THE COURIER 5 Discussion Hayinarket Tragedy; Paterson Settlement. Bakumfn Mala testa. 41 ! At c ft. ft" The New Book Review club met at Airs. W. M. Widener's on January 15. Airs. Stonebraker read an Interesting paper on The Little Minister and cur rent events were discussed by the club. Some well rendered musical numbers were given by Mrs. Maddox on the piano and Mrs. Williams. Out of town guests were Mrs. Jerome and Mrs. L. 15. Shidler of York, Neb. Elaborate re freshments were served and the after noon proved one of the most enter taining meetings of the season. - O- The Women's missionary society of the First Presbyterian church will hold Its annual praise service Friday after noon. Mrs. G. W. Rhodes entertained the Lotos club Thursday afternoon. The usual literary program was given. & In Extenuation "He is an unmitigated liar, isn't he?" "Well, there are extenuating circum stances his father was a weather ob server and his mother a society reporter." SOME OF LINCOLN'S LITTLE FOLKS iiffffffffffffffffffffffffHifffKj ifffffffffffffHK. ifffffffffffffffffffffilffflifffffffffff V?" KATHARINE ATWOOD. Eight years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. II. At wood. .TIB .. '-.(kss-. -1 jr JOHN CHARLES WKK1I1T. Five years, son of Mr. ami Mis. John 15. Wright. .V .ifffffffffffffffffffffl. 4 MSSSSBi TPH ' v. HyM! . 9 ' v aVi 1 1 V iffffffffffftJ a iffK "V JACK MA Three years, son Mall LLALIEC. of Mrs. Joseph alien. II. IN THE REALM OF - POLITICS Congressman Burkett's dream of be ing the. Dave Mercer of the First con gressional district, that is, of being congressman for an indefinite period, will not be realized, if realized at all, until after a warm fight. Mr. Burkett has neglected no opportunity of mak ing himself solid with the people of the district and has endeavored to keep in the very closest touch with all classes. He has been made a member of the committee on appropriations and it is said has sworn that he won't come back to Lincoln until he has given her a new federal building. He realizes that it won't be sutlicient to introduce a bill and have it on the calendar, because there is always a large number of carping critics who would say that he was playing them. So he is putting up the pins for quick action. But his opposition is not to be placated. There is a well denned feel ing that if Mr. Burkett gets a third term, he will not be again headed for a number of years. This would neces sitate the laying away of the ambi tions of a number of worthy young re publicans, and ambitions are restless things. Here at home it is regarded as cer tain that Judge Holmes will contest the county with Mr. Burkett. The judge has not yet said he would make the fight, but that is probably be cause the hour is not yet come. He has a host of friends, all of whom are political workers and Influential. His nomination would go far to heal the breach between local factions and end an internecine war of considerable bitterness. His ability as an organ izer and as an orator will stand him in good stead: he is an excellent mixer and as a judge has made a good rec ord. There might not be any de termined opposition to Mr. Burkett here at home were it not for the fact that all the signs point to trouble In other parts of the district, and if that is to be the case local embryotlc con gressmen desire to be in it. Down in Otoe county it is understood that Judge Jessen will certainly enter the race, and already Judge John Stull of Nemaha county is out for the nomi nation. The judge was a candidate two years ago and remained in the fighting until after the balloting. Then there Is George M. Spurlock of Cass county, ex-county judge. Mr. Spurlock Is one of the most popular young republicans in the district, and is equipped with all of the facilities for making a hard fight. A Richard son countv man in Lincoln the other day said that his county was for Spur lock. Mr. Spurlock has made no sign. JUDGE EDWARD P. HOLMES. Of Nebraska District No. 3. a possible candidate for Congress in the First Nebraska district. however. All of which indicates that it won't be long before things are doing in the congressional line. The friends of Ernest M. Pollard, of Cass county, want it understood that he should not be omitted from the list of aspirants for governor. Mr. Pol lard has been doing some traveling the past fortnight and has been meet ing with considerable encouragement. He was a member of the legislature four years ago, and In 1900 had charge of the organization of republican clubs throughout the state. This gave him a wide acquaintance. He is a graduate of the state university, and this, too, gives him some strength among the alumnae. He does not come from a part of the state, however, that gives him any strategetical importance and unless some powerful influence bestirs itself in his behalf he will have to de pend upon the turn of events to land him. There Is some talk of R. B. Windham of Cass taking a shy at the governorship himself, and this would mean trouble for Mr. Pollard right at home. The attitude of Governor Savage in the matter is