The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 01, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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A successful surprise was perpetrat
ed by Mrs. Emll Dahl upon her hus
band. In honor of his thirty-sixth
birthday, Friday evening. The house
was decorated with many (lowers.
Musie and Karnes were enjoyed, and a
supper was served. Those invited
were Messieurs and Mesdames Junge,
Olson, Robertson. Klodeen. Nelson.
Johnson, Cole, Kobalter, Stoonstom.
Felwack, Uobertson, Hellley, Carlson.
Iingsen, Leding, Johnson, Spenangle,
Drown; Misses Johnson, Hart joy,
Weidberg, Mulle, Sunblom, Trifteen.
Messieurs Johnson, Tollne, Wlngert.
Carlson, Johnson and Edwards.
Mrs. Mary Manning, of Chicago, who
Is a sister of Mrs. John Reed, and well
known in this city. Is gaining an en
viable reputation as a reader and
teacher of elocution. During the last
year Mrs. Manning has built up a
strong department of elocution, physi
cal culture and dramatic art In con
nection with the Sherwood School of
Music in Chicago. On January 16
Mrs. Manning read her arrangement of
"Jclius Caisar" before the Ossoli club
of Highland Park. She will read at
Armour Institute in the near future:
aNo will give several Lenten readings
in Chicago, one in De Kalb, and Is
booked for a number of Chautauqua
engagements next summer.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Estes entertained
the Four Fours Thursday evening. The
house was prettily decorated with cut
flowers and a three course luncheon
was served. Those present were Mes
sieurs and Mesdames G. A. Rielefeldt,
Harry Clapp. C. Kinnamon. J. C.
Mitchell. G. W. Losey. G. P. Mitchell.
Mrs. Manchester of Alliance, Mr.
Kerns and Mr. Donald. After the
games Mr. Estes took his guests for a
sleighiide in bob sleds drawn by four
..- '- -
Miss Helen Thels celebrated her
eighteenth birthday with a party Fri
day evening. Cards and dancing were
the amusements. Refreshments were
served. Those present were: Misses
Susie Kltt, Oral Walker, AnnaTheis.
Lucy Frost, Jeanette Manning, Mary
Theis, Clara Theis: Messieurs George
Sanders, Charles Frost, Oscar Hal
comb, George Steward. Louie Kltt,
Johnny Dowd. Frank Drath, John
-V -V
'. rr
Mis. Morris Well was hostess at a
very pleasant card party given Wed
nesday .afternoon, in honor of her sis
ter. Miss Sarbach, of Holton. Kan.
Thirty-six ladies played six-handed
euchre. Mrs Akcrmann and Mrs.
Aach were the prize winners. The
drawing room was decorated with red
carnations, the dining room with red
roses. A luncheon was served.
r l- f
The Coiilllon club gave one of the
pretty dances for which It Is noted,
Saturday evening, at Walsh hall. Mrs.
Mary Fitzgerald selected the favors In
Ne'v York during her last visit there,
and presented them to the club for this
party. They were unusually hand
some. Mr W. A. Green led the Ger
man. .
.- ..-
Mr. and Mrs. Lionel C. Burr and Miss
Rurr villi give a reception and dance
Saturday evening February S. at Walsh
hall, in compliment to Miss Doyle and
Miss McDonald who will airive in Lin
coln next Wednesday for a visit of in
definite length at the Rurr home.
..- ..- .-
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kellogg enter
tained their neighborhood card club
Monday evening. AH members were
present. A luncheon followed the
games after which Miss Horau sang
seeral songs and all joined in Auld
Lang Syne.
a j -
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A dance was given at Walsh hall
last evening by a company of high
school people. The committee in
charge was composed of Messieurs
Frank Phillips. Russell Kumiss. Ira
Lee, and Fred Faulkner. There were
thirty couples of the dancers.
.' j -
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The art department of the woman s
club discussed European and Ameri
can art schools at its meeting this
w eek.
J. R. DINSMORE. of Sutton,
President of the State Roard of
Hon. J. R. Dinsmore. the newly
elected president of the state board of
agriculture, by virtue of which posi
tion he is the head of the state fair,
lias been a resident of Nebraska for
thirty years. Few men have been
more closely allied with its growth
and development. He was born in
Chautauqua county. New York, in
UsSS. His earlier years were spent on
a farm. At the close of his service as
a soldier he became a merchant. In
1872 he settled on a farm near Sutton.
