THE COUEIEB THE DOQORS EXTEND TIME ::r cC 5Cr mu Jfer, Vfkm y -v - - I Trrfc JUidi S- -utmt f &"&:? Urto&siCs. ie, immt axftr M &1 sS It- -s , XHK4MW ?if '.ntwr iwn -ws wt1 iflf b vcat fey y lis szf2 yf b5ei. &r ?seanu jlr Jessevr?. X? fe Iwr 3j- tenuOrat sec rff . vfcri? $s3?- s Jfere jrtkfcs a. fJT&m i.:A bJI &r by V.x. zz6 Air. AxfrtzB. Ur. V.arXiizM & !? itmin tut ?-'. rwlstl- M'fdr -vrrfjr -WW be ! by Air H-rvK. ptaofcrt, Prxfe vrr Mtfl y.rx ?hz.. Xt-nm situi HrpnitiO, and 3Alk ijmn Aw!r'n, f-zlzr. Mr. )f H ii-Atiy 3JtrrtstlB-d tbt Cs.rxt arvJ liujr," lr M. V.. K. K-fl-7 n n hr afis-c; read by Mr. Isinniur., A luncha wsu? rrvl. it Ijh. '-lz. wfcUt club Jaj rstcb-l th- ff w-t fztTj n4 cmm"rjcJ Jf Krttfon with a I'arty aJ lh bom of Mr. anl Mr. M. J. Waaxh. Two r.w ciiiiiAf vsT aMA to ths mrni-b-rblp. Mr. ajl Mr. JtaJjb W. ThiukIzk ha'; nrrivi in HU Jtt;ih ttom their wM 'Itnic i'turwy. Tb who w-r; irwx-nt t tbHr mstrrUuc in Isn Antc-I- nay that Mr. Doujtfa. n-- MacfarJan'l. w u remarkably handiMmc brWe. Mr. II. M Kcrtt ifav" a k-nflm;t"n lt H.-ieurrJ-iy afternorm to th- la-JI- of lb" O. T. rard rlub. I.lht r,-rr'-hrn'-ntj) w-r t'1. McmWn ai MMl;tmini r-rkln, Hrnlth, Coford, Uoyd. Mttrtln, Jnckon. Klnyon, War-r-n, Iyr. An'Wcon, Church. Mr. arid Mr. MorrJ Friend -nt-r-Jnlnrd th- Unity club Wdn-wlay -v-n-IriK- Vrivn w-r- award-d to Mr. II-nry May-r and Mr. Koby ICohn. Th next m--llriK of the club will be h-ld at "WaUh hall th- -v-nlnK b-forc TiiankrKlvInK wb-n a hoji will be Klvn. Horn lo Mr. rind Mr. Hamilton IJ. Itotlln on November 2. a daughter. Hlu- bear the name of Hom,mary Car hoh In honor of her aunt, her mother and her grandmother. Mr. and Mr. Itollln are In In Angecn, Cab, and will remain there during the winter. Ml Klla O. Given tendered her resignation n orgnnldt at the Flrt I'rrrbylerlnn cburrh thl week and will leave noon for Denver to rede with her father. Ml Given will be great ly mUned by the church, which nlic ha nerved o faithfully and atlfactorlly, by the Matinee Munlcnle of which he Mr. and Mr. Italjih I'. Johnnon enter tained a few friend at an Informal miiMlrale Haturday evening In honor of Mr. and Mr. Moore, of Chllllcothe, Ohio, who nre guent of their niece. Ml fallen Thompon. Mr. Johnnon delighted the company with both her pong mid her piano muxtc Mr. A. V. .In linen nng In her tiual very ac ceptable manner and Ml Kdlth Uuh nell. it very brilliant young planlt from ArlcaiiKa, played. A dcllclou lunch eon wn nerved after the program. 9- B mmmW mMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMi fe B '-J&QimWwm mi? B "&mmmmmm W immmmmmmmmmW -''"mmmmWmmw r $mmif mnmmY mWWWmW W mTSmffmmvmmmui f : mmmmWWW &f:':-MiWmmmmmmmmmmmmm'' 'mWWWW P. mW,. JmmSmW M P'm WzJmmmmmm M jflBHIl mm?mmmmm 5'"$'M WWW. tmm :;"mmmm "&& mmmmm mmmmV-mmm 41 H mmmW$3lmmY WWm BOOKEKT WASHINGTON The atfl Newo Educator wbtr entrumm-nt recently by the Pre-idtnt at the White Hoa-ie raised soeh a ttir in the South. TukkciiU:, Ala., Iuktitute, Founded by Hooker T Washington, and of which he is President I an active and valued member and by munlcal circle generally. Mr. Hattle Van WIe wan pleanantly Hurprlfed Friday evening, November IIrt, by member of the Lincoln chap ter. 148, O. E. S., who wlHheU to help her celebrate her flfty-Hlxth birthday. Mr. Van WIe w;ui presented with an emblem of the order a a token of es teem from her friend and as a me morial of the day. and