the ranching business, con
ducting a grocery store and a grain business as side issues.
It was in 1892 that he came to Lincoln to make this city his resi
dence. He accepted a position with H. P. Lau and for three years was
on the road and city salesman for the wholesale grocery house. When
Mr. Lau died Mr. Slmpkins was made general manager of the business,
which position he held until he became a merchandise broker on 'his own
Five years ago Mr. Slmpkins first came before the sportsmen of the
state as a promising trap shooter. Since his advent behind the gun he
has become a conspicuous and a familiar .figure among the shooters .of,
the state. He holds two cups and a gold medal won in championship
contests. Because of his prominence in such matters and his reputation
for pure sportsmanship principles he was selected by-Governor C.-H. Diet
rich while governor, to be the chief deputy game warden of the state.
For a time after the passage of the act creating the office, by the last
legislature, it was looked on as a good joke by 'those who hold the laws
lightly. But it has proved a serious joke to many through the efforts of
Mr. Slmpkins and the efficient corps of assistants he selected. He has
held his official position since July 1st, 1901, and there Is not a poacher
in the state today who does not quake in his boots as he violates the law
for fear Mr. Slmpkins or some of his deputies may be about and detect
him in his depredations. Every violator of the law, regardless of posi
tion, is punished to the limit, and a wholesome respect for Mr. Slmpkins
and the law he enforces has supplanted the general feeling of derision
and contempt once felt.
The Dr. Bery. F. Bailey -
tS NOT A HOSPITAL, not a hotel, but a home. The
bunding is located on a sightly hill at Normal, and is
reached by the cars of the Lincoln street railway, being
only 23 minutes' ride from the business center.of the citv.
It k thoroughly equipped and beautifully furnished. Every
electric current useful in the treatment of the sick is used, and
ideal Turkish. Russian, aad Medicated Baths are given. In
ceaditioas where the kidneys and liver are affected, and in
caws of rheumatism, our Hot Air Treatment has been remark
ably successful, for fall information address
The E'P. Bailey Siiatorium, Liwoln, Neb.
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