The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, March 22, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Gregory The Coal Man.
Mrs. Carl Funke entertained at whist
yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. C. H. Sharp is visiting friends in
Newcastle, "Wyoming.
The university club gave a dance
last night at Walsh hall.
Mrs. M. D. Welch and Miss Welch
were in Chicago this week.
4Mrs. Harry Harley is the guest of
her mother, Mrs. J. R. Burks, In Beat
rice. The Patriarchs will give a dance at
Walsh hall Friday evening, April
iMrs. Woodward Jones of Wayne Is
the guest of her mother, Mrs. Ella K.
Miss Lohman of Hastings was a
guest at the Kappa Alpha Theta house
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Lewis will
give a military euchre the evening of
Easter Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wilson will give
a dancing party Wednesday evening,
April ninth at Walsh hall.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Raymond
are expected home from their wedding
journey today or tomorrow.
Chapter K, of P. E. O., met Monday
night with Mrs. Russell. Mrs. Mary
McKinnon reviewed "The Right of
Miss Anna Masters of St. Paul,
Minnesota, is the guest of her sisters,
Mrs. T. H. AViiiiams and Miss Ethel
Mrs. C. S. Sherman and her sister,
Mrs. W. Y. Theal, left yesterday for
Davenport, Iowa, for a month's visit
with their mother.
The ladies of Holy Trinity Episcopal
church will give a musicalc at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Rhodes
Tuesday evening. April first.
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Clarke have
issued invitations for a dinner to be
given Saturday evening, April fifth, in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Ray
mond. Miss Post of York has returned to
the university for the spring semester
and is once more ensconced with her
sisters at the Kappa Alpha Theta
Mesdames I. E. and Ralph E. John
son entertained Mrs. E. H. Wilkinson
of Omaha and Mrs. Carl Carpender of
Denver at luncheon and dinner last
Miss Fannie Cole of Omaha, who
came down for the Delta Gamma ban
quet Saturday evening was the guest
of Miss Garten. Miss Cole returned
home on Wednesday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Wettling will
entertain a company of their Hoosier
friends tonight. These gatherings of
Indianlans are held with some regu
larity and are always enjoyable.
The Cotillion club which had an
nounced a party for Saturday evening
April fifth, has changed Its date to .
Monday evening, the fourteenth. The
party will be given at Walsh hall.
Mrs. M. Scott left on Tuesday to
visit friends in Iowa and Illinois.
While absent she will be the guest of
Reverend and Mrs. E. H. Curtis in
Chicago, and of Miss Kate Stoddard
in Highland Park.
The Christian Endeavor society of
Plymouth Congregational church gave
a reception on Wednesday evening in
the church parlors in honor of Mr.
Sewell A. Sanderson, who will leave
for Denver next week.
Sorosis met Tuesday with Mrs. W. G.
L. Taylor. Mrs. Lincoln Frost talked
of "The Filipino and His Home." The
club decided to participate In the
purchase of the Carnegie tablet for the
city library building.
The marriage of Miss Ethel Duttou
of Plattsmouth to Mr. Benjamin Davis
of Lincoln was celebrated Wednesday
evening at the home of Mrs. A. P.
Campbell in Plattsmouth. Mr. and
Mrs. Davis will reside in Lincoln.
The Armstrong Clothing Company
will make ladles' shirt waists on the
premises and will open Tuesday morn
ing 300 exclusive shirt waist patterns.
Prices reasonable and work delivered
promptly. Second floor take elevator.
Mrs. C. A. Grafton entertained the
W. R. C. kenslngton last Friday. Those
present were Mesdames Sperry, New
ell, Bolshaw, Chappell, Luke. Craw,
Graton, Stahl, Ludlam, Houston.
' Smith; Miss Alma Luke and Miss Lot
tie Graton.
tions, especially dinners, are now sent
out long, long In advance, sometimes
six weeks elapse between the Issuance
of the lnvltntloh and the consumma
tion of the event. Dinner hours are
growing later and later until this sea
son the fashionable time for New York
dinners of state is half after eight or
nine o'clock.
