M t THE COURIER. r9IOM00OM00a PIMM HIM lttttlMtnMOIHIIilillim)uuijUUU J II T.TTVnOT.TV Tl A TVS -eve -ra JS J a -- MW kh K MM M A "Wh. feJ-H n M HI M. T M m THE LINCOLN ACADEMY . . . An accredited school to the State Uuivorsities of Nebraska and Iowa. Prepares for the leading Colleges and Uoivortities. ALFRED 3VJ. WILSON, Fl. I. (Vale), Principal. ADVISORY BOARD: Chancellor E. ltenjnmtn Andrews Itev Dr. H O Rowlands Professor (Srme E. Harbor Mrs. A.J. Suwjer Professor Krulu II. Hnrtxmr Dean Lucius A. Shermnn Dean Charles K. Ilessey Pmressor W ( L. Tuylor Adjunct Professor William F. Dann Professor Henry B. Wurd Dean Kllerv V. I)a Is Kev Ur Fletcher I.. Vhnrton Professor Fred Morrow Flln Mrs. H. H. Wilson. Dean M.immh It. Iteesc Address of Principal, tJIO South llth Street. Lincoln, Xehr. i .! Office IOtl and Q. StH. Phone 176. WE DO " . .- .. IITO CTr T ! WE CARRY . . ; " -..-.. .,r-- -. . i a vine i,tnooi Uar- Moving I Allbradeaof Coal. , riagee and Buee es. . Uiunn nnrl I, limifftA I HEj oTjljl j , -,- . . .- I Tf "Vfill Want TiMrsfc-niasn Rarrrina flail - TT, I """ wuuuuu wo- 1 SWtfO0Mi mo Ttiinininiitnnoiiioniooou? - 1 III NEW BOOKS . . . Are being- constantly received by us. Our prices are as low as any Department store. We have a line of fountain pens suitable for college and commercial use, containing- the g-oods of the best known makers. Our "U. of N." pen at $1.00 is the equal of anv $1.50 pen made. Our "High School" pen at 69c is worth $1.00. THE LINCOLN BOOK STORE, 1126 O SXREJISX. (iimma's existence, fifteen chapters were established, four of which became inactive before 1880 and two more in 1SS4. This shows all too clearly that proper care was not exercised in thoie early jears to place chapters only in those institutions which were promising if not prominent. The histories cf Kappa Alpha Theta, Delta Gamma and Pi Beta Fbi emphasize this same fact. (a the next decade sixteen charters were granted and but three of these have ever been withdrawn. It is of ;n-t-rest to note that six of these charters were placed in state universities which were coming more and more to be rec oDized as the educational centers of the west and middle west. In the third decade but six charters were granted, while in this first year of the fourth a chapter has been estab lished in the promising University of Colorado. As the chapter roll stands today, there are chapters of Kappa Kappa Gamma in the thirteen most prominent state universities, and also in the uni versities of Boston, Cornell, Syracuse, Wooster. De Pduw, Northwestern, Illi nois Wesleyan and Leland Stanford, Junior. In the list of colleges Barnard and Swartbmore rank highest, but Ein ill chapters are still maintained for the sake of auld lang syne in several de nominational colleges where the future of the colleges is a question of concern not only to the fraternities represented there, but to the college authorities as well. As one after another peiitiou from colleges and universities are refused on the grounds, "low educational standing of the institution,' "insufficient material for maintaining a strong chapter," the I high standards dtminded by Kappa -Kappa Gamma and her conservative policy are coming more and more widely tf be recognized. Since fraternities are not permitted to enter the largest women's colleges, it is the policy of Kappa Kappa Gamma to grant charters only to co educational institutions. At present tbe?e are fourteen alumnae associations of Kappa Kappa Gamma in the larger cities. The continued inter est of these raembeis who are no longer n college is a source of inspiration and strength to the general fraternity and to individual chapters. Kappa Kappa Gamma was the first woman's fraternity to undertake the publication of a magazine. The first number of the "Key" appeared in March, 1882, and the magazine has al ways taken high rank, not only among sister publications, but among the more pretentious organs of the men's frater nity. The editor of the Key" wa9 auth orized at the meeting of the grand coun ' il in August to begin the collection of material for a permanent fraternity library. This will consist of college cat alogues, fraternity exchanges and all books and publicatiors of general or particular fraternity interest. This library will be of great value to the edi tor and to the director of catalogues. Three song books have been published by the fraternity, in 1835, 1SS9 and IS!);. A catalogue was compiled in 1SSS and a supplement in 1800, while a second edi tion appeared in 1S9S. The most unique publication of the fraternity is in the form of a calendar with appropriate fra ternity quotation". Six of these have been issued and one is being prepared for tho coming year. For eleven years after the founding of the fraternity the government was by a grand chapter. Since that time it has been vested in a grand council composed of the five grand officers who are elected from the different geographical sections of the fraternity at the optional conven tion which is held biennially during the last week of August. This convention is composed of delegates from each chap ter and from the alumnae association?. In addition to the regular council otti c rs there is a director of catalogues and an historian, each of wnom is appointed for a period of ten years. The badge of the fraternity is a small golden key, which may be jeweled or plain. The letters Kappa Kappa Gamma are on the stem, and Alpha Omega Omicron on the ward. The colors are particularly striking, being dark and light blue, and lend themselves admir ably to decoration. Tho flower is the tleur de-lis, which is used also as an emblem in the conventional form. Sigma chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma, which for h've years was the only