'da. ifMhiT i THE rOURIEE 2 i 1 m I (jriiC-nrfn with a pttiful rencest to go from. There were ma 87 chtekens be taken care Gf it s-eiseri. Whes th" ptCei Jwd Jbrtsfced the doner led her t the room where the UfA fram fb kKefces wax rred. "Jit 5e here aH t& wr!c tltat w & gat do " h std. "You can't be pttred. I dn't fc-Heve. Of course yeu eas go T aw y wast to but all hse wsnie u't get anything to ear and what wHI we do with thm whn Oiy gt tannery"" 7M snsr.oke! far eestlagency had ot pretested ltlf to th mind of tlt pattest ad he averred that ?he wocW Uy awhH tosger "sstK om of th-ra estflse to their ses ad were aWe to d a Utile work." AwJ tfcr ha fceta a radical chasg is th mttMir of auditing and account ing at th asylum At present the u frfstAsdnt ca ten just what sup pg wre parbjd and how they were Bed. Kot a single article can be takes from th- storeroom cnlesa the rffHtK5on is signed by th- superin tendent In charg of the Institution. Careful tab 1 fcept on expedittrres and th baiasc- on hand In each fond Is always IcMrwn at th offtc. Clothing tor th Inmates hlna great many case provided by friends and requires. Th-n It Is marked with the name of th owner and kept separate from th belonging of other patients. Vhn the state famishes clothing the articles of apparel are marked with the destination of the ward and appor tioned at the dlsretlrn of the attend ants. In the four wards for the male pa tients a dining room Is maintained at the end of each ward. There are a number of the men who have dally outdoor tasks and these are provided with a bill of fare In which meats form a chief constituent. A nearly as possible a light task of some kind Is assigned each patient. This is diverting and causes the exer cise of the faculties. Dr. W. D .Shields Is the first assist ant superintendent at the asylum. Dr. Mabel Dunn Is the second assistant. K. J. Ollrnore of Nernaha Is steward. J. A. Weart, formerly a member of the Lincoln polio forre, is supervisor and Mrs. Hadle Kisher is supervlsoress. Cheerfully lighted on a winter even ing the asylum presents an attractive and homelike apfcarano. It does not seem at all like a prison hotise for the unfortunate lut a plensant retreat pro vided for the unfortunate by the h nefltence of society. There are :,Vj Inmates at the asylum Including the fifty recently brought down from Norfolk. Seventy-seven employes are needed. The payroll amounts to about $1,709 a month. Hliue the destruction of the Norfolk asylum. Superintendent Oreene has ad vocated abandoning It as an iisylum and the establishment of a normal school for the North I'latte country in sted. He believes that the land be longing to the state and the remaining buildings can be utilized best in this way and the citizens of the communi ty would In time receive more benefit. "I always make money off that musl clnn." observed the mnrketman. "I thought you mnde money off every body," said the helpless customer. "Well, of course. I try to, but you see he Insists thnta I gave him only four bccin to the measure." Baltimore American. WHK.V YOU ASK FOK Allegretti Candy the natiinil Miiiti(in Utliat you WHiit Jtmt wlmt you call fur. Tim only place In Lincoln where you ran bur '.ln original A I.LKGItkTTI UHOCOI.ATi: CKKAMSIs Rector's Pharmacy 12ihnhd ,Ph'ne 138 1'ackagcs DcUvciwl anywlicrc in tlio City OBSERVATIONS BY SARAH B. HARRIS Vicffnarictfl Te t-tanu.- rases from which -ves chikirea died at Camd-n. New Jersey, a ad twisty a.t St. Loots, MieiooQii. were coEtrarted hy the chdren frera vacdnation. Theae twenty- een deaths have frightened people that they are more than rr av '- to vaccination. At first the eases af onsaOpox which developed In UncoJn wre not serfoas. The reptkBs were more like varioloid. tint within the last fortnight the maHsTtancy seecss to b hicreastng. Vaccination and strict quarantine are the only effectual methods of stamping oat a smallpox epidemic. AH the nn vacdnated shonld be ractrfnated for their own safety as well as for the health of the city. It Is necessary bow and always has been to