The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, December 28, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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1 '.I
and Bookseller
WUriiMi'a tl. biATlUtUX 5
17 So. Eleventh Street. Phone 68
Invite you
to Call
and see our Cat Flowers and
Plant in our new location
iji South ijlk Street
We make a specialty of fur
nishing Floral Decorations for
Weddings, Parties and Recep
tions. A complete stock of
Plants and Cut Flowers on
Stackhous & Greer
Green Houses,
36th and QSta.
131 South 13th St
Library Books
South Platte Publishing Co.,
142 K. nth St., LINCOLN, NEB.
Cycle Photographs
Athletic Photographs
Photorraphs of Babies
Photographs of Groups ;
Exterior v lews
The Photographer
129 South Eleventh Street
LISTEN to those Steam Radia
tors kicking and hammering
until yonr room rings like a
boiler factory.
PHEW! Now hot, now cold,
with frequent emissions of
lovely (?) fames from the
Get a Gas Heater
they're the thing.
Yon can light them without
getting out of bed.
They'll take the chill off the
We sell them at cost.
Lincoln Gas
and Electric
12th and O Sts.
The Lincoln clubs are taking a va
cation this week. The next meeting
of the Woman's club, which will be on
January 6, will be in charge of the
French department, and may take the
form of a reception.
All club members will be interested
in the meeting of the Nebraska State
Teachers Association which will be
held in this city on January 1, 2 and 3.
In addition to the regular programs a
series of laboratory demonstrations
will be provided by the University on
Wednesday forenoon. AH meetings are
free to the public excepting the even
ing lectures at the auditorium, at
which admission will be by ticket.
Of especial interest to club members
will be the meeting of the Child Study
Association, to be held on Wednesday,
2 p. m., in the high school auditorium.
Following is the program:
1. The Physiological Changes in Ado
lescence, Dr. R. H. Wolcott, Lincoln.
2. The Psychic Changes in Adoles
cence, Dr. J. F. Stevens, Lincoln.
3. Conscience Cases, Anna Tibbets,
4. The Teacher's Work in Imparting
Right Knowledge of Generation and
Birth, Prof. W. R. Hart, Peru.
5. Is There Sufficient Difference in
the Methods in Elementary and Sec
ondary Education to Require a Differ
ence in the Preparation of the Teach
ers for the One Field or the Other?
Prof. G. W. A. Luckey, Lincoln.
General Discussion.
6. Election of officers.
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The kindergarten section will be par
ticularly interestingtto members of the
home department. This meeting will
be held on Thursday at 2 p. m., in
University hall. The program:
1. The Kindergarten from the Stand
point of the Mothers, Mrs. Geo. H.
Payne, Omaha.
2. The Kindergarten and Its Work
ings in the Primary' School, Miss Eva
Mixer, Fremont Normal School.
3. The Kindergarten as a Social
Factor In the Community, Prof. W. G.
Langworthy Taylor, State University,
Part II. The Modern Trend in Kin
dergarten Work. Six Minute Papers
or Talks.
1. What I Consider It to Be in Its Ef
fect Upon the Morning Circle, Miss
Ella Stonebreaker, Red Cloud.
2. How Does It Affect My Work
With the Gifts, and Is It Better? Miss
Ida Johnson, Lincoln, Neb.
3. What I Think of the Occupation
Work, Old and New, Miss Cora White,
Nebraska City.
4. My Present Attitude Towards the
Kindergarten Games, Mrs. OrIe"tta
Shields Chittenden, Supervisor Omaha
Public Kindergarten.
5. Is There a Real Difference in Pur
pose Between the Old and the New?
Helen M. Drake, Omaha.
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Members of the art department
should not 'all to hear the paper on
Friday afternoon entitled "By What
Means May the Knowledge and Appre
ciation of Art be Best Promoted in
Our Western Institutions?" This pa
per will be given by W. F. Dann, of
the State University, at 2 p. m., in
room 307, Physics hall.
The annual W. C. T. U. conference
will be held on Wednesday, at 2 p. m.,
in University hall. The following pro
gram will be given:
"The Responsibility of Parents,"
Mrs. M. D. Russell, Lincoln.
"Know Thyself," Anna Smith Bat
ten, Wymore.
"Temperance in Our Schools," Ida
K. Bosserman. Superior.
Election of officers.
