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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1901)
THE COURIER 10 ?! I The Courier Published Every Saturday Entered In the Postofflce at Lincoln as second clasa matter. 900-910 P STREET OFFICE t Business Office, 211 SUBSCRIPTION' RATES: Per annum, In advance 51.00 Single Copy, .05 Noted Y. M. C. A. Worker Coming to Lincoln There has been no event for a long time which has so aroused the Interest of all Interested In the welfare of the younp men of this city as the antici pated coming next week, of Fred B. Smith, of New York City, under the auspices of the "Young Men's Christian Association. About a year ago the board of di- dier lads toward higher standards of living, was a great surprise to even his best friends. It Is safe to say that no other man of the many who gave time and effort toward brightening the lives of the men who went to the front attained such success as Mr. Smith. In many a home in the north, south and west his name Is reverenced. Since the close of the war, his time has been given up to the work among young men of the larger cities. Since Dwight L.. Moody, no one has ap proached Mr. Smith's record in this especial field. In a recent meeting at Boston, Mass., he addressed an audi ence of five thousand young men. At the close three hundred signified their intention of leading a better life. His success is not alone confined to young men who have neglected all their opportunities, but Is especially marked in the Increased strength given to the young men of the universities, churches and christian associations. It is to be regretted that his stay in Lincoln is to be so brief, but the three days that he will spend here be tween Denver and Omaha will be packed full of action. TBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBjTCBBBBBBBbY FEED B. SMITH, OF NEW YOEK CITY rectors of the association began to cor respond with him In the endeavor to se cure his presence, but there was such demand for his services that it was Impossible to secure him before. His fame and power have since grown to such an extent that those having the matter In charge are now heartily con gratulating themselves upon securing him at all. Mr. Smith first acquired national at tention during the Spanish war, through his work in the large army camps. His success in influencing the sol- Monday evening next, Mr. Smith will meet at a banquet at the Llndell, the pastors of the city and the boards of directors of the various university and city Y. II. C. A-s. On Tuesday even ing he will meet the members of the various associations In a big member ship rally at the First Presbyterian church. On "Wednesday evening in the auditorium at a mass meeting for men, Mr. Smith will give his wonderful ad dress, "A Strong Man." The great in terest already evinced In his coming assures a large attendance at all of these meetings. Her liny Off. Mistress I saw you yesterday down town: you probably didn't see me, or you would have spoken. Maid It was my day off, marm, if you'll mind. I wasn't obliged to recognize you, you know. Boston Transcript. Love nnd Literature. "How do you know he loves you?" sall Miss Cayenne. "He writes me such beautiful letters." "Humph! That isn't love. That's lit erature." "Washington Star. WctrkiiiK HIm Affection. Tess If you don't love him, why don't you let him know It? Jess Well, he sends me flowers and takes me to the theatre, you know, and Tess But, gracious! I don't see how ou can play with his affections that way. Play? I call that "working" the... Philadelphia Press. bbWbWbMPM-MbmbMBIWIBbmBbIMBbIM bMbBubKSIIKHE!IM THE Tf&. B-A.IXjE-2" SIISr.A.TOIRITJ'IM: Thoroughly equipped nd beautifully furnished every electric current useful in treat ment of sick ideal Turkish. Russian, and Medicated Rath only noncontagious chronic diseases received. This institution is not a hold, not a hospital, but a home. Headquarters for . . WOOD AE COAL HUTCH1NS & HYATT J. W. MITCHELL W A L L PA PER ROOM AND PICTURE MOULDINGS PAINTING AND SIGN WORK 1338 O STREET-TELEPHONE 23- Whitebreastl coal and ice . Coal and Lime Co. Cooper's Manufactured lee and Cold Storage Co. OFFICE, 109 SO. ELEVENTH ST Geo. W. Montgomery, President. L. P. Fuxkhou.-kk, Ca-hiir I Farmers & Merchants Bank & w FIFTEENTH AND O STREETS, LINCOLN, NEB. Capital Paid in, $50,000 OO S; Accounts of Individuals, Firms. Corporations. Banks, and Bankers Solicited. Corn- spondence invited. FOREIGN EXCHANGE and LETTERS OF CREDIT on all the principal cities of Europe. Interest paid on zi time deposits. T 1 f"l rr1 fl ) ) ytt Want F'ret Class Service Call on IS . . I - TS-ca t-i cafV-f ( WE D0 WE SELL WE CAKRY -L Xd.XJLvd.Ld. ' Piano and Fur- all grades of a fine line of Car niture Moving Coal riages & I!u:jh- Co. OFFICE, TENTH AND Q STS. PHONE ITS i x J J 7 C-l 7 7- -x . m m - r m jm r" s -w w j. vi jm s st r- -) 1 l o Lriv jicuu,y u,xercideji That does the good to your muscles and builds up the wasted tissue. It's the spasmodic exercise that does more harm than good. One day a week in a gyinna sium is a dangerous thing for anybody. Get one of our H 0 m e Train ing 0 u tfits Have it where you can use it twice a day, for a few minutes, and you will be surprised at the steady jjain in health, and the improvement in your general phys ical development. See us for particulars, circulars ttc. P. E. ALMOND, 1106 O STREET, LINCOLN, SER j id a J-- !&!&$-' Sheridan Coal Landy Clark, Agent TELEPIIN Io3 Uj OFFICE, 1106 O STREET 5J ssssggg Mrs.W. E. Gosper NOW LOCATED AT 1410 O STREET, HAS A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF MILLINERY BEFORE BUYING YOUR FALL HAT CALL AND INSPECT THE GOODS AT MRS. GOSPER'S You will certainly be pleased with the styles and prices. HARMESSo , HORSE COLLARS iiiriilhiofefheBesM nn'i - U 4?M go HOtftP Attn OURDEALERTOS BEFORE YOU BUY ANurACTURD BY HARPHAM BROS.CO. Lincoln, Neb- m j Swift. ' ''" - ' - . t