THE COURIER. the hostesses, assisted by Mrs. Le Gore, Mrs. Harry Evans and Mrs. Warner. On Friday afternoon Mesdames Folsom gave a second card party similar to the odd od Thursday. On this occasion the assistants were: Mrs. Tom Munger, Mies Julia Lippincott and Mies Jennie Smith. The third party of the series was given on Friday evening. Mrs. Van Brunt, Mrs. Frank Hill and MiBS Harp bam assisted in serving luncheon, while Miss Emma Dalby served punch in the ball at each function. This afternoon sixty ladies will be entertained at a kensington. The house decorations are of red and white carnations. Mrs. E. R. Sizer entertained at a kensington on Monday, at which the guests of honor were Mrs. Winter of Baltimore and Mrs. John Hewitt of Columbus, Ohio. The house decora tions were of roses, carnations and lerne. An enjoyable feature was fur nished by Mrs. Winter, who rendered several piano solos. Luncheon was served to the guests, who were: Mes dames Winter, Hewitt, Ames, Moore, Frankisb, Crittenden, Harley, Piper, Evans, Inkster, Richards, Rudge, Tyler, E. W. Davis, Lewis of Normal, Usher, F. W. Brown, Guy Brown, Eason, Ew ing, Guthrie, Stearns, Green, Mansfield, Thomas, Goener of Philadelphia, Mar shall, Miller, Camp.Bailey and Grainger. The Omaha chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution was delight fully entertained Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Allen, the chapter regent. It was one of the most impor tant and interesting meetings of the year. Five new names were proposed for membership. After the business session was over a charming program followed, consisting of violin solos beau tifully rendered by Mr. Guy Woodward and a talk by the state regent, Mrs. Pound of Lincoln. Mrs. Pound charmed all by her personality and interesting remarks upon the early history of Ne braska. The program closed with a solo by Mr. Woodward and then followed an informal reception to Mrs. Pound. Light refreshments were served. The Omaha Excelsior. Married, on Tuesday, at the home of the bride, in Los Angeles, California, Miss Jane Cobb Macfarland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Macfarland, and Mr. Ralph Wilson Douglas, of St. Joseph, Missouri. The bride was gowned in white satin with point lace trimmings, and wore a tulle veil. The bride was attended by her sisters, Misses Jessie and Ruth Macfarland, both of whom have man; friends in Lincoln, their formor home. The bride is a member of the University class of '09, and of Kappa Alpha Theta fra ternity, to which she was a valuable addition. Mr. Douglas is engaged in business in St. Joseph, which city will be their future home. The alumnae, active and pledged members of Delta Delta Delta were the guests of Mrs. O. E. Rector last Sat urday afternoon. A musical game fur nished the entertainment, in which prizes were won by Miss Bonnell and MissAuId. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. II. P. Lau. The guests were: Mrs. Jame3 Manahan, Mrs. Woodward Jonss of Wayne; Misses Cora Smith, Auld, Cidy, Grimison, Mamie Miller, Mackin, Ames, Frankiah, Poynter, Koehler, Casebeer, Gund, Du Teil, Walker, Powers, Salle, Nichelson, Bonnell, Winifred Bonnell, Whittier, Bignell, Murray and Laach. Members of the L. A. kensington and their husbands and a few other guests pent an enjoyable evening at the home f Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. Harpham on Tuesday evening. Six-handed euchre was played and a two-course supper was surved at ten o'clock. The gueBtB were Messrs. and Mesdames Billmeyer, Davis, Chapin, Van Brunt, Seacrest, Robinette, Wilkinson. Jones, Kennard. Campbell, A. A. Scott, Hill, Usher, Kelley, Le Gore, J. C. Harpham; Mesdames Pitcher, Patrick, Wendling and Cook of Chicago. A delightful card party was given by Mrs. Walter Davis on Thursday after noon. The gueste were met at the door by little Jessie Clark, who was dressed in red. They were received by Mrs. DaviB, assisted by Mrs. A. G. Davis and Mrs. Kennard; Mrs. Mockett, Mrs. C. I. Jones, Mrs. Billmeyer and MiBs Mabel Johnson also assisted in the parlors and in serving the delicious two course luncheon which followed the game. The decorations were of palms and American beauty roses, and were espec ially effective in the hall. The guostB were: Mesdames Aitken, Blackburn, Billmeyer, Baker, Crandall, Crosby, Cook, Folsom, Finch, Field, Fling, Guenzel, Green, Gerhart, Garoutte, Harpham, Harris, Holyoke, Hoover, Helwig, Hutchins, HiM, Ingalls, Kell ogg, Latshaw, C. R. Lee, Lahr, Le Gore, Moore, Charles Mayer, Henry Mayer, Risser, George Kisser, Kehlaender, Kewick, Rewick, Bobbins, Rudge, Rec tor, Stonebraker, Scott, Shelton, Sea crest, Turner, Turner. Thompson, Tate, Taylor, Usher, Van Brunt, Wilkinson, Putnam, I. G. Chapin. Seacrest, Frank Woods, Nance, S. Hoover and Will Phillips; Misses Putnam, Galbraith Keller and Risser. After an absence of nearly six years. Reverend John Hewitt of Columbus, Ohio, is spending a few day 3 with his friends and former parishioners in this city, ne is accompanied by Mrs. Hew itt, who has been the guest of honor at many social functions during the last two weeks. Especially enjoyable was the reception given on Wednesday eve ning at Holy Trinity Episcopal church. The Sunday school room was elaborate ly decorated for the occasion; autumn foliage