THE COURIER. 1 Professional HHjrectojry. Jtiice. .618 1 tea. 'l-TW. T2q1 IP -Qc.11o.Tr I Office. ZehronR Block 9tol0am .671. 1 I Residence. 1313 C street ) 2 to 4 p m Evenings, by appointment. Sundays 12 to 1 p. m and by appointment. I Dr. J.B. Trickey, J Refractionist only I 19 to 12 a. m Office, 1035 O street VI to 4 p. m. DENTISTS. oBice 530. -Louis N. "Wente,D.D.S.- i.IbtowI! BiJckfml I I so 11th street. omce essloiiver Jonnson, D.D.S.initoVee1Iarler8 j- (1105 O street J I'liouo ..LKM2-! Dr. Ruth M. Wood. -I etsscictust. (.IIour I I J A. M.;2toIIM HM9 San Francisco and Return EPISCOPAL CHURCH CONVENTION. $45.00 tTpnd ate of gale September 1911) to 2fU Pinal Limit November 15tb. 1901. CALL AND GET PULL INFORMATION. Gity Ticket Office Burlington Depot Gor. 10tn and O Streets. 3 7th St., Between P and Q. Telephone 235. Telephone 25. see Jftl?egteaaExer:ciSe That does the good to your mu6cles and builds up the wasted tissue. It's the spasmodic ex ercise that does more harm than good. One day a week in a gymnasium is a dangerous thing for anybody. Get one of our Home Trc'ii1"1 utfilS. have it where you can use it twice a day, for a few minutes, and you will be surprised at the Bteady gain in health, and the improvement in your general physical development. See us for particulars, circulars, etc. jp. e. Arivi:ojvi, 1106 0 STREET, LINCOLN, NEBR. ses) fill EYESIGHT is the source of the highest and moat intellectual enjoyment. When you enter a home you nat urally will notice the interior Decorations, such as Paper Hanging, Fainting, Furniture Polishing. If your eyesight proves to you that it looks like the work of an artist in this line, you can bank that it was done by 6ARL MYRER, Phone 5232. 2612 Q Street. ITS II V! , STOPPED FREE ' Permanently Cured by , DR. KLINE'S GREAT I NERVE RESTORER No ill ifirr Qrst diT I MC rMniofum. Txrtonil r hr mail treatise a ad CIA I. r t- Sl -T,,,-,.-,. v.ItRE H t Fit patients who paj eipresare oolr on delifery. M niiitflVr.notoDlj temporary relief forall.Vrr- woum IHsordtr. KpilepT. Sram- st. itn Dane. B DabllitT, Kihanuloa. DR. It. II. It I-I . .. Ld. 931 Arch Street, Philadelphia. rudedu:i. Place Your Orders with the MAXWELL ICE GREII AND CANDY CO. to OO0OOOOOTfrOOOO j STATE HISTORY. J. A. IiAKKKXT. Tho growth of tho work of the Ne braska State Historical society in tho last few years brings more and more into prominence tho naturo of tho part played by this institution in saving ma terial relating to Nebraska. Tho soci ety, indoed, was organized long ago by prominent NebraskanB who saw that the work should them bo begun. But tho young state was in its buoyant ado lescenco, when it could not pay atten tion to it3 autobiography. From 1878 until 1893 the work of tho society had to be adjusted to small quarters, little rtv enue and small interest on the part of tho public Through tho etTorts or its members and patrons the Nobraska State Historical society was mado a state institution in ISS-'J, and from that time the important work of gathering matter on tho history of Nebraska bo came one of tho duties of tho state. An annual appropriation of 85&0 for tho years 18S3 and 1SS1 initiated Btato expenditures for historical work in Ne braska. It might be said that tho set ting apart of the historical block in 1SG7 was an expression in dollars and cents of tho state's interest in tho work. But it is an old story how tho legislature later gave the historical block to tho city of Lincoln for a market square. Very slowly the generosity of legisla tures increased. The excellent work of Professor George E. Howard, during the time secretary of the historical soci ety from 1SS5 to 1S01, accomplished great things for the organization of the work and the collection into tho library of the Bociety of rare sets of colonial ar chives. Through his efforts were secured entire series of publications, such as the Massachusetts Historical Society publications which reach from 1S92 to the present. A now ora in the development of the society's work began in 1S03 when two very important changes wero made. The board of oftteers of the society ap pointed a person to till tiie office of assistant secretary and librarian, created that year, who should give his attention entirely to that work. At the same time, through the generosity of the regents of the university and the efforts of the officers of the society and univer sity, large quarters were set apart for the use of the society in the library building of the university. Thus the society came into possession of its fire proof rooms, and effort were redoubled to gain proper recognition before the legislature. The nature of the work is such that the amount done is in direct proportion to the appropriations avail able. The public have a right to expect, therefore, that