The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, December 14, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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ments with skill and sympathy. Tiie
following were the numbers:
Songs (a) "I Fear No Foe," Pinsuti;
(b) Loch Lomond, old Scotch, Mr. Jules
"Kidonami la Calma" (prayer), Tosti,
Mrs. Baker.
Violin Andante, Concerto In E
minor, Mendelssohn, Mr. Edward Ga
reissen. Songs (a) "Since We Parted." Alllt
sen; (b) On the Shore. Chamtnade: (c)
Serenade (by request), Schubert; (d)
Linda Mia, old Spanish, Mrs. Baker.
Violin (a) Legende, Wienawski; (b)
Mazurka de Bravura, Xo. 2, Musin,
Mr. Gareissen.
Bright Star of Love. Hobaudi, Mrs.
Baker (Violin obligato. Mr. Gareissen).
.? .?
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Kappa Sigma fraternity gave a
smoker Saturday evening in honor of
the members of the football team and
a few of their friends. The chapter
house at H and Thirteenth streets,
where the festivities occurred, was
decorated with scarlet and cream
bunting and carnations. Some good
music was enjoyed, punch, cake and
fruit were served. Clay pipes with
footballs painted on the bowls, with a
bow of scarlet and cream ribbon on the
stem, were given as souvenirs. Invited
guests were Messieurs George Shedd,
Charles Shedd, Stringer, Johnson,
Koehler, Ringer, Cortelyou, Drain,
Eager, Crandall, Pillsbury, Voss. Bell,
Bender, Tobin, Molony, all members of
the football team. Manager Cowglll,
Coach Booth, Jack Best, Profs. Wyer
and Gerig, Roscoe Pound and C. S.
Sherman. Members of the football
team and also of the fraternity were
Captain Westover and Messieurs
Kingsbury, Cuff. Brew and Assistant
Coach Melford. A dozen other mem
bers of the fraternity were present to
aid in the entertainment of their
. .? .
rsr r -
Mrs. Joseph Grainger gave a ery
enjoyable card party Wednesday after
noon. Euchre was the game. Five la
dies cut for the first prize and four for
the second. Mrs. E. H. Barbour won in
the first case and Mrs. J. U. Bennett
in the second. Each received a
pretty little fancy basket filled with
bon bons. 'Mrs. Grainger's house was
decorated with Christmas greens and
American beauties. A delicious lun
cheon was served. Miss Elsie Grainger
admitted the guests and the hostess
was further assisted by Mrs. H B.
Grainger. Mrs. C. G. Crittenden. Mrs
B. W. Richards and Mrs. Frank Woods
Guests were Mesdames Barbour. Simp
kins, Harpham. Barkley. Kennard
Bennett. Chapin. A. G. Davis. Howell.
Tibbetts, G. Risser. Metealf. Billiards.
Winger, Scott. Spencer. Fostu
Stearns, W. Davis, Grainger. Traphag
en, Stonebraker. Mills. Wells. Holyokt
Steckley. Sizer. Crittenden. Van
Brunt, Turner. Xante. Evans. Le Goit.
Frank Woods. Herriek: Misses Rissti
Nance and Blancher.
.. -.
.- ..-
Mrs. Paul H. Holm and Mrs. Benja
min F. Bailey gave a delightful card
party Tuesday afternoon at the home
of the former. Seven tables accom
modated the ladies at six-handed
euchre. Xo prizes were given but Mrs.
Charles Branch and Mrs. Alexander
Wilson received medals for high
score and for shouting. As the ladies
progressed to the dining room they
were served three at a time to a dainty
two course luncheon. Mrs. John L.
Teeters poured coffee. A mound of yel
low and white chrysanthemums was
on the table and each lady was pre
sented with one when she had finished
her repast. The house was decorated
with pink and white roses and palms.
The assembly was noted for the large
number of handsome gowns worn. Mis.
Holm and Mrs. Bailey were assisted by
Mrs. W. F. Kelley. Miss Bailey. Miss
Cochrane, Miss Eleanor Barbour and
Marie Holm.
- -' -''-i
tC r V
Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Jos
eph Grainger gave a military euchre.
The decorations and menu were in the
national colors. A luncheon was
served. Mrs. Grainger was assisted b
Mrs. C. G. Crittenden. Mrs. S. A. Fos
ter, Miss Risser and Miss Blancher. In
vitations were extended to Messieurs
and Mesdames Frank Woods. Critten
den, Levering. Winnett, Rudge, Foster,
Ewing, Rector, Grainger, Stearns, Un
derwood. Richards, Wilkinson. Harris,
W. D. FitzGerald. Kellogg, Hurd. Foy.
of Uniaha, Sizer, Mark Woods. Lees:
Miss Blancher and Miss Risser. Mrs. E.
Fitzgerald, Mr. Paul Fitzgerald.
- f k-
Pi Beta Phi and friends were pleas
antly entertained Tuesday evening by
the patronesses of the sorority. Mrs.
