THE COURIER who sit in tlie gallery and applaud by whistling and who make the sound of kissing when tlie lights are turned low. It requires no finesse whatever to make the gallery laugh and whistle. Tlie mob which occupies the Lincoln gallery evidently goes to the theatre because those who sit on the top lloor are al lowed to yell and to make uncouth noises which the law forbids them to make on the stieets. Even in Lincoln if the univerity students and loafers behaved on the streets as they do In the gallery of the opera house they would be arrested by the long-suffering police. Hut that is another story and an old grievance of tlie respectable against the university and city gamins. It is surprising American man agers do not take more plays from the German and fewer from the French. The French plays are the degenerate expression of an erotic, barren people. The German farce makes one laugh without blushing. One can look one's neighbor frankly in the face during a performance like The Strollers. The jokes are on the surface. There Is no arriere pensee. The Teuton is young, virile, honest. The Teuton and the American, in spite of prejudice, have many tastes and impulses in common. I'nfortunately we have made our drama from u French model and the result is the Iloyt farce; a mixture of French salacity and American awk wardness and gaucherie. John Henshaw, the leading man, is a sparkling actor. He has the light foot and the elastic body. His songs have verve and dash and he has more voice and musical apprehension and culture than the usual comic opera star, who requires only legs and the acrobat's agility. Marie George, of thistledown lightness, dances, sings and acts a good second. Through the way of the chorus to a small speaking part Miss George has worked her way to the front and the middle of the stage where she be longs. May Ten Broeck is attractive without her violin, but she has not ap leared here before without it. She also is a good dancer but she has the nerv ousness of a musician. Repose in wo man is almost as admirable as a soft voice. But a soubrette's life and a musical temperament is warfare. The chorus was well trained, of goodly ap Iearance. The tenors, basses, so pranos and contraltos were In the right proportions. The blend was harmo ilious. Good luck to the Strollers in their one-night tour of the country. They add beauty and brightness to the somewhat barren life in the smallish towns of the west. -::- -May Daisy is an unusually gifted girl. Maud Yes, indeed. Why, she has more ways of making you feel inferior than any other girl I know. I Studio, Room 63 I Brownell Block ; Miss Lippincott Lessons in Drawing, Painting, i-yroKrapny, w ooa uarving, im proved China Kiln, China deco rated or fired. Studio open Monday. Tuesday. Thursday, and Friday afternoons 2 to S o'clock Saturda mornings 9 to 12. CLUB NOTES THE WEEK'S REVIEW The snow prevented a full attendance at the meeting of the Woman's club on Monday, but those who braved the storm felt amply repaid for the effort. A business meeting presided over by Mrs. Ell Plummer preceded the pro gram. The object of the meeting was to decide how the election of officers shall be conducted. A motion that the names of two persons for each office be placed in nomination by a committee of four to be appointed, was carried. Mrs. A. W. Field, Mrs. W. C. Henry, Mrs. M. D. Welch and Mrs. A. A. Scott were appointed and to their duties was ad ded that of nominating delegates to the meeting of the general federation. Nominations for delegates to the state federation will be made from the floor. The program was in charge of the his tory department. Miss Brackett leader. Miss Helena Bedford sang very accept ably, "He is a Prince," by Frank Lyons, and "Allah, Allah," by Chad wick, after which Professor E. A. Boss MBS. H. M. BUSHNELL. President of the Woman's Club of Lincoln. gave a comprehensive address on "The Meaning of the Modern Colonial Move ment." The principal reasons given were that the great nations need out lets for their surplus goods, surplus capital, and- in some of the countries, notably Germany, surplus population. Other reasons were the need of coaling stations, of strategic naval positions caused by the growth of the steam navy, also to protect property, giving this last as one of the chief reasons for the Boer war. English capital had been sent to Africa to develop the mines and the English government con sidered that it would be better pro tected by having their own govern ment there. By developing new coun tries, articles grown In them or manu factured from the products of those countries will make cheaper similar ar ticles in use in the older countries in this connection. Mr. Boss mentioned the mahogany of South America and the woods in the Philippines. The ad dress was full of interest. The Dr. Bailey