The choir of the First Presbyterian
church Is preparing special music for
the Easter morning service, and In the
evening a beautiful cantata, "The Res
urrection," by Charles Fonteyn Man
ney, will be sung. The choir Is com
posed of Mrs. R. A. Holyoke, soprano;
Mrs. E. Lewis Baker, contralto; M-.
Johnson, tenor, and Mr. Frollch, bass.).
Miss Lucy M. Haywood Is organist.
Mr. and Mrs. Googell of University
Place, who are soon to remove from
the state, were surprised Saturday
evening at their home by friends who
wished to express regret at their go
ing. Refreshments were served by the
visitors. Following were present: Me?-
V7H oaBBEsnr BiDGEt
As an evidence of President Roosevelt's determination to have no misuse
of public offices for personal or political advancement the president has
warned U. S. Comptroller Rldgely, of Illinois, to keep out of politics. Rldge
ly. In the opinion of the president, has been displaying too lively an Interest
for a federal officer In the senatorial contest of his state.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Bell entertained
La Veta whist club at dinner Tuesday
evening. Mrs. Rudolph Rehlaender
assisted Mrs. Bell in serving her
guests, and later In the evening Mrs.
Rehlaender and Miss Jennie Bell en
tertained them with music.
Mrs. L. J. Herzog and daughters
spent several days in Omaha this week
visiting relatives. Mrs. Katz, Mrs.
Herzog's sister. Is preparing to move
into her newly purchased home, locat
ed in a beautiful portion of Omaha
near Thirty-first and Farnam streets.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Miller Raymond
have issued invitations to a reception
to be given In honor of Mr. and Mrs.
William Henry Raymond from half
after eight until ten o'clock on Thurs
day evening, the third of April, at the
Lincoln. After ten o'clock there will
be dancing.
Doctor Henry R. Hopkins, president
of the New York state medical society,
in a recent lecture before a woman's
club In Buffalo, urged the ladles pres
ent to wear short skirts, especially on
the streets, saying that long skirts
were a medium for the spread of tuber
culosis and other germs.
In the east Invitations to social func-
sieurs and Mesdames Weaver, Beech.
Sovereign, Pitman, Morey, Predeau;
Mrs. Boyce, Miss Mable McLain and
Mr. Percy Beach.
Mrs. T. H. Williams entertained a
few friends Wednesday evening for
her sister. Miss Masters, of St. Paul,
Minnes-ota, and her cousin, Mr. E. L.
Masters, of Chicago. Much merriment
was enjoyed trying to pin the tail of a
donkey, also guessing games. Ice
cream and cake was servqd after
which the lights were extinguished and
each guest clad in ghostly apparel told
a ghost story. Mr. Fuller played sev
eral piano selections.
The class of 1002 of the Clinton school
gave a taffy pull last Friday evening
at the home of Miss Bessie Ganoung.
Games and dancing were also enjoyed.
Those present were Misses Mabel Wil
son, Fay LIntt, Sadie M. Fridke, Ruth
Long, Agusta Spooner, Frankie Webb,
Mattie Rhonendorf, Myrtle Brown,
Minnie Lawrence, Addle Coffner, Bessie
Ganoung; Messrs. Eugene Stoneslfer,
Long, Augusta Spooner, Frankie Webb,
Mack Maine, Dwight Richards, Mark
Skinner, Ralph Hanna, Howard Brown,
Gerhard Wall.
Mr. Guy Andrews entertained a few
young people informally Tuesday even
ing at whist. After the games a sub
stantial supper was served. Two long
tallies were laid In the spacious din
ing room, and were profusely decorat
ed with tulips and carnations strewn
over the linen. Guests were Misses
Barber, Burrus, Hays, Henry, Howell,
Jackson, Lansing, Marshall. Outcnlt,
Raymond, Stuart. Shedd and Wood
ward; Messieurs Ames, Baldwin. Bart-
I Rain and iweat fe I
hare no effect on MiMJMPK'MrM I
harncu treated WMj Km mfW
with Eureka Har- M VMmmtMMTW J
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keepslheleath. f1 M PIETC
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do not break. i- N
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new, but i-4J NV . C LZl
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as long by lh 'Jiff jjyS? 1
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HarnnaOd. AVD M I
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in can
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Made by
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Manufacturers of the finest quality of
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