The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, October 12, 1901, Page 11, Image 12

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1400 O STREET.
Successor to PT. O. Hanna.
(First Pub. Sept. 23 .)
Notice of Sale.
Notice is hereby given tht in pursuance of
an order of Edward P. Holmes, one of tho
Judges of the District Court of the Third Judi
cial District, Lancaster county, state of Ne
braska, made on the 1st day of December, 1900,
for the sale of the real estato hereinafter des
cribed, there will be sold at tho front entrance
of the. Fitzgerald Block, at 111 North 9th
street, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster coun
ty Nebraska, on the 21st day of October. 1901,
at ten o'clock in the forenoon on said day. at
public auction to the highest bidder the fol
lowing described real estate to-wit: Lot 6 in
block 41 of the original plat of tho city of Lin
coln, Lancaster county, Nebraska. Lot 7, in
block 41, of the original plat of the city of Lin
coln. Lancaster county, Nebraska. Lots 9 and
10, in block 41, of tho original plat of tho city of
Lincoln. Lancaster county, Nebraska. Lots A,
H. Cand D in block 68 of County flerk's sub
division of lots 7, 8 and 9 of the original plat
pi the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Ne
braska, The north 25 feet of lot 3, block 2. of
Muir s addition to J. O. Young's addition to
tue city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebras
ka Lots 1,2,3.4 5,6,7,8.9,10 11 and 12 in
block 1. one, of Fitzgerald's Second addition
' the city of Lincoln. Lancaster county, Ne
braska. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9, 10, 11 and 12,
in block two, of Fitzgerald's Second addition
to the city of Lincoln. Lancaster county, Ne
braska. Lots 1, 2, 3. 4. 5, 6, 7, 8. 9, 10. II and 12,
in block.three, of Fitzgerald's Second addition
Jo the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Ne-
rTila; ,Lot i -' 3' 4 5 6-"'' 9 ,0 " and 12'
in block four, of Fitzgerald's Second addition
the city of Lincoln. Lancaster county, Ne
braska. Lots 13. 14. 15, 22, 23 and 21, in block
'-. in Manchester's addition to the city of Lin
coln, Lancaster county, Nebraska. Lots one
ana two in block twenty-six of the first addi
"n to West Lincoln. Lancaster county. Nebr.
i- ts thirteen and fourteen, in block twenty
"". of the original plat of West Lincoln, Lan
caster county, Nebraska. Tho south one-half
J' tlie northeast quartorof section thirty-three,
u unship ten, rango six, east of tho 6th P.M.,
i-incaster county, Nebr. Said sale will remain
f)i'n for one hour, and tho undersigned is by
5'" t order of license authorized in making the
;d to Give such length of credit not exceed-"-'tliiee
years, and for not morothan three-
'""Us of the purchase price, as may seem best
emulated to produco tho highest price, and to
"euro the moneys, for which credit is giTen by
"nuoI the purchaser and mortgage of the
I pauses sold. Mart Fitzgerald.
i "mnistratrix of tho estato of John Fitzgerald.
James Manahan, Attorney for Said Estate.
CFirst Pub. Oct.5.-4
Notice to Non Resident Defendants.
Allen W. Field.
Martha Carlson. Josephine
A. Kogers, Walter E. Rogers,
Charles F Carlson. Louis
M. Carlson, Anna M. Carlson,
a minor. William II Seal.
Edwin M Allen. Cvrus H. Stephens.
J and Emma Stephens, defendants.
William B. Seal and Edwin M. Allen, defend
ants, will take notice that on the 28th day of
September, 1901. Allen W. Field, plaintiff here
in, tiled his petition in the District Court of
Lancaster county Nebraska, against said de
fendants, the object and prayer of which are to
forecloe a certain mortgage executed by one
Carl E. Carlson and Martha Carlson, his wife,
to one William U. Seal, which said mortgage
has been assigned to plaintiff, upon the follow
ing described real estate situate In Lancaster
county. Nebraska, to-wit: Lot thirteen (13 tin
S. M. Benedict's sub-division of lots eight (8),
nine (9). tentlO), eleven (11). twelve 112), thir
teen ( 13), fourteen ( 14 ). fifteen 1 15) and sixteen
(16), block three (3), North Side addition to the
city of Lincoln, to secure the payment of one
certain promKsory note dated February 24. lKtt,
for the sum of tlft0 00, and due and payable
January 1st, It97, and that there Is now due
ii non said noteand mortgagothesumof $1617.49.
and plaintiff prays that said premises may be
decreed to De soiu to sausiy ine amount uuu
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 11th dav of Not ember, 1901.
