The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, December 28, 1901, Page 8, Image 8
If THE COURIER k s p ,. Miss Beanie Turner Is spending the holidays In Kansas City. During the last few weeks Mips Turner has been teaching vocal music in Bethany col lege. Topeka, Kansas, filling the place made vacant by the illnes of the regu lar teacher. A charmingly informal gathering of the Patriarchs was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Yates on Tuesday evening. The decorations were in the season's colors, and were most suitable to this beautiful home. A regal Christ mas tree bore souvenirs for all the guests. Refreshments also were served. LIEUT. CRAWFORD MAY APPEAL TO PRESIDENT iS mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmw y'tmw immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Sfm f ' r &"'mmmmmW I iff. m?-B ' i(M 'kmMmZLz I M ml ' - mmm m ,- if mmmmmmmmmmmmm mfr , jv k- atmP 4 2wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW r II HmmmVmwemmm & y ,JmmW I lr " pH'JPfc W' 1 " '' mmmmmWw y '' &Lm&immmmWl 'jj ?$ I,1 mmmmmmmwtr M The opening reception given by the Patriarchs to the Nebraska Art Asso ciation passed off with eclat on Thurs day evening. Tall palms screened the orchestra, and formed an effective background for the punch tables, which were presided over by Mrs. W. B. Wil son and Mrs. H. P. Eames. The guests were Introduced by Professor "Willard Kimball to the reception committee, composed of Mrs. C. E. Yates, presi dent of the Patriarchs, the executive committee, Mrs. P. M. Hall and Mrs. J. B. Wright, and Mr. Hall, president of the art association. In his introductory remarks Mr. Hall referred to the valuable assistance ren dered by Miss Clara WaJsh and Dr. F. M. Fling In hanging the pictures. Dr. Fling in turn reminded the ss-. ciation of the devotion and un'mng energy of Its president, which s re warded by the presence of a colU tmn of pictures valued at more than ti Dr. Wharton and Mr. W. J. Bryan tlo gave short addresses. a Society next week will be pan ,. larly interested in the Cotillion j. , tv on New Year's eve. Mr. Richards ?, ,s extended the courtesy of the Lii, ..m hotel to the Cotillion for this oc .., ,n Each member will invite two trusts and insteai of the cotillion then win be the usual dances. Several On ah 1 guests are expected, in hote h.m.r ULI1CI aui-jii &IWICI lUK itie I-1TT piannea. Lincoln Transfer? w Co. If you Want First Class Service Call on Us E DO WE SELL WE CARRY Piano and Fur- all erodes of a fine line of Tar ) niture Moving Coal riages & Buggies OFFICE, TENTH AND Q STS. PHONE 170 mmml INfc I 1tVvTi - M ft f i ',! - l-'2rl Absolute Perfection PERFECnM William P. Crawford, the young man who has been denied a lieutenant's commission by Secretary of War Root because he jilted Miss Rebecca Doug lass, a Columbia, South Carolina, belle on the eve of the wedding is said to contemplate an appeal to President Roosevelt. Meanwhile the whole coun try is guessing at the reason for the young man's strange and unchivalrous act. Is often claimed for Shoes that are simply stylish. Our Mannish Shoes are not oniy perfect in style, but in every detail, being the most serviceable lot of Shoes ever brought to the city of Lincoln. Perkins & Sheldon Co. 1129 O STREET aSlliiasaaasl 1 WWWWWBWWWBWWWs'-fflBWBf. Miller & Paine Dress Goods, Cloaks and Suits, Linens, Underwear and Hosiery, Cotton Goods, Rugs and Draperies, Millinery, Notions and Trimmings, Etc., Etc. 0 and 13th Sts. Lincoln, Neb. m i i m . v i