take chances. The beat gambler and we are all gamblers of greater or less proficiency looks over the board and deliberately, without prejudice, takes the greatest number of chances allowed him by the roles of the game. When the game la one where his life is forfeit to his poor Judgment or his encouragement of prejudice he is more careful than as though It were merely a money stake. Now twenty-seven Individuals have died In this country from tetanus con tracted from vaccination. Tens of thousands have died from smallpox who might have ben alive today If they had been vaccinated. The chances are In favor of vaccination and against Infection. Among the millions who have been vaccinated we have been told of twenty-seven who were infected with virus containing the tetanus mi crobe. To the mothers and fathers whoe children died In consequence of vaccination, the word has the sound of murder. The prejudice against vaccin ation has deejened since these deplor able accidents so that smallpox may have an unobstructed Held and grow Into a scourge In the countries where ever since the introduction of vaccin ation It has been strictly controlled. - -X- Nordica A king on his throne has not the breathless Interest for a great number of iieople that a great singer has. A king can travel out of his kingdom. Wherever she goes a prima donna is never within sight of her frontiers. From the time of her majority, which Is celebrated whenever her voice is cultivated to the virtuosa standard, she is a queen and the world Is her court. But alas! when her voice loses Its sweetness her abdication Is bitter. No girl or woman saw the magnifi cent Nordlca last Friday night at the auditorium in the midst of twenty three hundred humbled courtiers that she did not fancy herself diadem crowned. In cloth of gold, with :i king's ransom about her throat and clad with the conscious power over hearts and imaginations which a kingdom can not buy. It was idle then to prate of equality In birth. Dowered with a magnificent physique, a queenly pres ence anil a voice of great sweetness, there are out of the millions of created men, only perhaps a dozen with a gift like hers. Stimulated by the singer's Intoxicant, a multitude in the right mood, Madame Nonllca sang like an angel, and with as little effort. Two hours' singing taxes the singing mechanism of even the most powerful throat and chest. Then .Madame sang little love songs in French. German. Spanish and Knglish. At the end, when her task performed, with extra-human grace and lightness, she might no longer save her strength, she sang an arliL from an Hungarian opera, full of despair and rebellion. The multitude which had begun to stir wjis quieted and awed by this finally convincing evidence of sovereignty. Nordlca's hour of abdication is still distant. In the faces of those she sings to there Is no sign of the approach of a n?w sovereign. It wfH come and the past will he to her as a handful of ashe?. Wliile she reigns I would that th- wish of hr countrymen to hear English lyrica from the lips of an Ajnerlcan might be gratified. "I love ytw" has the oo and o sounds of the cooing dove. It is more musical than "Ish Hebe diah" and even Germans pre fer the English form to the Teutonic phrase whose endings are effected by mcslcal license. Nordlca undoubtedly has the erudition so common to singers. She can sing In ten languages, but we would rather hear her in our own and her own dear English. When she slng3 in English the clear, round, unhurried syllables are delightful and help to a comprehension of the mood of the com position. Nordica's concert was an event of the year so near its passing. The faith of the group of business men who, so the newspapers announced. Induced the prima donna to come here was re warded by a large audience and the gratitude of two thousand people toward the anonymous "group." - it Love or Money Prince Henry. Queen Wilhelmlna's bridegroom, was sad on his wedding day. The triumphant, glorified expres sion of a bridegroom was lacking. Since he slapped the Queen for