Sanatorium. Thoroughly equipped and beautifully furnished every elcctriccurrent useful in treat ment of sick ideal Turkish, Russian, and Medicated Baths only non-contagious chronic diseases received. This institution is not a hotel, not a hotpital, but a home. The following taken from the Inte rior is not exactly club news, but it will interest club women who are also Interested in the success of the churches. With the beginning of the year the Chicago Theological Seminary (Congre gational) inaugurated its school of sa cred music, which alms to give young ministers a practical knowledge of hymnology and church tunes. The de sign is to present study and practice in such a way that the minister shall not come to his place wholly Ignorant of sacred song or its expression. "Car penter Chapel" has been remodeled, and in fact rebuilt, making it one of the most convenient, attractive and ar tistic rooms in the city. Friends of the seminary have supplied a new organ, suitable to the size of the hall, and a fine grand piano. Some of the best mu sicial talent in Chicago has been en gaged for a series of organ recitals, while . lectures upon church hymns church music and public worship will be given throughout the seminary year. The students will be drilled in the rendering of hymn tunes, not difficult anthems. Private lessons in singing and in the use of the organ will be given those who seem best fitted for such work. Six instructors and as many lecturers guarantee that thor ough work will be done, and that grad uates of the seminary, if at all suscep tible to musical instruction, as most young people are, will be able to make the service of song in their various churches contribute to the usefulness of the church, and not, as is too often the case, permit It to detract from It. .' ? Jl rC C tC The music study department of the Woman's club met Wednesday after noon. Bichard Wagner was the sub ject of the program. Miss Julia Has kell talked delightfully of this famous composer. The musical numbers were: Piano Solo Pilgrim's Chorus from "Tannhauser" (Wagner) Miss Clara Smout. Operas "The Flying Dutchman," and "Tannhauser," Mrs. Anna Ashworth. Piano Solo "O, Thou Sublime, Sweet Evening Star," Wagner-Liszt, Miss Lulu Walker. "Lohengrin,"Mrs. J. M. Lucas. Piano Solo Elsa's Dream and Elsa's Bridal Procession into Church, Wagner-Liszt, Miss Martha Blnford. "The Melsterslngers," Mrs. J. M. Lu cas. Contralto Solo "Traume," Wagner, Miss Lotta Talcott. "The Nleblung's Bing." Mrs. Wil liams. Piano Solo "Magic Fire Scene," Wagner-Brassin, Miss Flora Maine. J -3i At .r 5 r The Century club held an open meet ing Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. M. H. Garten. The members of the Aldine club, and former members of the Century were guests. About fifty ladies were present. Mrs.E. Lewis Baker sang "Greeting," by Hawiey, and "Absence," by Alllttsen. Chancel lor Andrews read a very Interesting paper on "Where Cross and Crescent Meet." He spoke of the political and moral condition of Egypt, and of the effect the presence of the English Is having, and compared the Mohammedan and Christian religions. After the pro gram light refreshments were served. a -3i i. fi- 'T C Sorosis met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. T. M. Hodgman. Mrs. Georgia Bell led In a discussion of Anarchy. Mrs. Bell's talk aroused great Interest and many questions were asked her. The outline used was: Anarchy Bise of the International Councils of 65-75. Division Into Socialists, Anarchists, CommunlFvS. Anarchjsts Philosophical, Bevolu tionary. Bevolutlcnary Nihilists, Armed Bev-olutlonists. iS8sasas8s88sseajsaS!SK 2 H. W. BR0WN Druggist and Bookseller WHITING'S FINE STATIONERY AND CALLING CAKDS. 3 137 So. Eleventh Street Phone 68 PRIVATE AND PUBLIC Library books BOUND IN A SUBSTAN TIAL MANNER AT FAC TORY PRICES BY South Platte Publishing Co., PAPER BOX MAKERS, 135 X. nth St., LINCOLN', NEB. FREIGHT PAID ONE WAY. S$C97l&Mjti Cycle Photographs Athletic Photographs Photographs of Babies Photographs of Groups Exterior lews V. The Photographer 129 South Eleventh Street m We Invite yoti to Call and see our Cut Flowers and Plants in our new location iji South ijth Street PHONE B23fi. We make a specialty if fur nishing Floral Decoration .or Wi-ddinjrs, Parties and Iim op tions. A complete .stock of Plants and Cut Flowers on hand. Stackhous & Greer 1 H7 Green Houses, 36th and QSts. Florists Office. 131 South 13th St HARK LISTEN to those Steam Radia tors kicking and hammering until your room rings like a boiler factory. PHEW ! Now hot, now cold, with frequent emissions of loyely (?) fumes from the valves. Get a Gas Heater GRATE OR RADIATOR they're the thing. You can light them without getting out of bed. They'll take the chill off the room. We sell them at cost. Lincoln Gas and Electric Co. i2thandOSts. V 1 V