The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 28, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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15he Ivy Press
t A
125-127 NortH Twatfth Straot
A WtitMB Printta Plac wbw you
gt what you want whtn you wast It
Daintily gotten up aaldf aa4 all ktod of Wod4ln
Sutionery and CaUla Carta aro SoocUltioa V
Phone 832
fT -
Office, U06 O St. Tel. 105.
; i i
J. F. Harris,
No. I, Board of Trade,
Grain, Provisions, Cotton.
jt j jt
Private Wires to New York Gtyand
Many Gties East and West.
J Jt J
New York Stock Exchange.
Chicago Stock Exchange.
Cbiearo Board of Trade
m i vuu
II t L
Uow located at
lblO O St., I
Has a beautiful stock of
Before buying your
Call an'd inspect the goods at Mrs.
Gosper's. You will certainly be
pieasea wia tne styles ana prices.
M. B. KBTCHUM, M. D., Phar. D.
Practice limited to
Bye, Ear. Nose, Throat, Gatarrh
and Fitting Spectacles.
Phone 848. Hours 9 to 5; Sunday 1
to 2:30. Rooms 313-314 Third Floor
Richards Block, Lincoln, Nebr.
00000000000000000000000000000 010000000 000 00000000000 0OO0O00MOO0O000000 000 0000
George W. Montgomery, President.
L. P. Funkhouser, Cashier.
YlttHllW S ttH&TV tyM,
15th and O Streets, Lincoln, Nebr.
i Capitalpaid in 50,000.00
X Accounts of Individuals. Firms, Corporations, Banks and Bankers Solicited.
X Correspondence Invited.
Foreign Exchange and Lettere of Credit on all the principal cities of Europe.
interest paid on time deposits.
ooooooooooooo mo ooooooooooooooooioooooooiooomoooooooooooo oooo ooo ooo ooo ooo coool
Absolute perfection is often
claimed for shoes that are
simply stylish.
Our Mannish Shoes are
APpRTMl not only perfect in style, but
in every ueiau, Demg xne
most serviceable lot of
Shoes ever brought to Lincoln.
1120 O Street.
One of the most useful institutions in
this city is the Y.W.O.A. Under the
present devoted and efficient secretary
many of the young women of Lincoln
who are earning their living have a
pleasant home and a clean, cheerful
place in which to eat their luncheon.
Lunch is served 8 la carte, and as it is
the object of the association to serve
rather than to make money, any young
woman is allowed to bring her own
luncheon and eat it with the addition,
it she desires, of a cup or tea or coffee or
a bowl of soup. At noon the big, clean
room is filled with girls eating and
chattering and resting. Miss Kyle, the
secretary, has made the lunch-room more
than self-supporting, although the
highest priced item on the menu does
not exceed five cents. The food is very
well cooked, the table linen is clean and
the aspect of the lunch-room invites re
freshment of body and spirit.
There is a parlor where habituee re
tire to do fancy work, or to sing and
play on the piano. The management
of the association is planning to put
in a gymnasium. If this could be ac
complished it would increase the num
ber of visitors and double the usefulness
of the institution to the present mem
bers. There are a number of persons who
constantly make vague plans for the
betterment of the race, who deplore the
ostracism of working women and de
nounce our social system, but their
helpfulness never gets further than the
mouth. They are not members of this
one institution which is of more ser
vice to the young women workers of
Lincoln than anything else I know of.
They neither visit it nor pay so much as
a dollar a year, which is the regular fee,
toward its support. If a homeless girl
is stranded here she is taken to the Y.
