The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 28, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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n i ninnim
nmcrci TTxrnnTAT AriATvcmrv
Oifloe lOtband Q Sts. Pbone 176.
An accredited school to the State Universities of Nebraska and Iowa
Prepares for the leading Colleges and Universities.
AIvFVREJD AX. WILSON, PJka. D. (Vale), Principal.
Chancellor E. Ilcnjamln Andrews Her. Dr. II. O. Rowlands
Professor li rovo K. llarber Mrs. A. J. Suwjcr
WE DO . . .
Piano and Furniture
A Pine Line of Car
riages and Buggies, .
All Grades of Coal.
If You Want First-Class Service Call on Us.
a I'ruiessor r.ria 11. naroour iwun i.ucw a. sncnnan
2 Dean Charles E. IJevsey: rrofewior W.O.L. Taylor
Adjunct Professor William K. Dann
Dean Ellery W. Davis
Professor fc'rcd Morrow Fling
Irofessor Henry B.Ward
ltcv. Dr. Fletcher L. Wharton
Mrs. II. II. Wilson.
Dean Manoah IS. Keeso
Address of Principal, 019 South 11th Street, Lincoln. Xcbr.
I s
Are being- constantly received by us. Our prices are
as low as any Department store. We have a line of
fountain pens suitable for college and commercial use,
containing- the goods of the best known makers. Our
"U. of N." pen at $1.00 is the equal of anv $1.50 pen
made. Our "High School" pen at 69c is worth $1.00.
1126 O STREET.
Golden rod and bitter-sweet berries
formed the very effective decorations.
A chafing dish supper was served to the
forty guests with Mrs. O. E. Rector
presiding at the coffee urn.
Mrs. Grant Watkins and Mrs. George
Schwake gave a kensington on Thurs
day afternoon at the home of the form
er. Miss Barnaby sang a number of
pretty songs and luncheon was served.
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Davis have an
nounced the engagement of their daugh
ter, Miss Mary Vincent Davis, to Mr:
Edwin Ernest. Peake. The marriage
will take place early in October.
Doctor Fletcher L. Wharton iB at
tending the Nebraska conference at
David City. Services at the Oliver will
be conducted next Sunday by Chancel
lor E. Benjamin Andrews.
Mr, W. J. Bryan will soon begin the
erection of a handsome new residence
about a mile from the Lincoln Normal.
It is expected that the foundations will
be laid this winter.
Mrs. Anna Dobson entertained the E.
E. D. kensington Wednesday morning.
Nearly all of the club members were
On Thursday morning Mrs. R. T. Van
Brunt gave a pleasant informal party
in honor of Mrs.E. S. Sayre of Grand
Gregory, The Coal Man, 11th &, O.
Mrs. Plank who formerly lived in Lin
coln is visiting Mrs. Holm, and will
be very glad to eee all her old friends
Mrs. W. B. Ogden and two children
have returned from a summer spent
with her mother on the homestead ia
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Campbell have
gone to Los Angeles, California, where
they will remain during the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. George Crancer have
issued cards for a reception to be given
on Wednesday evening, October 2.
Married, on Wednesday evening, at
the home of the bride, Mr. William O.
Hale and Mies Eulalie McKee.
The American Savings Bank of 132
North Eleventh street, pays interest on
Mrs. George Waite gave a tea on
Thursday evening for her gueat, Mrs.
E. F. Fair of Grand Island.
Professor and Mrs. T. M. Hodgman
entertained Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Sayre of
Grand Island this week.
Reverend and Mrs. F. M. Williams
left on Wednesday for Seattle, their
future home.
Mr. Milo D. Eames is entertaining
his father, Mr. E. W. Eames of Buffalo,
New York.
Mrs. H. K. Burkett is entertaining
Mrs. T. N. Burkett of Des Moines.
Mrs. H. C. Young is entertaining her
The Original Y. M. C. A.
Entertainment Course
Season of 19012.
October 25. The Whitney Mockridge Grand Concert Co.
November 5. Professor Jobn B. De Motte, A. M.. Ph. D , M. D .
November 22. Mr. George Kennan. the Noted Traveler-Writer.
