The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, December 21, 1901, Image 1

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This Year's Hangings to Include
Many Notable Works of Painters
A group of nine pictures to be shown
at the approaching ninth exhibit of
the Nebraska. Art Association is re
produced on this page. These pictures
were hung at the Pan-American as
they appear in the cut and will he ar
ranged thus at the exhibition. Mr.
Samuel T. Shaw, a devoted patron of
art, offers prizes to the artists whose
pictures are admitted to the annual
exhibit of The Society of American
Artists, and these nine pictures have
taken the prizes in the
exhibits of the society
held in New York from
1S90 to 1892. Before this
group at the Pan
American there was al
ways a company of
interested spectators,
arstists and the art
loving discussing the
merits and criticising
the color, composition
and atmosphere.
Mr. Shaw, who loans
the pictures to the Ne-
Kf braska Art Association,
is a sincere lover of art
and appreciates Its In
fluence in increasing
the joy of living. After
he had promised Ne
braska the group the
Charleston exposition
managment was anx
ious to secure it, but
he had given his word
and the commissioners
were unsuccessful.
When the story of
this period of the
world's history is writ
ten it will be seen that
although there had been
sporadic cases of kindness and benevo
lence in previous centuries, it was not
until the last quarter of the nineteenth
century it was accounted a disgrace
for the rich man to die rich. The so-
Ulists and preachers of brotherliness
have convicted the rich of sin if they
fail to look out for the men and women
who, for one reason or another, are
denied books, pictures, travel and-culture.
Cain's question is just being
answered and the strong who have
won the race by reason of greater
strength and better birth constitute
themselves their "brother's keeper."
It is in harmony with this spirit of
the age that Mr. Shaw offers prizes to
the artists and sends his pictures to
us. To make men and women he has
never seen happier by glimpses of color
and composition that would otherwise
be confined to New York or the larger
cities of the east Is Mr. Shaw's pure
motive. There Is precedent for coin
eluding that his benevolence will he
fruitful. The receipts last year from
the exhibit of the society were $2,200.
After the expenses of the exhibit were
met, there was enough to buy three
Pictures: The Heath, by Andre Dau
chez. Vibrant Notes of Autumn, by
George Gardner Symonds, and Under
the Trees, by Elizabeth Nourse. He-
sides there were seven of the exhibition
pictures sold to private individuals.
'Paintings by Falkner, Walden, Sousa ,
Pinto, Couse, Blenner, and Parker,
were bought by Lincoln people sAid
have been a source of light and inspir
ation ever since.
The Nebraska Art Association is a
rechristened and reorganized Haydon
Art Club. In eleven years after
its organization the Haydon Art Club
held six annual exhibits. The first one
fects none but the artist Is able to as- ,
sign to its source.
As examples of what the best artists
are doing, the pictures now on their
way to Lincoln are unrivaled. The
pictures of the group, each one of
which has been awarded the Shuw
prize, are by II. O. Walker, William
M. Chase, Edmond C. Tarbell. George
W. Maynard, Irving It. Wiles. George
It. Barse, Jr.. Douglas Volk. Frank W.
Benson and Theodore Robinson.
The ollicers of the Association are:
President, Mr. F. M. Hall. Vice Presi
dent, Dr. Iowrey. Corresponding Sec
retary, Miss Sara Hayden, Recording
Secretary, Mrs. A. S. Raymond. Treas
urer, Mr. A. G. Greenlee. Board of Di
rectors: all the preceding ollicers and
Chancellor K. Benjamin Andrews. Mrs.
Langworthy of Seward, President Per
ry of Doane college. Professors Fling
and Hodgman. and Mr. Plym.
exhibited Piloty's Wise and Foolish
Virgins. It is a far cry from Piloty's
"Virgins" to a landscape by Sousa
Pinto. The "Virgins," poor, tardy
girls, werer, or rather are (for they are
embalmed in paint), painted In the hard
old German style. They stand on a
dais, solid as rock but no more rigid
than the light which falls upon them.
