The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, October 05, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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J5he Ivy Press
9 jl
125-127 North Twelfth Street
A Western Printing PUce where you oan get whet you want when you want K
Daintily gotten up Booklets and all kinds of Wedding
Stationery and Calling Cards are Specialties V V
Phone 852 LESH & LEMON
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Before buying your
Call and inspect the goods at Mrs.
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M. B. KETCHUM, M. D., Phar. D..
Practice limited to
Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Catarrh
and Fitting Spectacles.
Phone 848. Hours 9 to 5; Sunday 1
to 2:30. Rooms 313-314 Third Floor
Richards BIocP, Lincoln, Nebr.
George W. Montgomery, President.
L. P. Funkhouser, Cashier.
ffKHtefcS & TnWIS' BMW,
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Capitalpaid in $50,000.00
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Foreign Exchange and Lettere of Credit on all the principal citieB of Europe, f
Interest paid on time deposits.
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Absolute perfection is often
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Our Mannish Shoes are
not only perfect in style, but
in every detail, being" the
most serviceable lot of
Shoes ever brought to Lincoln.
11SO o Street.
The smoke has cleared away from
the battlefield of the warring fraterni
ties, and each regiment is retreating in
good order, counting up its spoils, and
preparing to use its ammunition toward
winning victories in the class-room as
well as in social conquests during the
coming months. Whether resulting in
victory or defeat, there always is satis
faction in the knowledge that a battle
was well fought. Opposing forces of
superior strength, advantages of posi
tion or equipment may give the victory
to the enemy; but the fact that the con
quest was not gained without a strug
gle is no little comfort to the defeated
force. From the field of battle the Delta
Gammas have carried off as hostages
Misses Winifred Sherman, Julia De
weese, Ruth Bryan and Luella Lansing
of Lincoln; Lorraine Comstock, Edith
Dumont and Mary Harris of Omaha;
Mabel Stone of Hastings and Alice Von
Mansfield of Ashland. The Pi Beta
Phis claim Misses Grace Conerd. Wini
fred Howell, Edna Holland, Blanche
Meeker, Willa Allen, Kate Whitmore,
Helen Dalson and Bess Burruss. Into
the camp of Kappa Alpha Theta will go
Mie?'js Sallie Agnew, Zelia Cornell,
Nellore Wilson, Alice Towne of Omaha
and Harriet Paul of Henderson, Iowa.
Kappa Kappa Gamma claims as captives
Misses Mabel Stevens and Edith Locke
of Omaha, Edith Shedd of Hastings,
Elizabeth Cunningham and Nancy Cun
ningham of Lincoln. Delta Delta Delta
have added to their ranks Misses Hazel
Murray, Agnes Casebeer and Ethel Big
nell. Mr. Earl Wehn left on Thursday for
New Tork City, where he will pursue
hit. studies in music during the winter.
On Monday evening Mrs. Mary Fitzger
ald entertained at dinner in honor of
Mr. Wehn. The two tables were beau
tifully decorated with American beauty
rotes and lighted with candelabra. The
favors for the ladies were American
beauty buds, while those for the men
were white carnations. The place cards
were decorated with clever water color
sketches. Covers were laid for Mr. and
Mrs. L. Wehn of Beatrice, Mr. Earl
Wehn, Mrs. Frank Sheldon and Miss
Sperry of New York, Miss Hollo wbush.
Miss Honeywell, Mr. Butler, Mr. and
Mrs. W. M. Leonard, Mr. and Mrs.
George Woods, Mr. and Mrs. W. G.
Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Eames,
Mr. and Mrs. John Dorgan, Mrs. Fitz
gerald, Mrs. Edward Fitzgerald and Mr.
Paul Fitzgerald. On Tuesday evening
Mr. Paul Fitzgerald gave a large card
party f cr Mr. Wehn, at which the guests
were Messrs. and Mesdamee W. C. Wil
son, Buckstaff, Mark Woods, Frank
Woods, G. C. Crittenden, J. B. Wright,
L. Wehn, Leonard, Will Green, Will
Dorgan, George Woods, Morrison, Geo.
