The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 28, 1901, Image 1

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Office 1132 N street, Up Stairs.
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The Coueiee will not be responsible (or vol
ontary communications unless accompanied by
return postage.
Communications, to receive attention, must
be signed by the (nil name of the writer, not
merely at a guarantee of good faith, but for
publication if advisable.
A man's character is never fully
appreciated or comprehended until lie
dies. The manner of his dying and
of his reception of the sentence of
death is quite as indicative of char
acter as the deeds of bis manhood.
The people never knew McKinley un
til he died. Even his warmest par
tisan supporters did not realize the
tenderness and wholesomeness ol his
nature. He was kind and good
throughout. In his whole nature
there was not a blemish of cynioism
or pessimism, nor in the attitude of
his soul any ennui. When he so
nobly died he was as interested in
life and in the affairs of men as in
the first days of his career. Soon
after he was shot he expressed regret
for the effect that his assassination
might have on the Fan-American
Exposition. In tbe instant that he
was conscious that he had been shot
the world are paying tribute not
alone to the president of the United
States, but to the man McKinley
whose distinction of mind, character
and heart was as exalted as the office
men placed him in. Faith keeps a
character simple and child-like.
Every man whom McKinley trusted
was better for it. In many instances
his faith accomplished what it trust
ed in. When he was shot his su
preme life-long attribute of faith was
one of the most hopeful indications
that he might get well. He did not
worry about himself as a less virile
man might, he did not worry about
the country as a weaker Christian
might. He had done his best and he
died at peace with himself and with
everyone, and was content to die if
God willed it. He was patient with
a patience which exasperated some
Americans waiting for war to be de
clared after the Maine was blown up
in Havana Harbor. To the criticism
at that time, and to criticisms since,
his large patience never suffered him
to reply.
In his faith, patience and liking for
other men, President McKinley was
like President Lincoln. In his ad
ministrative capacity he was like
Lincoln. There are governors and
presidents, pure-hearted, high-minded
Lien who desire to do their whole
duty by the siate or country, but who
are unable to accomplish any reforms,
however needed, because they do not
possess he political tact or the abil
ity to convince the other members of
the government of the soundness of
the administrative plans. President
Lincoln listened to the voice of the
people and he appeared at times to
be a trimmer. He was called a trim
mer, just as McKinley was. Neither
one was ever out of sight of tlie peo
ple. Their reasoning was deductive
always and kept close to causes and
events. Both administrations in
structed and trained the people so
that when the time for decisive ac
tion arrived they were ready to ac
cept the inevitable initiative of the
chief executive officer. Before Lin
coln freed the slaves the North was
great changes. There was a large
mind guiding the action of this coun
try and therefore events seemed to
accomplish themselves.
The best men have an aversion for
sickness. There is something about
the air of a sick room offensive to the
ordinary man. However devoted to
his wife the ordinary man may be,
when she Is ill he gets out of the way,
and only a few men are proof against
illness, especially if it be chronic.
President McKinley's effortless, faith
ful devotion to a sick wife, his steady
love and service may perhaps be
matched in humbler homes, but such
an instance has occured in few per
sonal experiences.
The passionate, personal devotion
of the men immediately surround
ing McKinley, their confidence in his
judgment and their willingness to
serve him with fortunes or lives If
necessary, is another tribute to his
character. Men despise a weak, dis
honest or insincere man and thev will" being tried for improper conduct, but
not make self-sacrifices for an n- only to find out which of the two
loving or an unkindly one, however well-meaning but unfortunate ad
able he may be. Chancellor Andrews mirals deserves the second place in the
compared him last Thursday with history of the Spanish war and in
that king of France who is called St. the hearts of his countrymen.
Louis, and with Alfred the Great. When a naval battle begins it is.
