8 THE COURIER. ii lis. 1k iV i-T I i. m HI 1 i decidedly damp array of subjects await ing him. Tho incandescenta struggled bravely and gave a very fair imitation of a gor geous pageant of ye olden times of Knighthood. But even papier-mache was not entirely water-proof, and the general effect was a trifle wilted. Lines of shining umbrellas stretched up and down Sixteenth and Farnam streets, and the people under more effectual shelter were the only ones who enjoyed the spectacle in anything like comfort. The street fair showed up well only bo far as the gate receipts were concerned. The spielers shouted themselves hoarse to very little purpose, it seemed. Even the man at the self-rising flour stand had a frosty time. He descended to reproachful pleading through his tin horn and called pathetically, "Oh! please have a pancake!" The wild man, captured by the Boers in Africa, gave the management no end of heart failure. When the mercury began to tumble, bo wanted to strike unless he was furnished yager flannels or a base burner. "I aint no wild man fr'm de North Pole," he objected. The limit was reached one afternoon when an old pal of the freak's, lured by the eiren voice of the Spieler, had paid hia ten cents and gone in to view the sav age product of Africa. lie approached the pen where the short skirted, man acled African shivered, with frost on his tin tusks. The visitor's face lightened with a smile of recognition. "Why, hello, Charlie!" he shouted, "how long you been doin' wild man?" "Laws," he continued, to the amused bystanders, "I dun lib nex dat man fo' three years! Wild man nothiu'! He's a big Omaha coon!" It's a poor town that can't supply its own freaks. Friday night the ball passed off with its UBual mimic splendor. If the King were a degree less stately and the Queen a shade less beautiful than ordinary, the faithful subjects of Quivera gave no less hint of a diminution of homage, and it did not matter. The Royal Per sonages themselves seemed satisfied, and that was all that was essential, for rhinestones answer out purpose quite as well as diamonds when Ak-Sar-Ben comes unto his own. Studios are being reopened, the cob webs and spiders ruthlessly chased. from their summer quarters in organ lofts, and the sweet singers lift again their voices in the Te Deums Bafe in the belief that the heavenly hosts have not been off on a vacation, if they have, and that the choirs above will be ready with the responses. You have a glib little way of sliding around the apologies due me for your long neglect of my letters this summer. You seem to think I did not know it had been hot until you told me. Didn't I bake and sizzle and st9w and become reduced to every kind of ragout, until like the little boy's trousers, it was hard to tell which was the original condition of me! And yet I reeled off fairy tales for you most persistently. No one, per haps, would have been more poverty struck if the reel had slackened, but it at least served to demonstrate not only my good intentions, but the superiority of mind over matter. That was another sap to Cerberus, 1 suppose, about the fall rush of the Omaha editors to pro cure my wares, lor example, critiques, essays, stories and the like. Whoever to!d you that, if indeed any one did, must be a highly satirical party, or else he referred to things as they should be rather than as they are. My ships return to me quite regularly with that cold little printed slip 'thanking me for the privilege of re jecting it, I suppose they mean and begging me to understand that the re turn implies no lack of merit, etc. Of course the lack of merit may be there very conspicuously, but they re fuse to take the responsibility of men tioning it. If ever justice comes unto her own, where will be a day of reckoning for some editors. I have a long list of mag azines that couldn't have me now at any price. There isn't a thing doing now since the Carnival is over and King Ak-Sar-Ben the Seventh has hied him back to the making of artificial limbs and eyes, his legitimate calling. Of course there are the turkeys to fatten for Thanks giving, but it is hard to get up much enthusiasm in that direction while the soda fountains are still doing a rushing business. Summer got as far as South Omaha on her out trip and came back suddenly a day or two since, without rhyme or reason. She is pinning up her drap eries and pinching out her ribbons and flowers in an absurdly coquettish man ner, considering what a decidedly paese beauty she is. Now don't complain. It is no worse for you to have to read such a letter as this than it is for me-to have to write it. I can't help it if the news items give out, and I really feel in no way to blame for my limitations these days. I simply Bet it down that 1 am unlucky. Unless there are some signB shortly of my com ing to life, you may as well label this as the obituary of Penelope. DIPHTHERIA ANTITOXIN. H. WINNETT OKR. For The Courier. Used early, diphtheria antitoxin wil prevent diphtheria. At any stage of the disease, except when the patient is moribund, antitoxin will inhibit the progress of the disease and its use of fers the one opportunity that is not a mere chance to aid the patient's re covery. If scientific medicine had labored through the centuries and had pro duced no other single procedure for the relief of the sick than this, the results of the ;use of antitoxin in diphtheria would have been accomplishment enough. Thousands of dying children have, by its use, had restored to them the breath of life, Still other thous ands have been spared even the touch of the disease by which millions have been destroyed. Diphtheria is a germ disease. Chil dren are especially liable and very sus ceptible to it The germs lodge in the throat and develop there. From this point the absorption into the body of the poisonous products of the germs takes place, and by these poisons the fever, prostration, and some times the paralysis, by which the disease is char acterized, are produced. Not many years ago it was observed that a patient who had had diphtheria did not as a rule soon have another attack. This led the observers to think that