The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, December 28, 1901, Page 7, Image 7
THE COURIER t most enjoyable Christmas party s given in the Y. W. C. A. home on Thursday evening. Each young wo ,n on entering the parlor, was given a bag Ailed with hickory nuts to be used instead of money in purchasing fancy articles which were offered for ale. A grab bag also furnished much amusement. Later in the evening the hickory nuts were cracked and eaten. On Tuesday evening the members of the First Baptist church and Sunday school were treated to a stereoptlcon exhibition by Mr. N. K. Griggs. Two solos furnished the musical part or the program, after which Christmas gifts were distributed among the chil dren. Next Sunday evening a cantata will be given at the church by the Sunday school. Mr and Mrs. Harlan Phelps have for their guests this week Miss Ruby White of Minden, Miss Florence Guyer . r..i.:it Xfluc TTH;ilwth Wllli.'ims nf 101 BaiiJii", " - ..--- York and Mr. Earle Morris of Kansas? City. In honor of the visitors Mr. and Mrs. Phelps gave a dinner on Christ mas day, after which a basket of Christmas gifts furnished appropriate entertainment. 'A On Wednesday evening an elaborate Christmas entertainment was given in St. Paul's church by the Sunday school. Recitations and vocal and in strumental music made up the pro gram, followed by the appearance of Santa Claus laden with gifts for the little ones. & Mr. and Mrs. J. C. F. McKesson, of Emerald, celebrated their twentieth wedding anniversary with a Christmas banquet at which many of their Lin coln friends were present. Among the guests were Governor and Mrs. Sav age. The Sunday school at Holy Trinity held a genuine Christmas celebration on Friday evening. A Christmas tree laden with candy, oranges and other good things was followed by a little Iay in which the children took part. Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Harrison, who have been spending the last two months at Managua, Nicaragua, have started for the United States and will come to Lincoln by way of Washing ton, D. C. On New Year's night Mrs. Frank E. Lahr will give a dancing party for her son, Mr. Albert Lahr, and Mr. Scott Hallett. About seventy-five invitations have been issued. rF8R C6ATS fqd J FHR CAPES I FHR GQbLARETTES FfclRS OF ALL KINDS GOTO O. STEELE H -- .. turner.. 143 SO. TWELFTH STREET LINCOLN, NEB. WHEN YOU ASK FOR Allegretti Candy the natural supposition is that you want just what you call for. The only place in Lincoln where you can lmv the original ALLEGRETTI CHOCOLATE CREAMS is Rector's Pharmacy 12th and N-Phone 138 Packages Delivered anywhere in tho City LATEST PORTRAIT OFrDR. BARNEY I bbbbbbbbVV s"11 BaBB JvlKllH II In Ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb & MlvlH Ilia aB aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaati i 'llHr S ""!?& bbbbbbbbbbbI Lal bbbbbV bbbt I bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI ijhB,t-'' jKtbbbLB HhV H r.t v, wtV-bbbH Hlv I H IfeH Mil HlKk KbbbbH? i'vA3l KM 4 w! .B m HMk..L. bbbbbbbbbI I y&OBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW b bbbbbbbv m Mu riWI bbbbbbYbb? MViV t BwIbBtBwBBBV? K m M Leading phvsicians of America differ widely in their views as to the importance of a test now being conducteil by Dr. G. H. Barney to prove the falsity of Dr. Koch's famous tuberctihMs theory. There is a general belief expressed among many eminent practictioners that the tot is not being as authentically conducted as appears on the surface. Other authorities equally prominent accept Dr. Harney's protestation as to the genuineness of his exj riment and await the result with a great deal of interest. WOMAN WHO BRAVES CONSUMPTION !bbHb1bbV 5fe-BL3L4'i Yvl f' x-""v- ' i II flfflVHWA-H-KIHti-U Tl.e eves of the whole world are now ccnterel on .Miss Emma II. King, the New York nuri wh.M, heroic self-sacrifice is exrected to prove either the falsity or correct f Dr' Koch's famous theory of the non intercommumciluhty of tuberculosis between man and ht. In the interest of science- Miss King has permitted Dr. Barney, the experimenter, to inoculate her with the tucerculous serum of a stneken cow. She I ! Wn nude to re-alire that in the event of Dr. Barney's views being sorrect. she w,U urelybe affected with consumption, but she puts her faith in Dr. Barney's plclge to gtay the proRWM of the disease in its initiatory stage. the Franklin Ice Cream and Dairy Co. Manufacturers of tho finest quality of Plain and Fancy ICE CREAM. ICES. FROZEN PUDDINGS, FItAPPE. and SHERBETS. Prompt delivery and satisfaction guar anteed. J33 South 12th Strttt. Phone 205. Gregory The Coal Man. Mr. V. It. Oglen spent Thursday and Friday in Chicago. ' MIsk Helen Welch has returned from an extended eastern trip. Hurt Whedon i home from Harvard law school for the holidays. Dr. Charles Yungblut Is spending the holidays In Wheeling. West Virginia. Miss Grace Salisbury Is llu guest of friends In Sarpy county during her va cation. Mrs. Atwood and family spent Christmas with relatives in IMatts mouth. Miss Claire Funk Is spending a f-w days in Omaha, the guest or Miss Jen nie Orcutt. - Miss Henrietta Hankson spent Wed nesday and Thursday at her home at Table Hock. Miss Klsie Fawell gave a chatlng dlsh party to a number of friends on Christmas evening. Mrs. George Sen wake Is entertaining her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. K. New ton, of Kansas City. The Lincoln librarians will entertain the visiting librarians at dinner at the Lincoln hotel on New Year's day. H- Mrs. G. I. Hurkhalter and family or Perry, Iowa, are the guests of Mrs. Hurkhalter's brother. W. M. Maupln. Dr. John Graham of Lead. South Dakota, is spending the holidays with his father. H. II. Graham of this city. Miss Lillian Fitzgerald is home for the holidays. She is a student at the Sacred Heart college at St. Joseph. Mo. Miss Kuth Jakway. who is attending school at Ferry Hall. Iike E-'orest. III.. Is spending the holidays at her home in Lincoln. Next Tuesday Mrs. Iahr will enter tain twelve ladies at breakfast. In the the evening she will be hostess to the Levitn whist club. Mrs. N. C. Brock will give a large card party this evening in honor of Miss Keinhardt. Four-handed euchre will furnish the entertainment. Next Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sawyer will give their eleventh annual reception to members of the family and a few other guests. a- Mrs. J. H. Webster and Miss Joy Webster are living in Mrs. Polk's house, 1607 L street, during the ab sence of Mrs. Polk and Miss Kdna Polk. a- Mrs. W. IJ. Ogden gave a dinner parly last night at which the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes. Mr. and Mrs. Levering. Miss Harris anil Mr. Berger. Miss Watklns. who is spending the year In Lincoln with Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hall, left on Tuesday for her home at Julian, where she will spend the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Slater gave a fam ily dinner party on Christmas day. A Christinas tree furnished entertain ment for the children, of whom ten were present. r - " r-- if "Sv: