8 THE COURIER Mr. anil Mrs. John H. Wright gave a violet dinner Monday evening to cele brate the seventy-first birthday of Mrs. Wright's mother. Mrs. Robinson of Chicago. Covers were laid for twelve. Mrs. Stickley of New York city has arrived In the city to reside with her niece. Miss Dora Bachellor, Mrs. Stick ley is a sister of Irving Bachellor the well known novelist. She is an artist of some repute. Ten little girls surprised Miss Kath erine Kimball with a visit Thursday evening, and gave her a shower of pretty things for her room in the new home to which she with her parents will soon remove. r MRS. ASTOR DECLARES A NEW "600' Do not miss thi" Pan-American car nival. AH next week at the audito rium. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Dobbins gave a small dinner Thursday evening. In compliment to - Miss Horan. of St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Harpham will Kive a canl party this evening in honor of Miss Ilonm, of St. Louis, who Is their guest. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Karnes enter tained the soloists of the Chicago Sym phony orchestra at dinner at the Lin coln, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mayer enter tained the Unity club Wednesday even ing. Prizes at high five were won by Miss Schlelslnger and Mr. Well. Delta Tan Delta Initiated Mr. Glenn C. Hupp, of McCook. and Air. Lisle D. Milliken. of Fremont. Saturday night. A banquet followed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Sawyer enter tained La Veta whist club Tuesday evening. A dinner preceded the games. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon were the only guests besides club members. Miss Whedon. Miss Margaret Whe don. and Miss Outcalt will entertain Kappa Kappa Gamma Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Whedon. A play will be given. Miss Haggard entertained the alum nae chapter of Delta Gamma Monday evening. Visiting members present were Mrs. Morris Deutsch. of Horton. Kan., and Miss Gregory, of Lead. The Toung Women's Christian asso ciation closed Its most successful vear with a banquet Thursday evening. Miss Martha Pierce, president of the association presided as toastmlstress. Mrs. J. L. Kellogg entertained the South side circle of St. Paul's church Thursday afternoon. Mrs. C. F. Harp ham read a number of poems. The ladles decided to give a banquet for their husbands at the Lincoln hotel the evening of February first. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Graham enter tatned the Noname club Saturday night. Members of this club are Mes sieurs and Mesdames J. H. Auld. H. A. Tlbhets. J. S. Leonhardt. F. A. Gra ham. A. L. Boynton H. B. Vander veer. J. H. Violet. C. W. Bieger. wBKfU. - TRSl) 1 MHS HARRY LEHH- "A )J5JbT ' jW HRS- HENBY CLEW5, J Belles who lead in Mrs. Astor's new "600." The "Four Hundred," as a term used as a means of designating New York city's most exclusive social set, is now as dead as Ward McAllister, its famous founder. Mrs. John Jacob Astor, the presiding genius of New York society nas created a new boo and the "six hundred will nenceiortn De the cognomen or the social aristocrat' of Gotham The above halftone shows the women selected by Mrs. Astor to head the new social set. Miller & Paine Am -ST Dress Goods, Cloaks and Suits, Linens, Underwear and Hosiery, Cotton Goods, Rugs and Draperies, Millinery, Notions and Trimmings, Etc., Etc. 0 and 13th Sts. . Lincoln, Neb J