A. S. Raymond, Mrs. Willard Kimball
and Mrs. C. H. Morrill, at the home of
Mrs. Raymond. Six-handed euchre
was played and prizes were won by
Miss Grace Conerd and Mr. Jenne.
The house was decorated with scarlet
and cream roses. A luncheon was
served. Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. George Risser, Misses Montgom
ery, Heaeock. Holland, Burruss, Bessie
Burruss, Marshall, Morrill, Allen,
Whitmore, Archibald. Alleyne. Arch
ibald, Conerd. McWald. McGahey,
Morris. Ruth Raymond. Elsie Fawell.
Meeker, Thorpe, Woodward; Messrs.
Aaron. Hopewell. Jenne. Matson.
Funke, Edward Fnnke. Schrack,
Thomas. Kimball. Willard Kimball.
The commodious home of Mr. and
Mrs. L. W. Garoutte. on Eighteenth
and B streets, has been the scene of
three large functions this week, and a
fourth, which will close the series, will
be given this evening. Yesterday
afternoon Mrs. Garoutte gave a ken
siiiKton. which was greatly enjoyed by
her guests. The house was adorned
with ferns, stall. ix and carnations. A
pleasing informal program of recita
tions by Miss Tourtelotte. and songs by
Miss Gertrude Tyler and Miss Martha
Walton were presented and the guests
put occasional stitches In bits of fancy
work which will gladden their friends
at Christmas time. Delicate refresh
ments were served. Invited guests
were Mesdames M. II. Garten, C. E.
'Sanderson. Henry Sanderson, George
Schwake. E. T. Miller. S. A. Holcomb.
W. S. Stein. James Heaton. W. J.
Lamb, Ella Morrison. Hunter. E. B.
Finney. J. M. Jacques. J. E. Miller. A.
R. Talbott. O. A. Faulkner. W. A.
Poynter. C. C. White. A. II. Dorrls. II.
C. States. F. I Wharton. T. S. Allen.
W. II. McCreery. George Haskell. E.
R. Wells. S. S. Whiting. T. Milton
berger. Musselwhlte. II K Burkett.
J II Auld. Grant Watklns. E. H.
wSSvc?yw?y5y 3K?3HSfiflBHi$9HHEvx v5
M RY MANXF.RIXG-At the OlUet Treat rt Tu-sd.i ecning. December i;
Siratton. Shaw. Buggies. Fawell. Bar
ber, Sizer. Gronn. Blackmail, Keys.
"" V '
Saturday night at the chapter house
on Eleventh and C streets. Mr. Fred M.
Lipp was initiated into the Delta Up
silon fraternity. After the ceremony
the fourth annual banquet of the fra
ternity was given at the Lindell hotel.
The following was the program of
toasts: rniversity Spirit." R. C. Pol
lard: "Athletics." S. D. Clinton: "The
Pedagogue." C. L. Wray. "The Evolu
tion of Delta Upsilon." H. L. Metealf:
"The Vintage of 1901." C. R. Davis;
"The Alumnus." H. M. Benedict: "Con
vention Reminiscences." Toastmaster
B. W. Benedict. Those present were
Dr. H. O. Rowlands. Colgate. '72: Prof.
II. U Metealf. Brown. '96: Messieurs
Wray. H. Benedict. Thomson. B. Bene
dict. Huff. Clinton. Walton. Hummel.
Davis. Sheldon. Chambers. Elliott. Pol
lard. Lundin. Lussier. Day. Rhodes,
Wilson. Kanzler. Cooper. Gaines, Heff
ner. Hagensitk. Lipp. M. Benedict.
(Mark. Hill andParks.
Mrs. E T Wilson entertained the E.
K. D. kensington on Tuesday
Steckley. H. W. Caldwell. Paul Clark.
O. A. Farnham. G. W. Berge. Crandall.
C. R. Richards. Rieger, W. J. Bryan.
Thomas Cochrane, and Miss Bryan.
Mrs. L. W. Garoutte entertained at
six-handed euchre this afternoon. In
vitations were extended to Mesdames
Levi Munson. J. T. Lees. A. I Hoover.
D. A. Risser. Albinus Xante. Frank
Perkins. Walter Davis. Albert Davis.
A. E. Kennard, A. P. Metcalfe. W. E.
Kirker. A. S. Tibbetts. G. M. Lambert
son. L. C. Richards. S. A. D. Shilling. J.
R. Bennett. F. E. Lahr. A. W. Field.
A. R. Mitchell. J. W. Winger. J. H.
Harley. A. W. Green. J. H. Gleason.
M. A. Xewmark. Ellas Baker. Witter.
Finch. J. L. Teeters. A. C. Ricketts.
A. A. Scott. F. Miller. C. I. Jones. F.
D. Cornell. W. G. L. Taylor. Lee Ar
nett, G. H. Clark. A. R. Holyoke. E. L.
