THE COURIER I ha a right to buy transportation at the cheapest rate. Democracy and not an.rchy will finally dethrone all inoii arns. But before that time comes democracy will have raised the price of . ages so that a sailor's services will cost an employer just as much whether ht ships him in Portugal or in Japan or in America. The subsidy system is .1 backward step, an endorsement of off of the most objectionable features of a monarchy, namely the elevation and enrichment of the few at the ex pnse of the many. It is Senator Han n;i's pet scheme and the man is a true patriot. He believes that a ship sub sidy would develop an American mer chant marine that would compete with the world and beat the Meets of the world. Very likely, but if the business will not pay of itself it is inexpedient to charge the losses to America. The Turquoise Cup Magazine stories are disappointing, in spite of their brilliant illustrations by illustrators, whose work is far more Expressive and charming than that of the hundreds of magazine story-tellers. Enclosed between gorgeous covers by Maxfield rarrish, Edward Penfleld, or Howard Chandler Christy, the Christ mas numbers of the magazines are a most attractive and promising charac teristic of the holiday season. In jeweled colors, they Mash more bright ly than window displays of rubies, emeralds, and opals. Drawn with a tine discrimination and colored by artists, the covers attract more eyes than the jewels, though the artist works only with ink and the jeweler's window-dresser decorates with the most expensive of colors. Maxfield Parrish in particular suggests the leg endary good cheer of Christmas. The blues, greens and gold-browns of his cover to Scribner's for the month of December has doubtless sold many hundred copies of the magazine. There are not many magazine writers whose stories please and satisfy like the pic tures and arrangements of color and form accomplished by Maxfield Par rish. The stories are like three meals a day; we should miss them and re gret them, but while we are in ac cordance with lifelong habit, eating breakfast, luncheon and dinner, we are not especially delighted, thankful or stimulated. After reading the maga zine stories, enthusiasm engendered by the cover and Illustrations vanishes, leaving sometimes a regret for squan dered moments. Hut one story in Scribner's is very much worth while and leaves a pleasant fragrance of ro mance, of beautiful woman and her eu ig-weibliche charm. The Turquoise Cup, by Arthur Coss letj. Smith, is the story of a cardinal as gentle and altogether lovable as lie of the Snuff-box. He looks like Nn polean and knows men and women as The Little Corporal knew them, but added to his penetration and great generalship there is charity and the beneficent life of a true apostle. A sublimated Napoleon, unselfish, tender, emotional, is this cardinal archbishop. Seventy-six years old, his character has the grateful bouquet of true piety. 'Story-writers have of late taken the cardinal type for portraiture. The Italian cardinal seems to have all the graces. He has the literary knack of irresistible expression, the simplicity and kindness of true greatness and so many other charms that enumera tion lags. But a Christian Napoleon is the key to this cardinal, and his char acter may be built up by one imagin ation as easily as by another. To be sure these churchmen of Italy are far across the water, and it is very un certain if any of us will ever see one. and if we should we could not, in all Probability, gain the intimate view that the story affords. Cardinals are sure to be haughty to Protestant Americans, and however "prominent" an American may be in his own vil lage, he is microbe size In Rome or Venice. Therefore these fascinating cardinals are not so threatening to Protestantism on this side as they might be if their dear wise Eminences were not divided from us by a deep and very salt ocean. There are love stories and love stories. Those which present the wo man so that we see her with the lover's eyes and the man so that we see him with the woman's eyes have accom plished what Maxfield Parrish seems to do so easily, namely, transferred momentarily to us his own superex cellent gift of seeing. Nora Daly is .1 lovely young Irish woman and her lover is a wholesome tall young Saxon whom we love as his lady loves him. -it -'-t -5i S fV Isthmian Canal In lfcSO, when De Lesseps began the excavations for the ship canal across the Isthmus of Panama, the world ex pected that within fifteen years trans oceanic ships would be making their way from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean just as ships were making their way from the Mediterranean sea into the