The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, November 09, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    M. Brown, Holltngsworth, Metcalf,
Derby, McCIaren, Baird, Warren, Pier
5)11 of Ashland, Royce, Jacques.
Srhlnc; Misses Marshall. Smith. Comp
ton. Barber. Kisser, Bryan. Nance.
Towne, Chamberlain, Drake Brenizer.
& it
Miss Anna Tibbetts gave an informal
reception Monday evening in honor of
Dr. Frank Strong, a former superin
tendent of the Lincoln schools, and
Mrs. Strong. Two hundred guests were
present, principally from university
circles, from the public schools and the
membership of the Baptist church.
Magnificent chrysanthemums adorned
the house. Dr. Gordon presented the
callers to Dr. and Mrs. Strong. Judge
and Mrs. Tibbetts and Miss Tibbetts.
Mrs. F. W. Hill poured coffee and was
assisted in serving by Misses Stella
Kirker. Clara Hammond. Ella Conard
and Mrs. McKinnon. The Telyn quar
tette was present and rendered a num
ber of pleasing songs, and Dr. Strong
sang a solo. Dr. and Mrs. Strong have
returned to their home in Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Harley enter
tained at cards Thursday evening. Six
handed euchre was played and boxes
of sweets rewarded the successful
players. A dainty luncheon was
served. Those invited were Messrs.
and Mesdames I. G. Chapln. J. W. Mc
Donald. W. A. Green, "W. M. Leonard.
Willard Kimball, H. P. Eames, C. E.
Yates, Frank "Woods. L. C. Burr, E. P.
Ewing. John Dorgan, E. W. Nelson. O.
C. Rector, Charles Branch, Mark
Woods, F. M. Fling. E. E. Spencer. E.
L. Holyoke. George Crancer, Ross Cur
tice. C. R. Richards. A. R. Talbot. C. E.
Folsom, F. B. Hollenbeck. Mayhew:
Misses Burr, Cowdery, Risser. Hollow
bush. Mrs. Harley was assisted by
Mrs. J. H. Harley, Mrs. Hollenbeck
and Miss Risser.
y$- y? 7$
Delta Gamma is proud of its nine
new members, who were initiated Wed
nesday evening. They are Misses Lu
ella Lansing, Ruth Bryan. Julia De
weese, Winifred Sherman, of Lincoln:
Misses Mary Harris, Lorraine Com-
- stock. Edith Dumont. of Omaha: Miss
Mabel Stone, of Hastings, and Miss
Mary Tidball. of Crete. A sumptuous
dinner followed the ceremony. The
banquet board was laid with white,
decorated with white chrysanthemums,
and lighted with white candles. Ad
mirers of the Delta Gammas showered
gifts of flowers and confections upon
The W. T. M. of East Lincoln had a
pleasant meeting Thursday with Mrs.
Kaufman at her home. Thirty-second
and W streets. Quotation's were from
Shakespeare. Pictures representing
authors were pinned on the wall and a
prize was awarded to Mrs. J. S.
Sherdeman for naming the greatest
number of authors. A luncheon was
served by the hostess. The next meet
ing will be held in two weeks at the
home of Mrs. T. F. Lasch. Quotations
will be from Longfellow.
.? .? .?
Thursday afternoon at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Hatch. 1944 Cherry
street, occurred the marriage of Miss
Margaret D. Slade to Mr. Joseph M.
Hatch. Dr. H. O. Rowlands officiating.
The rooms were decorated with potted
plants and carnations. Miss Helen
Slade and Miss Emma Hatch, sisters
of the bride and groom, received the
guests. Only relatives and very inti
mate friends were privileged to wit
ness the ceremony.
Promptly at 3:30 the bridal couple,
preceded by Miss Ethyle Helfiinstine of
Marshalltown. la., as maid of honor,
and Mr. Guy Roberts of this city as
best man. entered the parlor to the
beautiful strains of Mendelssohn's wed
ding march played by Miss Eva Sis
son, and there, standing in the prettily
decorated corner they took the solemn
vows which united them for life. Con
gratulations and an informal good
time followed. Refreshments consisted
of the usual wedding cake. Neapolitan
ice and chocolate were served from
small tables in the dining room, at the
close of which the bride passed the
dainty white bride's cake to each guest.
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Although there is much congratulation for the Maiichcsters on account of the recent
arrival of the stork who brought with him a dear little girl baby, at the same time it is gener
ally known that the Dudleys is much disappointed because her expectations to present her
husband with an heir were not realized. The above are latest pictures of the Duke and
Duchessand Kimbolton Castle, their handsome residence. The Duchess formerly was Miss
Helen Zimmermann, of Cincinnati, O. Her father is a millionaire manufacturer, whose
wealth the daughter will inherit. It is related that a good, round sum of Mr. Zimmermann's
money already has gone to pay the Duke's debts.
Miss Helfinstine wore a dainty gown
of white silk mull and carried a bou
quet of pink and white carnations and
maiden hair ferns. The bride wore a
gown of sheer white organdie with a
yoke of fine point lace, collar and girdle
of pale blue soft silk and carried a
shower bouquet of bride's roses and
The guests from out of the city were
Miss Ethyle Helfinstine of Marshall
town, la.; Mrs. John Hatswell and lit
tle daughter Leota. of Red Oak. la.
Both bride and groom are quite well
known in Lincoln and their many
friends will wish them all the joy
and happiness possible In their mar
ried life. After December 1 they will
be at home to friends at 1944 Cherry
.' . .
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The city improvement society gave a
reception Thursday evening at Walsh
hall in honor of the city officials and
the members of the Union-Commercial
club. More than four hundred invita
tions were sent out and a large number
of those bidden responded. Mrs. Henry
P. Eames presented the guests to the
receiving line in which were Mrs. W.
