THE COURIER Woman's York, Mrs. S. N. Moore. Woman's, Nebraska City, Mrs. Rachap Watson. Avon, York, Mrs. Jennie Sedgwick. Review and Art, York, Mrs. Charles F. Gilbert. Baker Township, York, Mrs. Ell.i Worthinfiton. Sew Book Review, Lincoln, Mrs. O. M. Stonebrakcr. Woman's Research, Superior, The Pres ident. Woman's Literary and Magazine, Stan ton. Mrs. Clarissa Huntley. Self Culture, St. Paul, Mrs. Carrie Cook. Woman's, Lincoln, Mrs. H. M. Bush- nell. Century, Lincoln, Mrs. A. L. Candy. Woman's, Laurel, Mrs. C. E. Nevin. Fortnightly. Peru, The President. Woman's, Winside, Mrs. Belie Willey Gue. Pyerian, Wayne, Mrs. Edith M. Cherry. Town Federation, Wayne, Mrs. J. T. Bressler. Weekly Research. Falls City. The Pres ident j ,a j t? c c The Galveston Dutch As the Dutch have reclaimed the Netherlands from the sea the citizens of Galveston are working to build their town-site above the ocean. The Dutch built walls or dykes and drained the salt marshes. The citizens of Galveston are taking the sand from the bottom of the Gulf and piling it up on what was Galveston and what will be again Galveston. It is a heroic anc brave undertaking. If they are as brave and persistent as the Dutch and as willing to spend money, there is no reason why they should not succeed. In their efforts they have the good will and encouragement of the whole coun try. Though when it comes to loaning money because they are brave, hope ful and enterprising, bravery, hopeful ness and enterprise are not assets that the money Ioaners are willing to ac cept. a at Jt tXr ff tc W. M. Beardshear, L. L. D., president of Iowa state college at Ames, will ad dress the Nebraska State Teachers' association at the auditorium on Thursday evening of next week. Jan uary 2d, on "The Septitudes and the Attitudes of the Teacher." Dr. Beard shear is a man of strong personality, tall and muscular, of a powerful physique with "a strong mind in a strong body." He is now the president of the National Educational associa tion. He was born at Dayton. Ohio; spent his boyhood on the farm; entered in the army of the Cumberland at fourteen years of age; was educated in the public schools of Ohio; took B. A. and M. A. degrees. Otterbein university. Ohio: took two years post-graduate work at Yale university; has the degree of L. L. D.; was president of Western col lege. Toledo, Iowa, 1881-89, at that time IN THE REALM OF POLITICS Senator Millard lias been appointed a member of the following committees. Interstate commerce. Interoceanic can als, civil service and the improvement of the Mississippi and its mouth. Washington press dispatch. Four committees, the technicalities f legislation to master and the de- tion that he became widely known in business circles throughout the state. Like his colleague. Senator Dietrich. Mr. Millard Is primarily a business man and has gained his knowledge in the rough, hard school of experience. Both have been assigned to commit tees where their knowledge of financial " ' ' L J. H. MILLARD. U. S. Senator from Nebraska W. M. Beardshear, L. L. D. one of the youngest college presidents in the United States; superintendent l'ty schools, Des Moines, Iowa, 1SS9-31. president of the Iowa State Teachers' association. 1894; served a term on the executive committee of the Iowa State reachers association: has been direc tor of the N. E. A. from Iowa for a number of years; was president one J'ear of the department of manual in dustry and training. N. E. A.; presi dent of the Iowa State Improved Stock "reed association. 1899; member of the is?-etl tates Indian commission since ' ,.was Juror on educational awards ? i Pan-American exposition. Buf 'aio, 1901. The citizens of Lincoln snould not fail to hear him. mands of the North Platte district to satisfy, these are some of the burdens which will rest upon the shoulders of Senator Millard, of Nebraska, during the coming session of congress. Be sides the legislator is now past sixty years of age. Strange as it may seem Senator Mil lard, hale, robust and vigorous, want ed a senatorial toga in 1SS3. He came to Lincoln and fought for it but the prize was awarded General Charles F. Manderson. Eighteen years ago Mr. Millard was in the prime of life. In his ripe old age. the position he so eag erly sought came unsought, unasked, unexpected. The story of how a select delegation went to Omaha and offered J. H. Mil lard the North Platte senatorship on a silver platter is political history too recent to