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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1902)
THE COURIER 10 r y s - Mt- IVV V W (M j Jwh xsHSfiE&vvyJc) w4q RIS i tivov XTiBV r v r l Ha TV B 1 m. mm c pmnz LOUISE c0Nc5 PHOTOS jy STIU SKCRETARY PAYNE'S NIECE TO STORM THE CAPITAL Miss Louise Jones, of Milwaukee, niece of Mrs. Henry C. Payne, will live with the new postmaster peneral's family at "Washington. It is expected that she will cut a dashing figure in "Washington society. She is about twenty-five years old and very beautiful. pearl buttons an& "Cbcir Origin Fished from the mud banks of Ar kansas by nondescript unfortunates, shipied to Nebraska, turned into but tons by skilled convict laborers and finally retailed in the markets of the wofld, is a brief history of the career of the "clam shells" which are now being imported from the south. This is but a small part of the story, how ever, from a commercial point of view. In Arkansas and Mississippi 12,000 persons make a living by shell fishing, to say nothing of the host of laborers employed in the button factories throughout the country. In Lincoln thirty-two men are em ployed at present in button making. Unfortunately these "are bound to la bor for a term of years" and are tem porarily not the masters of their own destinies. Whether or not the calling of button manufacture will ever become a mammoth industry in the state is doubtful. In other portions of the country the factories are flourishing. The same state of affairs may exist here when button-making has out grown the stigma of convict labor. Shells are Imported from Arkansas. The shell fisheries grew out of pearl diving and, strange to say, the former is now the more profitable of the two. In Tennessee there are large fisheries in the region of Memphis The White and Black rivers in Arkansas are the principal scenes of the search for these marketable gems are realized by the denizens of the mud banks. Many thousands of dollars in fine pearl fisheries each year. The shell men make much more and from their calling the element of chance is, to a greater extent, eliminated. First the pearl fever spread. The best prizes were garnered In at the beginning and then the fishers either went into shell collecting or departed looking for other fields to conquer. The more sensible of the pearl fishers were soon convinced that it was a great deal better to save the shells af ter they had been examined for pearls and sell their collections to the button factories which soon began operations in the vicinity of the White and Black rivers. Shells sold at from Jo to 7 a ton and the figures approximately rep resent the market price today. The av erage shell fisher could clear from $1.50 to $2.50 each day and, in addition, grat ify the gambling desire by keeping his eyes open for the always expected gem that was to lift the mortgage on the farm. The soft, oozy banks of mud along the Mississippi were soon exhausted and the Arkansas and Tennessee pro ducts were shoved on the market In stead. These were found to be fully as good and, some claim, better than the Mississippi shells, so the industry flourished. The hunters are an indiscriminate lot and all sorts of men, women and chil dren are found in their ranks. For the women are always present and some times the children are as enthusiastic as their elders. The fishers are super stitious and it is commonly thought that children will bring good luck. So the little fellows are instructed to find and open shells all the time keeping Juvenile but wary watch for the ever expected pearls. Sometimes there are a thousand peo ple working In one mud bank, picking, digging and opening the shells. They watch each other with jealous eyes all the while for, of course, it is the usual thing for some lazy good for nothing to find the pearl of great price and be come rich by one lucky cast. For the spirit of the patrons of Monte Carlo is abroad among the pearl fishers and their occupation is an absorbing and exciting one. Each of the adventurers is constantly erecting an extensive row of "air castles" to be realized when his "lucky streak" comes. J. M. O'Hara, a dealer and pearl ex pert of Memphis, claims the honor of starting and promoting the industry. Seven years ago, according to his ver sion, he engaged In the pursuit and helped create the pearl excitement. He the distinction button factory also clamors for starting the first Tennessee. The shell fishing industry Is sure and profitable; requires no previous train ing, and demands no capital. The sup ply is declared to be Inexhaustible in both Tennessee and Arkansas. The past year was one of the most profit able for the shell fishers and button manufacturers and it is asserted that the coming year will surpass the pre ceding one in respect to prosperity in hese lines. J! .?' -V tf tc V- Ticket Seller Whafs this you're giv ing me for money? Patron That's a $1,000 Carnegie steel bond; isn't it good enough for two seats in the dress circle? T. S. No; the Washington people won't take 'em. Pay cash or get out of line. Tv- tv Tv Tourist There's a worm in Hawaii that eats hardwood and destroys all the pianos. Blifkins We have a piano where can I get one of those worms? ' W JIB m fifi74sii r.Ti WW Absolute Perfection PERFECTION Is often claimed for Shoes that are simply stylish. Our Mannish Shoes are not only perfect in style, but in every detail, being the most serviceable lot of Shoes ever brought to the city of Lincoln. Perkins & Sheldon Co. 1129 O STREET Lincoln ',' . . If you Want First Class Service Call on Us . . TfC -fl f -f ! ' WE D0 WE SELL WE CARRY A ldllolCl ' Piano and Fur- all grades of a fine line of Car- Co. !( uiture Moving Coal riages & Buggies OFFICE, TENTH AND Q STS. PHONE 170. Ganoungs Pharmacy 1400 O Street . . . Open all Night Lowney's and Allegretti's Chocolates HOT SODAS IN SEASON Rudge & Guenzel Co. 4 Rudge & Guenzel Co. Rummage Sale Beginning Monday we will place on sale all our slightly damaged, shop-worn, and discontin ued samples of Furniture at prices that will make Quick House Cleaning. Some pieces have been Reduced as much as 60 per cent. Many pieces 40 per cent. None less than 25 per cent. Read Sunday's Journal for a partial list of pieces, and prices of Bed Room, Dining Room, Parlor, and Library Furniture, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Remnants of Carpet. New Arrivals FROM NEW MEXICO A choice assortment of Indian Pottery, Pueblo. Navajo ware, 20c to $3.00 each; Navajo Rugs, 8.00 to $100.00. FROM LUXEMBURG, GERMANY An imported order of celebrated Sarreguemines Cooking ware, Individ ual Handled Baking Dishes, Shirred Egg, Scalloped Oyster Dishes, and regular size Dishes, 12c to $1.00 each.