The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 28, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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,Iege to isolate themselves and the people felt as they caught his eye. Thi8 Music-"Mazourka," for harp, op. 12,
vientists sunk themselves in inves- was that look which, latterly, bo many Edmund Schnecker; Mrs. Estelle Blako,
titration so that they were oblivious have said they "never could forget." Omaha
to their neighbors. Doctor Dedrick's William McKinlej led a beautiful life. Address-'Trimary Methods,' Mies
ompanions evidently got on his No nend to specify those particular in Ida Swan. Peru.
nerves and he preferred to endure the which it was beautiful. They are Paper-"Woman's Relation to the
rigors of an Arctic winter rather than known to all men, his devotion, his un- School." Mrs. J. M. Pile, Wayne.
mrtber association with them. waverioe tendernnes. nimnar onmnMiin ri,iwnn.r , e,.,i
T UUU.WMMBUK ..uia.WDD 1, VIUUU U MW mwuww.
So much has been said, and bo well
said, in thousands of publications con
t irning the career of William McKinley,
that one were fatuous to attempt to say
motherlike, for his afllicted wife through Meeting and in the Schoolroom," State coin.
long yeare. William McKinley was, so Superintendent W. K. Fowler, Lincoln,
far as any great American ever was, an Paper "Patrons A6Bociations," Mrs.
ideal Christian gentlemen, faithful, con- W. M. Morning, Lincoln.
Biderate, pure. And he died a beauti- Address "What Not to Study in the
ful death, a death that in its resigna- Club," Miss Margaret McCarthy,
tion and trustfulness touched the world Omaha.
to something like the glow of old time Address Miss Margaret J. Evans.
Report of stato work Mrs. W. G
Housekeeping on a business basis
Aire. Anna B. Steele, Fairbury.
Influence of early homo lifo on chil
drenMrs. M. A. McMillan, Norfolk.
Progress of domestic science in
schools, Professor Rosa Bouton, Lin-
anything new upon the subject upon faith and by its serenity almost eclipsed vice president G.F.W.C
wuiuu a.. mD..aUo lcc. a..nP. .nio tbo horror of
1'resiuent s career is now nisiory. uia- entj
the act that brought the
Tufi man wftn Irnntir hnnr ti Kirn
tory will place him high on the roll of knew now to dig with a deurof Bub.
thn nntSnn'a frrnnt mnn. TTb tthr r rrrAat ... ... .... .
the nation's great men. He was a great
man, indeed, because he mastered his
own life consistently to a high ideal of
ambition an ambition nobly to serve
hia country and mankind. Ho was a
patient man. He waited for the people's
will to express itself. While he waited
he strove earnestly to shape the popular
thought and feeling into accord with
his ideas and he usually succeeded be
cause be invariably took conservative
mission that vet had a littla of tha
aching pathos of the simplicity of a
little child. Americans, even in their
sorrow, are proud of such an American.
As an official he was truly the servant
of the people in a sense more strict than
might apply in the case of many of bis
predecessors. As a man he was a lead
er, an instructor of the people and, his
life was an example of every virtue that
civilization holds in honor. lie is fel-
ground. He was a great maripulator of low the fieat rareat BWBBtpHt. ,ront,
men because he inspired confidence in est souls now or ever to be "citizens of
them. Men gave him power because eternity." W. M. Reedy in The Mirror,
they felt assured he would not misuse
it. Mr, McKinley was a simple man,
and it was this simplicity which made
many people deem him darkly deep.
He was a frank man, so frank that he
feared not to reverse himself to gain an
end. He was a man who grew in his
ideas until, just prior to his death, he
stepped cut away beyond his party and
himself and foreshadowed a generous
measure of abandonment of doctrines of
which he had been for years the most
conspicuous representative. The man
of one idea protection became a Pres
ident of splendid scope and strength.
The man who was once believed to know
nothing other than tariff schedules,
handled Senate and House so master
fully as to make both content to ask of
him only what he would and he should
have it.
The man who was dubbed a com
mercialist led the country in a war for
one of the truest ideals of humanity and
inspired a whols country by the mansive
nobility of his sentiments. That man
gave the war a culmination impressive
in its magnanimity to the vanquished.
The black republican. McKinley was
hailed by the south as its beet friend.
