The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, December 21, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Christmas is almost here, (please ilo
not spell It "Xmiis"). and for once so
ciety folk have begrudged the time
spent at afternoon functions this week.
Fortunately the afternoon affairs were
kenslnRtons ami the fancy work ac
companied the guests and the fingers
Hew as nimbly as did the tongues, and
that is saying much as any one who
has attended a kensington will testify.
.Miss Alvallne Clark's debut party was
an Interesting event Inasmuch as it
launched upon the Lincoln social sea
an attractive young lady destined to
liopularlty. The parties given by Mrs.
Dunn and Mrs. Kincaide were very
successful. Tne Weir-Wnugh parties
were especially appreciated because
the card parties were given in the eve
ning when the men could participate in
the pleasure. The opening of the ex
hibition of the Nebraska Art associa
tion with a reception Thursday evening
will be of general interest next week
and all lovers of art should be present.
4t -"; -51
f tC rV
One of the most delightful dancing
parties of the season was given in
Walsh hall on Tuesday evening by
Mr. and Mrs. .George II. Clarke for
their daughter. Miss Alvaline. The
ball room decorations were in green
and red. In place of the customary
palms the musicians were stationed be
hind tall evergreen trees. In front of
this evergreen screen was the punch
table, shaded by an immense bunch of
American beauty roses. In the dining
room the color scheme was white and
green. In the centre of the table was
ly gowned in white. Both young
ladles carried flowers. The dancing
was in charge of Mr. Will Greene. Mrs.
Clarke was assisted in receiving by
Mrs. Greene. Mrs. E. P. Ewing. Mrs.
J. C. Seacrest, Mrs. Yates, Mrs. Rec
tor and Mrs. G. W. Fawell.
"S- rtr r
Mrs. Lee J. Dunn and Mrs. Chailes
M. Kincaide gave a series of delightful
parties this week at the home of the
former, 26i.r. Garfield street. The fiist
was a kensington given Tuesday af
ternoon. The house was prettily dec
ora ted. Ropes of evergreen were fes
tooned in the wide doorways and bou
quets of carnations were advantageous
ly placed. Pictures of twenty of the
guests taken years ago were exhibited
and the ladies were asked to name
them. After these had been examined
and laughed over Miss Bessie Burruss
sang two attractive songs and Miss
Burruss played a dashing selection on
the piano forte. A delicious luncheon
was served on daintily appointed small
tables. Before the repast a bunch of
carnations, red. white and pink was
passed and each lady chose her favor
ite .color, matching with those on the
table the guests found their places.
Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Kincaide were as
sisted by Mrs. J. C. Harpham, Mrs.
J. H. Auld and Misses Enslow, Prescott,
Burruss. Bessie Burruss, Hazel Claw
son and Xeta Dunn. Invitations were
extended to Mesdames E. S. Penny,
Charles Sharp. H. T. Folsom, J. W.
Winger. W. H. McCreery, F. M.
Spaulding. R T Van Brunt, C. W.
MISS A Li VALINE CLARKE. Daughter of Mr and Mrs. G. H Clarke.
u large mirror surrounded by smilax.
on which was placed a beautiful
basket ornamented with a large bow
of white ribbon and filled with regal
white chrysanthemums. Mrs. Wright
and Mrs. W. C. Wilson, both of whom
wore white gowns, served coffee and
Ices, while Mrs. Clarke served cake
from the same table. Her gown was
of grey, with black velvet and white
lace trimmings. Miss Clarke wore an
ideal debutante's gown, n dainty cre
ation of white lace, Insertion and
tucked muslin over white Fllk. Her
Sliest, Miss Deed, also was handsome-
Grillith. M. J. Waugh, J. S. Finch, H.
B. Grainger. John Klinker. W. H. Gear
hart. Frank Lucore. O. C. Link, C. 1.
Jones. Munger, Reager, Sears, J. II.
Auld. F. E. Campbell. R. E. Moore.
A. R. Talbot. A. O. Faulkner. T. M.
Hodgman. W. A. Poynter. H. B. Ward.
E. C. Rewick. H. H. Harley, C. F. Mi
Grew, Ell Plummer. McKlnnon, C. W.
Chambers. J. M. Mayhew. E. P. Sav
age. A. L Candy. I. G. Chapln. F. P.
Lawrence. A. D. Wilkinson. Clara
Mansfield, Hayden Meyer, L. W. Gnr
outtc. M. W Folsom. Agnew, C. T.
N-al. E. P Hovey, Clarkson. T. C.
Harpham, Howell, L. La'ender, J. G.
Burruss, T. B. Clawson, Enslow, C. S.
Jones, R. W. Finarty. L. N. Wente.
- -h 4t
rC rC IT
Mrs. Lee J. Dunn and Mrs. Charles
M. Kincaide gave a second kensington
Wednesday afternoon. The decora
tions and arrangements in every way
were similar to those of Tuesday. In
vited guests were Misses Butler, Irwin,
J. Green; Mesdames A. W. Lyman, J.
H. Mockett, Johnston, Edward W.
Thomas, Henry Sanderson, H. A. Bab
cock, Nelson, E. R. Mockett, Manrld.