Both of these men had the executive quickly over. Admiral Sampson was
ability of Bismarck or of George out on the ocean a little way when
Washington and the approachableness the Spanish Admiral Cervera decided
and humanity of our own McKinley. that the moment had arrived in
Because men loved him and believed which his fleet must try to escape,
in him, McKinley accomplished what Sampson was not far away but too far
a great intellect given great power to get back before the Spanish ships
and great generalship could never were all sunk or captured. He was
have accomplished alone. His love bitterly disappointed and he made
and its response welded his cabinet the mistake of telegraphing to Wasb
and congress iDto a powerful engine ington as if he had been on the spot
lubber but the lubber is used to daily
treatment of the same sort and the
captain is not. The lawyer Is more
frequently than not a gentleman,
but his habit falls away from him
when he Is in the act of examining a
witness for the other side. At such
times his manner is a combination of
the different varities of American
toughness that exhibit on the
street corners or in the saloons. So
many otherwise sensible men have
adopted this peculiar manner of ques
tioning a witness, it must be that
they get more information and more
general satisfaction from him in this
way. And Americans have grown so
used to it that only commodores and
admirals are especially Insulted by it.
There are not enough of them to make
their protest of much force.
The Influence of the Irrelevant.
Neither Schley nor Samrjson are
whose product is prosperity the coun
try enjoys and England and Germany
envy today.
American Patience.
One of the witnesses in the Schley
investigation, a captain, and not at
all used to bullying, said to tbe judge
that he objected to tbe way he
being addressed by council for
miral Schley. Captains or ships are for an action in which he did not
not humble-minded. Land-lubbers participate but whose contlnwncioc
ana sunken the ships himself, while
all the time the fleet was taking or
ders from Schley's ship. The high
opinion which ail naval officers have
of Sampson's ability is doubtless de
served. In the opinion of men who
are not naval officers and who know
nothing of naval tactics, Sampson's
ability is obscured by snobbery, etro-
was tism.andan overweening ambition to
Ad- take more than his share of credit-
to do
abolitionists had turned their
unon him as unon one afraid
his duty.
During this administration con
gressmen, senators and all others in
authority have had free access to the
President. He has talked with them
in nn onen and friendly manner.
disregarded, their word doubted and
their honor impinged. But sea-captains
live in a small world of their
he asked his secretary not to exag
Rerate the news to his wife and again clamoring for emancipation and the are in the habit of having their rights he had foreseen and prepared for.
he asked that the unspeakable wretch
who had shot him be not hurt. Af
terward his entire submission to the
knives of the surgeons and to their
judgment, bis confidence in God and
his submission to death showed a
strong faith in man and God. One
of his strongest, attributes and one
that actuated his conduct through From them he lias acquired his un- lowed at him in the familiar, fierce pass the requisite examinations would
life was faith. As a president he usually accurate knowledge of the sen- tone of a lawyer examining a witness, lack grace and polish and thus dis-
accomplished so much because hav- timents, wishes, prejudices and plans the Captain objected and appealed to grace the United States. It is this
ing selected a man to perform a task of the people who live in the various the judge to forbid such conduct. exaltation of social graces over tested
he trusted him to do it. Once he was parts of the United States. This The manner of an ordinary lawyer's manliness and soldierly qualities that
bankrupt of money for his faith in knowledge added to the mighty power examination of a witness is an insult has decreased the efficiency of the
men whose notes he had signed. But of an American president has en- to human dignity, but the most of us English army.And the American pub-
some who loved him contributed each abled McKinley to accomplish by the are accustomed to it and we submit lie to a man disavows It, although
as he was able and made up the aid of Congress the annexation of without appeal. The lawyer's man- there is no denying that army and
aracunt for the sake of a man whose Hawaii, of Porto Rico and of the ner of questioning, his gestures, his navy officers share Sampson's opinion
greatness inspired them to self-sac- Filipines. From tne Beginning me msiuuauuus umi iUC .,Uc uuo uu me question or promoting sailors
Admiral Sampson also convicted1
himself of a kind of snobbery most
obnoxious to citizens of this country
own. They are the final court of when he wrote to the secretary of the
appeal and they are used to an eti- navy deprecating promotions from
quette of deference. When just a the ranks and alleging as a reason
common lawyer pointed his finger at that socially a man from the ranks
Captain Harber last week and bel- with force and intelligence enoueh to
The people of this country
mnvom.?nt has Dossessed the inevita-
of bleness and apparent slowness of all
the insinuations that the witness is not
leiiiug iue uuiu, mc uu wuic maun- uuuve uie ranK of warrant
ingtoa capiam man 10 uie land- uutbampson is not being
tried for