W.C.A. rooms. Lost, despairing or
discouraged women bv the hundreds
have been helped and comforted and
encouraged to be somebody by Miss Kyle
of this association. The latter is prac
tical, non sentimental and an extreme
ly helpful woman, withal a woman of the
world and of affaire whose advice and
sympathy are worth receiving. The in
stitution is non-sectarian and deserves
the help of every patriotic citizen of
At the home of Dr. and Mis. Mitch
ell on Thursday evening, a few friends
listened to a piano recital by Mr. But
ler of Omaha. It was an evening of
rare musical enjoyment for the few who
were privileged to hear him. The op
portunity was appreciated the more
because it is for only a short time he
remains in this part of the country. In
a day or two he leaves for the Pacific
coast. Mr. Butler is master of a fine
technique. Hi'b velvet-steel fingers fall
upon the keys bo that all the tone con
cealed in the long twisted steel cords is
rendered. No sound or sense of per
cussion as the fingers strike the key
board, but the sweetness, smoothness
and meaning of his tones are the die-
tinguishing marks of a virtuoso. Mr.
and Mrs. Mitchell's home is the meet
ing place for artiste, musicians and those
who are appreciative without being
themselves creative.
A danciDg party was given by Kappa
Alpha Theta on Monday evening at the
home of MiBa Agnew. American beau
ty roses were UBed in the reception hall
and music room, with asparagus on tn
staircase, chandeliers and in the t.r--
' .. . , i
places, xne dining room was decorated
in the fraternity colors, yellow and
black. Ices were served by Misses
Juliette At wood and Maigery Agnew,
The guests ere: Misses Haggard, Jes
sie Macfarland, Ruth MacfarlanJ,
Douglas, Jane Douglas, Post, Jeannette
Poet, Loomis, Harper, Wirt, Gilmore,
Patterson, Tattle, Carson, Millar, Wil
son, Towne, Cornell, Reese, Stephens,
Agnew and Sallie Agnew; Messrs. Dt
weese, Raymond, Tomson, Neely, Lau,
Gaines, Farnswortb, McCreery, Roth,
Loomis, Clark, Roth, Baldwin, Paine,
Brown, Adams, Kimball, Randall, Al
len, Thomas, Atwood, Dickey, lngalls
and CrandalL
Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Cropsey of Fair
bury have issued invitations to the wed
ding of their daughter Cora, to Mr.
MacLucas of the same place. The wed
ding will occur at eight o'clock in the
evening, on Octobar ninth. Miss
Cropsey is an alumna of the University
and a Kappa Kappa Gamma. She is a
pretty, a popular and a very intelligent
young lady, and her marriage to Mr.
MacLucas, which has been anticipated
for some time, will call ojt the best
wishes of a large number of people.
Colonel and Mrs. C, J. Long gave a
reception on Tuesday evening in honor
of Judge George W. Jones of Carthage,
Illinois. The guests were principally
old friends of the guest of honor. Those
present were: Judge Gecrge W. Jones,
Professor L. F. M. Easterday, Professor
D. Frank Easterday, Messrs. C- H, Jen
kins, J. M. Camp, M. L. Easterday, and
William Griffiths; Mesdames L. F.
Camp, M. L. Easterday, William Grif
fiths, Hannah Pike and Miss Laura
The marriage of Miss Laura Conger,
daughter of Minister and Mrs. E. II.
Conger, to Lieutenant Fred E. Buchan,
was celebrated very quietly last Friday
evening at the home of the bride's aunt,
Mrs. J. S. McConnel, 4359 Lak,e street,
Chicago. Lieutenant and Mrs. Buchan
will soon return to the Filipines.
A farewell reception was given on
Tuesday afternoon by the ladies of
Trinity M. E. church to Mrs. D. T.
Cooke, wtio will remove with her hus
band to Kansas City next week. A
short musical program was rendered,
after which a history of the church so
ciety was given by Mrs. Cooke. Re
marks were made by the new president,
Mrs. States, and refreshments were
The Cotillion club held a business and
social meeting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. G. Crittenden on Tuesday eve
ning. Mrs. Walter Hargreaves was re
elected president with Mrs. Ross Cur
tice for secretary and treasurer. Elab
orate parties are planned for the coming
season, and the membership will bo
increased from twenty to twenty-four.
Mr. Ernest Bessey, who has been tho
guest of his parents, Professor and Mrs.
G. E. Bessey, left on Monday for Wash
ington, D. 0. On Saturday evening
Mr. Bessey entertained twenty of his
Lincoln friends.
An informal dance was given on Mon
day evening by Delta Delta Delta at
the home of Mrs. James Manahan.