she responded feelingly to the presentation A luncheon provided by the visitors was nerved. X- Names given to the various wedding anniversaries are. First year cotton Second year paper Third year. leather Fl f th year wooden Seven th year woolen Tenth year lln Twelfth year silk or linen Fifteenth year crystal Twentieth year china Twenty-fifth year silver Thirtieth year pearl Fortieth year ruby Fiftieth year golden Seventy-fifth year . ... diamond Conceit is the only passion thst does not decrease with years. Town Topics. -'1 -Si -5- rC if r Blibson How was Jones yesterday? Gllbson He seemed to be laboring under a delusion. Blibson Indeed! I thought he was playing golf. Gllbson So did Jones. - .? . Old Beau How Innocent and sweet you look this evening! And I am sure your mind is as pure as your gown. Debutante Goodness! Don't talk so loud. Do you want me to be a wall How er? Town Topics. - .. "Never will I give my consent." said Mr. Falrchlld, firmly. "He only wants to marry you so that he can pay his bills." "Pshaw! Papa," pouted his daughter, "Charlie never thinks of paying his bills." Town Topics. -v, .- .? C rf Knick There is a question that has been puzzling me for some time. Knock What's that? Knick Why do you suppose they call hired girls help? Town Topics. Owing to the large number who have been unable to see the British Doctors these eminent gentlemen have extended the time for giving their serv.ces free to all who call before Dec 6th. Owing to tit large suab--vallds "srho hare called epos -lh Doctors at the:r oSce. c-o-t. -and X streets, Sheldon hlozk. ci . have been cnaWe to s ih:r eminent gentlemen have, by consented to continue itui? .t- -vices entirely free ior thr c - s medicines excepted) to ail -. . j, who call upon them for trea-m-- tween now and December Sth These services consist not -- v ' consultation, examination as 2 ai e but also of all minor sur?:; a- tlons. The object In pursuing this c -- is to become rapidly and person: a -qualnted with the sick and a " d and under no conditions w. ay charge whatever be made for a y ---vices rendered for three months T a ' who call before December 6th. The doctors treat all forms 1 -ease and deformities and truara"'" i cure In every case they undertake V the first Interview a thorough exa-r " ation is made, and if incarab'e y j are frankly and kindly told so a'n ?i vised gainst spending your minor f -useless treatment Male and female weakness. egt?rrv and catarrhal deafness, also rjpM-" goitre, cancer all skin disease "-I " diseases of th rectum. ar poitlv'v cured by thir new treatment The ehief associate sureeon of Institute Is in personal charge Office hours from 9 a. m to p m Sunday hours from 9 to 12 a m SPECIAL. NOTICE If you ci-" call. s"nd ?tamD for question Vank f--home treatment PRIVATE AND PUBLIC Library Books BOUND IN A SUBSTAN TIAL MANNER AT FAC TORY PRICES BY . . i 1 $ I South Platte Publishing Co. g 142 X, mh St., LIXCOLX, NEB. g FREIGHT PAID ONE WAY. . 1 IgwNEys tiiitu- CHOCOLATE BON BON5 For Sale By E,E O T O 12- (P Jfc STOPPED FREE K Permanentlr Cured bj DR. KLINE'S GREAT I I W NERVE RESTORER Cotvlulio, Btnoatl or hi mall, trtiuif "d . ., TRIAI. JJOTTI.i: FKKK wFlt pfttlcnu wbo paj eiprrtare obIt od d lifry AnMnml (fercnotonlyttniporftrr relief forall.Vrr DUordm. Ipllrp-r. Sfumi u 1 Ho- I)n. DrtUltr. Iihaoitlon. DR. R. II. KLINE. I'd. 931 Arch Street, Philadelphia, toanieiieu. A