VuL. XVI., NO. XL ESTABLISHED IN 1886 PRICE FIVE CENTS i i It - j LINCOLN. NEBR., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1901. THE COURIER, KKTKMDIX TBS FOSTOFTICK AT LINCOLN AS SECOND CLASS MATTER. PUBLISHED EVEBY SATURDAY BT THE GOBRIER FR1MTIMG AND PUBLISHING GO Office 1132 N Btreet, Up Stairs. Telephone 384. SARAH B. HARRIS, : : : EDITOR Subscription Rates. Per annum II 50 Six months -. 1 00 Rebate of fifty cents on cash payments. Single copies 05 The Cocriee will not be responsible for to I nntary communications unless accompanied by return postage. Communications, to receive attention, must be signed by tbe fall name of tbe writer, not merely as a guarantee of good faith, but for publication if advisable. g OBSERVATIONS. f A Funeral Service. The McKinley memorial services held simultaneously in all cities and towns of the United States, were im pressive. The universality of the mourning and its simultaneous dem onstration were most significant. The consciousness of being a humble actor in a historical moment or crisis tilled every American with pride in his country and inspired him with renewed devotion to it. At the Presbyterian church of Lin coln where overflow services were held, there was a moment of tension in which the object of assembly was forgotten. Among the speakers on this occas ion was Mr. Strode, an old soldier and federal officer in the civil war. Mr. Strode has made an honorable record in the war, in politics and in the law. " He is a man of surprises. With a gen tler voice than many women possess, with a manner that is never aggres sive, he is at the same time loyal in all places and occasions to his con victions. He is the kind of man who would nail the flag to the mast-head and go down with his ship if he were the captain and he had views about the impropriety of a captain's saving himself while his ship went to the bottom without him. Or at a time when Christians were burned alive for their religion he would not have recanted though the fagots were light ed. There have been great generals as soft-spoken and modest-mannered as a girl. Mr. Strode is a soldier of this deceptive aspect. Many people profess not to understand the poem of ''The Boy Stood on the Burning Deck." But Mr. Strode might have been the very boy if his author had allowed him a rescue. Mr. Strode believes that Mr. Bry an's campaign speeches and his ar raignment of President McKinley in "The Commoner" are partially re sponsible for the assassination. On the dais of the church of which Mr. Bryan is a member, Mr. Strode said: "An unpleasant side of this tragedy consists of the causes that led up to it Chief among these are the un disciplined and unlicensed utterances of the press, and the unwarranted and inflamed utterances of partisan opponents from the platform. They have filled the minds of aliens, the vicious and discontented, with a sub tie and insidious poison which led them to believe that President Mc Kinley was the organizer and protect or of institutions that have oppress ed the people. When a man is chos en to the chief magistracy of this country the position ought to exempt him from such attacks. They are at the bottom of this trouble. Let us be careful to withhold our support and encouragement from those who make utterances and expressions mak ing such acts of revolution pos sible wherever expressed and by whom soever uttered.'' The pastor of the church was anx ious that such a characterization of one of his parishioners should not proceed un rebuked from that pulpit so he hastened to assure the large audience that Mr. Bryan was all right and sincerely sorry for the death of the President. lie also said that the spectacle of a defeated candidate as sisting at the obsequies of his suc cessful opponent could only be seen in the United States and implied that its production in Lincoln was due solely to Mr. Bryan's magnanim ity. Without replying to the reflections upon his sincerity, Mr. Bryan an nounced his disapproval of anarchy and his admiration of the character of the man whose life the country memorialized. Before the audience at the auditorium where these two speakers repeated their addresses in the some order, Mr. Bryan read his speech in accordance with his cus tom on such occasions. When he arose to speak the old soldier who was holding the flag lowered it. A sol dier of the Rebellion is tenacious. His republicanism is a religion and he says his creed on all occasions with a conviction of the value and meaning of iteration. Free Translation. To consider subjects from an en tirely impersonal, imaginary point of view is peculiarly the attainment of a scholar. The constant reading of many books, the mind's occupation or preoccupation with psychological problems has a tendency to make a man forget his place in time and his local and accidental business and re gard himself abstractly, as it were. Doubtless when Chancellor Andrews referred to the hanging of the anar chists as a "judicial murder" he was in the scholar's frame of mind. The evidence developed at the anarchist trial was not enough to convict a com mon murderer. Few people have any doubt that the