THE COUIli j: It A Saturday evening at her home. 'KMO street. Miss Estelle Cornelius en- rtained friends with music, sanies, nl a phonograph. Prizes in guessing ,., lines were won hy Misses Coin and ilarquardt. Messieurs Crawford and Hartley. A luncheon was served in our courses.. Those present were: .disses Susie Huffman. Anna Dawe. i.oi'ise Speidell, Alice Tubnrtn. Blanche Hartley, Florence Hrgue, Belva Lee, Eva Barras, Grace Horsh. Fay Bridges. Viola. Martin. Blanche Coin. Maud Hanger, Selmu Mariiuardt. Constance Sell, Kileen Winslcw, Marguerite Cor nelius; Mrs. Florence Winslow, Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Cornelius: Messieurs Everett White. I toy White. George .Speidell, Harve Tubman, Will Craw ford. Earl Austin, Ernest- Kiuimer, Oeorge Wolfe, George Sequin, Gordon Lintt, Harry Simmons. Jack Hartley. Robert Basler, Charles Cornelius, Frank Smith. - .? j r? f? ?? Thirty-six friends were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hall at a seven course dinner last night. The guests were seated at six small tables, each of which had an original floral decor ation. On one table appeared a basket of hyacinths, with a spray of the same llower at each plate: on .the other tables were red roses, pink roses, pink carnations, holly and mistletoe. Fol- Tlie lirst state dinner of the season was given on Wednesday evening by Governor and Mrs. Savage to the state olliceis and their wives. The table ami dining room were elaborately decorat ed in the Christinas colors, red and green, and these colors also appeared in the ices and confectionery. During the eight courses the guests were en tertained .! stories and reminis cences. Those invited were Lieuten ant Governor and Mrs. Steele of Fair bury. Secretary of State anil Mrs. Marsh. Attorney General and Mrs. Prout, Auditor and Mrs. Weston. Iand Commissioner and Mrs. Polluter, State Superintendent and Mrs. Fowler. State Treasurer and Mrs. Stuefer and Miss Meyer. ,? ., ., " - ir Governor and Mrs. Savage gave a dinner Wednesday evening at the ex ecutive mansion to the state otlicers and their wives. The warm reds and greens with which the dining room was decorated contrasted strikingly with the snowy mantle in which the outside world was wrapped. On the table was a centerpiece of holly from which ex tended broad red ribbons terminating in bows at the corners. lied candles burning in silver candelabra illumined the room and the color scheme was carried out as far as possible in the dames I.nsch. Morse. Deck. Kvuns. Keim. Gentzler, Hess. Harlan. Hood. 1'ierce. Clark. Kaufmanii, Sherdeuiati and Miss Malotte. J' -v - Mr. and Mrs. J. G. 1'. Hlldebrand in vited a company of young people to their home Saturday evening as a sur prise to their son, Mr. Ilalph Eugene Hildebraud, to celebrate his sixteenth birthday. Following were present. Misses Frankle Little, Georgia Itymer, Florence Siddons, .Maggie Whitley, Bessie Little, Grace Hester. Daisy. "Wil son. Bertha McCall. Messieurs Joe Watson. Clay Hester, Geo. Prltchard. Lester Kirkpatrick. Bart Hester, Clar ence Tebbetts, Harry Kirkpatrick, Bern Itymer, Guy Brown, Bobt. "Whit ley. -' .- ,," .- ic The Deborah Avery chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution were entertained by the Omaha chap ter at a banquet on Thursday evening. The occasion was the celebration of "Forefathers" Day." The "Sons of the American Revolution" of Nebraska also were guests at the banquet. - j ,E" tC rt" In spite of the intense cold the home of Mrs. Austin H. Weir at MS North Sixteenth street has been the scene of three brilliant social gatherings this week. On Thursday afternoon sixty ID HOME FOR THE FRIENDLESS. ELEVENTH AND SOCTH STREETS (See Page lowing the dinner the guests' etitet taiinnent was furnished by beautiful stereopticon views of tlte Paris expo sition. Those present were Mr. and .Mrs. G. M. Lambertson. S. II. Burn- '. ham, C. II. Gere. J. B. Wright. W. B. Wilson. W. C. Wilson. C. E. Vates, A. K. Hargreaves, A. S. Raymond. J. II. MiMurtry. E. E. Brown. It. E. Moore. F- L. Wharton. W. J. Iimb. T. M. Hodgman, Dr. Lowry. Prof, and Mrs. ' E. Bessey, Mr. Edward Bessey and -Mr and Mrs. Hall. -V -2 riT f " Miss A. Jessie Chapel, a teacher in 'he Bryant school entertained her pu P:is Saturday evening at her home. SOO North Fourteenth street. Music and Sanies were enjoyed. The hostess was ass-ted in serving by Miss Edythe He.vs and Miss Helen Guff. Those in vfud were Misses Neva Anglevin. Nel lie Jackson, Nellie MacFarlane. Ottie Voderbrg, Callie Bunline. Frances O'Malley, Florence Wilcox. Olive Bee-,n-ri. Georgia Capp. Olive Stickles. Winnie Marx, Fara Martin. Floy Match. Beth Bonnell; Messieurs Clyde London. Chere Hubbard. Carl "Walter. Harry Benson, Howard Thompson. Will Schaal, Jarvie