A few years later he moved to town
and has been closely identilied with its
pi ogress ever since. His integrity and
business acumen gave him a standing
that induced his fellow-citizens to
heap honors upon him. He has served
as sheriff, clerk and commissioner of
Clay county, ami twice represented
that district in the state senate. At
both sessions he was chosen as ruesi
dent of that body.
Mr. Dinsmore has been a banker for
twenty-live years. His inteiest in ag
riculture has never flagged, however,
and for many years he has served on
the board of managers of the state
fair. He is not a novice a president,
having twice served in that capacity
E. S SNIVELV. or Lincoln.
Piesident of the Nebraska Dairy
men's Association.
E. S. Snively. the new president of
the Nebraska state dairymen's .imsih i
ation. has devoted the greater portion
of his lire to a thorough study and
knowledge of the dairy interests. He is
a native of Pennsylvania, where he
served a term in the state Icgislatuic
and was interested in the butter ques
tion. He cam to Lincoln four or live
years ago to take charge of the out
side stations of the Rea trice 'icainery
company, a position he still holds.
In that time the company has de
veloped Into the largest creamery in
the world and Mr. Snively been brought
into very close touch with the dairy
men of the state. A great evolution
has taken place in this state tbioiigh
the development of the creamery bus
iness, and the pioblems the milch row
owner must now solve are not as thev
out e were, intimately lonnected with
the farm dairy, but with the
or station. Mr. Sniely served last
year as ke president of the assoeia-tiou.
Gregory The Coal Man.
The Elks gave their regular monthly
dance last evening.
The Saturday night club will give a
dance this evening.
Mrs. J. A. Ruckstaff entertained Les
Rohemiennes on Wednesday.
Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Stevens save a
small dinner Saturday evening.
Miss Minnie Morrill is speinling a
few days w ith friends in Omaha.
Miss ("aughey and Miss N.iylor en
tertained the Dooleys last evening.
Mrs. G. W. Rhodes w ill give a buffet
luncheon next Saturday from 2 until fi
Mis. F. D. Levering gave a luncheon
Thursday in honor of Miss Hammer.
Mis. J. C. Scacrest entertained the
L. A. kemington Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and .Mrs. W. A. Lindley will en
tertain L'l Veta whist club at dinner
Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Talbot have
moved into their spacious new home on
"F" near Eighteenth street.
Misses Maysie Ames and Nan
Frankish entertained the young ladies
of Delta Delta Delta, this afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. T D Woirall enter
tained twenty friends last evening
The company was composed of those
who spent a re ent summ-r together
in Pine. Colorado Light refreshments
w re served.
( "J
v J
Mrs. C. G. Underwood surprised her
husband with a stag dinner Saturday
evening, ("overs weie laid for twelve.
Mis. S. E. Moore of Newark, Ohio.
Is in town to visit her relatives, Mr
mil Mrs V It. Ogdcii. and her maui
The Junioi class of the state tiniver
sitv will give Its annual pioinenade
Friday evening. Mr Alex Liu Is chair
iii'iu of the committee.
Mrs. ' F. Harphaui wilt give an
afternoon card party, and Mr. and Mis
Harph.un will entertain at cards the
evening of the tenth. In honor of Miss
Mrs. I. G. t'hapln and Mrs. Frank
Everts will Mitertain the southeast
in le ol the First Presbyterian church
Wedmsday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Cbapln.
Miss Hllllhorstaeutertained the ladies
of the high school faculty this after
noon in honor of Miss Case, who will
soon leave to accept a lucrative osi
tlou in the Indianapolis schools.
.Miss Poynter entertained the mem
bers of Delta Delta Delta sorority yes
terday afternoon in honor of Miss
Kochler, the president, who is about to
leuve school and return to her home
Mr. and Mrs. E. P Hovey gave a
Dutch lunch Wednesday evening in
honor of Miss Truax of Chicago
Guests were Misses Truax. Putnam
and Horan of St. lmis. Messieurs
Joyce. Kutler and Colwell.
the Franklin
Ice Cream and DairvCo.
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Prompt delivery and satisfaction
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