The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 21, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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H6e Ivy Press
125-127 North Twelfth Street
A Western Printing Place whin you can get what you want when you want It
Daintily gotten up Booklets and all kinds of Wedding
Stationery and Calling Cards are Specialties V V
ft rfw 1
Office, 1106 O St. Tel. 105.
J. F. Harris,
No. 1, Board of Trade,
Grain, Provisions; Cotton.
j j jt
Private Wires to New York Gty and
Many Gtks East and West.
J j jt
New York Stock Exelian.
Chicago Stock Exchange.
Chicago Hoard of Trail
George W. Montgomery. President.
fftiMHlS' 5 WCROW P
15th and O Streets
: Capitalpaid in
; Accounts of Individuals. Firme, Corporations, Ranks and Bankers Solicited.
Correspondence Invited.
Foreign Exchange and Lettere of Credit on all the principal cities of Europe.
Interest paid on time deposits.
Shoes ever brought to Lincoln.
11SO O Street.
rJL xw
For Sale By
Tiir rnuimii mr nnnii 7
inc rKiiRALin u mm
And Dnirv fin.
V Manufacturers of the finest qual
P ity of plain and fancy Ice Cream,
X Ices, Frozen Puddings, Frappe
and Sherbets. Prompt delivery
C and satisfaction guaranteed.
A 133 SO. I2tb8t. PHONE 205. X
L. P. Funkhouser, Cashier. ?
Lincoln, Nebr.
Absolute perfection is often
claimed for shoes that are
simply stylish.
Our Mannish Shoes are
not only perfect in style, but
in every detail, being" the
most serviceable lot of
Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald and Mrs. Ed
ward Fitzgerald gave a party last week
in honor of Mrs. D. D. Muir of Rut
land, Vermont. These early fall par
ties have the interest of all beginnings,
of all renewals of relationships inter
rupted by vacations. Mrs. Muir has
been spending the summer with her
mother, Mrs. Wilson, at ihe home of
Mr. and Mrs. Dorgan who have spent
the season abroad. The seven 'tables
around which the guests gathered were
each set for a different game. In the
hall there was a table full of big pota
toes and small coffeespcoos in which
the players were expected to carry the
tubers. The player carrying the larg
est number in the shortest time won a
point. There was aleo a domino table,
a doll dressing table where were little
rolls of tissue paper tied with ribbons
and furtdshed with thread, needles and
scissors; a puzzle table, a euchre table,
apaperfliwer table and a ball and
posket throwing table. Mrs. FrarA
King Clark was the most expert in
these diverse games trnd Mr. Bucketaff
carried home a prize of versatility. The
guests were Messrs. and Mesdames Dor.
gan and John Dorgan, Oakley, Burn
ham, Ladd, W. C. Wilson, Leonard,
Frank King Clark, Daton, Bucketaff,
George Woods, and Ross Curtice; Mrs.
Frances Wilson, Mrs. Muir, Mice Har
ris, Mr. Ogden and Mr. Wilson Muir.
After the games were played and the
refreshments enjoyed, small glasses were
pissed to the guests and a health to Mr.
and Mrs. Muir and to the bride and
groom, Mr. and Mis. Clark, were pro
posed. IhtnMr. ClarK sang, his big,
smooth voice rilling the room. Then
Mr. and Mrs. Clark sang exquisitely,
with fine shading, "My Rosary." Fin
ally, Mr. Clark led the company in
The Young Women's Christian As
sociations of the city and University,
have arranged an organ recital to be
given at the University chapel by Mr.
J. E. Butler, organist, at Trinity Ca
thedral, Omaha, on Friday evening,
September twenty-seventh, at eight
o.clock. Mr. Butler's ability as an or
ganist is well known in this city. Miss
Bessie Turner, who haB consented to
render two vocal solos, will be. welcomed
by Lincoln music-lovers. Admission,
twenty five cents. Tickets may be se
cured at the Y. W. C. A. or at the door.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank King Clark, who
have spent several days with Mr. and
Mrs. R. H. Oakley, left on Thursday for
the east. A dinner in their honor was
given Wednesday evening at the Lin
coln by Messrs. F. J. Richards and Rob
ert Joyce.
Mr and Mrs. M. D. Welch and Mits
Welch are visiting the Pan American
exposition. Before returning borne
they will also visit in New York and
Married, on Wednesday evening, at
the home of the bride's brother, Mr. W.
M. Morning, Miss Una Morning and
Doctor George T. Ayres, of Ely, Minn
esota. Married, on Wednesday evening, at
the home of Mr. H. H. Barth, J027 G
street, Mies Lydia Kanne of University
Place, and Mr. George IL Barth.
Mr. and Mrs.C. H. Rudge left Sun
day evening tor a trip to the Buffalo
exposition. They also will visit in Ohio
and Pennsylvania.
Mrs. S-G. Dorr of 3038 Q street has
returned with her children from Loe
Angeles, California, where she has spent
the summer with her parents, Judge
and Mrs. J. R. Lewis.
Mies Grace Stewart will be a pupil at
Browne!) Hall, Omaha, this year. Mrs.
Stewart and Miss Grace went to Oma
ha on Thursday.
Gregory, The Coal Man, 11th & O.
Mrs. D. W. C. Huntington and Mips
Frances Huntington have returned from
Manitou, where hey Bpent three week.
Congressman E J. Burkett lert Tor
Washington Sunday night ti attend thu
funeral services of President McKiule .
Mrs. M. H. Everett has returnfd
from New York and PennsjhaniH.
where she spent the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Gorge T. Hawley of
Oakland, California, are the gueds of
Mrs. L.A.Stuart.
The American Savings Bank of 13
North Eleventh street, pays interest on
Doctor H.Winnett Orr has been coo
fined to the house by illness this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Turner are homo
from a visit in Michigan and Kentucky.
Mi68 Anne Barr has returned from
her summer's outing at Chautauqua.
Mrs. N. S. Harwood spent part or the
week at Lake Forest, Ills.
Mrs. Mary A. Reed is visiting in Ill
inois and will also visit in Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kellogg are home
from their eastern trip.
Mrs. M. H. Garten is the guest of
friends in Indianapolis.
Mrs. E. J. Oaborn is the guest of rela
tives in Omaha.
Mr. E. J. Roth returned Sunday fiom
an eastern trip.
Miss Marie Hoover is visiting in
Dr. Carr, surgeon. HI South 12th.
Died, on Tuesday evening, at tue
family residence, 302 North Twenty
seventh street, Albert, son of Professor
E. Davisson, aged six months.
Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Kappa Kappa Gamma was founded on
the thirteenth cf October, 1870, by four
teen students of Monmouth college,
Monmouth, Illinois. The organization
seems to have been modeled, not on the
two women's fraternities already estab
lished, 1. C. Sorosis (later Pi Beta Phil
and Kappa Alpha Theta, but rather on
one of the oldest men's fraternities, of
which the father of one of the founders
was a member.
Unlike'Alpha Phi, Delta Gamma and
Gamma Phi Beta, each of whom existed
for from Ave to nine years as a local or
ganization merely. Kappa Kappa Gamma
became a national fraternity almost im
mediately, by the establishment of a
second chapter in 1871.
In the tiret decade of Kappa Kappa
six ."atafe