On Wednesday afternoon the Ne
braska Chautauqua association will
meet In room 307, Physics hall. Univer
sity of Nebraska. Following is the pro
gram for the meeting:
"The Status of Chautauqua Work,"
Mrs. J. Warren Keifer, Lincoln.
"Italian Life," Dr. Ruth M. Wood,
"German Life," Professor Laurence
Fossler, Lincoln.
Election of officers.
A mjieting of more than usual inter
est will be held on Wednesday after
noon in Palladian hall. University of
Nebraska, when the Nebraska Library
association will hold its annual session.
The following program will be render
ed, beginning at 2 o'clock:
Progress In Nebraska for the year
President J. I. Wyer, Lincoln.
The Program of the State Library
Commission Miss Edna Bullock, sec
retary. Paper on some topic of general inter
est to small libraries.
The Question Box, conducted by Miss
Edith Tobitt, of the Omaha Public Li
brary. Election of officers.
Mrs. Belle M. Stoutenborough of
Plattsmouth, librarian of the State
Federation of Woman's Clubs, is ex
pected to be present at this meeting.
The Fairbury Woman's Club met
last week Tuesday at the home of Mrs.
Le Roy. The program was in charge
of Mrs. Leet, assisted by Mrs. Simpson,
Mrs. Letton, Mrs. Sarbach and Mrs.
Ed Allen. The club will hold their an
nual reception on New Year's day,
when all friends will be welcomed.
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A meeting of the executive board
and chairmen of standing committees
of the Nebraska federation will be held
on December 31, at 10:30 a. m., in the
parlors of the Lincoln hotel. The ob
ject of the meeting is to consider plans
for the year's work and the year book,
which will be Issued early in January.
The Fremont Woman's club has set
apart January 25 as visitors' day. Mrs.
Bushnell, of Lincoln, will address the
club on this occasion.
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Since the last state year book was
issued two years ago several new clubs
have been added to the Federation, and
in many of the others there has been
a change in the list of officers. We pub
lish this week the revised list of clubs.
Following are the names and addresses
of the Federation officers for the pres
ent year: President, Mrs. Draper
Smith, 624 Park avenue, Omaha; vice
president, Mrs. Winnie Durland, Nor
folk; recording secretary. Miss Man
nette McCarn, Fremont; corresponding
secretary, Mrs. C. S. Lobinger, 516
North Twenty-third street, Omaha;
auditor, Mrs. H. M. Bushnell, Lincoln;
librarian, Mrs. Belle M. Stoutenbor
ough, Plattsmouth. It is expected that
the new year book will be issued some
time in January. Following is the re
vised list of clubs and club presidents:
Rubaiyat, Neligh, Mrs. L. M. Wolfe.
Woman's, Norfolk, Mrs. E. A. Bullock.
Woman's, North Bend, Mrs. Jennie Mc
Vlcer. Woman's, Omaha, Mrs. Ida V. Tilden.
Mu Sigma, Omaha, Mrs. A. L. Patrick.
Woman's, Dundee Place, Omaha, Mrs
Edwin V. Heaford.
Ceramic, Omaha, Mrs. J. C. Comfort.
North Omaha Woman's Club, Omaha,
Mrs. Ophelia Clenlans.
Woman's, Ord, Mrs. G. H. Milford .
Woman's, Osceola, Mrs. E. L. King.
Beethoven, Pawnee City, Mrs. J. T.
Pawnee City. Mrs. H. A. Kingsbury.
XX Century, Pawnee City, Miss- An
toinette Latson.
Woman's, Plalnvlew, Mrs. Nellie Vest.
Tuesday afternoon. Pawnee City, Mrs
O. H. Schenck.
Woman's, Plattsmouth, Mrs. Elizabeth
Research, Stella, Mrs. A. R. McJ!J-
Woman's, Schuyler, Mrs. Esther Ros. .
L. R. C, Scotia, Mrs. May Wright
Fin de Siecle, Seward, Miss Alice Sex
ton. Woman's, Seward, Mrs. Theresa M
History and Art, Seward, Mrs. Eliza
beth Langworthy.
