The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, January 25, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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.MISS HORAN, of St. Louts.
Who will be tin- guest for some
weeks of Mrs. C F. Harplinnt
The marriage of Miss Josephine Ca
hle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
W. Cable of Davenport, Iowa, to Mr.
Dan Wing of West Newton, Massachu
setts, was celebrated Wednesday even
ing at eight o'clock at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Cable. The pastor of the First
Presbyterian church of Davenport read
the service. He was assisted by Rev.
Mr. Wylie. A mantel in the drawing
room was banked with calla HHies and
smilax and above this decoration a
row of candles burned, and in front
of this effective setting the groom and
bis best man, Mr. Tom Wing, met the
bride and her attendants. Precisely at
S o'clock to the music of the Lohengrin
inarch the procession entered. First
came the two bridesmaids. Misses
Decker and Putnam, wearing gowns
of pink crepe de chine, and carrying
bridesmaid roses, then the maid of
honor, Miss Alice Wing, sister of the
groom, in white and last the bride with
her father. Miss Cable's wedding gown
was of heavy white satin made en train
with a llounce and capuchon of point
lace. She wore a veil caught with a
diamond brooch, and a diamond pen
dant, the gift of the groom. The iloral
decorations throughout the house were
profuse, bridesmaid roses being the
principal (lowers. The dining room
was in green ami white. White roses
formed the center-piece on the table
and satin ribbons crossed the linen,
terminating in bows at the corners. A
luncheon was served in two courses.
The bride received many handsome
gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Wing let' Wed
nesday evening for Chicago. They will
go from there to Xew Orleans, then to
Florida before going to their home in
West Newton. Professor and Mrs.
Place, Mrs. II. F.. Lewis and Mr. and
Mrs. S. II. Rurnham went from Lin
coln to attend the wedding. Mr. C. G.
Dawes of Evanston was also present.
.v -
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Mrs. John P.. Wright gave a dear lit
tle children's party Thursday to cele
brate the fifth birthday of her son
John Charles. Fourteen small men and
maidens were piesent. Fan and Helen
Rerger, remarkably talented children,
by the way, played violin music, and
dancing marionettes put the children
in a perfect glee. At live o'clock all
were seated at the rose trimmed dining
table for a supper. Pink candles lighted
the room, and tiny ones in rose holders
burned on the birthday cake. Covers
were laid for Misses Cornelia Critten
den, Sarah Ladd, Helen Herger, Helen
Mitchell, May Louise Richards, Sarah
Kisdon, Ruth Fitzgerald, Helen Cur
tice; Masters Norman Curtice, How
ard Wilson, Frank Watson. Fan
Herger, Hume Richards, Oakley Max
well and John Charles Wright.
., . j
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The north side circle of St. Paul's
church held its annual meeting Wed
nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
F. A. Graham, Twelfth and K streets.
Mrs. L. C. Richards was elected presi
dent, Mrs. Graham, vice president, and
Mrs. H. J. Winnett and Airs. H. T.
secretary respectively. The year Just
closed has been a very successful one
financially as more than one hundred
dollars enriched the treasury at the
close, and the social features have not
been neglected. Miss Horan charmed
the ladies with a number of pretty
songs. Light refreshments were sered.
A large number of ladies wore pres
ent. The next meeting of the circle will
occur in two weeks at the home of Mrs.
K. O. Miller.
.5 J J
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Mrs. Paul Norton gave a croktnole
party last Friday evening for her sons.
Monta and Clarence. Prizes were won
by Mr. I,awrence Greenland and Mr.
Clarence Morton. Miss Morton and
Miss Hobson played plant) music. Re
freshments were served. Those pies
ent were Misses Sadie Hobson, Callie
Rodgers, Helma Greenland, Ruth
Mann. Louise Ragnell, Pertha Mos-i,
Kthel Fulton, Hessie Waite. Mary Kalf.
Julia Ruesch, Frances Borgelt; Mes
sieurs Lawrence Greenland, Kenneth
Cotten, Alec Seamark. Fred Moser.
