The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 01, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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    THE C O U R T E E
Brig. Gen. James II. Wilson will up
resell t the I'ldted States army at the
coronation. (Jen. Wilson is a vrv dis
tinguished soMier. He was jm able
oliicer during the -ivil war. ami per
formed silenliil servii es during the
Spanish-American war. He is a fore
most military writer ami noted for his
great courtesy.
The appointment of hitt l.iu Ueid a spet ial ambassador to rep
lesent the I'nited States at the coming coronation of King Kdward
gives great satisfaction in ollicial and tmotli) ial cir les in Knglaud.
Mr. Ueid is much liked b our neighbors across the sea on .iccount of
his many personal efforts to promote a better understanding between
tin- people of this country .mil Kngland.
aptain Clark, or the t'tiilcil States
liattleship Oregon, has been selected by
the president to represent the navy at
the coionation of King Kdward. Presi
delit Itoosevelt lakes this opportunity
of rewarding the gallant sailor, whose
.olvanceineiit by six numbers the presi
dent does not consider sulllcieut com
pensation for his s r ices.
Earnest SetonThompson
V: ' B-l J r3.' J
Famous Animal Lecturer to
Appear in Lincoln at the
Auditorium. Afternoon and
Evening of February 4.
Krnest Seton-Thonipson. who is com
ing here to lecture on "Wild Animals.'
looks like a man who has lived much
out of doors and shaken himself free
of lestrainls and conventionalities. Yet
he is perfectly at home on the plat
form and speaks with ease and a nat
ura; straightforwardness and simplicity
that is K)d to hear. Tall, xsiunt. larjje
framed, with a shock of jet black hair
and a complexion as dark as a Span
iard, one understands after seeing him
why his printed portraits look so black.
Vet he is not so black as he is painted.
He is a born story teller and carries
ins audience aloui? with him in breath
less interest, oblivious of time. Now it
is a l.iUKliable story of how a cat held
off a bear to protect her family of kit
tens, then it is the patheth storj of
l.obo. the wolf which re
duced others beMdes the
little ones to tears.
His stereopticon pictures
add much to the effective
ness of his talk and delight
the children. Cut the most
UlliUe feature is the lec
turer's imitation of animal
tries and calls to their lit
tle ones. They are iiite
indescribable, and give one
an eerie sensation of wild
ncss and remoteness from
Mr Thompson, who is
now touring the country as
i lecturer, still lives mtic'i
out of doors. He makes
ii 1 expeditions into the
wildernesses, which are not
ildeinesses to him. be
cause his animal friends
.ii there. He also has a
big eighty-acre tract of
land in t'onnectieut, where
the wild animals roam
about in a sort or animal heaven,
and where not ,-en the sound of a gun
is permitted. It is here Mr. Seton
Thompson proposes to settle down
some day. and live and die with his
rriends. He will have with him a
wife. who. although now "a woman
tenderfoot." already shows signs of be
coming as fearless a camera hunter as
her husband.
It has been said that Mr. Seton
Thompsou received the suggestion to
write his aniir. il stories from Kipling.
This is not true. He had written most
of them before he ever saw Kipling.
When Kipling was in New York, how
ever, lie anil Mr. Seton-Thompson were
"swapping"' stories one extning when
the latter told ..bout W.ihh Mr. Kip
ling asked whv he lid not write u
down. Mr. Seton-Thompson said lie
wai.ted to matuie it and make a long
stoiy out or it. Shortly arter. he sat
down, and telling it about as he had
told it to Kipling-, found he had more
than 17.0110 words.
One of the bear stories with which
Krnest Seton-Tlioinpson never fails to
arouse the greatest interest among the
hildren in his audiences illustrates the
superiority of pluck and determination
over mere size anil strength.
Little Johnny, the bear, was continu
ally getting his fond and doting mother
into all sorts or scrapes, but the worst
trouble into which he ever dragged her
was one day when he scented irom afar
the delicious odoi of plum tarts. The
cook was making' them at the hotel.