December 16. Leland T. Powers, the Great Impersonator.
January 18. Chicago Symphony Orchestra-the strongest oramzat.on of
its kind that travels. MATINEE AND iiVhMflU.
January 30. F. Hopkinsou Smith-Artist, Author. Reader, Lecturer,
February IO. President Russell II. Conwell. m
March 6. Dr. Henry Van Dyke, of Princeton University.
March 21- The Katharine Ridgeway Concert Company. v
Anril I The Listemann String Quartette, assisted by Mr. Henry P. Eames,
P PUnist oScoln. andgMiss Helen Buckley. Prima Donna. Soprano.
Reserve S? sells for he whole course October 15th. 9 A. M. at the Oliver
Theatre Box Office All holders of Season Tickets are guaranteed a seat at
uSSvESKlneiiUi without Extra Charge, althought Reserved Seats
will cost 10, 15 or 20 cents extra per night.
The One Dollar Season. Tickets
Ar-e Now Ready for delivery
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon of Hold
rege. Mrs. W. C. Wilson entertained Les
Bohemiennes on Wednesday.
Dr. Carr, surgeon. 141 South 12th.
Omaha, Nebr.,
September 21, 1901.
Dear Eleanor:
Why is it that the silence which fol
lows after noise seemB more oppressive
than the silence which has never been
disturbed? The contrast, I suppose,
emphasizes it. The heart of the uni
verse seems beating low and slow to
night. The moon wanes feebly through
light scattered clouds and the stars look
very far and pale. The earth seems
like a death chamber, where a painful
struggle has ended in defeat.
The echoes of dirges, marches and
sobs rise, now and then, like ghosts to
baunt the memory. The air seems full
of intangible murmurs. "The vanish
ing encounter and endeavor, of things
what are and are not in the room."
The assassin's bullet stilled forever
only one heart, but it wounded millions.
It detached countless thoughtless soula
from the feverish maelstrom of rushing,
Btrenuous, every day life and brought
them still and shocked face to face with
the uncertainty and futility of human
ity. We may drape the very sun of this
free land in mourning; we may muflle
every drum, and tune our very breath
to funeral notes, aud yet we cannot now
or ever hide our bleeding wound. To
the uttermost ends of the earth our
impotence is punished. We may hedge
about and perhaps save others, yet the
horrible, hopeless fact ilames red, that
this man, in the fullness of life and
strength, died ignominiously for what?
The highest skill ministered and when
ministration was no longer of avail, dis
sected, and showed us, learnedly, the
path the fatal ballet took. It is dis
mal comfort to learn it was a weak bul
let! It was strong enough, God knows,
to quench the light. Now it is time
Bome inspired prophet looked to the
living. If cancer lurks beneath the
fair tlesh of the Republic, then the
knife rather than decay. Abraham pre
pared to sacrifice his best-beloved. God
gave His son. Has he allowed this man
to be an expiatory offering for the mil
lions "lest they forget?"
If our well-beloved martyr, as he
passed over to the Beyond, could Bee eo
clearly "It is God's way,"' what are wo
that we dare, so long aa we wait hero,
But we do forget! Alas how easily.
"The funeral baked meats" coldly fur
nish forth the marriage feast. Scarcely
have the last strains of the dead march
from sau! died away until the tom-toms
of the Midway and the fifes of the drum
corps bhrilly sound out invitation to the
dance. Wo perhaps weep no less sin
cerely with one breath because we are
likely to laugh with the next.
If we hold high festival when our
neighbor mourns, it is not fair to hate
him, because we know he will give par
ties when crepe floats at our front door.
It is the way of the world, and the
world's way seems very heartless some
times. King Ak-Sar-Ben entered a rather
sloppy kingdom Thursday, and found a
m no
Bring your Fur Garments and
have them repaired or remod
eled, because it will be cold
again this year. By the way,
you can order a Fur Garment
made in the latest style at
da TowNEysd
For Sale By
ttit Ho"w Good."
Cooper's Manufactured Ice & Cold Storage Co. Offloe 109 So. 11th
Kot How Otoeap,
i MM
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