need repetition. But at last the long senatorial deadlock was brok en and the Omaha man was elected without a dissenting vote by a band of legislators, the majority of whom had spoken his name for the first time when they recorded their votes for him. Then came the lucky man to Lincoln, journeying by easy stages to thank the members of a legislature for one of the highest compliments that can be paid to an American citizen. The personnel of the two houses was to him an un known quantity. Ezra P. Savage, who. as lieutenant governor, presided over the joint session, was the only man connected with the. legislature who had mixed in the struggle of 1S83. Mr. Millard has been for many years president of the Omaha National bank and first became identified with that institution in 1S66. It is in this posi- matters can be utilized to the best pos sible advantage. The North Platte senator was born on Canadian soil of American parents. In his early youth his parents re moved to Dubuque, Iowa. When he was twenty years of age he set tled in Omaha where he has remained ever since. The real estate business first claimed his attention. After several years of r J M. O'Neal, mentioned as a likely appointee as state oil inspector. this work he became Interested In the Omaha National bank. He first served as cashier and then as president. He served one term as mayor of Omaha and with that exception has never held u political office previous to his elevation to the senate. After his one strenuous and exciting race for political preferment In 1SS3 he de voted himself to business until a toga was presented him last March. At one time Mr. Millard was one of the board of directors appointed by the government to adjust the affairs of the Union Pacific railroad. " Tht-re be some of the wise politic ians who say that the man who will be appointed to succeed Ed R. Slzer as state oil Inspector will be J. M. O'Neal of University Place, and If the for tunes of war do give him this place It will give pleasure to the many hun dreds of republicans who know and esteem him. Mr. O'Neal Is a native of Iowa, and a cousin of ex-Governor Drake. In fact he comes from Drakevtlle. He is forty years of age, and fifteen of those two score he has spent as a traveling man. In 1.SU1 he located In I-incaster county. In t'nlverslty Place, where he married a daughter of Postmaster S. II. Iteesmau. Mr. O'Neal has been an active and energetic republican. The only official connection he has ever had with poli tics or office-holding was when he served one year as secretary of the re publican county committee. ' c lTI in Fremont the politicians are having a warm round-up. ostensibly over an article that recently appeared in The Courier, but really because of the jHstotHce trouble. In order to set at rest the minds of the disputants It may be stated that Mr. Richards had no Intimation or knowledge that the article was to be published nor did any representative of the Courier dis cuss the subject with Mr. Richards. What It printed was well authenticat ed gossip in political circles, and the denial by Mr. Schneider of certain statements therein in no wise changes Its belief in the truthfulness of what was printed. Mr. Richards has re peatedly and to divers persons stated, as Mr. Hammond says, that Mr. Schneider has not kept faith with him. Whether this is true or not is a ques tion for those two gentlemen to settle, although as an Impartial observer The Courier Is compelled to state that there are others besides Mr. Richards who testify against Mr. Schneider In this dispute. It Is violating no confidence and not misstating history to write down that the senatorial fight bust winter was largely a tight of the railroad political managers. The most active men in the scramble, the men who came here early, opened up headquarters a n d stayed till the finish, were railroad repre sentatives, Burllng lington. Union Pa cific, and Elkhorn men. attorneys and others. A number of the men who sup ported Mr. Thomp son's candidacy were recognized and class ified as Burlington men. and all but three of the nine who were ranged against Thompson irrevocably were classified as Elkhorn or Union Pacific men. Certain it is that the backbone they displayed was largely furnished by the men representing those two roads here in Lincoln last win ter. It is no discredit to the legislators to list some of them as railroad men. By that term is not jdTtf fc-' ".JR. UUfc. -3"f jWJdfcJfF"'