Holyoke. Hellwig, Underwood. W. A.
Lindlay. E. C. Folsom. Chambers. C.
S. Jones. Roscoe Pound, Sharp, W. A.
Ranklns. W. C. Phillips. Suter. Hersh
ing. Cook. John M. Hamilton. Morse.
Thompson. Toevs. Tobias Castor. C. D.
Mullen, M L. Blackburn. Ingles.
Dierks. Herriek. L. J. Dunn. E. E.
the Franklin
Ice Cream and Dairy Co.
Manufacturers f the finest quality of
Plain ami Fancy ICB CKEAM. ICES.
Prompt delivery anil satisfaction guar
anteed. 133 South 12th Street. Phont 205.
Spencer. It. M. 1-eGore. E. Hallett.
George Risser. K. Blgnell. Misses Hal
lett. Pound. Walton. Risser. Xance.
Kirker. Carson. Mayer. Mrs. Garoutte
has been assisted through her series by
Mrs. H. M. Casebeer. and Misses Ag
nes and Wllma Casebeer and Gladys
Last evening Mr. and Mrs. L. W.
Garoutte gave a six-handed euchre
party. A two-course luncheon was
served after the games. Out or town
guests present for the series of parties
being given by Mr. and Mrs. Garoutte
aie Mr. and Mrs. Xoel. of Beatrice:
Mrs. Bice, a sister of Mrs. Garoutte.
and Mrs. Gray, of Des Moines: Mr.
and Mrs. M. J. Sweeley. of Sioux City,
and Mr. and Mrs. Snow, of Columbus.
Guests for last evening were .Messieurs
and Mesdames O. E. Rector. II. II.
Harley. C. It. Richards. W. G. Morri
son. Mark Woods. John Reed. II. T.
Folsom. George Crancer. J. C Sea
crest. C. II. Rudge. I. G. Chapin. W.
E. Jakway. F. B. Harris. S. A. Foster.
M. Arkerman. Henry Mayer. Charles
Mayer. M. Friend. W. l. FitzGerald.
E. W. Nelson. C. It. Iee. Don L. Love.
F. M. Hall. W. F. Kelley. Joseph
Scruggs. W. I Dayton. F. M. Fling.
M. F. Meeds. W. II. Gerhart. J. II.
Me.Murtry and Miss Franck.
. . .j.
The Misses Kempton gave a very
pretty pie-nuptial luncheon Tuesday
afternoon in honor of Miss Maude
Hullhorst. The table was adorned
with pink anil white carnations, strings
of pink hearts were suspended from the
chandelier, the Ice cream was pink, and
moulded in the shape of hearts, and
the sandwiches were heart shaped.
After the luncheon the bride-elect was
surprised with a tup and saucer
shower, the dainty thiiia being present
ed to her on a tray. Those invited
weie the Misses Maude. Grace and
Charlotte Hullhorst. Louise McWhin
nie, Minnie Jo Don. Jessie Emery. Ma
bel Sears. Com Smith. Ethel Eriord.
Wheeling. Julia Bauerman. Hanson,
and Erford.
." J
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas James Usher
and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baldwin Ward
gave a six handed euchre Thursday
evening and Mrs. Usher and Mrs. Ward
entertained at cards yesterday after
noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Usher. The hostesses anticipated the
yule tide and decorated profusely with
holly. The house was lighted by red
and green candle and the color scheme
was carried out as far as possible in
the refreshments which by the way
were delicious and were served in two
courses after cards. The hostesses
were assisted at the evening party by
Mrs. Finch. Mrs. Le Gore and Miss
Usher, and in the afternoon by .Mrs.
R. T. Van Brunt anil Mrs. Guenzel.
" " "
The Saturday night club gave a
pleasant party Saturday evening at
Walsh hall. The dancers were: Misses
Hays. Johnson. Rinehart. Watklns.
Burruss. Burnham. Cole. Tukey. Wirt.
Post. Outcalt. Douglas. Outcalt. As
new. Xance. Gahan. Hargreaves. Mar
shall. Bennett. Blgnell. Robinson.
Locke. Blgnell. MaCumber. Cochrane;
Messrs. Schwarz. Matson. Baldwin.
Holmes. Watklns. Hays. Sherman.
Paine. Ames. Kennard. Marlay. Mus
ser. Ballentlne, Rath. Anderson. Walsh.
Bartlett. Burr. Butler. Richards. Pow
ers. Clapp. Culbertson. Crandall. Joyce.
Tomson. Dr. Orr. Smith. Brown; Mr.
and Mrs. Whlttemore.
.2 -
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Mrs. Paul H. Holm and Mrs. B. F
Bailey gave a second pleasant card
party Wednesday afternoon. They
were assisted by Mrs. Willard Kimball.
Mrs. T. C. Munger. Mrs. W. A. Green.
Miss Bailey and Miss Cochrane.
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