woman's fraternity in the Univer sity of Nebraska, was established May 19, 1851. During these seventeen years ninety-eight members have been initi ated. Colkge degrees B A , B. L.. B. Sc have been conferred upon thirty-one membeis of Sigma chapter, and two have received certificates from the Uni versity School of Music. Four have puisued graduate woik to the degree M. A. Phi Beta Kappa honors have been won by seven and Sigma Xi by two. Misses Mariel Gere, Florence Winger and May Whiting have been granted university fellowships, while Miss Winger held f jr three years the sage fellowship in philosophy at Cornell uni versity. In 1898 Miss Eleanor Raymond won the school of music medal for vocal music. The membership of the chapter has alwas been drawn very largely from Lincoln girls. This has been a source of great strength to the chapter the one disadvantage having manifested itself in the last two j ears when there has been a desire but no real need for a HEADQUARTERS IOR HUTCHINS e HYAOLrr. chapter bouse. However, when the most beautiful homes in Lincoln are constantly open to the Kappas, even this has proved no hardship or disad vantage. While Kappa Kappa Gamma does not confine her membership to regular studtnts, she does demand that a certain number of hours of college work be carried. For years it has been the policy of Sigma chapter to extend no invitations to membership to young women nut matriculated in the univer sity. It is believed that in this way greater fraternity dignity is maintained, and the evil of rushing in the high school reduced to a minimum. Honors have come to the chapter from the general fraternity. In 1893 the four teenth national convention of Kappa Kippa Gamma was entertained by the Lincoln chapter. Sigma is represented on the grand council by Miss May Whit ing who was elected grand secretary at the convention of 1900. There are fifteen members in the ac tive chapter at the opening of the pres ent college year. Since the young wo men have returned from their summer outings they have been busy preparing to entertain during registration week. Invitations were issued to a chafing dish party at the home of the MisBes Whedon on Thursday evening. At one o'clock Wednesday Misses Emily Jen kins and Adellnyd Whiting gave a luncheon. Covers were laid for twenty. In the afternoon a "swap" party furnished amusement for a still larger company. The vaudeville which had been planned for Thursday evening at the home of Miss Richards will be postponed until Tuesday, because of the burial of President McKinley. The formal entertpinments concluded on Friday evening with a dancing party at Walsh hall. Delta Gamma. Delta Gamma was founded at the University of Mississippi in 187i Ther may be said to be two periods in the history of the fraternity, the southern and the northern. The chapters in the south were Bhort-lived, but with the establishment of a chapter in Ohio in 1379, the fraternity entered upon her career as a national organization. The policy of Delta Gamma of late years has been severely conservative. Many chapters have been withdrawn because of failure or inability of schools, in which certain chapters existed, to meet the advanced educational require ments of the day. So, although the chapter list "9 comparatively short only fifteen collegiate chapters and onn alumnae chapter in all it includes tho best state universities, Leland Stpnfnrd, Woman's College of Baltimore Cornell, and Syracuse university. A chapter was granted at tho Lincoln convention to petitioners from the last on account of the great promise of growth through recent heavy endowments. The fraternity is governed by a con vention, composed of a delegato from each active and alumnae chapter, which meets every two years, and by tho Grand Council mide up of the officers of the fraternity and the editor-in-chief of the Anchora. each elected out of tho collegiate chapter chosen by convention. Like all the other fraternities. Delta Gamma has its official publication, tho Anchora, a quarterly, at present edited in Baltimore, by Psi chapter; its colors, bronze, pink and blue; its official badi;r, the gold anchor with "Delta Gamma" enamelled upon the white shield; its song book, directory, whistle, grip and ' pass word. Kappa, the local chapter, was estab lished in 1838. In 1895 her graduate members, to keep in clcse touch with the undergraduates, petitioned for a charter, which led to the establishment of Kappa Theta, the alumnae chapter. While the two chapters are separate, officially, they are as one in all frater nity work. Kappa's growth, locally and national ly, has been rapid. In 1833, the charter members numbered tivp; now there are upon the chapter roll the names of seventy-nine members, the greater part of whom have come from Lincoln and Omaha. Nationally, Kappa has been honored with three offices fraternity historian in 1Q9.1, grand treasurer in 1895, and grand president in 1901 and last spring with the entertainment of the national convention. In 1899, it was finally decided that the chapter follow the example set by so many chapters of Delta Gamma in the experiment of a house. This was so great a success that the chapter house now teems to be a part of fra ternity life. While Kappa never lacked the hospitality of the Lincoln homes, there could necessarily never be any of the college home life that the chapter house supplies. It offers not only a home to girls from other towns, but is open at all times to the resident mem bers. It is the place for the fraternity meetings, for all the informal gather ings so delightful to the college girl. COAL ad ICB WIHTBBREAST COAL As LIME; CO. Cooper's Manufactured Ice t Cold Storage Co. Office 109 So. llth ! , 1 1 i a 1 1 m j f 1? ii !'l Ml !M t w. 1 r "I J i '! 1 i