6 THE COU1UEK SOCIETY NOTES LIFE'S MAZY WHIRL Governor and Mrs. Savage returned Siitiinlny evening from their southern tour. Mrs. Savage left on December tliirty-tlrst for Kansas City, for :i brief isit at the home of relatives and the governor joined her there a little later. Governor and Mrs. Savage spent the greater part of the time during which they were absent in and near New Orleans, making trips out from there to places of interest according to the dictates of their own sweet wills. Go ing as they did for rest and recreation they accepted no social attention, al though much was offered, until they were on their return journey. Mrs. Savage enjoyed the trip greatly, par ticularly the visit to New Orleans, as this was the Ilrst she had seen of that famous old city, and in her gracious uomanlj way she talked delightfully the other day of her experiences, and gave many interesting incidents of her journey. She spoke of the visits she and the governor paid to the French quarter or New Orleans, saying that nowhere, even in Europe, Is the dis tinction between the old and the new. Trips to Chaimette where the battle of New Orleans was fought, and to Lake Pontehartrain were made, and visits to cotton plantations where Gov ernor and Mrs. Savage made a study of plantation life and witnessed the care of cotton in all its stages. Each planter has his own gin and cares for his own crop. Every part of the cotton is utilised. A tine quality of oil, re sembling olive oil, is made from the seed, and the seed is also used for feed and other purposes. Speaking of the hospitality of the southern people, Mrs. Savage said It has been in no way ex aggerated. Everywhere was there the greatest courtesy shown. On the re turn Journey Mr. and Mrs. Savage accepted an Invitation to a banquet tendered them at Memphis. The ban quet was given by the prominent busi ness men of Memphis at the Tennes see club. In an after-dinner speech Governor Savage spoke of the sterile country through which they had passed in going from New Orleans to Memphis, and compared the soil with that of Nebraska to the great advant- MIss Agnes Wortley (a winner of hearts) Miss Charlotte "Whedon. Miss Van Tromp (n widow to be won) Miss Adelloyd Whiting. Polly (a serving maid who serves) Miss Vine Gahan. Mr. Stuart (a theatrical bachelor) Miss Emma Outcalt. Mr. Reginald De Lancey Van Tromp (a man with ancestors) Miss Laura Houtz. Mr. Charley Newbank (a man with money) Miss Margaret Whedon. Mr. Frederick Stevens (a man with neither) Miss Helen Field. The bill of the play was dai.itlly dec orated In wnttr colors. The Impro vised stage was in the large dining room at the Whedon home, and was decorated with palms and ferns. The audience was seated in the hall, the seats being elevated that all might have a good view of the stage. The house was decorated with red carna tions. Miss Hisser played for the de lectation of the guests before the play and afterwards Miss Whedon sang. Salads, sandwiches and coffee were served. Following were present: Mes dames C. O. Whedon. R. C. Outcalt, and Kae of Vermont: alumnae mem bers: Misses Mariel Gere, Ellen Gere, Mabel Richards, Clara Hammond, Ab bott. Hisser. Lindlay, Broady, Whiting, Hradt; Mesdames Lewis Marshall, H. H. Hurley, Warner, F. M. Hall; active members present were: Misses Jessie Outcalt, Claire Funke. Dorothy Griggs, with red and white. Following were present: Misse3 Helen Steiner, Beu-. lah Bohanan, Faebell Cochran, Mar jory Agnew. Cora Mudra, Hazel Bell, Myrrl Grant; Messieurs John Walker. Warren Jennings, Cecil Mosher. Ralph IngWs. Albert Mudra. The club will meet this evening with Miss Hazel Bell. itr H- - Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Branch gave a card party Tuesday evening In honor of Miss Wakefield of Omaha, who is their guest, and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Honeywell. Euchre was played. Four ladies. Miss Wakefield, Miss Miller. Mrs. Malialieu and Miss Funke, cut for the royal prize and Miss Wakefield was the winner. Miss Putnam won the lone hand prize for the ladles, and Mr. Richards for the men. Messieurs Bald win, George Woods, and Ed Butler cut for the royal prize and Mr. Baldwin was the winner. The house was decor ated with red roses and the lights were shaded with red. The guests of honor received with Mr. and Mrs. Branch, and Mrs. Henry Branch assisted the hostess throughout the evening. An elaborate luncheon was served after the games and while waiting for their carriages some of the young people had a jolly little dance. Those present were Misses Wakefield, Hammer, Putnam. Truax, Rinehart, Burr, Outcalt. Funke, Hoover, Nance, Miller; Mrs Malialieu; Messieurs and Mesdames Homer Honeywell, C. G. Crittenden, F. D. CONCLUDE A COURSE IN MUSICAL INSTRUCTION MISS MAUDE SPINNEY. MISS NELLY GRIGGS. MISS ALLEYNE ARCHIBALD. MISS LOIS Bl'RRUSS. between the foreign and the American, so closly drawn as it is In New Or leans between the old French quarter and the modern part of the city. A breakfast at Madame Begue's was a pleasant incident. Madame Begue and her husband. Monsieur Begue, have lived and served in New Orleans for many years, and have grown wealthy