The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 08, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE C O U It I E It
Mr. ami Mrs. S. A. Foster save a
series of military euchres this week,
two evening parties and one in the
afternoon. The house was decorated
with many Hags, and a profusion of
led roses, and lighted by red, white
and blue candles. Curtains of smilax
hung In the doorways. The patriotic
colors were carried out in the ice cream
and other viands, and in the gowns of
the serving ladies. A red or white
carnation was given as a favor to each
guest. Refreshments were served by
Misses Anna Foster, Hisser and
Hoover, Mesdames Foster, George
Foster, George Kisser and 1$. V. Rich
ards. The parties were given In honor
of Mrs. George Foster and Miss Anna
. J
i C C
The ladies of the I'. ('. T. auxiliary
and their husbands were pleasantly
entertained Saturday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. W'ohlen
berg. Cards were played. The royal
prizes were won by Mrs. YV. K. Town
send and Mr. Martin, and the consola
tions by Mrs. E. A. Hailey and Mr.
Porter. The house was prettily dec
orated with ropes of smilax. carnations
and roses, and was illuminated with
wax candles. A luncheon was served
to Messieurs and 'Mesdames Martin
Kailey, Laseh, Hawley, Ross, "Wohlen
berg; Mesdames Townsend, Sain, Mc
Kride, Robinson, Miss Florence Town
send; Messieurs Itrown and Porter.
Ting Pong, the new parlor game
which has created such a furore in
Kngland for a year or two, has found
its way to this country and has be
come popular in some of the eastern
cities. The game takes its name from
the sound made by the ball as it passes
through the air. Whiff whaff. Is an
other English name for the game,
which is really .in indoor version of
lawn tenuis and follows rules similar
to those used in that game. It is com
ing to be known here as "table tennis"
and is likely to surpass in interest all
other indoor games.
r u"
Delta I'psilon entertained informally
at the chapter house. Eleventh and C
streets. Satuiday evening. Mr. and
Mrs. A. P. Metcalf, and Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Finarty were chaperones. Follow
nig were present: Misses Millar, Hom
erick, Casebeer, Archibald, Parks.
States, Cady. Mackin, Murray. Ver
trees, Deweese, Chambers, Tibbetts,
Florence Parks: Messieurs H. Benedict,
Elliott, Anderson, Lundin, Lussier, Les
ter, Lipp, Clinton, Kauzler, "Wilson, M.
Benedict, Nye, Hagensick, Hall, For
sythe, Clark and Parks.
'X 'X
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Xoren of Mc
Cook, Nebraska, have issued invita
tions to the marriage of their daugh
ter. Miss Selma Constance Noren, to
Mr. Ralph Whitledge Haggard, to
occur "Wednesday evening, February
the twelfth, at the family home. The
wedding will be quite :i large one. Mr.
Haggard is a son of Doctor and Mrs.
J. K. Haggard of this city. He has
charge of the storehouse of the B. &
M. railroad, and will bring his bride
here to live.
3 -2i -"!
7.- c tc
At a party given recently in a nearby
city, the hostess provided her guests
with pencils and paper and .requested
them to write down all the slang words
and phrases which they knew, hinting
that a prize awaited the successful
competitor. The ladies worked hard
and fast to extend their lists and they
grew to surprising lengths. When the
time had expired the hostess brought
in a handsome gift which she awarded
to the lady having the shortest list.
c .;- e
Mr,. I. G. Chnpin and Mrs. Frank
Everts entertained the south-east cir
cle of the First Presbyterian church
Wednesday afternoon. A military
courtship with Mrs. Everts as reader,
ami Mrs. Clinton R. I,ee at the piano,
was a feature. A luncheon sutliciently
elaborate for a party, was sei ved.
Mr. and Mrs A. M. Dais are at De
Funiak Springs, Florida, to recuperate
and to attend the Florida Chautauqua.