Wild Rose. Seward, Miss Ethel Norval
L. L. C, Sutton, Mrs. Phar Soderburg
XX Century, Shelton, Mrs. Louis
Phllomathian, Shickley, Mrs. Pearl II
Sorosis, Stanton, Mrs. Cardella I.. Per
son. Fortnightly, Stanton, Miss Gertrude
Frances Ford, Stromsburg. Mrs. X S
Woman's, Stromsburg, Mrs. J. L. John
son. Literary and Social, St. Paul, Mrs. J
C. Fleming.
Literary, Sutton, The President.
Woman's, Syracuse. Mrs. Sue E. Schnei
der. Mental Culture, Talmage, Mrs. Cory
don Rood.
Cosy, Tecumseh, Mrs. Kate M. True.
Friends in Council, Tecumseh, Mrs.
Laura A. Tracy.
Acme, Tecumseh, Mrs. Lydia Irvin.
Sorosis, Tecumseh, Mrs. C. B. Scott.
City Federation, Tecumseh, Mrs. Jessie
E. Pollock.
Woman's, Tekamah, Mrs. C. W. Conk
ling. Sorosis, University Place. Mrs. C. J.
Woman's, University Place, Mrs. Marie
G. Fordyce.
Woman's, Wakefield, Mrs. R. D. Aller.
Acme, Wayne, Mrs. M. L. Williams.
Monday, Wayne, Mrs. J. H. Kate.
Minerva, Wayne, Mrs. F. W. Burdick
Zetetic, Weeping Water, Mrs. L. Wood
ford. Fin de Siecle, Wymore, Mrs. Elizabeth
C. Pirie.
Fortnightly, Wymore, Mrs. Bettie Rey
nolds. History and Art, Albion, Mrs. Grace V
Woman's, Ashland. Mrs. Von Mansfield.
Mental Culture, Auburn, Mrs. Elizabeth
Woman's, Auburn. Mrs. Carrie Stowell.
XIX Century. Aurora, Mrs. Julia Hai
ner. Woman's Culture, Aurora, Mrs. Lou
Woman's, Beatrice, Mrs. E. G. Drake.
Woman's. Blair. Mrs. M. L. Selleck.
Utile Dulci, Bloomfield, Helen M. Jen
nings. Alpha, C. L. S. C, Central City. Mrs.
Woman's, Central City, Phoebe An
thony. Sorosis. Central City. Mrs. J. H. Nash.
Woman's, Columbus, Mrs. Elizabeth
Cook, Columbus, Mrs. Alma L. Baine.
Columbian. Crete, Mrs. Gonzales.
Mutual Improvements, Crete, Mrs. II.
Round Table, Crete, Mrs. Cooper.
Social and Liberty, Crete, Mrs. A. A.
Sorosis, Crete, Mrs. A. W. Mason.
Ingleside. David City. Mrs. A. J. Evans.
XX Century, Elba, Mrs. Francis A.
Woman's, Exeter. Mrs. Lillian Nevins.
Woman's, Falls City, Mrs. A. Graham.
Sorosis, Falls City, Mrs. E. H. Towle.
Friends in Council, Falls City. Miss
Grace Taylor.
Woman's, Fairbury. Mrs. G. M. Mc
Dowell. Athena, Franklin. Mrs. F. D. Miller.
Woman's, Fremont, Mrs. L. W. Rich
ards. Mary Barnes, Fullerton, Mrs. Anna
Woman's. Gering. Mrs. Anna Ripley.
Woman's, Genoa, Mrs. E. L. Burke.
K. K., Greeley, Mrs. Phoebe Morgan.
Benefil. Greeley. Mrs. J. R. Swain.
Research and Progress. Mumboldt. Mrs.
A. A. Hughes.
XIX Century. Kearney. Mrs. Rebecca
Sorosis, Lincoln, Mrs. W. E. Burlingim.
Sorosis, Jr., Lincoln, Miss May Whiting.
Unity. Lincoln, Miss Ella Long.
Fortnightly, Lincoln, Mrs. A. W. Field.
Lotus, Lincoln, Mrs. C. H. Gere.
Society of the Hall In the Grove. Lin
coln, Mrs. F. N. Gibson, (Dr.)
Unity. Loup City. Mrs. T. L. Pllger.
Woman's, Louisville, Mrs. G. W. Fra
ter. Woman's, Madison, Mrs. H. E. Crum.
Woman's, Minden, Mrs. Harriet Wim
mer. Woman's, Milford, Mrs. Emma France.
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