in serving, but their breakfasts have become famous, and famous people, as well as those less known, when In the Crescent City, flock to their board. Their table accommodates but thirty, and they serve but one meal each day, breakfast at eleven, and so great is the demand that places at the table must be engaged days, or for Sunday, weeks in advance. Guest books are there in which each records his name and many are the celebrities who have crossed the sanded Jioor of the vesti- bule. and climbed the winding stairs for the privilege of enjoying Madame Begue's Creole dainties. Eugene Field wrote in the guest book: "I'm very proud to testify The happiest of my days Is March 11, '95, At breakfast at Begue's" Mrs. Savage advises the tourist after doing the French quarter to spend much time at the wharves among the shipping: it Is both interesting and profitable. Iarge vessels from Bir mingham, Manchester, and other for eign ports were at the docks loading and unloading. Many of them bore the letter "M," showing that they be longed to Pierrepont Morgan. age of the latter state. An official of one of the railroads was present and conceded that this might be true of the section through which they had come but said that he would place a special train at the disposal of Gov ernor and Mrs. Savage and take them with any friends they might invite through a section which would com pare favorably with any in the coun try. At a banquet on this train the governor admitted that the country through which they were passing was very beautiful but, he added, the soil which produces this luxuriant growth is brought down from Nebraska each year by the streams. He was invited to come down next spring with the soil. Mr. and Mrs. Savage attended the celebration of the birthday of Rob ert E. Lee at Memphis where the con federate veterans were present In their gray uniforms and carried their old guns used during the war. Mrs. Sav age said, "Much as I enjoyed the south, I was delighted when our train crossed the Nebraska line, and am so glad to be at home again.' Miss Whedon. Miss Margaret Whe don and Miss Outcalt entertained in honor of the alumnae members of Kappa Kappa Gamma Monday evening at the home of the Misses Whedon. A play, "Man Proposes," by Paul Leices ter Ford, was given with the proper appointments and with great eclat. The scene of the play was a morning room at the Wortley's. time, after dinner and before the masked ball. The cast: Inez Manrid, Mabel Stephen, Edith Locke, Louise Hargreaves. Edith Shedd. Nancy Cunningham, Elizabeth Cunningham, Olive States, Blanche Edmlston, Ruth Wilson, Emily Jenkins, Grace Bennett, Mabel Bennett; other guests were Misses Joyce Broady, Ruth Raymond, Gladys Hargreaves, Louise Burnham, Elsa Powell, Mabel Cox, Helen Wilson, Mignon Trickey, Ham mer of Philadelphia, and Wakefield, of Omaha. & Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Harpham gave a card party Saturday evening in honor of Miss Horan. Six handed euchre was played. No prizes were given. After cards an impromptu program of recitations by Mrs. F. D. Cornell, songs by Miss Horan, and piano music by Miss Risser, was presented. Delicate refreshments were served; Misses Ris ser and Harpham assisted. Guests in vited were Messieurs and Mesdames J. C. Seacrest, C. E. Latshaw, C. H. Sharp, C. J. Guenzel, J. F. Hutchins, F. W. Hill. S. A. Foster, W. A. Rankins. Havey. John S. Reed, R. T. Van Brunt. R. M. Le Gore. E. E. Spen cer. F. D. Cornell. C. H. Warner, T. J. I'sher, L. W. Garoutte, A. H. Weir. M. J. Waugh, A. A. Scott; Misses Horan, Risser, Harpham, Clara Leese. and Mr. Lewis. ." .' .- T tT re Miss Cora and Mr. Willie Mudra entertained the F. F. F. club Friday evening with dancing and games. Light refreshments were served in the dining room, which was decorated Levering, W. B. Hargreaves, Henry Branch, John Dorgan, George Woods, O. E. Rector; Messieurs Eames, Bald win, Powers, Butler, Holmes, Joyce. Bartlett, Farrell, Thatcher, Fitzgerald. rfc fc" Beta Theta Pi gave a smoker Sat urday evening at the chapter house, 1630 G street, to all fraternity men In the university. Palms and ferns con trasted with the scarlet and cream of the university, and the pink and light blue of the Betas. Cards were played and an appetizing luncheon was served. Resides the active chapter of Beta Theta Pi, those present were Messieurs Thomas, Farnsworth, Seacrest, Sher man, Lau, Payne, Fisher, Drain, Brown, Henderson, Barnes, Maloney, Hewitt, Gordon, Hoffnal, Langley. Kingsbury, .Westover. Stevens, King, Matson, Schwaitz, Reeder, Cowgill, Edminston, Bartlett. Townsend, De Putron. Sheidler, Eager, Mills. Engel, Hayes, Ladd, Ledwith. Ringer, De weese, Douglas, Burnham, Rainey, Stratton, Keyes, Schneider, Le Roy, Leesier, Kanzler, Pollard, Rhodes, Benedict, Adams, Ruggles, Code, Hope well, Ferris, Fogg, Ames, Ransom. Rehleander, Cornell, Eames, Bone cainper, Broady, Powers, Burr, Per kins. Marquette. Caldwell, Ricketts. and Dr. Mayhew. -t -i -'i The Hawthorne club of the high school gave a farewell party for Miss Hazel Murray this afternoon at the home of Miss Maude White. Miss Murray is about to leave the high school for the state university.