- h i ' ' ' tS55St -i "' i t - ibj. "3 lit'' fel
J. MiUhell has recently completed two pictures, likenesses being
pioduced above, which are attracting more than ordinary attention
His most recent work is "The Ascension,' whiih. in gorgeousness of
.nlnrinf i pntftleil to r:ink with hi ntlier instK i -lflir.ifl i
paintings. The picture, "Rolling Away of the Stone," was completed
some time ago, aside from some finishing touches. It is considered an
exceptionally excellent piece of landscape work.
V -J
Mrs. G. W. Rhodes gave a buffet lun
cheon to more than one hundred ladies
from twelve until three o'clock today.
Daffodils and tulips adorned the house.
Mrs. Rhodes was assisted in the draw
ing room by Mrs. Henry E. Lewis.
Mrs. A. R. Mitchell and Mrs. F. W.
Eason. Mrs. I. S. P. Weeks and Mrs.
W. B. Ogden were at the buffet. Mrs.
F. D. Levering poured coffee and
served confections. She was assisted
by Mrs. T. L. Lyon, Miss Harwood.
Miss Ellen Gere and Miss Hammer.
Punch was served by Mrs. J. B.
Horton, Miss Hayden and Miss Hardy.
v ;r Tt
Miss Louise A. Hoover gave a piano
recital this afternoon at the home of
her parents. Doctor and Mrs. A. L.
Hoover, Seventeenth and Cherry
streets. The recital will be under the
direction of Miss Haywood.
-t "'t
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. L-ering gave a
military euchre Thursda evening in
honor of their guest. Miss Hammer
Fourteen tables accommodated thf
guests. The ""Njratlons were in keep
,' ., which hV
injr wi ?.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis enter
tained a company of young people in
formally with cards, muic and danc
ing Thursday evening in honor or Miss
lluran of St. Louis. A two course
luncheon was served. The guests were
Misses Horan, Keller of Sigourney,
Iowa; Johnson, and Kisser. Messieurs
McCreery, Lewis, Kennard, Bartlett.
and Rehlaender, Mr. ami Mrs. C. F.
Harpham. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Gu
routte. "C ' ."
Mis. S. A. Foster gave an enjoyable
kensington Thursday afternoon. Miss
Talcott, a charming young lady, gave
two readings. "By Chance," and as an
encore, "Coniln Thro' the Rye." A
dainty two ours luncheon was
served. There were thirty Indies pres
ent. Miss hf Enslow ami Mi--, Tein
pa Enslow will givt an imng valen
tine party. Their imitations are book
lets in he.rt snap Thf tout is red.
thrust through with .i white arrow,
and they are tied with whiU ribbon
Miss Franik and Miss Saia Ki lend
entertained the I nlty tlub Vednesd.i
evening at the home of Mr ami Mrs
M. Ackermaun. Miss Friend and Mr
l.eo Lei ! wete the prl.e winners
PLATHS. A matchless display
of Plutcsof all kinds. Soup Plate.
Dinner Plates. Fruit Plates. Salad
Plates. Hread and Butter Plates
The collection represents the highest
grades of Mavilaml : Co.. also scores
of exquisite effects from other fat
tories Conventional and ideal pat
terns painted m masterly style are
enriched and toned by tnncy shapes
and superb gilding.
$I..r0 quality for !7c each
SI lift quality for lc each.
$1 (Ml quality lor t;7c each
7.rc quality for l!)e each
r0c quality for .".7c each
.Uic quality for ile each.
'.ri. quality for I7c each.
Also a large collection of Chop
Plates at a special reduction Special
sale on Dinner Sc'.s now on.
1100 O ST
the Franklin
Ice Cream and Dairv Co.
Maimfaitiirrrs of tin- finest quality of
Plain ami Faney ICK CIJKAM. ICKS.
Prompt delivery ami satisfaction mur
133 South J2th Street.
Phone 205.
, FtiR C0ATS
Pat? ) Fi GAPES
.. Furrier..
How Cheap,
How Good!
. . . WASH IXO . . .
Allegretti Candy
the natural -Uio:itif)ii is that you
want ju-t what you aill for.
The only place in Lincoln where
you cm buy the original
Rector's Pharmacy
I?.h and 1 :
Paekac-. IVInrnil .mjwlnre in tlie ( ity