THE COURIER. 8 psjs mmm asaa8a8sa8aaai MONS1BK SAbfe 1A A sale that will cause astonishment among our competitors, that will create enthusiasm among our numerous customers, and in which LOW PRICE is the sounding board for every department in the store. Yotx Expect Greater Values Here TH&n. Jie-wmere. It's the giving of greater values than others that has made this store in the past few years the most popular in Lincoln it is honest merchan dising that has obtained for us the confidence and good will of the people. Comparison is the True Test of Value. Watch for One of th6 Large Circulars Now Being Distributed. An elegant showing of Tailor-Made Suits, Raglans, Newmarkets, Automobile Coats, Flannel and Silk Waists, Dress Skirts, Petticoats. Furs, all specially priced. tkQmAA m-tltr THE NEW RAGLANS. A very large assortmeut of these stylish and fashionable garments, embracing all the latest nov elties for this season; especially in this garment should style, fit, quality of material and workman ship be carefully considered. Our garments meet all these requirements, and we guarantee them. Swell Raglans made in Melton, Oxford and Kersey cloths, with loose or half-iitted backs, elegantly tailored, price $20, $17.50, $16. 50 42-inch Automobile Coats in all the new materials, half-fitted or tight fitted coat back, in colore, castor, tan, oxford and black, price $12.50, $15.00, $17.00 to $50.00 Tj li New Mackintoshes. New line of stylish and serviceable Mackintoshes in automobile styles, etc. Our line is verv strong in values of $7.50, $8.50 and $IO.OO The NEW AUTOMOBILES,Etc. 27-inch Jackets made in oxford, kersey and beaver cloths, loose back, half-fitted or the nobby tight fitting back, silk lined throughout, splendidly made, fit guaranteed, price. .$5.98, $8.50, $10, $15 to $25 NEW MISSES' JACKETS. NEW CHILDREN'S JACKETS. Children's Jackets in all the latest cuts. Jackets with capes, and the long automobile style in kersey and home-spun cloth, sizes 6 to 12 years $3.50, $6.50, $8.50 to $12.00. New Dressing Sacques. Dressing Sacques made of all wool-faced eiderdown, turn-down and military collars, in colors, cadet blue, red, pink and babv blue 75c, 98c, $1.50 and $2.50 Misses' Jackets in oxford and kersey clothB, half fitted or box backs, in colore, castor, tan, red and brown; elegant values for. $5.98, $7.50 to $12.00 INFANTS' CLOAKS Infants' Cloaks for children from 1 to 5 years, in all materials, eiderdown, braid and fur trimmed broadcloths, etc. Cloaks that will delight the little ones' eyes. Cloaks that will appeal to your pocketbook..98c, $1.50 to 6.00 Also Jackets for the same ages $3.50 to $5.00 i tC JTtV TTV. rfTYV. JVYV. . - -. 5 t&tS&itSXit$miS&iP WWWWfi? her mother, Mrs. C. A. Jones of Salt Lake City. Dr. Carr, surgeon. 141 South 12th. Died, of apoplexy, at 146 North Elev enth street, Mrs. Fred Williams, on Saturday, October fifth. MATINEE MUSICALE. TXIZABETH B. BAKER. The Matinee Musicals, now entering upon its eighth season, has attained such a growth and become such an im portant factor in all musical affaire in the community that a brief resume of its history may not be wilboat interest. For some time before its organization the need of such a club had been deeply felt, eo that when in June of 1894 such recognized musical leaders as Mrs. D. A. Campbell, Mrs. J. W. Winger and Mies Marie Hoover issued a call for a meeting in Curtice Music Hall for the purpose of considering the formation of a musical society, a cordial interest was felt and about twenty-five of Lincoln's representative musical women respond ed. All manifested great enthusiasm, and steps were bt once taken toward the organization of the club. Within two weeks a constitution was adopted, officers elected and committees appoint ed. The first regular meeting was .held on the first Monday of October, 1894, at Curtice Music Hall, which was the home of the club during the first two years of its existence. From the beginning, the aim of the Matinee Musicale was to present only such programs as would be of interest and benefit to all members, and the out lines of work accomplished show great care and thought in their preparation. The various great composers, taken in chronological order, occupied the first two years of study. The third year the different nationalities, with their con trasting schools of composition, were presented. The fourth year offered at tractively musical forms. Instructive and interesting papers from time to time accompanied the programs and added much to their worth. In the fifth, sixth and seventh years the pro grams departsd from any fixed charac teristic as a whole, becoming more mis cellaneous in style, each subject chosen, however, being fully illustrated by the music. While, perhaps, not affording such deep research