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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1902)
THE COURIER SOCIETY NOTES LIFE'S MAZY WHIRL Two more weeks and then cometh Easter, busy weeks will" they be. too, with milliner and modistes demanding' Sittings galore, in order that the spring wardrobes may be ready. Looking ahead one sees promise of many allur ing functions both great and small. It Is said that oldfashioned surprise par ties are again popular, and birthday parties are quite In vogue in the east. Mansfield and Baney The chaperones were Professor and Mrs. Fossler anil Professor and Mrs. Barbour. The duneers were Messieurs John Keeys, Lehmar, S. D. Clinton, C. E. Bell, Du lnont, W. S. Stein. Doane Powell, I. Raymond, Spelser, F. R. Wright, Roth, F. Mlllson, G. Peters, A. K. Barnes. Reader, Fricke, Bell, Lau, Jene, Wil son, H. C. Crandall, Carl Eager, Fred MRS. W. B. COMSTOCK. A bride of last week, prior to which she was Miss Jessie B. Spurck. In whatever form the functions assume, Lincoln society promises to be gay enough through April and May to make up for the slight Lenten lull. 31 Ai .3! eC f Mrs. M. B. Edleman and her daugh ter. Miss Edleman. gave a reception Tuesday afternoon to seventy-live ladies, at their home, 721 North Twenty-fourth street. Miss Hazel Edleman and Miss Nettie Chapman received the guests at the door and Mrs. Crutcher and Airs. Bondy presented them to the receiving line, in which were Mrs. and Miss Edleman, Mrs. Edlman's mother, Mrs. Koons, and Mrs. Kennedy, who was Mrs. Edlman's maid of honor at her wedding, twenty-five years ago. The drawing room was decoratd with pink and white carnations. Easter Utiles and palms. The sitting room was done in red. In the library which was decorated with palms and ferns Miss Wiggins, assisted by Mrs. Evans and Miss Zelma Wllloughby, served chocolate. The dining room was adorned with pink and white cut flow ers and ferns. Broad, green ribbons were crossed on the table terminating with bows at the corners. Ribbons were also crossed on the celling and festooned on the chandelier. Mrs. A. L. Funk, assisted by Misses Evans and Barrack, served ices, wafers and mac aroons. The guests were entertained with songs by Miss Lillian Dobbs and Miss Sidney Murphy, with accompani ments skillfully played by Miss Clar Isse Edleman. Little Gladys Blxby, four summers old, delighted the guests with a rythmical cake walk. 2 : fi rC T" Company B of the university gave Us annual hop Thursday night at Walsh halL The committee in charge of the affair which was unusually suc cessful, consisted of Mr. Earl O. Eager, master of ceremonies; Mr. Beers and Mr. Mansfield. The officers of the company are Captain Wallace, Lieutenant Kendel, Serges nts Ringer, Funke, France, Case, Arends, Culbert son, A. Fa well, Whltmore. G. P. Shid' Ier, W. A. Shock, W. P. Wallace, Sedgwick, Lussier, Campbell, Hess, C. Funke. Sizer, D. Lau, Farnsworth, James Fisher, Groff, Crandall, Hays Tomson, Lewis, Roberts, Sleuth Joeve nat. Appleget, Giffen, O. G. Home, Walton, R. B. Davidson, E. Allen, Schrlmer. Gaines, Seacrest. Neely, D. Hansen, Phillips. Murrey Hum, De Putron. Milliken, Elliot, J. Farney, Stratton, Jaynes, C. A. Patterson, Kyle. Vanburg; Misses Whltmore, Loseh, Rose Foster, Mulr, Mary Har ris, Johnson, Tidball, Macomber, Hazel Murray, Thlele, Agnew, Watson, Bell, Cady. G. Bennet. Lloyd, Lansing, Wirt, Hargi eaves, Douglas, Casebeer, E. Outcalt, Griggs, Bessie Burress, Mor rill, Camp, Holland, Wassen, Conrad, Montgomery, Woodward. Howells, Honeywell, Post. Archibald, Archibald, Cunningham, C. Funke, Jessie Out calt. Jackson, Louise Tukey, Louise Comstock. Edith Locke, Bignell. Hays, Stone. Dumont, Roberts, Marsland, Woodford, Raymond, Ethel Green wald. Kate Dooley, Bess Brown, B. Seaciist, M. Gaines, Mabel Bennet, Matilda Hooligan, Walker Sally Ag new. Beth Harshall, May Reynolds, Anna Hammond, Robison, B. Stratton, Ruth Bryan, Jessie Moore, Engles, Dobbs. Miss Bessie Turner, who was soloist for a week at the Florida Chautauqua, made a most favorable impression as the following press notice shows: Miss Bessie Turner was at once voted "splendid" by the musical crit ics and received a well deserved en core. Her voice Is marvelously sweet and, what Is not always true of so prano soloists, she has a clear enun ciation. The Daily Breeze, De Funlak Springs. While visiting In St. Louis Miss Turner sang for Robyn, to whom she was introduced by ;MIss Jean Gelner, a former Lincoln musician. Mr. Robyn was so pleased with her voice and style that he Invited her to sing at his closing concert on Sunday, March the ninth, but a severe cold which she had contracted prevented her accept ance. "Miss Turner Is now visiting friends In Qulncy, Illinois, and will go to Kansas City before returning home. 51 as. rx? v r Misses Ora and Charlotte Bushnell celebrated on Saturday evening the fourteenth anniversary of their birth with a party given to the eighth gra'de class In the Prescott school. Guessing games and crokiiiole amused the young people and dainty light refreshments were served. The following were present: Misses Doro thy Miller, Alice Hunyse, Jeanette Lawrence, Helen Barstow, Sadie Shar rick, Ethel Woodford, Effle Smith, He len Cook, Mamie Cederdahl. Letna Hills, Elizabeth-Rogers, Nellie Marsh, Celle Arenson, Hazel Fishwood, Belle Radcliffe, Dessa Plerson, Lois Fossler, Seba Duell, Neilson; Messieurs Paul Rlvett, Harold Eubanks, Howard Cone, James Harpham, Neil Dunn, Earl Howard Frank Hudson, Leroy Doane, Alden Bumstead, Sheldon Perkins, Dale Russell, Morton Leonard, Gus Swanson, Charlie Parks, Robert Woods, Joe Parks, Willie Doggett, Claude Flans burg, Harland Carr, Charlie Chowin. Roy Amos, Lloyd Dickinson, Carl Bush, Lois Fossler; John Bushnell. , 4 . ST r Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Edleman celebrated their silver wedding anniversary. The decorations were similar to those for the afternoon party and many of the assistants were the same. With the addition of -Mr. Edleman the receiving line was the same as for the afternoon. Mrs. Arthur Young poured coffee, and, as sisted by "Miss Essie Evans and Miss Clarlsse Evans, served sandwiches, pickles and cake. In the library. Ice cream was served by Mrs. A. L. Funk and -Miss Wllloughby. 