Ked sea. De Lesseps, who cut the Suez canal and collected the money for the cut, was at the head of the American project and there was good reason for believing that the canal in the New World would also be success ful. The idea is old enough. The earliest known surveys in Panama were made under the authority of an order issued by Charles V. to Cortez in 1531. The Xicaraguan route was suggested as early as 1551. Great Brit ain, under the inlluence of William Pitt. King William I of Holland. Louis Phillippe of France, Napoleon Bona parte and Commodore Vanderbilt of America, have severally tried to build or organize a project for building an Isthmian canal. Poor De Lesseps spent on the Pana ma canal and in bribing influential newspapers to help him get money for the great cut more than $3:S.000.000. When he began work he promised that the canal would be finished in ISSit and would cost only $120.000,000. Eight years after the first spadeful of earth was dug out of the right of way De Lesseps announced that the company was bankrupt and hundreds of French peo ple, who. intluenced by his Suez suc cess had invested their money in the scheme, loft all they ha 1. In 1VJ3, after a long trial, De Lesseps and his son Charles were sentenced to five years of imprisonment and to pay a fine of 3,000 francs. The sentence was never enforced against the father and the son's sentence was set aside on tech nical grounds, after he had spent a few months in prison. In considera tion of his past services the Suez canal company made him an allowance which kept him from want. In the last years of his life there was none so poor as to do him honor. Though there is no evi dence that he was not first of all interested in the canal and believed from the first that he would dig through from Colon on the Caribbean sea to Panama on the Pacific ocean. That is, he went into the scheme with a pure motive and not as a stock job ber to make money merely. The tinal failure and the company broke his heart. The Panama route is freer from the dangers of seismic distrubances. The deepest cuts have been made, innu merable lives have been sacrificed to accomplish the work and more than $358,000,000 have been spent to accom plish this idea which began 10 stir in men's minds as soon as the first map of North and Soutli America was pro mulgated. Is it not a pity to take any other route than the shortest and safest across the Isthmus, to let the labor of the thousands of fever stricken men who labored in the great ditch go for naught? The commis sioners who have been sent by the Tinted States government from time to time to investigate the relative mer its of the Panama and Xicaraguan routes have reported in favor of the former as safer from earthquakes, not needing so many locks, hence cheaper, as shorter and on account of the work alreadv done, requiring a much shorter time to complete. But the French company which owns the abandoned ite holds the right of way and the excavations already made at a higher price than the sum for which a canal may be built on the Nicaraguan route. Fn.'le Sam is ready to pay the French man that price and no more. What has been spent on the Panama canal has been spent It Is gone and the share-holders will never get their money back. Nevertheless there are millions of North and South Americans as well as Frenchmen who strenuously "hope that the Panama route will be selected and the work of the enthu siastic, misguided IV Lesseps om- pleted. . . ,k- a- - Modjeska With the exception of Hlchnrd Mansfield and Joseph Jetterson. Madame Modjeska Is the last of the eminent group of American actors who have made the last quarter of the twentieth century a distinguished pe riod in the annals of the stage. Al though Madame Modjeska is not an American, she chose to play here, her company is invariably American and unquestionably her biography is a part or the history of the stage of America. When Time shall have claimed her and Joseph Jetterson. only the youngest 01 the group, Uichard Mansfield, will re main. Mr. Mansfield's dramatic career began as least twenty-five years ago. and although it is happily in the dis tant future before he will be classed among tne old men, he is perhaps fifty years young. .Mrs. Fiske and Blanche Walsh have shown evidences of genius, but except for these two the period of eminent American tragedians seems to be drawing to a close. The period whose beginning was illumin ated by Charlotte Cushman and its fullest expression in the genius of Ed win Booth is expiring. Among the fa mous comedians of the American stage theie are Hopper, Wilson. Uussell, Tim Murphy, and Frank Daniels. Con stant additions are made to this latter group from the crowd