The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 21, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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The courier
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JCud along systematic" lines of finance,
and regulated-after the plans of self
government adopted by Bryn Mawr, it
affords greater opportunities in the fra
ternity life for the development of ex
ecutive ability. This year Kappa fur
nished a new house at 3035 J street,
which was opened last week in prepara
tion for the return of the girls and the
beginning of the echool year, with all
its preliminary activity.
Kappa Alpha. Theta.
Kappa Alpha Tneta, the tint Greek
letter fraternity among women was
founded at De Pauw university, Indi
ana, in the spring of 1870. But it was
not until 1895 that Phi chapter was
chartered at the University of Nebras
ka with six active members and became
one of tin thirty-two other 'chapters
then existing in the United States.
Since then about thirty-live new mem
bers have been initiated, making a
large active chapter at present and a
very considerable alumnae.
In 1899 the first attempt at a girls'
fraternity house was made. The men's
fraternities had bad them for some
years but the girls had not as yet un
dertaken anything of the kind.
Kappa Alpha Theta found email but
very comfortable quarters on Sixteenth
and M streets wheio some half-a-dozen
girls lived during the echool year. The
house was such a success in every way
and it waB such a comfort to the out-of-town
girls not to have to go outside for
their meals, that the next year the same
plan was carried out on a somewhat
larger scale.
The house of General Cobb on Four
teenth and R streets was leased for the
purpose and was found to be most sat
isfactory. Hb nearness to the univer
sity was not the least among its attrac
tions but the large lawn commonly
known as the "Theta farm," was just
what was wanted.
This year the chapter has the same
house and expects to keep it for some
years to come. To start the yea., there
are seven girls there under the chap
eronuge of Mrs. R. P. R. Millar, with
prospects of more to come. The last
week has been spent in Eetting the
house in order for the new year, and aB
the old girls come back and the new
ones make their appearance, the ex
citement and fun of "rushing season''
Wednesday morning Miss Rose Car
Eon opened her new house at Eighteenth
and C 8trees to the active and alumnae
chapters and their friends.
Thursday evening the dancing party
planned waB given up on account of the
national mourning, and a small gather
ing of the girls at Miss Tuttle's was
held instead.
Friday afternoon after a drive in the
country the girls entertained a few of
their friends among the men's fratern
ities at five o'clock tea at the chapter
Delta Delta. Delta,
Kappa chapter of Delta Delta Delta
was brought to Nebraska university in
November, 1891.
For so young a chapter we are proud
of the record we have of representation
on the national official board, having
members three times from our chapter
in official position.
The active membership of last year
has decreased quite appreciably, many
of our girls being in other schools. One
is in the library echool at Champagne,
Illinois, one in Leland Stanford univer
sity, one taking language study in Ger
many, while others hold responsible
positions in school work. One of our
recent active members, however, who
was in Wellesley last year, is with us
and will graduate. In proportion to the
- number of our graduates we hold our
full quota of Phi Beta Kappas. Four of
6ur older members are teaching in dif
ferent departments of the university.
Until recently Kappa was the farthest
west Delta Delta Delta had ever come.
Now, however, a chapter has been estab
lished in California.
Kappa chapter is anticipating her
usual banquet and dance and number
lees small parties which in the past have
been so conducive to pleasure and in
formality and have so much assisted the
girls to do good work in their studies.
We look forward to the national con
vention which this year is to be held in
the historic city of Boston, the place of
Tri Delta's birth, and anticipate the
pleasure of bearing the traditions of the
fraternity in the home of her nativity.
The young ladies bad a reunion party
at the home of Miss Josephine Poynter
on Wednesday evening. Nearly all of
last year's active chapter was present.
They entertained a number of guests
and 6Dent a most delightful evening.
Yesterday afternoon the girls with
several of their frienda spent the after
noon with Miss Eola Auld.
Monday evening Delta Dflta Delta
will entertain at an informal dance at
the home of Mrs. James Manahan, 1G32
F street.
The girls are planning to give several
smaller parties next week.
Pi Beta Phi.
