THE COURIER OMAHA LETTER Dear Eleanor: If the lawmakers could only Hnd time and inclination to concern themselves bit with the unbridled, conscienceless ton"iies so plentiful in the communities of the land, they might spend a few jays to the eternal benefit of a lot of people. It is no new thing to deplore the frightful tendency toward gossip in our generation. Yards and yards of space have been covered by moral crusaders ineighing against it. Sermons have been preached and speeches delivered with about as much effect as the irate old gentleman had when he mopped at the sea. I5ut a nice compact little law which would compel one to "stand for" all the news so called which he dissem inated, would undoubtedly render the drawing-rooms of the rich and the Km liens and the butler's pantry rather Urj resorts for a time until we could adjust our mental furniture to a new older of things and Hnd some topic oth er than our neighbor as a means of w Idling away our leisure. Women are, and from time immemorial have been, supposed past mistresses at this de itnerate art. That they monopolize the talent in this line Is a belief entitled to consider ation simply because it is time-honoied. My opinion leads me to think that gen tlemen (?) who congregate at popular cigar stores, who ornament the street corners, or loll at afternoon teas, keep up their end with a diligence worthy a better occupation. We are possibly no more ill-natured or cruel than the common run of hu man creatures, but on one or two oc casions recently It has been forced In upon me that we are liable to have a great deal to answer for on the Day of Judgment which will be embarrassing to say the least, if evil is wrought by want of thought as well as want of heart. I was spending the night at a friend's house last week and during the evening s-everal neighbors dropped in, informal ly, and we talked. Oh! how we did talk how altogether Interesting we were. It hardly mattered that we ripped reputation gaily away from a few of our acquaintances. No one pro tested. No one called attention to the fact that we were wantonly a set of murderers. "We were charmingly en tertaining, much more thrilling than if the singer had sung, the player played or the literary woman told us about the books she had recently been lending. A certain young married couple were under discussion most of the time, nnd they were promptly announced wretch edly unhappy in spite of the fact that their environments produce cheerful ness and happiness. Incidents were cited of the most per sonal nature to prove the statement that they were miserable. It was her fault It was his fault It was the fault of everybody connected with them. "1 really cannot believe all of this," at length my friend ventured a tritie apologetically. "I have seen her every where lately and she looks the person ification of good fortune." "All put on, my dear," cheerfully re sponded the well-informed visitor. "She is wretched! Of course he does not throw dishes or furniture at her, but he does so and so and so and so which is much worse you know. I know for a fact what I am talking about, for Mrs. Blank told me all about it and although I am not personally acquainted with them, she is very in timate In the family." Wasn't that a tierce commentary on the modern Intimacy of womankind? Would you not enjoy having a long visiting list of intimate friends of that kind? Then a recent tragedy which had occurred in our midst was talked over, and this same encyclopedia of univers al knowledge knew Just why the ter ible thing was done. She knew things no one else could possibly know unless he could read the heart of the dead. She reeled to a finish finally, and then airily announced that she would really have to go, as she had left the childten alone and they ought to be in bed. She Is not a unique specimen of hu manity. On the contrary she repre sents a large, a deplorably large class. I went one afternoon not long ago to call upon a woman of my acquaintance whom I had not seen for some time. She was at home and came down stairs in a fetching house gown and greeted me effusively. After we were comfort ably seated, each with a cup of tea of fragrant brew, my friend said, "Now, what do you know, Penelope dear?" "Nothing worth repeating. I am as densely ignorant as ever." "Nonsense!" she laughed. "After all this while you ought to have some fine, juicy bits of scandal with which to re gale me!" Now this woman is not a natural gossip; she would not deliberately re peat anything which might hurt an other: and yet so has the leaven worked that none of us seem quite averse to a nice, sensational bit. No one ever seems to be responsible for these things. One can aever find the originator. If you attempt to follow the thread of one of these tales back, the mirror maze is an open field com pared to the labyrinth In which you will find yourself. So unless we can induce the law to concern itself. I suppose there is very little hope for us. I have a new gown, Eleanor built by the most approved artist In her line in the city. I sat in the fitting room a few days ago, waiting for the high priestess to perform certain mysterious rites and I had a glimpse into the long room where these artistic gowns are fashioned. Such rows of girls such a bewilderment or materials and Imple ments! I wondered