As I remember it the picture has no
vibration, no tender mystery of atmos
phere melts the outlines. But the "Vir
gins" is a splendid example of the old
style and made an excellent beginning
for the exhibitions of pictures by art
ists of a later school. The first ex
hibit of real merit was held In the
armory of Grant Memorial hall in lSDt.
The pictures were loaned by the West
ern Art Association of Chicago, and
among them was that remarkable
study of firelight by Frank Benson, one
of whose pictures will be shown in the
coming exhibition. This picture In
spired Miss Parker, the teacher of
painting at the university, to paint a
girl illumined by lamplight, a picture
full of the tender vibrations and soft,
warm shadows of this kind of light.
Such a direct effect on creative art is
one of the results always hoped for in
these exhibits. Doubtless many have
1,,-en stirred to an a.tivity whose ef-
Abotit a hundred pictures will be Ex
hibited and President Hall says that
the average will be higher than any
exhibit yet held. This annual exhibit
has come to be a feature of the year
and none of the educational opportuni
ties here are more inspiring and stimu
lating. l
TIu' exhibition will open on the even
ing of December 26th. with a reception
under the auspices of the Patriarchs.
This social organization is planning to
make this reception a social event in
the history of the art association. On
that evening the first year book ever
issued by the art association will be
distributed to all of its annual mem
bers. This book will contain an his
torical sketch of everything that has
been done in an art way by the Hay
don Art club and its successor, the Ne
braska Art association. Many people
no doubt will be surprised on reading
this book to find what has been accom
plished along art lines in this city
through this association. It will con
tain the names of all the charter mem
bers whose names have been given to
the secretary or treasurer on or before
the closing of the hooks last evening.
It will recall many pleasant memories
and associations connected with the
early struggle of the Haydon Art club
in its efforts to awaken mid stimulate
an Interest In art In our city.
Being a "charter member" of this
association means more than the mere
contribution of a dollar to the funds of
the society. It means that every mem
ber who has Joined the association has
and is contributing, not only his dol
lar, but his energy, his encouragement
and his moral support to the building
up of such an earnest art sentiment la
this community that shall ultimately
result in the establishment of a per
manent art gallery here which shall
contain the pictures of the finest art
ists in this country, and when this Is
accomplished all those who have lx-en
charter members of the associate
will look back upon its work with
pride and satisfaction.
Plans are being formulated for next
year to broaden and strengthen the
association in many
ways. It Is hoped that
these new plans will be
consumated during the
present exhibition.
The year book will
not be mailed to resi
dent members, but will
be delivered to them at
the art gallery. The
book will, however, be
mailed to non-resident
The list of painters
given herewith is In
dicative of the high
character of the entire
exhibition. The big
room wherein the pic
tures are hung Is well
adapted to the purpose,
and Is convenient of
access to the public.
The picture exhibit
has become a feature
of the state teachers'
association which
meets in Lincoln every
year because of the
university. Several
hundred teachers and
superintendents look
forward to the exhibit
with justifiable ardor. By their good
report and criticism the influence of
the pictures is carried to the interior
and frontiers of the state, and deserves
the co-operation of every citizen.
Gold Increase
In the November number of the
International Monthly ProfessorShaler.
the Harvard geologist, estimates that
on account of improved machinery and
processes it costs now only about a
third as much as in 1S50 to get gold out
of lodes and veins. Miners are work
ing with profit mines that have been
abandoned as not worth the labor.
Professor Shaler thinks that In the
next twenty years mines that are now
considered of little value will yield five
hundred million dollars a year. But
the chief value will accrue from placer
mining, which is washing the gold out
of accumulations of detritus made by
the decay of gold-bearing rock. "The
use of dredges in handling pay dirt of
this sort and the cheapening of other
processes have made so much differ
ence that within twenty years this sort
of mining alone is likely to yield as
much gold as all the mines yield now."
In 1S99 the earth produced gold valued
at $307,000,000. So in twenty years ac
cording to Dr. Shaler the annual pro
duction may be JS00.000.000.