one at tack might confer at least a temporary immunity to the disease. This immuni ty it was supposed might be produced in one of several ways. The disease process in the body having been over come by the body forces, it was inferred either that the substances upon which the germs fed had been exhausted or that antagonistic substances or forces SHkv&iM GRAND OPENING DISPLAY or I in m i m ii ...SHVlWMN iiJkQjtoNlf... We are prepared to show you the greatest assort ment of high class novelties in these departments ever exhibited in Lincoln, at prices as low as the same style and quality can be purchased anywhere in America. In addition to our own stock of Suits, Cloaks and Dress Skirts we will have on Sale Monday morning- at 8 o'clock the entire sample line from one of the largest manufacturers in New York. We do not claim that these will be sold at half price. We will sell them less than the regular price, and you can depend upon seeing only one of each style this season. had been developed iu the patient which did not disappear at once and which for Borne time protected the body against another invasion by the same germs or their poisons. It was now assumed from this that if horses, for instance, could be rendered immune to diphtheria and the antitoxic principles in their blood transferred from them to human beings it might serve to prevent diphtheria 'infection in those exposed to the disease but not protected by a former attack. Accord ingly, beginning with very small doses, horses are now injected with the pure diphtheria poison; as they recover from each injection they are repeatedly given larger doses until they are able to with stand enormous quantities of the poison. When this stage has been reached some of the horses' blood is taken; it is care fully filtered and the clear serum pre served in packages free from germs and of carefully determined doses. This fluid is called the antitoxic serum or commercial diphtheria antitoxin. It has been found by a uee so extensive as not to admit of further question that this injected directly into the tissues of a healthy pereon will prevent in almost every case, no matter how great the exposure, the development of diph theria. It has been by even more cases proven that this is the one therapeutic measure which can be relied upon to effectually antagonize the progress of tho disease once started. The earlier the stage in which it is used the better the result that may be expected. All the beet observers now claim or admit that the death rate of diphtheria in children has been reduced from one fourth to three-fourths, depending upon the stage in which the antitoxin is used. It was toward this one branch of ani mal experimentation that a few years ago the anti-vivieectionists directed their most powerful weapons, but the results of the more extensive use of antitoxin have Bilenced even many of them. No so-called "school" of medicine which tries to get along without antitoxin is complete, and no sect which denies its efficiency is free from error. By its dis covery scientific medicine has placed to its credit the saving of thousands of youthful lives and has made another long stride toward establishing medi cine as a more rational and more nearly exact science. C First Pub. Sept. 28 t.) Notice of Sale. Notice is hereby given tht in pursuance of an order of Edward P. Holmes, ono of the Judges of the District Court of tho Third Judi cial District, Lancaster county, state of Ne braska, mado on tho 1st day of December, 190U, for the sale of tho real estate hereinafter tie? cribed, there will bo sold at tho front entrance of the. Fitzgerald Block, at 111 North 9th street, in the city of Lincnln, Lancastor coun ty. Nebraska, on the 21st day of October. UH)1, at ten o'clock in tho forenoon on said day, at Imblic auction to the highest bidder tho fo! owing described real estate to-wit: Lot 6 in block 44 of ths original plat of tho city of Lin coln, Lancaster county, Nebraska. Lot 7, in block 41, of the original plat of tho city of Lin coln. Lancaster county, Nebraska. Lots 9 and 10, in block 44, of tho original plat of the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska. Lots A, B. Cand I. in block 68 of County Clerk's sub division of lots 7, 8 and 9 of tho original plat of tho city of Lincoln, Lancaster county. .Ne braska, Tho north 25 feet of lot 3, block 2. of Muirs addition to J. O. Young's addition to tho city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebras ka. Lots 1,2.3.4 5,6,7,8.9,10 II and 12 iu block 1. one, of Fitzgerald's Second addition to the city of Lincoln. Lancaster county, Ne braska. Lots 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8. 9, 10, 1 1 and 12, in block two, of Fitzgerald's Second addition to tho city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Ne braska. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, in block t.hreo, of Fitzgerald's Second addition to the city of Lincoln. Lancaster county, No praska. Lot 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. in blockour. of Fitzgerald's Socond addition to the city of Lincoln. Lancaster county, Ne braska. Lots 13. 14. 15, 22, 23 and 21, in block 1-. in Manchester's addition to the city of Lin coln, Lancaster county, Nebraska. Lots ono and two in block twenty-six of tho first addi tion to West Lincoln. Lancaster county, Nebr Lots thirteen and fourteen, in block twenty five, of tho original plat of West Lincoln, Lan caster county, Nebraska. Tho south one-half of the northeast quartorof section thirty-three, township ten. rango six, east of tho 6th P. M., Lancaster county. Nebr. Said sale will remain open for one hour, and the undersigned is by said order of license authorized in making the same to give such length of credit not exceed ing three years, and for not more than three fourths of tho purchase prico, as may seem best calculated to produce tho highest price, anil to secure tho moneys, for which credit is given by bondof the purchaser and mortgago of tho premises sold. 11 aet Fitzo h-halk. Administratrix of the cstatoof John Fitzgerald. James Manahan, Attorney for Said Estate. 1 r V IUL-UIM-' mii-Jg Sc-u-i