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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1901)
THE COURIER. M. ih ennial to be held in Lob Angeles are Mrs. Mattbeweon or Wakefield, Mrs. Gross of Fairb.ury, Mrs. Bushnell of Lincoln, Mrs. Stoutenborough of Platte moutb, Mrs. Pile of Wayne, Mrs. Lang worthy of Seward, Mrs. Draper Smith of Omaha, Mrs. Durland of Norfolk. Alternates, Mrs. Monnett of Central City, Mrs. Fuller of Wayne, Mrs. Gault or Omaha, Miss McCarn of Fremont, Mrs. F. E. Labr of Lincoln, Mrs. Norric of North Bend, Mrs. Page of Syracuse, Mrs. Bressler of Wayne. An invitation from Columbus to hold the next meeting there was referred to the executive committee. Two proposed amendments to the constitution were passed; the first, relat ing to the nominating committee, com posed of the presidents of the clubs, passed without discussion; but the sec ond, relating to club dues which were to be raised from $2.00 to $3.00 for clubs of fifty or less, met with some opposition, October 28 Organization. November 11 Officers' qualifications, rights and duties; members' rights and duties. November 25 Conduct of business. December 9 Amendments. January 9 Parliamentary practice. January 20 Privileged motions. February 3 Incidental motions. February 17 Subsidiary motions. March 3 Miscellaneous motions. March 17 Committees, committeo re ports. March 31 Undebatable questions. April 14 Parliamentary practice. April 28 Questions requiring more than a majority vote. The history department, though not large, is enthusiastic. The first meet ing will be held on October 17, and sub sequent meetings will follow on Thurs day of each week. With Miss Brackett as leader, the work has been arranged under the following outline, and pre- SMhi m" fteipvOkunci(o; Ladies' Fine Footwear. vip especially from the newly organized and eet8 an interesting example of correla- few in number clubs, but finally passed after parliamentary law had sustained many fractures. A marked improvement in club re ports was a noticeable feature of the federation, these reports being distinctly heard and interspersed with much wit aud humor. The Eocial feature waB not overdone, and the reception given at the home of Mrs. Bressler would have done honor to any occasion. The guests were received by Mr. and Mrs. Bressler, Mies Evans, Mrs. Peattie, the state officers and the Wayne club presidents. Mibb Evans, who appeared on the program Tuesday evening, was cordially received and made many friends in Nebraska. Mrs. Peattie received a royal welcome from old friends and new. Most excellent music was heard dur ing the meetings. Otto Vogetof Wayne, a young violinist of great promise, was beard Tuesday afternoon. Mies Blake of Omaha, a most skillful performer on that rare instrument, the harp, delight ed her hearers on Wednesday. Mrs. Will Owen Jones of Lincoln furnished the music for Thursday, and the audi ence showed its appreciation of hearing this talented pianist by many recalls, to which she responded with a graciousnees that was very pleasing. The large attendance at the opening meeting of the Lincoln Woman's club last Monday afternoon gives promise of unlimited enthusiasm pnd interest in the work of tbe coming year. While dispensing with a formal presi dent's address, Mre. Bushnell thanked the department leaders for their prompt response to her requests for outlines of the year's work. Through their cooper ation the year book is now ready to send to press. The president announced tbe following committees: Membership Mesdames C. F. Harp ham, G. F. Fisher, Calen Thompson, F. E. Labr, J. F. Stevens, J. H. Hurnpe, R. D. Stearns, E. G. Yates, F. W. Hill, G. Schwake. Reception Mesdamee Milton Scott. W. A. Poynter, Grant Watkins, I. L. Lyman, H. K. Burkett, Ushers Mesdames J. F. Stevens, W. M. Weidman, S. Weasel and Mies Mar garet Hall. Doorkeepers Mrs F. M.Tyrrell aud Mre. W. G. Roberts. , Social Mrs. F. M. Hall, chairman. A brief outline of the work of each department was given by the leader or some other member. The conspicuous blunders often made and time wasted in important meetings by a lack or knowledge of parliamentary law induced the decision to devote fif teen minutes at each open meeting to this subject, under the able leadership of Mre. Eli Plummer. Following are the dates and topics for discussion in this department: ,ion, embracing as it does points in civil government and political economy: American History Division. 1. Organization of the Government. a. Elections, b. Organization of congress, c. Organization of ex ecutive department (including cabinet). 2. d. The judiciary. e. Hamilton and the financial system (Dodge's Hamilton). . The rise of parties; II. Foreign relations and Internal Disturbance. 3. a. Relations with France, b. Relations with England to 179b. c. The whiskey rebellion. III. Adams' Administration. 4. a. Adams and his enemies. Com parisons with Washington, b. The x y z episode. 5. c. Alien and Sedition Laws, d Virginia and Kentucky resolutions, e. Causes of the fall of the Feder alists. . Election of 1800. IV. The Republican Party iu Power. 6. a. Jefferson and his princi ples, b. Jefferson's work in Virginia aud as President c An nexation of Louisiana, d. Later history of expansion Boundary questions. Florida. Oregon ques tion. V. RiBiug Trade Difficulties. 8. a. French and English aggres sions; 17931803. b. War be tween England and France. British "Orders in Council" and Napoleon's Decrees, c. Jeffer son's policy toward England and France, d. Congressional action Embargo Act. Non Intercourse Act. VI. War of 1812. 