By his tact, his grace, his kindness, his
sympathy be wiped out sectionalism in
this land. In his dealings with rebell
ion in the lands newly added to the na
tion's domain he preserved the
Officers of the Nebraska Federation
of Women's Clubs:
President, Mrs. Draper Smith. Omaha.
Vice president, Mrs. Winnie Durland,
Recording secretary, Miss Nannette
McCarn, Fremont.
Corresponding secretary, Mrs. H. D.
Neely, Omaha.
Treasurer, Mrs. George Cross, Fair
bury. Auditor, Mrs. Emma Page, Syracuse.
Librarian, Mrs. Belle M. Stoutenbor
ough, Plattsmouth.
Secretary G.W.F.C. for Nebraska.
Mrs. Louisa Lowe Rickette, Lincoln.
Committee on Local Arrangements
Mrs. May W. Harrington, Mrs. Ella J.
L. Wilbur, Mrs. Ella J. Pile, Mrs. Dell
Blanchard, Mrs. Weldon.
Monday Evening, October 7, Eight
O'clock Meeting of executive board.
Tuesday Morning, 9 O'clock Presen-
poise of tatiou of credentials by delegates.
Lincoln, eminently sane, supremely
patient with those who knew not what
they did, but never did it approach
He waited upon time and the prev
alence of right reason, and he went
ahead with the work or organizing gov
ernment in the serence certainty that
his principles would prevail here and in
the archipelagos where the Hag had
been unfurled. Gradually William
McKinley won the love of the people as
completely as he compelled the respect
and admiration of the world. He won
this love and respect and admiration by
his firmness, his restraint, his reserve,
his sincerity. All his words were words
of benevolence and good will. All his
Ten O'clock Meeting of board of di
rectors. Tuesday Afternoon, 2 O'clock Meet
ing of Federation, Mrs. Smith, chair
man. Tnvnnation. Mrs. Ida W. Blair. Wavne,
Music, violin solo, -Thuringer Yolks- Grotesque, Sinding; Mrs,
Wednesday Morning, 9:30 O'clock
Business meeting, Mrs. Smith, chair
man. Club Reports One hundred fourteen
clubs, two minutes each.
Wednesday Afternoon, 2 O'clock
Business meeting, Mrs. Smith, chair
man. 2:30 O'clock Art session, Mrs. F. M.
Hall, chairman, Lincoln.
Art Conference One hour.
Music "Valse Caprice, Gabrielle Ver.
dalle; Mrs. Estelle Blake, Omaha.
I. "Benefits Derived from the Study of
Art," Mrs. A. W. Field, Lincoln.
II. "Art Study in Women's Clubs (a
three years' course suggested), Mrs.
Jennie E. Keysor, Omaha.
III. "How to Build Art Interest," Mrs.
U. M. Bushnell. Lincoln.
Ceramic hour.
"Early Historic China of United
States' Mrs. II. M. Brock. Lincoln.
"American Potteries' (eastern), Mrs.
Anna R. Morey, Hastings.
"American Potteries" (western), Mrs.
Belle Perfect, Omaha.
"American Pottery at the Pan-American
Exposition," Miss Mellona Butter
field, Omaha.
"The Influence of the Public on the
Ceramic Worker," Mrs. A. B. Fuller,
"The Ceramic Worker'a Obstacles."
Miss Nina Lumbard, Fremont.
Outlines and Suggestions for Study:
China and picture exhibit in church
lecture room.
Wednesday Evening, 8 O'clock Re
ception to the Federation at the home
of Mrs. J. T. Bressler, president of the
Wayne Town Federation.
Thursday Morning, 9-30 O'clock
Business meeting, Mrs. Smith, chair
man. Report of Special Library Committee
Mrs. Belle M. Stoutenborough, chair
man. The Nebraska Traveling Library
Miss Edna D. Bullock, secretary Ne
braska Library commission.
10:45 O'clock Industrial session, Mrs.
Amanda M. Edwards, chairman.
Music "Fruelingsrauschen," "March
Will Owen
H. Haessner;
lied with Variations,'
Otto Voget, Wayne.
Address of welcome, Mrs. J. T. Bress
ler, Wayne.
Response, Mrs. Gertrude
Annual address of the
Mrs. Draper Smith, Omaha.
Report of officers.
Report of Committees Credentials,
Mrs. John Erhardt, Stanton. (Roll call
actions but interpreted the honesty and of delegates.)
warmth and courage of his heart.