Walter Mann. Robert and Willie Por
ter, Fred and Willie Voigt.
The woman's alliance and the social
committee of All Souls' church gave a
largely attended reception Wednesday
evening in honor of Reverend and Mrs.
J. Iewis Marsh. The parlors were
beautifully decorated and furnished
with rugs, lamps and cushions, and In
the smaller one refreshments were
served. The guests were received by
Mr. and Mrs. Marsh. Mrs. F. W. Hill,
president, and Mrs. Grummann, treas
urer of the alliance. Miss Tibbetts
and Miss Gertrude Aitken presided at
the refreshment table. A mandolin
club stationed in the study played dur
ing the evening.
Miss Gall Gettler was surprised by
a number of friends Saturday after
noon In honor of her thirteenth birth
day. Music, games, and refreshments,
were enjoyed. Those present were
Misses Polly Rerkson. Dolly Henson.
Helen McClennaii. Mabc! Spier, May
Marrluer. Ressle Holcomb. Rebecca
Poska. Lillian McKlwaln, Isabelle Arm
strong. Pearl Wltte, Messrs. George
Speiser. Fred Hagey, Percy Marrlner
and Harry Halney.
Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Hitchcock, who
have recently moed from Hast t
South Lincoln, were surpiis. d last
Friday evening by a number of their
friends who wished to welcome them to
their new locality. Those present weie
.Messieurs and Mesdames D. F. Suther
land. D. W. Rowlands. Mesdames
Sarah M. Reed. Flora S. Hitchcock:
Misses Pearl Hitchcock and Mamie
Rowlands, and Mr. Harry Sunderland.
The pan-American carnival given by
the city improvement society will be
gin Tuesday evening at the audito
rium and continue all week. A dif
ferent program of war dances, sleigh
bell dances, instrumental music, songs
and other attractive features, will be
given each evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton R. Lee gave a
six-handed euchre Tuesday evening in
honor of their guest. Mrs. liimvn. Mr.
and Mrs. M. W. Folsom won the royal
prizes, and Mrs. C. H. Warner the
consolation. Thele were thirty play
ers. A two course luncheon was
Miss Wakefield, of Omaha, is the
guest of her cousin. Mrs. C. W.
j y ciAmir.irs.v mm
In the course of a few days Captain Bertram Tracy Clayton, U. S.
whose services in the Philippines have ben of a distinguished charac
ter, will learn definitely of the success of his divorce suit. The suit
arose from the findings of priate detetties employed by Clayton to
watch his wife while he was away fighting in the Philippines The wife
did not oppose the suit, being anxious to marry again immediately
Clayton is a West Point graduate, .in ex-congressman, and commanded
troop C in the Spanish-American war.
Gregory The Coal Man.
The Patriarchs will give a hauiiet
Mis. M. Weil will give a raid pait
Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Hailey enter
tallied a social card club Monday night
Mrs. F. I. Levering will give a cud
party February sixth in honor of .Miss
Let what thou learuest in the house
of thy host, be as though it were not
Reta Theta PI will give u smokei
this evening to all fraternity men in
the university.
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Warner enter
tallied Mr. and Mrs. Walter II. Rates,
of Council Itliiffs. over Sunday.
Mis. G. R. Roweii. who had lie n
the guest of Mrs. Clinton R. Lee for
ten days, returned home on Thurs
day. ..
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rranch will give
a card party Tuesday evening for Miss
Wakelield. of Omaha. who Is their
rHE Franklin
Ice Cream and Dairy Co.
Manufacturers of the finest ii:ility f
Plain and Fancy ICK CKEAM. ICES,
Prompt delivery and .satisfaction guar
anteed. 133 South 12th Street. Phone 205.
.. Furrier..
How Cheap,
How Good!
Allegretti Candy
the natural Mipiiotilhiii oij
want just what you call for
The only place in Lincoln when
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Packages Delivered anywhere in the City
lng M'prp ra-&fpt&fl frrnqnrpr nnil