9. a. Rise of war spirit. Steps to declaration of war. b. The campaigns, c. The Hartford convention. VII. 11. Financial and Industrial His tory, 1789-1820. VIII. Internal Improvements. 12. a. Un der Federalists, b. Under the re publicans, e. 1815-1829. IX. Slavery. 13. a. Early feeling toward slavery. 1776-1808. 6. History of the Missouri Com promise. 1. Change of feeling toward slavery. Political effect of admission of Missouri. Fir3t controversy, 18181819. 14. 2. Second controversy, 1819-1820; Maine and Missouri. 3. Third controversy; Clay's Compromise, 1819. X. Disintegration of Parties, a. Par ties in Monroe's administration. b. Election of 1824. References: Uchouler, Adams, Mc- Maater, Von Hoist. American States men Series. Stanwood, History of the Presidency. Works or Washington, Jef ferson, Madison, Adams, Hamilton. In no other department has the inter est increased so noticeably throughout the state as in the art department. From We have iust received the snappiest 'and most stylish line of up-to-date Foot- iwear we have ever shown, in Patent Leather, Patent Kid, Vici, Fine Box Calf land Velour, in close edge and the popular extension rope-stitch edge in yellow or ' black stitching-. We are offering- a line of shoes at $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 that we think are superior in qualit7, work manship and style to anything- in the city. We have made extra efforts in this department this season and know we can fit you satisfactorily, as we carry all (styles and widths from A A to E. We have no ap prentices in this department, We employ only expe rienced shoe salesmen. We are always pleased to l show goods in this department. H 51 u fi:faipQvAmvai(g w ikvoojwv, jxt;e:br. A&j! ffl&l fife a study or an abstract subject this wcrk has become personalized, and is finding expression in carefully chosen wall pa pers in the homes, pictures on school room walls and in the becoming gowns of the women, no less than in discussions or the relative advantages of rival art schools and analyses of the works of tbe great masters. The rapidly increasing tendency to give a practical turn to all study aud investigation is better illus trated in this than in any other depart ment. The outline arranged by Miss Hayden, director of the art department, has been printed before in The Cour ier, but is worth reproducing: 1. American Art Schools Art institute, Chicago; New York league; academy of fine arts, Philadelphia; school of art, Boston. 2. Process of Reproduction Etching; chalk plate; half tone; lithography; monotypes, etc. If possible will have examples of each process in plates and print. 3. American Illustrators Examples of work with reference to the particular process used. 4. Wood Carving and Pyrography Old German and Swiss carving; famous work in European cathedrals; pyrog raphy an old art revived. 5. Pottery and Porcelain Examples showing different etageb; clay, bisque and glazed ware. Famous rectories with mention or their distinctive qual ities. Work in America. 6. American Women in Art Examples and characteristics or work. Oppor tunities for women. 7. Famous Sculptures Ancient and modern. 8. American portrait painters. 9. American mural decorators. 10. Pastel and miniature painting. 11. Decorative designr 12. Reception and closing meeting. The music department will be in charge of Miss Nelly Lally, assisted by Miss Haskell and Mrs. U. F.Fisher. The work will be conducted according to the following outline: 1. The growth of music in America. American composers. 2. Brass and reed instruments of the modern orchestra. 3. Chooin and his works. 4. Ancient Greek scales and their influ ence upon modern music. u.French school and its characteristics. C. The forms of Canon and Fugue. 7. Russian school and its characteristics. 8. Richard Wagner. 9 The sonata form. 10. The works of Beethoven. 11. Magyar folk music. 12. Liszt and his works. The French division will consistof two classes this season, one a beginners' class, the other an advanced class which . will read selections from the best French authors, giving considerable time to verbs and the essential points of syntav. Much time will also be devoted to French conversation. Under the direc tion of Mrs. Pirie, excellent work may be expected in this department. After devoting two years to the sub ject of general English literature, Miss Towne has decided to specialize this Beason, and has selected Browning and one play of Shakepere a9 the subjects for study. The work will be analytical, and four or five lectures will be greatly appreciated by students in this depart ment. Mre. W. M. Morning, lead r of the current topics department, presents the work under the following divisions: The evolution of the new woman. 1. Social and educational development. 2. What haB the Christian church doo- for woman? 3 Woman before the law for two hun dred years. 4. Origin and elimination of emotion alism in woman. 5. Women as writers and authors. G. Women in the professions. 7. Woman's history as voter and lav -maker. 8. The legal status of woman in braska. Great interest is manifested in tt home department, which will meet ne' Wednesday morning at ten o'clock witi the leader, Mrs. A. J. Sawyer. At tb. meeting the members are requested t bring pencils and paper. The object ' this department is to study the trend ' modern life; to encourage timid women t take up the economic problems wbid so imperatively demand solution; ' eliminate evil wherever possible and encourage good; to build up and not ' tear don;in fact to supplant pessimis' with a healthful optimism which wi find its expression in everyday life. Mr- i y r tsmisjm