The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, December 28, 1901, Page 9, Image 9
fr THE COURIER SOME SCHOOL BUILDINGS IN NEBRASKA Showing the Commodious Structures in the Towns and the Less Pretentious Facilities in the Sparsely Settled Districts of the Western Gnmtie,. C : S y?f,rX IM fiTlHppSpVaTlKl a ffenwi ii iTi 'PPPJ c. niiiVMRawjPpppDppppppppppMjX. S8fcK3jH -SSpppIpppBpppK- gsregj v- i" -r ppHpMaTflTflTflTflTflTflfflTflTflTflBpppppF ipMiflflpffBilpVBIppppppppppppppppppH W "Tgf J-jQ!jpjWP,jPPifcpWpjMplgpJpjpjpppW fsgjpjg3jjpjppj iTM."i( it' r 'HBE-'jMHflliB DISTRICT NO. 41. DAWES CiH'XTV Afcm . .r. , .-.. -art1-- 3ilb4BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS9BBBBBBBBBBA flHv B9BB9BBBBSBBBBBBBBBBB9BVBBBBBBBBBBBBBY -f7fl9BSVPPPPPPP.I.BjiaBBBpHSVK&9LSBBBCT4 DISTRICT NO 11. PERKIXSCOl'XT uua SAINT EDWARD, ppppmH pflppppppppppBpMptopp I ppplpBp. pjlpppppppppppB HARTINGTOX. Cora Oh, papa, why have you moved the sofa Into the middle of the room? Papa I thought you would want it there since you have hung the mistle toe on the chandelier. Mrs. A. "Are you troubled very much in your neighborhood with bor rowing?" .Mrs. If. (innocently): "Yes, a good deal. My neighbors don't seem to have anything I want." Old people are not so selfish as young people, because they are not so hungry. Atchison Globe. (Continued From Page fi.) crence to the matter. Mr. Richards does not take back his previous state ment that It was Mr. Schneider's In terference that spoiled his one chance of lauding the senatorship. The same opinion that Mr. Ham mond claims to hold, that Richards never could have been made because It Involved a combination with Thomp son for whom the men Richards could command would never have voted, has been expressed by several other edi tors. This Is all the more remarkable when it Is remembered that editors ought to know that politics is a game where Intluence is the great motive power, that there never was a man who succeeded In breaking into the legislature who was not susceptible to inlluence from some source outside of himself. The successful fellow Is the one who knows what Intluence moves each man and who can have It set in motion for his benefit. Xo one who actually knew the Inside workings of the last senatorial struggle ever took much stock in the vaunted political virtue of any of the recalcitrants. Most of them, like most of the other faction, were pawns upon the political chess board. So long as men hold different opinions upon a subject it is Idle to reconcile them on that matter. Rut what any one believes or disbelieves, is not pertinent to this matter; It Is what Mr. Richards believes. There can be but little doubt that he was im pressed with the belief that the com bination was possible, that he thinks it could have been made and that it was Mr. Schneider, who owed him much in a political way and who was pledged to him as he himself admitted, who did not give him the opportunity to put his belief in its success to the test. Fine Furs We have a large stock of ready-made Fur Goods, more than we want to carry over. In order to reduce the stock, we will quote you an exceedingly low price on any made up Fur article in our store. F. E. Voelker Practical Furrier, Phone t. Cor. 1:1th and X Sts. Print a Picture of your Home in The Courier. Send in photos of your new homes tothe editorand, if available, they will !e repro duced in these column. "A Budget of Letters BY RUTH M. WOOD Is a new book just out. It contains an account of the I Doctor's travels through this and European countries; is interesting and instructive, and is something a friend would prize very highly as a gift. It is a budget of letters to . a friend, just as the title suggests, and is fascinating on account of this personal quality, as well as for the informa tion it conveys. For sale at Lincoln stores. , lllf J It's the Steadv Exercise . . . That does the good to your muscles and builds up the wasted tissue. It 's the spasmodic exercise that docs more harm than good. One day a week in a gymna sium is a dangerous thing for anybody. Get one of our H.ome Training 0 21 1 fits Have it where you can use it twice a day, for a few minutes, and you will be surprised at the steady gain in health, and the improvement in your general phys ical development- See us for particulars, circulars, etc P. E ALMOND, 1106 O STREET, LINCOLX, XEB. I 1iwt.t .van y ' r Z2izx