refus ing to pay his gambling debts and then ran away to Prussia, his melancholy mien on his wedding day is remem bered and the gossips say that he did not wish to marry Queen Wllhelmina. but that Emperor William, the man who arranges more matches and in timidates more unwilling brides and bridegrooms than any other man in the world, told him he had to. At the first trouble the Prince started im mediately for William, perhaps In order to be the first to tell the Em peror that he was Just as unhappy as he expected to be. When the Dutch get mad they stay mad. For slapping his vrouw when eery patriotic Hollander was pray ing for a male heir to the throne, the Dutch have cast the silly and vi.ious Prince Into outer darkness. Njt that Dutchmen think a husband is not en tirely within his rights and even his duty when he slaps his wife, but Wil helmlna is the sacred figure of the state and there are times when even a Dutchman should not strike his wife. Henry, the Prussian, slapped Holland when he slapped the Queen. The virtuous Hollander, who has vented his ill-nature many times by kicking his wife, anathematizes Henry, because he is a German and a for eigner and has dared to assault their Goddess of Liberty. As for Henry, he is an impecunious younger son, with precisely the current German contempt of woman and determination to do his best to keep her In her place. Queen or peasant it is all the same to the Prussian. She is a woman and bound by the laws of nature and of Ood to render her husband obedience. It is the hereditary German custom to beat wives who refuse to obey, and after Henry married Wllhelmina he no longer worried about his several mil lion dollars worth of gambling debts. He knew that if she refused to pay he could beat her till she consented and that all Germany would approve his firmness. Knowing that conjugal dis cipline was strictly sustained by Dutchmen, he did not reckon upon the storm of indignation which would fol low his assault upon the Queen of Hol land. But there is only one Queen and a greater regard for the succession should have Induced "this gallous young hound" to postpone his asser tion of a husband's Dutch rights and duty. European correspondents report that through the intervention of Dowager Queen Emma the quarrel has been ar- DE. BEN'J. F. BAILEY. Ch5ce. Zehrang Block. Residence 1313 C street Phones, ofiee 91s: resiiJ.fr.-e 67L Hours, 9 to 10 a. in.: 12tol2-.30- 2 to 4 ?. in. Erenins by appointment. oi. daya, 12 to 1 p. in., and by appointment " DR. J. B. TRICKEY. Practicing Optician OFFICE. 1035 O STEEET Hours. 9 to 12 a. m.. 2to4p- LOOS X. WEXTE. D. D. . OFFICE, EOOJIS 28, 27, 1, BBOW.VELL BLOCK. 137 South Eleventh strtet. Telephone, Ofice. 530 DR. RUTH 3L WOOD 612 SOUTH SIXTEENTH STEEET Phone L1M2. Hours. 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 p m M. B. Ketchcm, M D.. Phar.D. Practice limited to EYE. EAR. NOSE THEOAT, CATARRH, AND FITTING SPECTACLES. Phone Mi. Hours, 9 to 5; Sunday, 1 to 2:30 Rooms 313-314 Third Floor Eicharu Block, Lincoln, Neb. J. R. HAGGARD. II. D.. LINCOLN, NEB. Office. 1100 O street Rooms 212, 213. 214. Richards Block; Telephone 535. Residence, 1310 G street; Telephone KS4 rFtiR G9ATS FAR J FaR GAPES 1 F8R eei2LARETTES FfeJRS OF ALL KINDS O, STEELE .. Furrier.. 143 SO. TWELFTH STREET LINCOLN, NEB. A Wise Landlord Gets the best talent that can be secured in placing his order for inide decora tions for his houses. He desires the best material used, and something that will stand the wear and tear of the tenant. My experience of twenty eight years lias taught me how, when, and where to use economy. My prices are reasonable. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Carl Myrer, 2612 Q. Street. Phone 522. THE First National Bank OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Capital $200,000.00 Surplus and Profits, . 54.255.08 Debits 2,480,252.18 S. H. Bukkham, A. J. Sawyer, President. Vice-President. II. S. Feeeman, Cashier. H. B. Evans, Frank Parks. Ass't Cashier. Ass't Cashier. United States Depository ?) y i- rA