The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, October 05, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Professional Directory.
61HDr. Benj. P. Bailey 0ffice'Zeh B,-k H"'
....671.1. , , J . I Residence. 1313 C street) 2 to 4 p
Evening!, by appointment. Sundays 12 to 1 p. m. and by appointment.
J Dr. J.B.Trickey,
) Refractionist only
19 to 12 a. m
Office, 1035 O street VI to 4 p. m.
) . -T -rrr j- -r-k -i- oi Office, rooms 26, 27 and!
530. J-LOUIS N. Wente.D.D.S.I l.Brownell Block, 137 V
1 I so lltb street. i
633 toiiver Johnson, D.D.S. dmVU arIe3r ' l
) ( 1105 O street )
I - - ..-. -..- -m- j I J Hours; 10 to 12
Phono Lioi2 Dr. Ruth M. Wood. Mssciwnst.
I ( ) A. M.;2 to 1 1M
(October 1st, 15tb. ooemkr ?Ui 19U),
CQcmbcr ?fl and lftl). 1901.
City Ticket Office
Gor. lOtti and O Streets.
Telephone 235.
Burlington Depot
7th St., Between P and Q.
Telephone 25.
Tt's the gteaflExercise
That does the good to your muscles and builds
up the wasted tissue. It's the spasmodic ex
ercise that does more harm than good. One
day a week in a gymnasium is a dangerous
thing for anybody. Get one of our
Home Training utfitg,
have it where you can use it twice a day, for a
m 7 . .,4 .A.. miff l.n nn.nioai1 at tHo
lew miDUlCU, UUU JUU Will uo Duiywccu ..."
steady gain in health, and the improvement in
your general physical development. See us
for particulars, circulars, etc.
is the source of the highest and
most intellectual enjoyment.
When you enter a home you nat
urally will notice the interior
Decorations, such as Paper
Hanging, Painting, Furniture
Polishing. If your eyesight
proves to you that it looks like
the work of an artist in this
line, you can bank that it was
done by
Phone 5232. 2612 Q Street.
& Permanently Cursd bv
SB B oiuiftrrCrit !;..
I OmnUartm. rtnontl r br mail. tMUje an
U FU p.licnt. wb. p.r iprwce Ml; .o H'S't
rv.M.imif cr..n.tonlylemprarj "H fcrwl.ver
STX'". Srm.. St Tiw.: D.
931 Arch Street Philadelphia. Kwdeiun.
.uu num n Qj
Place Your Orders with
(Caroline Lochhart in Lippincott'a.)
Mrs. Davis, with her hair uncombed
and sleeves of her mother-hubbard
rolled ud to the elbow, opened the front
door and sniffed the morning air of the
tenement district. She looked up and
down the block to see who were out
ahead of her. Mrs Kate Farrell was
sitting on her front stoop with her
tongue wagging and her arms akimbo,
while Mrs. Doia O'Reilly and Mrs.
Sarah MacAvoy leaned on the brooms
with which they made a pretense of
sweeping the pavement and listened
eagerly to what Mrs. Farrell was saying.
They were discussing the rumor that
Mrs. Davis was two months back with
her rent.
"And her old man drawin' pay regu
lar from the shipyards,'" said Mrs. Mac
Avoy. "Good mornin', Mrs. Davis. We was
just savin' how nice 'twas that yer hus
band has a stiddy job." she added as
Mrs. Davis approached.
"I knew yees was gabblin' about
somebody," remarked Mrs. Davis, look
ing from one to the other suspiciously.
But she could not long harbor dark
thoughts, as she had news to tell."
"The sign t'rent is took off my house,'
she announced.
"Why, so 'tis! Who's movin' in?"
came in a chorus.
Mrs. Skinner, who was coming towards
the croup from the rear of No. 011,
pricked up her ears and broke into a
"I ain't heard. But if it ain't nobody
I take a likin' to " and Mrs. Davis
paused ominously.
It was not necessary to complete the
sentence, as the neighborhood knew
that no family had ever been able to
stay more than their allotted three
months in the little house at the rear of
the one occupied by Mrs. Davis. She
was fat, pugnacious and had a How of
vituperative language that bad made
her the bull? of the block. She was
hated and feared, but no one ever op
posed her more than once. It is report
ed that she thrashed Davis when the
evenings were dull and time hung heavy
on her hands.
"There's a movin' wagon comin' up
the street," said Mrs. Skinner, whose
eyes wero as good as her ears. The
group rushed to the curbstone.
"It's comin' on this block, and there
she is. settin' on the seat with the driver.
Too stingy to pay car-fare, I suppose,"
said Mrs. MacAvoy.