in the study of mu sic as an art, these programs have charmed by their variety and contrast. Early in the history of the club the desirability of an associate membership was recognized, and a number of the musical amateurs of the city became identified with the organization in this capacity. The associate membership has steadily increased, new names be ing added to the roll each year until it now approximates one hundred. The associates share all the musical and social pi.Tilegee of the club without be ing called upon to assist in the rendi tion of the programs. The chorus organization has become one of the important features of the Matinee Musicals, great care and effort having been bestowed on this branch of the work, especially during the last three years. With the talent available and under the directed efforts of Mrs. P. Y. M. Raymond, who has had the cho rus under her personal supervision, part songs, cantatas and other choral works of considerable musical pretension and worth have from time to time been pre sented with excellent effect, adding much to the interest in the entertain ments. The first four seasons of the club terminated annually with a "May Fes tival" consisting of a series of programs given on consecutive days. In these concerts the efforts of the local club were augmented by the cooperation of musical societies hailing from various outside communities. Professional art ists were also engaged to appear on these gala occasions, Among others who have contributed to the success of the May Festivals may be mentioned such celebrities as Ellen Beach Yaw, Maximilian Dick, Mary Louise Clary, Stella Hadden-Alexander, Bruno-Stein-del, Mrs. Steindel, Edward Uchnecker, Minnie Fish Griffin and Mildred Weber. In later years, however, the festival idea has been replaced by a series of "Artist Recitals" given at stated inter vals during the club year. The aim of the managers has been to Becure the beet possible talent in the professional world of music that the finances would permit. Some exceptionally choice en tertainments of this character have been given which include the Topeka Ladies' Quartette, Max Heinrich, the Persian Garden Quartette, Miss Mor rill, Mrs. Weakley, Mr. Gareissen and the Leonora Jackson Concert Company. Mr. Henry Eames and Mr. John Ran dolph of the University School of Music have entertained the club with interest ing and instructive lectures on musical subjects, and Mrs. Joseph Wurzburg has also favored the ladies with a choice Schubert program in which an enter taining talk and musical illustrations from that greatest of German song writers were charmingly interwoven. The business of the club is managed by an executive board consisting of the president, secretary, corresponding sec retary, treasurer, auditor, librarian, elective members from both the active and associate lists and the chairmen of standing committees. The first presi dent was Mrs. D. A. Campbell, who served three terms. She was succeeded in the following order by Mrs. A. W. ! Jansen, Mrs. J. W. Winger, Mrs. A. S Raymond, Mrs. E. Lewis Baker and Mrs. D. M. Butler. These ladies have each served one term, an amendment to the constitution having been made pro viding that no member shall hold the office twice consecutively. Next to the executive department the most import ant part of club work is the preparation of the year's outline of work and the arrangement of the programs, and on the chairman of the Program Commit tee much responsibility must alwajs rest. This committee has been presided over by Mrs. Winger, Mrs. Jansen, Mies Annie L. Miller, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Campbell, Mies Ella Givens and Mies Mary Smith, in the order named. Interest in the club has continued unabated since its inception and or ganization and its active membership has been up to the constitutional limit, with numerous applicants constantly on the "waiting list." It commences- the season of 1901-1902 under the most auspicious circumstances and the out look for the year is decidedly encourag ing both from a business and artistic standpoint. TUESDAY, OCT. 15, 10 A. M. Do Not Forget the Time. Set for the sale of reserved seats for the season, for the Y.M.C.A. entertainment course. The expense will be 10, 15 or 30 cents extra per night, depending on the location of the seat. If you do not wish to reserve a Beat for the eleven -numbers, you can either reserve it fcr all except the orchestra matinee, makiDg ten numbers, next Tuesday, or wait till three days before each entertainment and reserve your Beats for that particu lar number. If you have ordered season ticlxt- and have not received them, be sure t get them at the Y.M.C.A. office before the 15th. The place to reserve your Beats is the Oliver Theatre Box office.