Little Johnny, glutton that he was.
had to have some, and, chaperoned by
old Grumpy, -lis mother, the two start
ed for the hotel. Now. usually, when
th.' show themselves at the
kitchen door of the hotel, the cook
hands tht-m out a piece of whatever he
is making, and the bears go away sat
isfied. Hut this day a cat. a very little
cat. happened to be sunning herself
in the doorway. The i at had five kit
tens and naturally thought
( it'll mpy (Little Johnny was perched in
a tree at a safe distance, where he
could see everything) was after her kit
tens. She therefore walked right up to
the big bear and dared her to come a
step further.
Old (Srunipy was so surprised at first
that she stood right up on her hind
legs and held up her hands, surrend
ered in fact. Immediately, however,
after the first surprise, she felt
ashamed to be taken back by anything
so small as a little cat. and continued
toward the kitchen. With that, the
cat lodged her ultimatum, which was
herself right on the back of Old
Orumpy. How the fur did fly. and it
was all bear's fur. too. Little Johnny
became wildly excited and set tip a cry
ing for his mother. Old rjrtimpy
plunged ahead like the frenzied animal
that she was. but the cat held Its own
and continued to scratch and claw ter
ribly. Finally Little Johnny called to
his mother to come up the tree, which
she dhl. The cat did not follow, but
took up her stand under th- tree. She
would probably be there to this day.
if tile cook had not come and carried
her away.
Mr. Thompson has received the high
est encomiums from the leading news
papers of the nation, his lectures stirring-
up an enthusiasm seldom wit
nessed on the platform of this or any
other country. Hi' will deliver two
lectures in Lincoln February Ith at
the Auditorium, one in the afteriiiM.n
especially ror children, the admission
being firteen cents, the other at night
ror adults, admission fifty cents.
Tickets Xii. S and t of the regular
Auditorium course will be honored for
these lectures.
- -
.- ..- .,-
Pan-American Carnival
The Pan-American carnival has,
from an aesthetic sense been an over
whelming success. The boothes far
surpass in beauty those of last year's
carnival. All are lovely, but the Ha
waiian booth has probably received
more compliments than any other. The
costumes, too, are striking, and tr;
to the idea planned in each case. The
dances and other features of the enter
tainments were good. The profits will
be less than last year as the attend
ance was not so large, owing probably
to the cold weather, am to the entice
ments of sb-igi, riding, as the Jingle of
bells on the streets Thursday evening
attested that many were enjoying that
sport instead of witnessing the sleigh
bell dunce inside. The booths were It:
charge of the following ladies:
Mexico Mesdnmes K. H. Harbour ;
M. Iimbertson. W. J. Mryan. r ' H
-Morrill, M. D. Welch and J. K. .Miller
Wild West Miss Gregory. Mesdatnes
Funke and Crittenden.
Hawaiian Islands Misses Hartley
and Marsland.
Midway IMaisance Mesdatnes A I:
Mitchell. A. S. Uaymond. A. W. Jan
sen. G. W. Ithodes. I). M. Butler and
K. L. Baker.
Ye Olden Time Mesdames M. If Kv
erett, G. K. Barber. H. J. Wlnnett. J
C Seacrest. W. i Henry.
Tiboli .Mesdames II. M. Cushnell. J
F. Stevens. I-w is Gregory. Lee Arnett.
H. G. M. Burgess. K. It. Guthrie.
South America .Mesdames I Bru
ner. F. W. Hill. J. W. Whit more. K. A.
Burnett. Mr. K. L. Riker.
Indian Mesdames Paul Holm. F. D
Cornell. C. I: Lee I G. 4'hapiii. A. T.
Gunadian lie I".il.n t Mesd.imes F
I. Levering, i: t Van Brunt and
P. Metcalf and Mrs Fred Houtz.