that anything log ical was ever evolved. The manager was Hitting nervously about and I could hear an occasional scrap of con versation, "How are you getting along with the Burt waist?" stopping before a dummy over whose shoulders was stretched a Huffy looking black waist. I could not hear what the girl bending over the work said, but she looked pale and tired. "You'll have to hurry that Jocelyn skirt up It must be out by two o'clock" and so on from one drooping worker to another. We need not ex pect any particular deference to our titles here where the tinsel is put on we are just plain Burt, or Jocelyn or Mayfalr verily no man Is a huro to his valet. I was out driving yesterday north of Florence. We came home just at sun bet, and it seemed to me we might have challenged comparison with the world, so beautiful was the scene. Away up and down the river blue reaches of mist hung ashore, away to the west where the sun dropped in magnificent state to a veritable sea of tire. Here and there autumn has dashed her colors recklessly. She has painted the hill-sides in vivid reds and touched the leaves with royal gold. Oc casionally a Held defying time shows still a tender spread of green. We drew rein on the brow of a hill. It was quiet so very quiet we fancied we heard our hearts beat. Away to the south the smoke of numberless chim neys climbed straight into the evening sky. I breathed deeply In full, quiet appreciation of all the tender vanish ing loveliness. "Doesn't It make you feel half glad and half sad, such a scene as this?" I asked my companion, who seemed as fully absorbed as I. "Well, I hardly know whether I would express It quite that way, but I feel it, believe me." "How would you express the feeling this still beauty and quiet evening ves per hour has upon you?" "To be candid," he replied, turning a half fearful eye on me, "to be quite honest. It makes me feel as if it must be blamed near supper time." I shall never believe in a man again because he has a musical voice and soulful eyes. Such things are a snare to the unwary. Why do you not write to me? Yours, PENELOrrc. Omaha. Neb., Oct. 22. 1001. ? y 9 Many a lobster loses bis greenness in Tenderloin. It's easy to get into hot water there. Town Topics. "What is this grandfather clauso in the new constitution of some southern states?" asked Cumeo. "It provides that no one can vote whose grandfather has baen lynched," replied Cawker. Town Topics. WISE LANDLORD Gets the best talent that can be secured in placing his order for inside decorations for his houses. He desires the best matcril used, and something that will stand the wear and tear of the tenant. My experience of twenty-eight years has taught me how, when, and where to use economy. My prices are reasonable. Estimates cheer fully furnished. CARL MYRER, Browell Buildingr, 2612 o St. Phono 6232. IT THE - 1111 M W ... of LINCOLN, NEBR j J J Capital $ 200,000.00 Surplus and Profits . 54,255.03 Deposits .... 2,480,252.18 Jt J Jt S. H. Burnham, A. T. Sawyer, President. Vice President. H.S. Freeman, Cashier, H. B.Evans, Frank Parks, Ass't Cashier. Ass't Cashier. UNIJED STAfESDEJ0SlT0FY. TheProgressiveStore'sShowing JX(jAd STYUSH TAILOR-MADE XjEfflflJlS 1 Suits, Jackets, Waists, Etc. 3 is unsurpassed by any house in Nebraska. The pnees quoted on the garments advertised here cannot be equalled for quality, style, and workmanship. We shall be pleased to show them to you. STYLISH SUITS STYLISH JACKETS Stylish Suits made of Homespun Covert and Cheviot, silk lined jackets, new style skirts in flare or flounce effect, absolutely the best values ever offered $13.50, 15.00, 16.50 Elegant tailored Suits made of Basket cloth in Oxford grey, green mixture, navy blue, and black, made with Norfolk Jacket, silk lined, skirt is handsomely flounced,3 special values.. $18.50, 20.0O, 22.50 See our line of silk lined Suits in all stylish colors, for 835.00, 40.00, 45.00 iik fl Special Sale of 100 Trimmed Hats, exact copies of the F imported novelties $5.00, 7.50, 1 0.00 m An entirely new line of tailor-made Hats, identical copies W of our $6 and $8 styles, for $2.50, 3.50, 4.00 m Keady-to-wear Hats in every style and color, each. fih 98c, $1.50, 1.98 rk SILK WAISTS K Extra values in Taffeta and Peau de. Soie Silk Waists, at $2.98, 3.98, 4.98, 7.50 Tight fitting Newmarkets in all the different colors $20, 825, $30 I , ill 27 inch Jackets, with half fitted box coat backs, satin lined, fur collar, an elegant garment, for $12.50 27 inch Jackets, Skinner satin lined, extra quality Kersey in black, tan, or castor, 2 good values $12.50, 13.50 42 inch Jackets, Skinner satin lined, extra fine Kersey, in black, tan and castor; see the values for $18.50, 20.00, 25.00 58 inch Jackets, with half fitted back, body lined.all color Ker sey cloths, no such values of fered anywhere, $16.50, 20.0O mte 1 Ma 1 mrEJmmmwm1m. New Walking Skirts, Etc Walking Skirts in Meltons, Kerseys, hair line stripes in Pebble Cheviots, all colors, special values $6.50, 7.50, 8.50, 10.0O Dress Skirts in all the new styles, yoke stitch effects, in Pebble Cheviots, for $8.50, 12.50, 15.00 Silk lined Dress Skirts $20.00,25.00 Taffeta Silk Skirts, a new line with deep flounces, pleated and velvet trimmed $12.50, 15.0O, 20.00 .1 I i M lS'!?.Z'.!7.7.je7.?.Z?.7.-si7'ZL' . "-3-3rfc-N3-3-S-N3-T ZZ-X 1 " ' '''- j