' B-H pB u'" H T 11 E COURIER 'I U i fc r t Gregory The Co.I Man. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton It. Ioe went to Chicago Saturday. Miss Gertrude Morris will spend the holidays In Franklin. Indiana. Miss Heed of Hampton, Iowa, Is the guest of Miss Alvaline Clarke. Miss lihinch Garten has returned front an extended eastern trip. f Delta Gamma gave an informal party Saturday evening at the chapter house. it Miss Helen Harwood has returned from an extended visit In Chicago and In Michigan. Mrs. Rosa Funke will spend Christ mas In Denver with her daughter, Mrs. Kdward K. Harris. Phi Kappa Psi entertained the en gineering society of the state univer sity Saturday evening. Miss Florence Hichardson is home from Lawrence. Kansas, where she Is attending the university. Mrs. Maurice Deutsch of Horton, Kansas, was the guest this week of her sister. Mrs. A. U. Mitchell. Mrs. W. E. Hartley entertained at cards Friday evening in honor of Miss Clarke and her guest. Miss Beed. a Professor and Mrs. G. E. Barber entertained Mrs. Frederick Hugh Cole, of Omaha, the first of the week. Mr. Fogg, instructor in debating at the university was "at home" to stu dents last evening at 1644 L street. a- Miss Carpenter of Omaha was the guest of Miss Dumont over Sunday, returning to her home on Tuesday. Mr. Edward A. Bessey of Pittstield. Mass.. will spend the holidays with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Bessey. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Phelps, of Oregon, Illinois, are spending the holi days with their sister Mrs. O. M. Stonebraker. Miss Dorrance Harwood and Miss Uuth Prentiss will return today from Lake Forrest, 111., where they are stu dents at Ferry Hall. Mrs. F. M. Hall and Miss "Watkins will give a luncheon Monday at one o'clock. Invitations have been issued to tlfty young ladles. Mrs. L. A. Stuart has for her guests during the holiday season the Misses Stuart, of Kent, Connecticut, and Mr. and Mrs. H. AV. Sumption of Sheridan. Wyoming. Saturday evening at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt. Judge and Mrs. E. M. Coflln. Miss Alma Weare and Mr. Algol Nordstrom were married by Keverend Doctor F. L. "Wharton. Only relatives were present to witness tfhe ceremony. The T. G. T's have accepted two as sociate members to whom they have given the cognomens of "Affe" and "Gi." Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Hatrix, .itss Celia Harris and Master Clark Harris will spend Christmas with Mrs. S.n-,,1, F. Harris. "A Budget of Letters BY RUTH M. WOOD Is a new book just out. It contains an account of the I Doctor's travels through this and European countries; is interesting and instructive, and is something a friend would prize very highly as a gift. It is a budget of letters to a friend, just as the title suggests, and is fascinating on account of this personal quality, as well as for the informa tion it conveys. For sale at Lincoln stores. Lincoln Transfer Co. ) S' )f If you Want First Class Service Call on Us . ' WE DO WE SELL WE CARRY ' Tiann find TTiir- oil TTnf1c nf ftnn IStiA aFPio . aauu wuu - u fjAWULtf w uui, IIIIL v1 V-l I I niture Moving Coal riages & Buggies OFFICE, TENTH AND Q STS. PHONE 176. IVE CLAIM For our work that it is honest work It might cot you a trifle more, but results are greater. AH the supplies that go into the different processes are the Inst that money and gmxl judgment can procure. HAVE UTS A AC DO e u, y jTli o THE YOUR WASHING &? Christmas . . . WOULD BE A GOOD TIME TO PRESENT ANYONE WITH A PAIR OF PARTY SHOES OR SLIPPERS. YOU CAN GET THE COR RECT STYLES AT GETTINO READY FOB THE PARTY. PERKINS & SHELDON CO.'S 1129 O STREET Corded IVool Cloths with Side Bands S ... are the very I x test and most stylish of all the many beautiful fabrics sold this season for women's waists. Among the colors are navy, cardinal, army blue, lescda, royal, light blue, pink, old rose, tan, gray, garnet, and black, with white side bands, also cream, with black side bands. Width, 2 j inches. Quitily excellent. Styles confined to our store or Lincoln. Price, 75 cents a yard. Miller & Paine. M I