Vocal "The Spirit of Spring," Miss
Katharyn Agnew.
Piano "Italian Romance,"
Frank Maddux.
Vocal "Japanese Love Song,"
Ralph E. Johnson.
Cornet Selected, Mr. Kenworthy
Dainty refreshments were si .
after the program.
Those present were: Mesdames .
Ross Hill, Ralph E. Johnson, Fnmi.
Maddux, C. H. Searle; Misses Mali.
Klock, Lulu Roth, McClay, HarriHf
McClay, Lulu Long. Frances Marsh i, i.
W f I
MISS GAIL BEED, of Hampton, Iowa, (Miss Clarke's Guest)
C. E. Bardwell, W. H. Christy, J. I!
Coningham, M. E. Van Brunt, F. H.
Stephens, C. S. Allen, Benjaman, San
derson, McNabb, R. Stephenson. Mitch
ell, J. J. Davis, E. E. Bennet, J. M.j
McVicker, J. B. Meyer, H. J. Hall, 0.(
W. Webster, Pegler. Russell. O. I. Ax-'
tell, E. C. Babcock, Paul Clark. Claude.
Linn. W. J. Hill, Rowlands. HinJman,'
Miller, Hunter, Elmendorf, Loomis, J.
G. Kincaide, T. H. Francis. E. Jenkins,
C. E. Sanderson, Barr, Lowry, Hol
comb, Enslow, Burruss. Jones, Clauson,
Dickman, Finarty.
Mr. and Mrs. Dunn and Mr. and
Mrs. Kincaide gave the last of their
series of parties Wednesday night,
when they entertained a company of
old friends and neighbors. Guessing
games and music were the pleasures
offered, and a luncheon was served.
Guests were Mesdames Enslow. Lav
ender, Zimmerman. Dimmick, Misses
Bushard, Madge Hill, Lois Burruss,
Bessie Burruss. Reynolds, Blanch En
slow, Temple Enslow, Maude Ewing;
Messieurs Ewing. Loss Jenkins, Earl
"Brlgham; Messieurs and Mesdames
Reynolds, C. S. Jones, A. L. Bixby, J.
H. Auld, E. M. Lynn, J. G. Kincaide,
C. G. McGrew, Bethune, Reynolds, T.
B. Clawson, Edgar Jenkins, George
Danforth, Fuller. Crcker, Grlllin, F.
Dunn. Flshwood. Rowcliff, Hill, J. G.
Burruss. T. II. Francis, Foyer.
.. jt
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Satuiday evening at the home of Mr.
anil Mrs. C. H. Searle. Twenty-seventh
and N stieets, the Christian Endeavor
soiiety of the Second Presbyterian
church, gave a very successful musi
cale. The following program was pre
sented: riano "Thine Own," Miss Bowlby.
Duet "Trust Her Not." Lucile Long
and Helen Easterday.
Vocal 'Queen of the Night." Miss
Elma Lord Marsland.
Reading- "The Facial Family," Mrs.
Theo. J. Hewitt.
Elma Marslar.'l. Edmonds, Bessie K-i
wards, Auman, Anette, Martin Mil
mine, Kathryn Agnew, Guile. M.iM
and Minnie Guile, Clark. Dobbs Lulu
Dobbs, Mary Benedict. Cunningh.i"
Haggard; Messieurs C. H. Searle U".i
Searle, Albert Searle, Maurice !!-! -diet,
Gilmore, -McDonald. Earl IMti
Clark Roth, Clark Bell, Paul IM1
Gray, Thomas Appleget, Robmr
Thi-or J. Hewitt. Scott. Schmutz. ''
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Garoutte g'
card party, the fourth and last
series of entertainments. Saturda
ning. Christmas greens and red '"
tions were used in decorating. A luti h
eon was served after the games b h
hostess assisted by Mrs. II M '
beer. Mrs. H. H. Harley. Misses K
and Wilma Casebeer and Gladys !
routte. Guests were Messu-in- .uA
Mesdames E. E. Spencer R
LeGore T. J. Csher, J. L. Kell-i-C.
C. Quiggle. W. J. Turner. Geoi,.
Hibner. E. C. Rewick. C. J. 5-' "'
zel. A. S. Tibbetts. S. M M. "
r. D. Traphagen. C. II. Warner. I' -1
H. Holm. O. M. Stonebraker. '
Robbins, A. D. Wilkinson. C. F. H l'
ham. M. W. Folsom. H. B. Ward '
Aitken, C. E. Widener. Joseph "' ''
ger. L. P. Sine. Hays. R. T. Van B '
Willard Kimball. Klinker. Fi '
Woods, F. W. Hill. II. J. Winnet'
M. Collin, E. P. Savage, Tyler. .1 P
Hutchins, R. M. Turner.
The university pedagogical club
Thursday evening. State Superint- I
ent Fowler spoke on personal ch.i'
teristics that influence the emplo '
and success of teachers.
. ?
C ft" i"
Mrs. J. W. Winger was cull" '"
Muncie, Indiana, on Wednesda lv
the death or her mother. Mrs. F xT
True of Tecumseh will siend th" I'
days with her father, Mr. J