something of a puzzle. Some one ran across a copy of a Kan sas City paper the other day, wherein the governor was briefly interviewed. In that interview he said that the gov ernorship did not have very manv at tractions for him, that he was a ranch man by occupation, did not care much about being governor and would be glad enough of the day that would al low him to return to his old tasks on the ranch. This Is a little strange in view of the understanding that one of the reasons why the governor granted the Bartley pardon was that In thought it would make him governor again. In explanation of this inter view, however, it may be stated that it occurred the day he left Nebraska, and he was then suffering from the effects of the first withering blast of indignation from the republican press and was Just before he met Mrs. Sav age, who was much opposed to the granting or the pardon. Governor Savage Is going to have a pretty hard time of it if he does stay in the tight, but the opinion is some how taking root that when the time for the convention comes around the governor will chuck the whole thing over in disgust. He will, however, be in a position to have his desirers in the matter of his successor recognized, al though he will not possess the power to name him. A Lincoln man who is vastly interested in the game of poli tics made the prediction this week that the man who will be named for governor next fall lives in Lincoln and that his name is Charles II. Morrill. Mr. Morrill has twice refused the kind ly crown, that is. he could have been named for governor on two different occasions if he had said the word. He refused, but he may not this time. Senator Currie is authority for the statement that Governor Savage will be unable to secure the Custer coun ty delegation for renomination. Mr. Currie and Mr. Savage both live in the very small town of Sargent, and as is natural when two great men hail from the same small place there is al ways more or less rivalry between them. In the case of these two gentle men, although outwardly they are friends, in fact they are at war. There fore the senator's declaration must be taken with the customary grain of salt. At the same time Mr. Currie says he is a candidate for congress. He will naturally need the Custer county delegation in his business. Just how he is going to get this with Sav age in the opposition Is a problem he must solve. If what drifts in to Lin coln Is true neither man will be able to get what he wants unless both are good. The indictment of former State Treasurer Meserve at Omaha for receiving interest on state money in his hands is pretty certain, no mater what the outcome, to retire him from the list of gubernatorial pos sibilities. Mayhap this is the objett of it. The prosecution Is understood to have had its Inception In the Bee ofllce, and It is likely that Mr. Itosewater got the Idea Into his head that Meserve. whom he does not like any too well, was slated Tor the fusion nomination. It will be possible to drag along the prosecution of Mr. Meserve until after the state conventions have met, and with that hanging over him Meserve could not be named. The con stitution prohibits the state treas urer from receiving interest on public moneys and the crim inal law buttresses this with ade quate punishment for violation there of. It has always been understood that state treasurers took most of the in terest money as perqulsitles of their ofllce, a practice sanctioned by prece dent but unauthorized by law, and If Meserve is to be prosecuted maybe there will be others placed in the same boat. 4 . Servants Had No Easy Time Even in the royal household the post of house maid is apparently no sine cure, and I remember long ago hear ing a story of a lady who. while engag ing a new servant, naturally made the Inquiry as to "why she had left her last place." It came out then that she had been last employed at Bucking ham palace, and that she had left be cause "really her majesty (the late queen) was that particular that after you had done dusting everything, quite as much as necessary, she would pass her lace handkerchief across a table or a chair and notice even the tiniest speck." Even Buckingham palace Is not good enough for servants nowa days, it seems. It was told of the late queen that she was so difficile as to the making of her bed that it took the chamber maids two hours daily to make It. as the undersheet had to be most care fully and smoothly stitched to the lower matress. so that there never was the slightest wrinkle, which story re calls tne fairy tale of the princess and the crumpled rose leaf. London On looker. -V- Some women may forgive cruelty, but none forgives indifference. A Wise Landlord Gets the let talent that ran le secured in placing his order for inside decora tions for liis hou.-ts. He !- res tli-lc-t material iwd. and something that will stand the wear and tear of Un tenant. My exicriciice of twenty eight years ha.s taught me how, when, and where to ue economy. My prices are reaMnahle. Estimate cheerfully furnished. Carl A.Iyrer, 2612 Q Street Phone 5232.