'Miss Evans and Mr. G. H. Walters sang attractive songs, and little Miss Blxby repeated her cake walking success of the after noon. Mr. and 'Mrs. Edleman received many handsome gifts. A former American girl who was Miss Jennie Chamberlain of Cleve land, now Lady Naylor-Leland, had the honor last week of entertaining King Edward at dinner at her beau tiful home, Hyde Park house. Every article of china and glass used in the. dining room formerly belonged to the great Napoleon and bore the French imperial crown and cipher. It all came from the Tullerles and from Versailles. The magnificent gold plate which is said to be except that owned by the king, the most beautiful in England, was also in use. The decorations were Alexandra orchids, named for the queen, 'and liberty roses. The latter are American roses and are a cross between the American beauty and the Mermot roses. WILMER B. COMSTOCK. Miss Garvey, who has been the guest or Mrs. R. M. LeGore. left on Thurs day for her home. Mrs. Nichols and Mrs. Van Horn will leave tomorrow. Mrs. LeGore and her guests have been kept busy accepting social courtesies for two weeks. The affairs- of last week were recorded. Those of this week have been three chafing dish parties, a card party given by Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Spencer, a theatre party by Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Folsom. a swimming party by Mrs. Clinton R. Lee, and" a dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Traphagen. The Junior class of the high school gave a party last Friday evening in the high school building. The library and the adjoining room were utilized and were decorated with pennants and class colors, and furnished with rugs and divans. Partners for refresh ments were found by matching books and their authors. The committee In charge of the afTalr consisted of Misses Nellie Stevenson and Susie Wallace. Messieurs Harold Steiner and Herbert Baird. About seventy young people were present. Miss Katherine Miller was surprised by a number of friends at the home of Mrs. Hickman, Twenty-ninth and Dudley streets. Games were played and light refreshments were served. A box of American beauties and a china plate were presented to Miss Miller. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Clark of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Bring, Misses Hillman, Cook, Miller, Jenkins; Messrs. Windcoff, Robinson and Cook. 5- - Professor and Mrs. G. E. Barber and Professor A. Ross Hill attended a ban quet given by the literature depart ment of the Omaha Woman's club on March eighth. Professor Barber re sponded to the toast, "Gibbon, the Man Who Sighed as a Lover and Obeyed as a Son." Professor Hill's subject was "Locke, a Rod and a Cherry Are Not the Same Thing." j ji j e .- Miss Minnie Sayer entertained the teachers of the University Mission Sunday school at supper last Saturday evening at her home, 1635 Vine street. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Met calf. Misses Boose, Donelson, McCune, Thayer, Emma Hurley, Kate Hurley, Wilson, Sayer, Ethel Bell; Messrs. Mc Cune, Hawthorne. Gilbert, Sturdevant, Moore and Sammons. Miss Bessie Russell and Mr. Thomas M. Draper were married Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Russell, Sixth and Hill streets. Reverend L. P. Lud den officiating. Miss Bessie Patton and Mr. Charles Ducker were the attend ants. Miss Tillie Framstead played the wedding march. & Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Hatfield and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kelley entertained thirty people at a six-handed euchre Thursday evening. The company was a congenial one and the evening passed very pleasantly. Mr. Paul F. Clark had the highest score. A luncheon was served. Si -4 -i Dr. and Mrs. M. H. Everett gave, a five course dinner Wednesday evening. The table was decorated with Prince Henry carnations and smilax and lighted by pink tapers in quaint old silver sticks. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Yates, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wright, Doctor and Mrs. Harry H. Everett; Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Rudy of Chicago. j" j' tC "ft cC" Doctor and Mrs. Harry H. Everett gave a dinner Thursday evening to Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wright. Doctor and Mrs. M. H. Everett, Mrs. Robin son and Mrs. Rudy of Chicago. The table was adorned with red roses and lighted with red candles to match the mural decorations of the dining room. f - iC ef P Mrs. W. J. Turner entertained the L. A. kensington Tuesday afternoon. The house was decorated with tulips. Guests present besides club members, were Miss Newman of York, MissJ? 11 kinson of 'Chicago, Mrs. Snively of Shady Grove, Pennsylvan.Vaand Mrs. W. H. McCreery. Born to-Air. and Mrs. George Robln ette oJlarch twelfth, a son. J