"She ain't much to look at. No big-
ger'n a pint," sniffed Mrs. Skinner.
"One o' them putty-faced women with
no heart in 'em. Give me a woman with
spunk, says I."
"I'll take no back talk from the likes
o' her," announced Mrs. Davis, gripping
her broom as if she already saw herself
routing this new enemy.
"Yees all come in me back yard," said
Mrs. Dora O'Reilly cordially, "and be
lookin' over me fence. Yees kin see
what kind o' furniture goes in."
By the time the wagon backed up to
the curbstone they were stationed at
excellent points of observation, while
Mrs. Davis stood in her wood-shed door.
The newcomer's lips came together in a
thin, straight line when she Baw the
heads on the other side of the fence.
"Will yees look at that old scratched
burrer and them pine chairs?" whis
pered Mrs. Kate Farrell, who owned no
"And them wax llowers is way out o'
date," giggled Mrs. Skinner. The new
comer looked out with blazing eyes and
slammed her door.
"Ain't she the spiteful thing?" called
Mrs. Davis. "Katie love," as Katie
came into the yard, "juBt take a look
into the winder, and see what she's
As Katie stood on tiptoe the door Hew
ripen, and a bucket of water caught her
full in the face.
I'll thank yoeB to keep yer tykes t
home, an' not be spyin' on yer better,"
criod a shrill voice from the doorway.
"An' little enough there is to soo in
that house, with never a stick of plush
furniture pasein' the door! The poor
ness of yees makos me blush for tho
name of the neighborhood," screamed
Mrs. Davis tauntingly.
"The little there is was come by
honest, which from the looks oi yees
couldn't be said o' yer own. If I'd Boon
ye first, I wouldn't 'a' took the house,"
was the quick retort.
"An better 'twould be fer the land
lord to let his houno stand vacant than
to fill it by fly-by-nights," cried Mrs.
Davis accepting tho gage of battle.
"Ye'a a garrottin' harpy." Bcreoched
tho newcomer, trembling with excite
ment. "Oh, she called me out of mo name."
yelled Mrs. Davis. She grabbed her
broom in rage.
"She called her out o' her name."
came in tones of horror from the row
along the fence.
As Mrs. Davis dashed into the yard
she was met half way by tho newcomer.
Both her hands also gripped a broom
handle. She vas full of fight, and there
was no sign of fear in tho glittering
little eyes that watched every movo of
her opponent. Mrs. Davis brought her
broom well back of her head in a full -arm
swing, as if she were teeing off on
the golf links, but tho newcomer dodged.
Mrs. Davis spun like a top with the im
petus of her own blow. Before she
could recover herself she got a crack on
the back of her head that made her see
stars. A second blow landed on her
broad back and knocked her breathless.
The wiry little woman whom she bad
scorned as an antagonist dashed around
her like a humming-bird, jabbing her
here and there, varying the attack occa
sionally by a smash on Mrs. Davis' head
that would have caved in an ordinary
As she ptodded and thumped, she let
out triumphant shrieks. "Oh, you would,
would ye? No plush furniture, have 1?
I'm a fly by-night, am I? Take that
and that and that."
Mrs. Davis was routed. She turned
her broad back to the enemy and ran
for her wood-shed door.
"Give it to her! Give her another!"
came from the spectators over the fence,
who saw their own insults avenged and,
like all man and womankind, were eager
to join forces with the victor. The new
comer's broom sailed through the wood
shed door after Mrs. Davis' retreating
"Git up a pertition, sayin' she's a
common scold an' a nuisance. We'll
sign it," urged the row by the fencp.
"I kin take care o myself without a
pertition," said the newcomer with dig
nity as she smoothed her rumpled hair.
"And I'll thank yeea ter turn yer faces
the other way, for they hurt me eyes."
After which she fell to washing win
dows, and her house was the only tene
ment in the block in which a stroke of
work was done that day.
Northwestern Line.
Sept. 1-10 Round trip tickets to St.
Paul and Minneapolis, 11.10; Ouluth,
$15.10; Mankato, Minn., $3.85; Kasota,
Minn., 89.05; Hot Springs, S. D., 8M.00;
Deadwood, S. D., 813.50. Final limit to
return Oct. 31st. City ticket office 117
S. 10th St. Depot Cor. 9th and S Sts.
A man with 75 cents in his pocket was
compelled to raise 31.00, so he pawned
his 75 cents for 50 cents and then sold
his pawn ticket to a friend for 50 cent?,
thus securing the dollar needed. Who
lost the money by the transaction?
fouo " ftrtooow "