President McKinley was no orator
like Lincoln and yet his speeches hfld
something in them, of late years, of
that tenderly Eolemn quality, that strain
is of prophecy which we note in the
'J Iterances of the great emancipator.
There was on him, too, something of
that touch of gentle sadness, as if pre
saging doom, that we note in the
pictures of Lincoln. This it was that
Reciprocity Bureau Mrs. A.A.Scott,
Constitution Committee Mrs. Lillian
R. Gault, Omaha.
Club Extension Committee MrB. Win
nie Durland. Norfolk.
Program Committee Mrs. Ella B.
Lobingier, Omaha.
Tueeday Evening, 8 O'clock Educa
tional Beesion, Mrs. Anna L. Apperson,
chairman, Tecumseh.
Jones, Lincoln.
Girls Industrial School at Geneva
and Other State Institutions Nellie
Elizabeth Cady, St Paul.
Nebraska Industrial Home at Milford
Mrs. Elizabeth Sisson, Norfolk.
Woman as a Factor in Industrial Pur
suits Mrs. W. II. Clemmons, Fremont.
Women and Children as Employes
Mrs. D. M. Carey, Seward.
The George Junior Republic Mrs.
Etta R. Holmes, Kearney.
Parental Schools and Courts for Juve
Bile Offenders Mrs. M. N. Presson,
Thursday afternoon, 2 o'clock Bust
ness meeting, Mrs. Smith, chairman.
2:45 o'clock Household economic ses
sion, Mrs. W. G. Baker, Norfolk, chair
man. Music "Magic Fire Music," Wagner
Brasain; Mrs. Will Owen Jonei, Lincoln.
A'cdrees "The social trend of Amer
ican life," Mrs. Elia W. Peattio, Chi
cago. Thursday evening, 8 o'clock, Mrs.
Drapor Smith, chairman.
Music Selected; Jules Lumbard,
Addresa The practical and icsthetic
value of forestry Reverend C. S. Hur
nson, Pres. Nebr. Park and Forestry
Aea'n., Yoi k.
Town and village improvement, illus
trated Mrs. C. W. Damon, Omaha.
Music "America," led by Jules Lum
bard, the audience joining in the re
frain. Friday morning, 9:30 o'clock, Busi
ness session, Mrs. Smith, chairman.
Report of nominating committee;
election of officers; election of delegates
to G. F. W. C. biennial; report of reso
lution committee: installation of new
officers; adjournment; meeting of the
old executive board; meeting of the new
executive board.
The Illinois state federation will hold
its annual meeting at Decatur, Ocotober
1G, 17 and 18. The assignment of dele
gates to the homes where they will be
entertained has been facilitated by a
system of double post cards, one of
which goes to the delegate informing
her of the name and address of her De
catur hostess, the other card going to
the entertainer, giving the name and
address of her prospective guest. Two
members of the committee on credentials
will be on board the club train from
Chicago, and credentials will be pre
sented and verified en route. The regu
lar business sessions will be held in the
First Presbyterian church, where the
art program will also be held. A grand
promenade concert will be held in the
Tabernacle, the largest building in De
catur; luncheon also will be served in
this building on Thursday and Friday.
On the first day of the convention
luncheon will be served in the woman's
club building. The press session will
be in charge of Mrs. Elia W. Peattie,
and will consist of interesting talks by
the leading newspaper writers of
the state. Among them are Inez J.
Bender of the Decatur Signet, who will
tell what she knows about "The Coun
try Newspaper;" Lena McCauley of the
Chicago Post, who will speak of "Edi
torials;" Mary Holland Kinuaid of the
Milwaukee Sentinel, who will present
"Some Humorous Sides of Newepaper
Life," and one of the Chicago Record
Herald staff, who shall be nameless, is
expected to talk away up in the air
about the "Moral Responsibility of the
Reporter," while Annie Forsyth of the
Chicago Chronicle will boom "The Wo
man's Page."
Dr. Rebecca Parish, the only deacon
ess physician engaged in hospital work
in America, is medical superintendent
in the new Wesley hospital in Chicago.
Dr. Parish is a graduate of the Chicago
training school and of a medical college
in Indianapolis.
Wife (bitterly) You deceived me when
you married me.
Husband I did more than that I
deceived myself.
"Have you taken the Midway in yet?"
"Started out awhile ago with that in
tention, but I believe tha Midway woo."