Crancer, Dr. and Mrs. Dayton, Dr. and
Mrs. Ladd; Misses Fay Marshall, Gahan,
Biltgen, Holdbroke, Stuart, Hays, Beth
Marshall, Cole, Garten, Tukey, Sperry;
Burr. Spinney, Whiting, Adelloyd Whit
ing, Macomber, Cochrane, Raymond,
Putnam, Houtz, Nolan; Messrs. Earl
Wehn, Joyce, Swartz, Kirkpatrick,
Gregory, Walsh. W. Raymond, Kees,
Baldwin, Manchester, Shaw, George
Kimball, Hays. Butler, McCreery, ChaB.
Schwartz, Jaynes, Dr. Hansen.
About twenty-five guests of the frater
nity were present. The young ladies,
who were collected in a mammoth four
horse carry-all chaperoned by a pair of
young men, were driven to the Funke
residence. Here the members of Sigma
Alpha Epsilon received their friends in
conventional style. After a few mo
ments of jolly gossip dance programs
were distributed, and between numbers
laughing couples flooded the porch and
steps. Japanese lanterns hung from
the veranda gave a pretty color to the
corners, and settees were arranged here
and there for loiterers. Sherbet was
served between the dances. Those pres
ent were Misses Funke, Bennett, Mabel
Bennett, Whiting, Burruss, Jenkins,
Allen, Thorpe, Burnham, Moore, Wets
ner, Locko, Fawell, Marsland, Marshall,
Hammond, Griggs; Messrs. Funke, IS.
Funke, Sizer, Appleget, Davidson, De
Putron, Crooks, Clapp, Wallace, Green
wald, Fawell, Beckman, Elliott, Hood,
Roth, Peters, Delos Denier, Shidler,
Bartlett, Schocks, Jouvenat, Mills.
Sigma Alpba Epsilon also entertained
with dancing at the home of Mr. Funke
last evening. This is the second of a
series of parties to be given by this fra
ternity. The porches were prettily dec
orated with paper lanterns and bunches
of golden rod tied with purple ribbons,
the fraternity colors. Sherbets were
served to the dancers. Those present
were: Misses Hargrcaves, J. Outcalt,
Jeannette Post, O.Hammond, I. Madrid,
N. Cunningham, Elizabeth Cunning
ham, Montgomery, A. Stuart, L. Stu
art, Holland, Agnew, Bonnell, Irene
Hamilton, Isabella Hamilton, Tukey,
Louise Burruss, Bess Burruss, Houtz,
Gladys Henry, Hitchcock, Claire Funke,
Woodward, Honeywell.
Delta Delta Delta gave a beautiful
dancing party in honor of the pledged
members on Thursday evening at the
home of Miss Edna Gund. Those pres
ent were: Misses Casebeer, Murray,
Bignell, Walker, Whittier, Bernice
Whittier, Nicholson, Spears, Alice
Spears. Tidball, Spurlcch, Auld, Bon
nell, Winifred Bonnell, Cady, Du Teil,
Ames, Sails, Gund, Koehler, Poynter,
Grimison, Mackin, Miller, Losrh. Mae
Gund and Frankish; Messrs. Peterson,
Barnes, Huntington, McKillip, Farns
worth, Harry Crandall, Leon Crandall,
Lawler, Martin, Crooks, Horn, Rainey,
Farney, Kind, Frolich, Ledwith, Hill,
Wright, Hedge, Hansen, Huse, Drain
Williams, Pollard, Wilson, Clark Bell,'
J. Bell, Gaines, Harris, Roberts, Beck
man and Stabler; Messrs. and Mes
damee O. E. Rector, James Manaban
Gund. Punch was served all the eve
ning. Refreshments aho were served
in the dining room. After the dance an
auction of small articles was the occas
ion of-great interest.
Mr. and Mrs. George Crancer gave a
reception in their new home, 173i K
street, on Wednesday evening. The
decorations, which were very beautiful
and effective, were in red, with a back
ground of palms. On the landing of the
stairway Hagenow's orchestra was sta
tioned and played at intervals during
the evening. The guests were greeted
in the reception hall by Mr and Mrs.
Crancer and Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Bur-
kitt of Cleveland. Ohio. In the dininE
Sigma Alpha Epsilon gave a dancing room Mrs. Crancer's assistants were
party last week Friday evening at the Mrs. Hull of Omaha and Mesdames John
home of Fred Funke, 1245 H Btreet. Dorgan. Mansfield, Rector, Ladd, Cur-