10 THE COURIER FIRST AUTHENTIC HALFTONE OF NEW REGULATION CORONATION ROBES ctX BBBv ''jtflBF. .Br BBBBBw v .v ..l tMBBBiB k iTh j & v. 5 cai BBBBBBl Bk v BBf iBBB & -JBBv F 4& 9 BBB M hp v flB BiBBB is a iCai i r ft Ut pBtFr w BrAEBBHE B fciPy & tJbP ' j bp x i .EA MAJtos-zrs- &AJION COVHTX.SS Snapshot at Lo i.lon. KtiKhind Altlouirh ll-c oironntion of Kins Eiwjird i$ not scheduled to take place until next June. I.Hiilon society i alreadv prtjiaiiiiK-for the event. A jjieat many p fivsM-s who fxift I t: hae the honor of p:uti ip.itin? in the porjieous pageant .ire now lrjily studying the models of the regulation coronation attires now htinp exhibited .it t e Norfolk House, the resilience of the Karl Marshall. V. (Continue 1 from I'ajje 1) reply. This settled the status of the governor and the editor. It was a bat tle lo the finish. Hut recently friends of both men have sought a compromise. Savage is still in Kisltion to extend favor to llosewater. He can either reappoint the present fire and police commission, which has a distinctive Ilosewaterian complexion, or he can appoint another of far different make up. Much of the Kosewater influence is due to the. pa tronage he controls by manipulation of the commission. Shorn of this power, one of his strongest tentacles falls helpless. For retention of this power he may le willing to forego a little of his criticism of the governor; lor the sake of avoiding this criticism the governor may be willing to con cede a little. Koewater supporting Savage before the next convention is not without the range of iossibility. Thete must, of necessity, be some thing of a change to justify those in retrenching who have announced them selves --o bitterly against the governor's action. This something is generally believed within the inner circles to be nothing more than a settlement of the state's account by Mr. Hartley and his bondsmen. Hartley fels deeply the debt of gratitude he Owes Governor Saage, and the criticisms on every side hurt him even as much as they do the gov-Tnor. Although there was no condition attached to the pardon, close friends of Mr. Hartley admit that he contemplates making restitution. The bondsmen have already entered into negotiations with the state board of compromise created by the last legisla ture, and something definite on the subject is promised by those who claim to know, before the lists are started preliminary to the next state conven tion. No one doubts the sineerit of Gov ernor Savage, nor the greatness of the heart that caused him to sympathize with Hartley and his family. Hut there were political reasons that could be urged for the pardon, as well as humanitarian. The powers of Nebras ka that have made and unmade public olhcials for years past, were united in requesting Hartley's release. This in fluence may or may not succeed in re nominating and re-electing Governor Savage, but the expression of one of his friends, indicates the situation. He says: 'Governor Savage may not succeed in being lenominated: but he will at least name the. nominee if he does fail." That any of the present acknowl edged candidates would be the recip ient of Savage favors is much in doubt. vd5iwi c t IIII7I1 1 " - - WfPft Absolute Perfection KKFECnON Is often claimed for Shot's that are simply stylish. Our Mannish Shoes are not only perfect in style, but in every detail, being the most serviceable lot of Shoes ever brought to the citv of Lincoln. Perkins & Sheldon Co. 4d29 O STREET GUNN SECTIONAL VIEW Showing roller Itcaring and rem ova Me ( -i-L i..: r a , : rtTW ' UOUI t'ACIUMlU leaning in uui SECTIONAL BOOKCASES ) i h NBBBHBTosJ ROLLER BEARING Til i n -i mil SspL- 'WmSlj PemoSblTdo Sectional Bookcases The great advantage of IJeinova lile Doors for cleaning and wash ing the gla. Xo possible soiling of books. A broken glass inn lc easily replaced without taking the cae ajeirt or removing the Iiook,. No iron bands on the sides. No iirotrudiii!? shelve Itotweeii tin- doors. j $2.75 to $3.50 per Section Wernicke Elastic Business Furniture, Cutler Desks. Rudge & Guenzel Co. It's the Steadv Exercise . . . That docs the good to your muscles and builds up the wasted tissue. It 's the spasmodic exercise that does more harm than good. One day a week in a gymna sium is a dangerous thing for anybody. Get one of our Home Training Outits Havo it where you can use it twice a day, for a few minu;cs. and you will lie surprised at the'steady gain in health, and the improvement in your general phys ical de clopment. See us for particulars, circulars, etc. f t 1 s A E. ALMOND, 1106 0 STBEET, LINCOLN, NEB.