THE COURIER. 10 w. - s- !. w IV THEATRIGAfo. THE OLIVER. Surrounded by a company of unusual excellence, magnificent and appropriate scenery, costumes historically correct and with attention to the smallest de tail, Otis Skinner's ret ival of "Franceaca Da Rimini' is one of the greatest dra matic events of the season, and has scored a triumph in its recent presenta tion in Chicago. No recent dramatic presentment has received such unani mous and unstinted praise of the press 8nd public As Lanciotto in "Frances co Da Rimini" Mr. Skinner is seen at bis best. It will be gratifying news to many of Mr-Skinner's admirers that he will be seen at the Oliver on Monday erening. The mo6t interesting and beautiful pastoral play known to the English speaking stage is "Shore Acres," which is easily the best known and successful of all of Jamei A. Heme's famouB playB. For this season, which is the tenth con secutive one, an excellent company of players, headed by Mr. James T. Gallo way and Miss Marion Cullen, has been engaged. There will also be an abund ance of new scenery and other unique features. The lovers of refined stage art should not fail to Bee this really tine comedy-drama. At the Oliver for only one night, Thursday, October 17. Do you want to laugh? Yes? Well, then, just visit the Oliver next Saturday evening and you will get all you want in the way of mirth; you will find it quite a treat to sit out a farce and not be bored to death by eome would-be, low comedian trying to be funny and mak ing a htBh of the business. -Harry Berea ford, who will appear as Seymour Sites in "The Wrong Mr. Wright," is Bpoken of as a comedian of rare ability and the possessor of a striking personality and a humorous faculty as rich as it is abund ant. The story of "The Wrong Mr. Wiight' is a piece of genuine humor; go and eee it. The action is good through' out, the dialogue the smartest of the smart and the action of the play rapid. .There is not a dull moment from the rise to the fall of the curtain. THE FUNKE. Hundreds of local readers of Sienkie wiscz'.novel. "Quo Vadis," will find in terest in Chas. W. Chase's dramatiza tion of it, which will be given at the Funke on Monday and Tuesday nights. It has been played to crowded houses everywhere. The cast is strong and thn entire production b beautiful exam ple of scenic stagecraft. The religious element of the play is very strong, and the clergymen of all denominations have placed their mark of approval upon the play, pronouncing it-a great instrument of good, which should be listened to by all classes. Manager Zehrung has secured the well-known Twin Brothers Lyman, who will appear as stars in their own com pany of supporting artists in Herbert L. Lyman's irresistibly funny farce com edy, entitled "A Merry Chase." The play itself is thoroughly good, and with the interpolation of all the new up-to-date songs, music and vaudeville fea tures, the entire entertainment goes with a dash and a soap that is sure to please all classes. They will appear Friday and Saturday with Saturday matinee, and their wide reputation for doing all and more than is promised will undoubtedly insure this company a rous ing reception, especially as they will ap pear at the popular low prices of 25c, 35c and 50c. OLIVER THEATRE 'iSStaStasa Monday, October 14. OTIS SKINNER In his matchless production of Boker's Poetic Love Tragedy, FRANCESCA DA RIMINI The supporting- company of thirty players will include Au bre3T Boucicault, William Morris and Mareia Vandresser. Prices 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. Seats now on sale. Thursday, October 17. Tenth consecutive season of JAS. A. HERNE'S beautiful Comedy-drama , SHORE ACRES Presented by JAMBS A. HBRNB'S Own company of players, with entire new scenery and me chanical novelties. A superb production guaranteed. Prices never vary Reserved seats, (1.00, 75c and 50c; gal lery, 25c. Seat sale opens Tuesday. Saturday, October 19. J. J. Coleman presents flR. HARRY BERESFORD In Geo. H. Broadhurst's delicious and mirth-provoking Comedy, HONG Mil Supported by a company of comedians of superior merit. Prices 25c to $1.00, Seats on sale Thursday. A Flirtation. Her fingers closed over his own with a gentle yet an unmistakable pressure. He returned it with emphasis and noticed the delicate pink color creep up from her lace throat band to her cheek. What a modest, sweet sort of girl, he thought. Still, she clung to his hand, and when he turned it slightly she held it more firmly, almost imperatively. There was an embarrassing pause. Then she looked him full in the eyes and said, coldly: "Do you wisb your nails round or pointed, please?'' Town Topics. doctoring mm. Th British Doctor are Doing This t in troduce Themselves. Three Monh&' Services are Given to All wh . Call at Their Office at the Corner of Eleventh and N Streets, Shel don Block. A Btaff of eminent physicians and Burgeons from the British Medical In stitute, at the urgent solicitation or a large number of patients under their care in this country, have established a permanent branch of the Institute in this city, at the office, corner of Eleventh and N streets, in the Sheldon b'ock These eminent gentlemen have de cided to give their airricee entire! tree for three monthB (uedicines excepted) to all invalids who call upon them for treatment between now and Oct. 10th. These services will not only consist of consultation, examination and advice, but also of all minor surgical operations. The object in pursuing this course ia to become rapidly and personally ac-v quainted with the sick and afflicted, and ' under no condition will any charge what ever be made for any services rendered for three months to all who call before Oct. 10 th. The doctors treat all forms of disease and deformities, and guarantee a cure in every case they undertake. At the first interview a thorough examination is made; and, if incurable, you are frank. Iy and kindly told so; also advised against spending your money for use less treatment. Male and female weakness, catarrh and catarrhal deafness, also rupture, goitre, cancer, all skin diseases and all diseases of. the rectum are positively cured by their new treatment. The chief associate surgeon of the Institute, assisted by one or more of his staff associates, is in personal charge. Office hours from 9 a. m. till 8 p. m. No Sunday hours. Special Notice If you cannot call send stamp for question blank for home treatment. Guessing at It. Askington H'm! So your baby lies awake and cries the greater part of the night? What is the matter with him? Kidder Guilty conscience, I guess we have dosed him for everything else. Town Topics. LAST MONTH OF BUFFALO EXPOSITION. The Northwestern line has cheap rates for the above. For information, call at city ticket office, J.17 South lOih- i street, or depot, corner 9 lb. and S sts. 1 7 THE FUNKE DISECTION OF F. C. ZEHRUR6 AND 0. T. CRAWFORD Cor. O and 13th Sts. Phone fi Monday &Tuesday, Oct. 14&15 Aiden Benedict's scenic triumph, QUO VADIS As dramatized by Chas. W. Chase. Excellent cast of characters, beautiful stage settings, spe cial scenery 'or every act, correct wardrobe and properties. Pronounced everywhere, "The Event of the Season." Prices, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. Seats now on sale. I Friday & Saturday, Oct. 18 & 19 SATURDAY AtXATISSTCK. And don't forget it those funny fellows THE TrncLeLTi And their big company of Comedians, Singers and Dancer, in their great American Comedy Success, V It is worth $2 of any man's money. Brooklyn Edition X w York World. - - Prices X5c, 2$c, 35cand 5Qc.. 0