which ever closely presses up from the back of the stage. To take the place of Booth. Barrett, Jefferson, Modjeska, there are Mrs. Fiske, Maude Adams and Blanche Walsh. There are doubtless others who are only waiting opportunity to demonstrate their superiority to the ruck, but the effulgence of the closing day Is far brighter than the dawn of the new one where only shadows move. Lincoln audiences fully appreciate the historical and literary privilege of attending the theatre when Modjeska plays the principal role. Consciousness that a historical period is closing does not often permeate the audiences who watch the actors make their last en trances. That there Is this conscious ness about Modjeska and her relation to the dramatic period which her re tirement from the stage will close, is demonstrated by the public tenderness exhibited to this most graceful and womanly of American actresses. Modjeska's voice is still liqui I nil she reads Shakspere's lines wit 1 lai pressive dignity. Her Queen Katha rine renews reverence for the great play-wright and for the English lan guage. In playing the molded queen Modjeska is particularly happy. Henry Eighth's first wife was about Modjes ka's age when the fickle king made Anne Boleyn queen in her place. Queen Katharine was a Spanish princess, with the thin blue blood of a long line of royalties in her veins. Modjeska's natural dlgnttv ami elevation of char acter fit her to play a queen's part. As Mary of Scotland In prison. In the presence of Elisabeth, on the way to execution, or as Mary Antoinette she Is every Inch a queen and thrills the heart of man, and of woman, too. Human dignity, impregnable human dignity Is so rare a quality; mid we love to be in the presence of an exalt ed being; democrats as we are we yield to the fascination of royalty. Even though her throne Is papier mache and her crown paste, never a queen sat in her ebony anil gold throne or wore the crown Jewels with more sin cerity and grace than Modjeska. the last representative of a powerful but perishing dynasty. The piny of Henry the Eighth Is a succession of tableaus. There ts little action and but little development of character. The length of the mono logues and the dialogues, the large number of people on the stage at once and the length of the play preclude any subtle character analysis. It Is essentially a spectacle or miracle play. It is 11 fable of the pageantry ami ab solute power of an English sovereign. The Elizabethan audiences who wit nessed It were able to compare King Henry's absolutism with bis daughter Elizabeth's respect for the commtftia. At the time when the play was written Shakspere had not a free hand. Even Katharine Is allowed to say no evil of her unfaithful husband, and his slhs are only hinted at. If Shakspere were writing the play now he would treat him as the infamous husband of six wives, two of whom were beheaded, two divorced, one dead of a broken heart and one who survived him. He had three great ministers: Wolsey, More and Cromwell. The first died a natural death only in time to escape .1 violent one. Sir Thomas More, the pious catholic and pure-hearted scholar was executed. Thomas Cromwell, who suc ceeded i.lin. was the first protestaiu minister, but he also was executed be cause he brought about the marriage of the king with the very plain Anne of Cleves. False both to man and woman. Henry VIII Is hated by both catholic and protestant. In the play this unpleasant tyrant is only a ca pricious king still reverenced by his subjects. His wickedness is never translated into hate so that the full blackness of his heart and life do not have their full effect upon an audience. If there Is a villain In the play It is Wolsey and at his fall he shows that he is not a villain and retires with the tears and sympathy of the audience. Modjeska's supporting company Is very good indeed, especially the male members. Mr. Louis James has the full set of Shaksperlan stops. He re spects tradition and reads blank verse with literary effect without interrupt ing the effect of realism, a difficult ac complishment. Common actors let the scanning go and make the most of their ''motional climaxes. The scenery was painted by an artist and a his torian. The costumes were planned by another artist who is also an antiqua rian. The program states that the name of the former Is Alexander B. Corbett. and the hitter's name Is H. B. Pearson. A PARLOR IN THE DR. BAILEY SANATORIUM Thoroughly equipped and lcautifully furnished every electric current useful iu treat ment of sick ideal Turkish. Kussian. and MrdiraUd Bath-- oidy non-contagious chronic diseases received. This, institution is not a hotel, not a l.a-pitnl, but a home. t"1