was used in profusion, while lamps and rugs added a home-like ap pearance. Ice cream and cake were served from a table decorated with red carnations and lighted with red candles, and coffee was poured by Mrs. E. R. Sizer and Mrs. Guy Brown. The charm of the evening was in its informality. At the request of the rector, Mr. Hewitt will preach at Holy Trinity on Sunday morning. Doctor II. B. Lowry entertained the Round Table on Monday evening. Mr. G. M. Lambertson, the leader, chose for his subject "The Taxation of Rail roads. Do Railroadr Pay their Just Amount of Taxation?" Those 'present were: Judge Field, Judge Cornish, Judge Holmes, Doctor Hindman, Doctor Rowlands, Doctor Hill, Doctor Lowry, Doctor Davenport, Messrs. F. M. Hall, C. 0. Whedon, C.H.Gere, S. L. Geist hardt, Busbnell, A.J.Sawyer, Baird, Lambertson, J. II. Harley, R. E. Moore, E.E.Brown, H. H. Wilson, H. E. Lewis and J. E. Miller. The next meeting will be held on November 4th at the home of Judge Field. Mr. J. E. Miller, the leader, has chosen for his subject "Manual Training in the Public Schools." Captain T. W. Griflilh returned to Lincoln on Tuesday, after serving three jears in the Filipines. On Thursday Captain and Mrs. Griffith were the guests of honor at a dinner given by Mrs. Walter Hargreaves. On Friday evening a dinner was given in their honor by Mrs. Yates, while this evening Les Bohemiennes will give a compli mentary dinner at the Lincoln. Cap tain and Mrs. Griffith will leave 'ery soon for Pittsburg, where Captain Grif fith will report for special duty. The N. Y. World says of Fannie Bloomfield Zeisler: She played wonder fully well, with a tremendous energy, with an exuberance of color and force, r0OtOMMIHMMIMMHMMIMMM0IMIHIMIIMMMMMMMMHMMMOM Office lOthond 8ta. Pliono 176. WE DO . . . I Piano and Furniture WE SELL . . Moving I All Gradeeof Coal. WE CARRY . . A Fine Lino of Car- riages and Buggies. . If You Want First-Class Service Call on Us. L11 xou waiib-tj 8MMIIMIIHIIIIII MIMIIIIIIIIMHMMMMIMIIIIMIIlll wood a:ni ooiVXv HUTCHINS Ss HYATT. PYROGRAPHY . . . or burned wood decoration ia the most popular and fascinating amuse ment at present. With a Pyrographic Machine and a piece of poplar or deal board you can trace some of the most beautiful designe imag inable. We have made arrangements with a Chicago artist to give ex hibitions and lessons in our store on Thursdays and Saturdays, com mencing with Saturday, October 10th. Samples of the worn will be on exhibition. THE LINCOLN BOOK STORE, 1 1 26 O STRGBT. Geo. W. Montgomery, President. L. P. Funkhouser, Cashier. RHIERS" & MHtCllTS'1 tyHK, 15th and O Streets, Lincoln, Nebr. Capital paid in 550,000.00 Accounts of Individuals, Firms, Corporations, Banks and Bankers Solicited. Correspondence Invited. FOREIGN EXCHANGE and LETTERS OF CREDIT on all the principal cities oi itiurope. interest paiu on lime deposits. 4 0 000000000 0080000000 OM 010 Ml 08 1 010 01 8 00 00l 03 with a great variety of expressiveness, with a superlative degree of indivfdu ality. She is a most interesting pianist in her artistic abandon." Madam Zeis ler will ba heard Tuesday evening, Oc tober 29th, at tbe First Presbyterian church. Governor Savage attended a. cowboy's carnival held at Hyannis on Wednes day. The Governor was accompanied by Secretary of State Marsh, State Treasurer Stuefer, Land Commissioner Follmer, Stale Auditor Weston, Super intendent Fowler, Attorney General Prout, Messrs. S. C. BaBsett, E. R. Sizer, J. H. Ager, C.L.Eaton, L.L. Lindsey and Simpkins. Married, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Pierson, on Wednesday noon, Miss Margaret E. Pierson and Mr. John D. Olson of Chi cago. After a wedding breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Olson left for Buffalo. They will also visit other eastern cities before returning to Chicago, where they will reside. On Wednesday evening Pi Beta Pbi conducted the ceremony of initiation at the home of Miss Burruss, GS$ South Fourteenth street. The novitiates were Misses Kate Whitmore of Valley, Edna Holland of Falls City, Willa Allen of Madisor, Giace Conerd of Atlantic, Iowa, Bess Burruss. Blanche Meeker and Pearl Archibald of Lincoln. The price of admission to hear the great artists brought to Lincoln by tbe various organizations is lower than that of any other town in the United States. Think of hearing Fannie Bloomfield Zeisler for "5c. First Presbyterian church, Tuesday. October 29th. Married, on Wednesday evening, at the home of tbe bride's parents, 407 South Fourteenth street. Miss Bertha M Denman and Mr. A. Frank Pacal. Mr.and Mrs. Pacal will be ct home to thair friends at 2544 P street after De cember fourth. The Unity club met for the first time this season on Wednesday evening, at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mayer High five was the form of entertain ment, and prizes were won by Miss Friend and Mr. Henoch. A musicale and reception were given at Trinity M. E. church last night in honor of Reverend and Mrs. N. A. Mar tin, and of Mrs. C. C. White, who has recently returned to Lincoln after an absence of several years. The Fortnightly club and their hus bands were entertained on Tuesday eve ning by Mrs. A. J. Sawyer and Mrs. COAL ICE WHITBBRBAST COAX, s TJI2&E GO. Cooper's Manufactured Ice & Cold Storage Co. Office 109 So. 11th II