anarchists were justly punished, but the conviction sprung from the portentous menace of anar chy and not from the connection of these anarchists with the Haymarket massacre. The Chancellor meant to say not that the punishment of anar chy with death by hanging is too severe, but that tbe evidence which convicted Spies, Parsons and the rest of murder and conspiracy was insuf ficient and inconclusive. The evi dence analytically and impartially considered is ambiguous and a com mon criminal accused of a cowardly and base murder would probably not have been hanged unless stronger evidence than that on which the an archists were convicted was fur nished. The present Chancellor is not an astute politician and the newspapers have marked him for their prey. His frankness and willingness to announce his opinion on any given subject, in stead of disarming criticism as it should, seems to increase the eager ness of his pursuers. Taking him for all in all, as a chancellor, as a man and as a citizen, the university, Lin coln and the state are very fortunate. It is much better for the community and the university to look up to a man as chancellor who occasionally speaks his mind perhaps too unre servedly and publicly, than to the over-cautious man who at all times suits his words and his opinions to his auditors. Those who have deal ings with Chancellor Andrews take occasion to express their satisfaction with the directness and detiniteness of the negotiations. Subtlety, di plomacy the several methods of con cealing thought and future action which the late Chancellor employed are entirely foreign to the mind and purpose of Chancellor Andrews. On another page of this issue of The Courier appears a correction from the Chancellor refuting the newspa per charges that ir. a lecture on "Ver acity" before the students of Chicago university he advocated lying, and in a street car conversation with a neighbor he expressed what is equiv alent to an approval of anarchy. By interrogating a number of peo ple on the question of invariable ver acity, it surprises one to discover how few advocate its application to all occasions. It is a Machiavellian statement, but from a human stand point, and the human standpoint is so low that it is not possible to get a really broad view, the truth is oc casionally fatal to life and destruc tive to material prospects. Generals, doctors, parents, statesmen and all sorts of officials in charge of defen sive and offensive operations appre ciate the value of strategy and usually employ it. The conceivable circum stances in which the confession of the actual truth would be fatal arc numerous. For instance, suppose a general has the opportunity of letting papers en tirely misrepresenting his army and fortifications fall into the hands of the enemy; would it not be his duty to prepare these papers with smalt regard to truth and with the idea of fatally deceiving the enemy? Of course, unless most people told the truth, lies would be of little use. IT lies were known as lies they would be ineffectual. It is only because they deceive that they sometimes serve a worthy purpose. A liar who has established a reputation by long years of lying is debarred from making use of either truth or its counterfeit. I am aware that admitting the utility of an occasional lie is almost the same as saying that it is best to tell the truth most of the time so that when we need the services of a lie we can employ it. But such a discussion pertains rather to the class room of a professor of ethics than to the col umns of a paper devoted to the fri volities of life. J Jt Machines. The Republicans of Douglas county are jubilant because in the recent convention the Mercer machine was more powerful than the Rosewatec machine. The former made tbe nom inations in spite of the activity oC Mr. Rosewater and his friends. Po litical machines resemble each other as machines for sewing, reaping, printing or threshing resemble each other. One has the name of McCor mick and another the name of some other manufacturer, just as the po litical machines in Omaha are tag ged or stamped with the names of Rosewater and Mercer. But they are all machines and their product has the characteristics of machine-made things, and is stripped of all the beau ties and individual character of things made with human hands and directed by a mind. Some accom plish the work quicker and with less dirt and noise, but all political ma chines chop up the liberties of the people into so fine a powder that the original character and aspect is en tirely changed. After the machine men get through with popular gov ernment it looks like something e!se, though their constituents are assured it is the same thing in another and 3 better form. Chimes. There are towns in this country and in Mexico which possess too many chimes. On Sunday morning at church time the air is full of mixed hymns; big bells, little bells and me dium sized bells, and one gets a con fused idea of something religious going on. This mixture of tunes and of impressions is not desirable. Tbe effect is something like a visit to an international exposition. When the 1 91 I i