Pi Beta Phi was founded at Mon
mouth CoIIprp, Monmouth, Illinois
April 23th, 18G7, and is the oldest col
legiate fraternity for women.
The name was originally I. C. Ssrosis
and Pi rJeta Phi was the motto, but
finding itself at a disadvantage by not
having a Greek name, the motto was
taken for the name and the name for
the motto. The organization is the
same, Pi Beta Phi being merely the
development of I. C.
The emblem is the golden arrow, the
colors wine and blue, and the iiower,
the carnation.
In the early years of the fraternity,
when denominational colleges were of
foremost importance, many charters
were granted to groups of 'girls in those
colleges; but with the rise and growth
of State Universities the policy of Pi
Beta Phi has been to coofipe its mem
bership more and more to the state
institutions and only the larger denomi
national colleges, such as Northwestern
and Swarthmore.
Pi Beta Phi now numbers thirty act
ive, chapters, divided according to geo'
graphical position, into four provinces.
Each province has a president whose
duty it is to have charge of chapters in
her province and to pay each a personal
visit between conventions. The man
agement of the fraternity as a whole is
vested in a Grand Council composed of
five members. This council is court of
final appeal at all times save during the
week of the convention which is held
every two years.
Cor relative with the active organiza
tion is the Alumnae Association which
has its own council and circle secre
taries, each circle being composed of
two or three adjacent states. Besides
the Alumnae circles there are Alumnae
clubs in many of the larger 'cities, such
as Washington, D. C, Philadelphia,
Boston, Chicago, Columbus, Kansas
City, Denver, Topeka, Syracuse and Lob
Angelec The -fraternity supports a
quarterly, known as The Arrow, which
presents to the fraternity world the
aims and policy of the organization it
represents. The Arrow is now publish
ed by the chapter at the University of
Of the thirty chapters, eight occupy
houses, three lodges and the others
either have chapter rooms in some col
lege building or, in a few cases, meet at
the homes of the member. The total
membership as presented by the recent-
Special Display
at -Lincoln's Progressive Dry
Goods House.
Our Gdods are guaranteed we sell only the Reliable
Kind the high grade quality at the lowest legitimate
price. We shall be pleased to have you inspect our
stock. A Collarette or a Fur Scarf is almost indispen
sable these oool evenings and mornings. Our line is
very replete.
$5 Black Electric Seal Fur Collar
ettes, long tabs trimmed with
6 tails $3.98
$6.50 Black Electric Seal Fur Col
larettes, long tabs trimmed with
8 tails $4.98
$10.00 Marten Fur Collarettes. . .
$12.50 Beaver Fur Collarettes. . . .
Fur Scarfs in Marten, Red Fox,
Beaver, etc $5.98 to $20.00
Electric Seal Fur Jackets with
Beaver collar, j4 fitted back,
worth $27.50 $22.50
Astrakhan Fur Jack
ets, an elegant line..
....$12.50 to $45.00
Fur Capes
....$12.50 to $45.00
Health and Happiness go hand in hand,
Activity is contagious, and imparts
Health aud Wealth in this beautiful land.
Convey it to others by actively engaging
In beautifying the woman and strength-
ening the man.
Thus, using an Electric iYlassage Exer
ciser, A Home Training Outfit, or a Fountain
Bath Brush;
Prices $1.00 to $5.00. For Sale by
This Institution is thoroughly equipped for tbe treatment of non
oontaeioua otiroulo disease. A number of
special methods are in use in the treatment of rheumatism, selocted cases of
cancer and in nervous diseases. Excellent results are being obtained by the
Sanatorium methods of treatment in kidney, heart, hepatic and catarrhal af
fections. The aim is not only to cure, but to teach the art of living.
Thisinstitutiou iB fitted with every electric current used in medicine; the
moet perfect system of Turkish, Russian and electric baths, besides medicated
baths peculiar to it6e,f.
The Emersonian system of physical culture is taught under a skilled in
structor. The aim of this Institution is to carry on its work in a skilled manner
amid pleasant and cheerful surrouniinKs. and to make its building at all
times not a hotel, not a hospital, but a home.
I2IO O Street.