G. L. Taylor, president of the society,
and Mr. Taylor. Mayor and Mrs. Win
nett. Mr. J. C. Seacrest. president of
the Cnion-Commercial club, and Mrs.
Seacrest. Mrs. T. C. Munger. treasurer
of the society, and Mr. Munger, Mrs.
jr. D. Welch, first vice president and
Mrs. Nellie M. Richardson, secretary of
the society. Mesdames M. H. Everett.
Lewis Gregory. W. D. Fitzgerald. F. D.
Levering. J. F. Stephens and J. A.
Piper did the honors in the parlor. The
dancing hall was decorated with grains
and pumpkins. The orchestra on the
stage was screened by shocks of corn.
A refreshment table in charge of Mrs.
W. M. Leonard and Mrs. Funke was
decorated with fruits and lighted by
candles. Misses Outcalt, Hays, Har
greaves and Wilson in peasant cos
tumes served doughnuts and cider. In
the small refreshment room ices were
served by Mrs. W. J. Bryan and Mrs.
I. S. P. Weeks assisted by Mesdames
Callen Thompson. B. F. Bailey and S.
G. Don. This room was decorated with
yellow chrysanthemums and lighted
with yellow candles.
f." v.-
The W. T. M. and their husbands
were delightfully entertained last Sat
urday evening by Mrs. Arthur Gentzler
and Mrs. A. G. Evans at the home of
the former. The house was beauti
fully decorated with autumn leaves
and potted plants, and with pink and
white, the club colors. A corner in
the reception hall was draped in pink
and white and there cider was served.
Miss Bessie Evans sang a number of
pretty songs to Mrs. Morse's skillful
accompaniment. Master Russell Gentz
ler recited "The Bad Boy." Miss
Ona Tourtelotte gave a recitation In
her own charming manner and in re
sponse to a cordial recall gave a. word
less poem which delighted all. Jumbled
Mother Goose rhymes created Interest
and merriment as the guests translated
them. Dainty refreshments were
served. Those present besides club
members were Misses Tourtelotte.
Evans, Walker. McCloud; Messrs.
Baird, Evans and Charlie Evans.
Dr. nnd Mrs. It. S. Grimes enter
tained pleasantly at cards Thursday
evening. High live was the game.
Prizes were won by Mrs. Herbert
Gnrdner. Mrs. R. R. Hoyce. Mr. Sam
uel North and Mr. Henry Harth. The
house wus decorated with chrysanthe
mums ami carnations. A color scheme
of pink and white was carried out In
the decorations and In the Ice cream,
wafers and other refreshments. The
luncheon was served In three courses.
Mrs. Chapman. Mrs. Sutter and Mrs.
McCain favored the company with se
lections on mandolin and guitar. Fol
lowing were present. Messrs. nnd Mes
dames II. Gardner. Arthur North. Sam
North. E. B. Ransom. Jacob North.
Geo. McCain. D. Heagey. G. I. Smith.
T Constant. II. II. Barth. II. Ralnbolt.
Arthur Young. C. F. McCain. F. Hal
let. F. Sawyer. J. Sutter. A. Chapman.
R. It. Hoyce. W. Lawlor. J. Parker. O.
Erlenborn. A. Dobson. K. Cerf. II. W.
Enderls. Dr. and Mrs. Hlrkner, Dr. and
Mrs. Grimes; Misses Waring. Emma
North, Bertha Snyder.
.v. j .v
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Born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Milton Schwlnd
on November 5. a daughter.
Mrs. John B. Wright entertained Les
Bohemlennes on Wednesday.
Mrs. J. II. MeMurtry has issued cards
for a reception on November 14.
Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Dorr will give a
progressive tea on the evening of the
Miss Edna Hawley had for her guest
this week Miss Hallie Wilson of Oma
ha. -X
Phi Gamma Delta will give Its annual
banquet November sixteenth at the
Mrs. W. F. Kelley Is In Mt. Pleasant,
la., where she was called by the illness
of her father.
Mrs. William Grant Morrison Is en
tertaining Miss Sarah Toung nnd Miss
TuKey of Omaha.
Mrs. C. M. Parker was called to
Cleveland, Ohio, this week by the se
rious illness of her father.
Miss Anna Haas entertained the E.
E. D. Kensington very pleasantly Wed
nesday afternoon.
Miss Jennie Smith will leave soon for
Honolulu to spend the winter with her
brother and his wife.
Mrs. Frank B. Harris and Mrs. John
R. Bennett have invitations out for a
card party on the 22d.
Miss Florence Putnam Is visiting In
Chicago and while there will see the
flower show and the horse show.
Mrs. Aaron Edmisten and Miss Ed
mlsten of Omaha, were over Sunday
guests of Mrs. W. E. Burllngim.
Mrs. John Fitzgerald has been in
New York for a week or two and she
will remain until after the horse show.
Mrs. L. C. Burr and Miss Burr left
on Wednesday for New Tork City and
AVashlngton to remain for several
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Thompson who
have been In Europe for nearly six
months arrived In New York on Tues
day. They will reach Lincoln In a few
Mrs. Mary Phillips and Mrs. W. C.
Phillips will entertain a large company
of ladies at a parlor lecture on Novem
ber 15 at the home of the former.
Mrs. R. M. Jacobs of Rome. N. T. Is
the guest of her brothers. Messrs. R.
H. and O. R. Oakley, at 1527 M street.
Mrs. Jacobs was a resident of Lincoln
from 1S71 to 1SS0. She Is greatly
pleased with the improvements in the