6 THE COURIER 11 II IB- SOCIETY NOTES LIFE'S MAZY WHIRL "November's sky Is chill and drear, November's leaf Is red and sear." Society folks have been bu.y In a dignified sort of way this week. Apollo watched over the opening function, the Herzog-Sheetz affair and the night was filled with music, and the closing functions are surely in charge of Terp sichore for Phil Delta Theta and Alpha Tau Omega gave dancing parties last night and the week will be danced out by the Saturday night club and by the Battenburg doilies lined with pink lay on the white linen. A tall vase of Bohemian glass filled with immense pink chrysanthemums was in the centre of the table and silver candela bra bearing pink candles were at the corners. Ropes of smilax from tne corners to the chandelier where a cluster of chrysanthemums held them. After the program Mrs. D. M. Butler and Mrs. George Rlsser. assisted by Mrs. Aach and the Misses Cora Schles- 3IRS. L. J. IIERZOG members of Alpha Theta Chi and their friends. Between these have occurred ever so many card parties and teas, two parlor lectures by Mrs. Don and Mesdames Phillips, two large recep tions, that given by Mrs. McMurtry, and the one by Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, both perfect in their way, and not the least important, by any means, the annual banquet of Sorosis. Next week, with the near approach of Thanksgiv ing, promises less. - The pleasant evening, the beautiful flowers, the handsome toilets worn by many of the guests, the new mural decoration of Walsh hall which, by the way. lights up much more effect ively than did the ugly red which pre ceded It, and the artistic program presented, formed a harmonious whole which made of the musicale given by Mr. and Mrs. "W. L. Sheetz and Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Herzog on Monday night a decided success. The dancing hall where the program was given was never prettier. Slender palms drooped over the grand piano, framed a copy of Bodlnhausen's madonna, sheltered comfortably furnished divans, and formed a lane through which the per formers walked to the improvised stage. Yellow and white chrysanthe mums and yellow shades were in the room. The parlors were adorned with American beauties. The refreshment room was a picture In pink and white. inger, Cora Smith. Spalding and Wat kins, all in pink or white gowns, served pink Ices and kisses. The pro gram was arranged with a view to pleasing an audience not all of whom were musicians and it pleased the musical ones as well. Professor and Mrs. Sheetz In their well chosen songs and especially with their duet, delight ed their listeners. Mrs. Herzog herself, the thorough musician that she is, both in her solos and in her accompani ments, was very satisfying. Miss Anderson was warmly received and was recalled after both of her readings as were also the musicians but no en cores were granted. The program was 1. Vocal (a) Thine Bohm (b) "Jessamy Town" Roeckel 2. Recitation The Message Proctor 3. Piano (a) "A Little Story"... Steele (b) Valse Caprice, op. 16 Raff 4. Vocal (a) Crown of Love Lohr (b)"Creole Love Song"..E. B. Smith 5. Recitation "The Red Fan". .Brown 6. Duet Vocal Come to My Heart Millard Mrs. Herzog and Mrs. Sheetz were assisted In doing the honors In the parlors by Mesdames Henry P. Eames, A. S. Raymond, D. A. Rlsser and J. W. Winger. H- - Dr. W. L. Leister has rented Mrs. W. S. Latta's home, 1126 L street and brought his family to Lincoln last Fri day, the eighth. Dr. Leister was mar ried on November 7th in Rogers, Arkansas, to Miss Carrie Tubbs. and in honor of their marriage a wedding supper was given them Friday even ing at their new home by Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Crevling. who are their nearest neighbors. The table was laid with Battenburg and daintily decorated with ferns and carnations. The menu was served In five courses. Covers were laid for Dr. and Mrs. Leister, Mr. and Mrs. Crevling, Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Wharton. Dr. Essie Bondurant, Mr. Bondurant and the Misses Leister. Mrs. Leister was active In the work of the Methodist church at her old home and will be an acquisiton to St. Paul circles. Dr. and Mrs. Leister will be at home to friends after De cember third. Another card club has appeared upon the horizon of Lincoln society. It is as mysterious as are the comets sometimes discovered by astronomers but never seen without the aid of tele scopes. This club has been discovered by a star gazer who daily scans the social firmament for new constella tions; but the most powerful lorgnette will not reveal it or its personnel to others. It has been dubbed the C. D. F. club and meets regularly on Tues day evenings to play six-handed euchre unless some member has a "previous engagement" in which case telephones are brought Into use and another Is agreed upon. Liquid re freshments are served. a. ---i st Apropos of superstitions, when Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Harpham were In Mil waukee last summer attending a man ufacturers' convention, they lunched one day with a number of persons Sorosis celebrated Its tw fs 'cisiiij i ucsuay evening n quet at the home of Mrs a yer. The daughters of th served the banquet. Mi-s played violin music. The lit of the program was led b M Bryan and was a burlesque un 'he uiar fcorosis program. The were anm- ban- J Saw ' Tnber Ensisa ir' pan W J ? -mtlinej Introduction (1) Extent of j.ubje , (2) Breadth of application Domestic Relations fl) pr portiira and Aliquot Parts; (a) Improper Frac- tions; (b) Double Rule of Two Scientific Demonstration 1 1) Causa) Nexus; (2) Ex-hypothesi. Sociologically considered. Psychologically considered Mrs. Bryan herself presented all of the aspects of the subject, ex pUn? that of the "Domestic Relation ' for which she called upon Mrs H H Wheeler. After an incomprehensible Introductlon by Mrs. Bryan comhed a a marvelously erudite language Mrs Wheeler rose with a big roll of re! uscript tied In blue ribbon and read with great seriousness pages of stai greater incomprehensibility So com plicated were the sentences and so scientific the terms that when the sub ject was finally thrown open for dis cussion by the men. scarcely a glimmer of an idea remained to them The mathematical demonstration wa both witty and clever. In this by the aid of a large chart Mrs. Bryan showed th relations of the "Me" and the Xot Me." For Instance, a line lettered "N-I-T," represented the ' Xot-Me and the line "I-T." the "Me" All the deductions were incontrovert ible and were received with laughter Cards with the outline of a smalt H ''--'v ? HBfeUt3flHHiHIESESy MBS. W. L. SHEETZ who called themselves the Thirteen club. The meeting occurred on the thirteenth of the month in room thir teen. There were thirteen people pres ent, the repast was begun at thirteen minutes past one o'clock and this hap pened to be the thirteenth meeting. Mrs. Harpham received a letter a few days ago from one of the members who said that all were still living. When smoking time came thirteen cigars were brought In but four ladles were present and did not smoke and perhaps this saved their lives. leather shoe attached, were dist and partners for dinner obt.i matching the number of the sh"" The program: Allegro scherzoso, Cesar Cui nata, Moszkowsko; Souvenir 1 Wleniawskl, Miss Ensign. Sorosis song. Miss Miller. "The Me and the Not-Me Con Totality." Leader, Mrs. Bryan General discussion. Les Sylvalns, Chaminade, Mi" Burlinglm. Dances from Henry VIII. quest). German; Morris dance herd dance; torch dance. Miss L ON ut jfi iMMMm ,iXMw i. & 3e u&r