Dated 2ih day of September. 1901.
Attorney pro se.
Speculator Have you located your
rw town yet?
Boomer No, but we bave our Car
Egie library all ready to set up aa soon
a- we find a site. Town Topics.
.Lady Modish In Town Topics.;
. . . THE? ...
j J J
Capital $ 200,000.00
Surplus and Profits . 54,255.03
Deposits .... 2,480,252.18
lv v
S. H. Burnham, A. I. Sawyer,
President. Vice President.
H. S. Freeman, Cashier,
H. B.Evans, Frank Parks,
Ass't Cashier. Ass Cashier.
Lady Modish at the Yacht Races.
The time is past when women don red,
white or blue flannel costumes trimmed
with braid for yachting, as the beautiful
gowns worn during the past week at the
races attest.
It is now the reign of the fancy tail
or mades, and some of those I saw on
Thursday and Tuesday are almost be
yond description.
The principal feature of these cos
tumes ib the marked elaborateness of
the bodices. Nothing is plain any longer.
The world of fashion has gone mad over
laces, buttons, Persian trimmings, vel
vet straps and all sorts of garniture.
I saw one or two velvet gowns, but it
is still a little early for these, although
they are sure to be extremely popular as
the seasou advances.
A red cloth gown worn on the Grande
Ducheese was hemstitched all over at
intervals of about three inches, and
showed a brighter red strip benepth.
The waist had heavy Russian lace for its
body, and was trimmed with tho red
cloth. The sleeves showed a deep cuff
of lace, laced back and forth in the fas
tening with black velvet ribbon of the
narrowest sort.
I think it was on Wednesday that
Mrs.Stuyvesant Fish wore such a lovely
tailor gown of castor cloth and velvet at
a Waldorf-Astoria lnncheon. It was
made after the Empire style, and bad
long tails to the velvet coat.
Friday evening Lady Neuborough and
her sister, Mrs. Chauncey, were very
much remarked at the same hotel. They
wore almost duplicate gowns of white
lace, simple but exquisite in style.
Mrs. Chauncey affects white almost
First Pub. Oct. 12-
In the District Court within and for Lancas
ter County, In the State of Nebraska.
Mary Egger, plaintiff, 1
Noah Egger, defendant. V
Said defendant is hereby notifivd that sV
plaintiff has commenced an'actlon aaln' &
In said Court, the object, purpose and or-C.1 J.f
tain a decree of divorce from said .1,'L 'J ,
l.nillnhni-hlninfnUlnt.nul Inn. 'UCienaani,
lowing lands and tenements sitU1 bclng-
cast one-half of the southeast Hit Is tosaT-.j"?
numbered two in township u" " " "I
range numbered slx.-lwth ...lumbered seven, of
said defendant willfully r lou the grounu iuv
serted the said plaintiff, an. t..naoneU ana ae
absent from her since thtll has willfully been
Itw. momnn ""-'i
appear in said action and makbrther notified to
petition on or before the lth da e an3"?I ji1"
A. D. 1901. or the allegations In'? of .S0??
will be taken as true and judgment"ald ,,li;lJ
be rendered accordingly. . ana uecree
First Pub.. Sept. 2S-3J
Notice of Probate.
Estate No. 1503 of August Kluge, deceased.
In county court of Lancaster county, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, to all person? in
terested in said estate, take notice, that a
petition has been tiled for probate of the last
will and testament of said deceased, and for
appointment of Wllhelminna Kluge as execu
trix thereof, which has been set for hearing
herein, on November 7th. 1901, at lOo'clockA.M.
Dated September 28, 1901.
seal. Frank R.YtATERs.
County Judge.
By Walter A. Leese, Clerk County Court
First Pub. Sept. 2S .
Notice of Final Report.
Estate No. 1515 of George I. Ilottcrill
deceased. In county court of Lancaster county,
The state of Nebraska to all persons Interest
ed in said estate, take notice that the adminis
trator, O. II. Polk, has Hied a final account and
report of his administration, and a petition for
final settlement and discharge as such, which
have been set for hearing before said court on
October 17. 1901. at ten o clock A. M when you
may appear and contest the same. Dated Sep
tember 17, 1901.
j Seal.) FRAN K K. WATERS. County Judge.
By Walter A., Clerk.