Dennis. Ben. But ler. Itay Arnet, Edward Heagy, Gra ham Dolson, Harold Baker. Hornce St'Jinour, Paul Smith and Hailie Cole. menu. Coeis were laid for sixteen, the only out of town guests being Lieutenant-Governor and Mrs. Steele front Pairbury. . f j An enjoyable Christmas party was given at tlte Delta Gamma house last Saturday evening. About twenty-live active and alumnae members were prtsettt. and great amusement was fur nished by a Christmas tish-poiid. which was arranged behind a screen over which each young lady lislted for her present. Numerous contributions of candy and fruit were received from the young men's fraternities in the city. James W. Reynolds, who was nomi nated Thursday for secretary of the territory of New .Mexico, is well known in Lincoln. Mrs. Reynolds was Miss Brownie Bauin, daughter of David Baum of this city. ic " ' Members of the W. T. M. club were eittert lined at a kensington on Thurs day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Al Hood. I0.'2 North 2Mb street. At the roll call each lady responded to her "name with a quotation, and three poems were recit-d by the members. V two course luncheon was served by Mrs Hood, assisted by Miss Malonc. from a table laid with handsome Bat tenburg Those present we.e Mes- ladies were the guests of Mrs. Wei and Mrs. Waugh at a kensington. Fif ty others were entertained on Thursday evening and about the same number on Friday evening. On both occasions an elaborate luncheon of four courses was served. The house was handsome ly decorated with festoons of Christ mas green, holly and cut (lowers. On Tuesday afternoon eighteen chil dren were entertained by Mrs. Paul Holm in honor of the seventh birthday anniversary of her little daughter. Marie. At half after four the party was seated at a table lighted with candles, front which a dainty supper was served by Mrs. Holm, assisted by Mrs. Teeters. A grab bag containing a souvenir for each guest was an en joyable feature of the afternoon, (lames also were played under the lead ership of Miss Eleanor Barbour. ? j' - ,c T '.- Sigma Alpha Epsilon entertained itl fnrmally at dancing Wednesday even ing at the home of Fred Funke. Tlte house was prettily decorated with ev ergreens and roses. Ices were served during the evening. The ladies present were Misses Jenkins, Funke, Ham mond, Fawell, Woods, Holland. Bessie Burruss, Lois Burruss. Thorpe. Con nard. Woodward, Griggs, McGluke and Baldo. i-he Franklin Ice Cream and Dairy Co. Manufacturer of the Unfit quality of Plain anil Fancy ICE CREAM. ICES. FROZEN PUDDINGS. FKAPt'E. and SHERRETS. Prompt delivery and satisfaction guaranteed. 133 South 12th Street. Phone 205. rFfclR G9ATS POP J F8R CAPES rfem FUR CebLARETTES -FURS OF ALL KINDS GOTO O. STEELE .. Furrier.. 113 SO. TWELFTH STREET LINCOLN. NEK. WHEN YOU ASK FOR 1 Allegretti Candy ; tli- natural ".apposition is that you want jiint what you call for. The only place in Lincoln where you cm Imv the original ALLEGKETTI CHOCOLATE CREAMS is Rector's Pharmacy 12th and A Phone 138 Package Delivered anywhere in the City Kappa Kappa Gamma initiated two new members. Miss May Jeary of Lin coln and Miss Helen Field of Iowa, Monday evening at the home of the Misses Bennett. After the ceremony a supper was served. Both active and alumnae members were present. . ,. tC C rC Miss Anne Stuart returned on Tuts- day from a visit of several weeks in Kansas City and St. Joseph, Missouii. Early in January Miss Stuart exjects to go to Chicago to continue her studies in music with Madame Bloomtiuld- Zeisler. - - ,r v c Miss Adda Metcalf entertained the C. I.. S. C. club last Friday evening. Prizes at cards were won by Miss Clara Duncan and Mr. Charles Zim merman. A luncheon was served by Mrs. A. E. Metcalf and Mrs. Burr Metcalf. - - " iT " Mr. P. M. Hall entertained the Round Table Monday evening. Twerjty members were present. Mr. E. T. Hartley was the leader, the subject. "Do We Lead the Nations in Provid ing for the Welfare of the Masses?" - .i j r Tf ro- Mrs. Thomas Marsland gave a lunch eon Friday, the thirteenth, in honor of Mrs. Livingston of Plattsmouth. Guests were Mesdames Livingston. Pirie. Cal der, M. Scott. Walters of Bushnell, Illi nois, Pickett. Guthrie and Brown. -? - tf 'T rf Kappa Kappa Gamma initiated two new members on Monday evening at the home of Misses Grace and Mabel Bennett. The new members are Miss Field and Miss Jeary. Luncheon fol lowed the initiation ceremony. r r . The Patriarchs will give a reception next Wednesday evening. December 2S. to the Nebraska Art association. This reception will be held In the University library. Members and friends of the Art association are invited, i -. S7 ,C" rC Librarian Wyer of the state univer sity will spend the holidays in Con- ordta Kansas i