the appropriations of 33.500, 55,000 and 810,000 in 1807, 1899 and 1901 will produce commensurate re sults. The officers feel sure that this is true. The "office force,'' as distinguished from the board of tive officers, president, two vice presidents, secretary and treas urer, elected by the historicai society, consists of "assistant secretary and librarian, Jay Amos Barrett, who has general charge of the ork, and who has occupied this office since its creation in 1S93. Miss Daisy M. Palin has for two years handled the large newspaper mail and had charge of the work of classify ing, arranging, labeling, etc., the files of accumulated papere. She has bean made "newspaper clerk" by the board. In the general work aside from the newspapers it waB found necessary to have the help of another man. The present year the services of A . E. Shel don were secured to till this need. While he appears as "director of file work," the part of the work assigned to him comprises general oversight of tho collection of newspapers, management of the museum and collection of curios, gathoring of Nebraska state publica tions and assistance in oditing tho vol umoj which the Bocioty issues. Tho work of tho socioty has grown rapidly and now embraces many linos nf collection anil investigation. It is tho purposo of tho association to gatbor, into a securo and permunont place all possible material bearing on tho history of tho state, and to publish just as much of tho valuablo written matoria! as thoro may be funds for. So far eight volumes have been issued, and two moro aro in press. One of these consists of the Tip ton manuscripts which aro regarded as a unique contribution to tho biographi cal literaturo of Nebraska public men. Tho library of the society has grown to 1,500 volumes and pamphlets together, which is rich in two particulars. An ex change of publications is maintained with other historical societies and libraries, from which comes a set of his torical publications extromely valuablo to the historians. The nucleus of tho colonial documents founded by the wis dom and foresight of Professor Howard baB been added to until this part of tho library is depended on by students of colonial history in the Btato. Tho soci ety aims, of course, to keep everything extant on Nebraska, and is gathering new and o!d material of this kind con stantly. Nearly complete sets of stato publications are to be consulted at its roome. It has the only large collection of Nebraska newspapers in the state, and is the only library where about all local Nebraska newspapers are to bo seen. A great clipping bureau for duplicate papers is carried on, and a groat mass of Nebraska und other mato ria! made readily available. In connec tion with the large and rapidly growing collection of curios, it is noteworthy that the socio:y has been able to com mence active field work in arcbaeology this year. The services of Mr. E. E. Blackman aro engaged for this, and a great deal of archaeological research is being made. Mr. Blackman, as is well known, is an enthusiastic hunter after Indian things, and whilo he is compara tively young as an exclusive archaeolo gist, he has long studied along this line. He has tho support of the noted archae ologist, J. T. Browor, who will cooper ate with Mr. Blackman this autumn in making an archaeological survey of the eastern end of our state. Another special feature of the work is a circular issued several times a year in cooper ation with newspapers. Still another departure is a plan to issue a biennial report beside the collections of material in hound volumes. The public will be made cognizant soon of the plans of the society for a special building to accommodate tho rapidly growing work. The officers in vito the public to use the library and collection of newspapers, and to linger about the collection of curios indefinitely. Northwestern Line. Sept. 1-10 Round trip tickets to St. Paul and Minneapolis, 811.10; Ouluth, 81510; Mankato, Minn., $3.83; Kasota, Minn., 89.05; Hot Springs, S. D., $1-1.00; Deadwood, S. D., 813.50. Final limit to return Oct. 31st. City ticket office 117 S. 10th St. Depot Cor. 9th and S Sts. Ugly women should always avoid a glare of jewles. First Pub Sept. 2?-3 Notice of Probate. Estate No. 1593 of August KIunc. deceased. In county court of Lancaster county. Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, to all person In terested In said estate, take notice, that a petition has been tiled for probate of the last will and testament of said deceased, and for appointment of Wilhelmlnna Kluse as execu trix thereof, which has len set for hearinij herein, on November "th. 1901. at 10 o'clock A.M. Dated September 213, 1K0I. seal. Frank K. Waters. County Judtre. By Walter A. Leese, Clerk County Court