The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 21, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Professional Directory.
Jfflco 418
im fclh-.h.'. . . -.-. . . BMldence.l313C street 1 2"to 4 p m
. -, -. .-,..-... uuumji - iu i p. in. ana oj appointment.
iTIr "RATI1 TP. RftiloTT S ffi. Zehnwg Block 1 9 to 10 am
I ' -"- O' 'mm.jj - 12tOl2UM
I Dr. J. B.Trickey, , lim 4 itoKa.
1 ReftactioniBt only ) 0mce' I035 'trMt f i to 4 p. m.
offlc. sao-iLouis N. Wente,D.D.S.-lilB3i ahMl
I I aolltb itreet. I
office esslouver Johnson, D.D.S. ffiX",Iarley'H
I hllttO street
'ft Plume. ..L10j Dr. RUth M. WOOd. 61SSo.10tl.St. l"ouIOto
I I ( J A. M.;2to I.M
San Francisco and Return
$45.00 trrTd
ate of gale geptcmber 19lb to 2f lb.
Final Limit jouember ljtb. 1901.
City Ticket Office Burlington Depot
6or. lOtn and O Streets. 7th St., Between Pand Q.
Telephone 235. Uelephone 25.
Is the British Medical Institute Corner tlth
and N Streets, Sheldon Block It
Gives Three Months' Services
Free to All Invalids who
Call Upon Them Be
fore October JO.
A stall of eminent physicians nnd
surgeons from the Britisn Medical In
stitute, at the urgent solicitation of a
large number of patients under their
care in this country, have established
a permanent branch of the Institute in
this city, at the cilice, corner of Eleventh
and N streets, in the Sheldon b'ock
These eminent gentlemen have de
cided to give their si'Vices ent:ra. tree
for three months medicines excepted)
to all invalids who call upon them for
treatment between now aod Oct 10th.
These services will not only consist of
consultation, examination nnd advico,
but also of all minor surgical operations.
The object in pursuing this course is
to become rapidly and personally ac
quainted with the sick and alllicted. and
underno condition will any charge what
ever Le made for any serviced rendered
for throe months to all who call before
Oct. 10th.
The doctors treat all forms of disease
and deformities, and guarantee a cure
in every case they undertake. At the
first interview a thorough examination
is made; and, if incurable, you are frank,
ly and kindly told bo; also advised
against spending your money for use
lees treatment.
Male and female weakness, catarrh
and catarrhal d lafness. also rupture,
goitre, cancer, ah skin diseases and all
diseases of the icctum are positively
cured by their new treatment.
The chief associate surgeon of the
Institute, assisted by one or more of his
si- IT associates, is in personal charge.
Otli -e hom j from 0 a. m. till 8 p. m.
No Sunday hours.
Spcial Notice If you cannot call
send stamp for question blank for home
wswsxsx8X x99mss)saxswmsim
The beat Shoe for women. Dear
to the bear, hut not to the purse,
A model for every type of foot, a
style for every occasion.
For Eale only at
1043 O St.,
Lincoln Nebraska
mm if
l,uuu,u' 1 AMD AND
tf(9 r
IPolislxiri g.
Twenty eight years experience as an
inside decorator. Reasonable prices.
Phone 5232.
ooooxao ;
Place Your Orders with
Better If He Had.
Coming home rather late one night
old Jones discovered a country bump
kin standing by tbo kitchen door.
"Young man,' 6aid ho, "what are you
doing here?"
"I've come a courting, 6ur."
"A courting? What do you mean?'
"Well, I'm a follower of Mary, the
kitchen maid, sur.'
"Do you usually carry a lantern when
you are on such errands?" asked the old
man, sarcastically
"Yee, sur, al'ays."
"Don't tell me such nonsense. You
had better be off quickly courting with
a lantern, indeed. In my young days I
never used such a thing."
"No, Bur,'' replied the bumpkin sidl
ing off; "judgicg by ye missus. I should
n't think yer did.' Leslie's Weekly.
Social Business Men.
In a paper on "Mid Air Dining Clubs,'1
in the September Century, Cleveland
Moffctt has something to say of their
effect upon the sociability of busineea
They are developing Htnong New York
business men a new kind of sociability.
With tho old restaurant regime tho
members of a certain business house or
ollice found small variety at luncheon
timofrom the monotony of their narrow
round. Day after day tho same little
groups would go out together and re
turn together, seldom meeting new men,
seldom gotting out of the deep worn
channels of thought and talk. It whb
astonishing howfex acquaintances they
made in years of this life. New York
has a terrible conservatism that walla
men about and keeps them apart from
their fellow-men unless something
comes to break through it. In this case
the mid-air club came, and Btraightway
scores of men who wero strangers,
though in similar lines of effort, rere
brought into friendly relations, to their
mutual pleasure and profit. Rivals in
many enterprises, enemies in trade,
merchants, importers, manufacturers,
jobbers, have met in pome mid-ai' smok
ing room day after day, and somehow,
between the soothing of a good cigar and
tho wondeiful view, have come into bet
ter understanding. Nor can any one
6 ay how many deals have gone through
by the friendly mediation of a mid-air
msal together in one of these favorite
corners, where tho boatB paES, or what
troublesome business tangles have un
tangled themselves through the mag:c
of an after dinner coffee, with tho bretzo
blowing in. It is hard for a man to be
petty or mean or to higgle for trilles
with the majesty of these patient rivers
bearing in on him. These are the busi
ness advantages I moLtioned, and expe
rience has sho n that they are very real.
Northwestern Line.
Sept. 1-10 Rjund trip tickets to St.
Paul and Minneapolis, $11 10; Dulutb,
$1510; Maokato, Minn., 3 85; Kasota,
Minn., 50 05; Hot Springs, S. D., 8'4 00;
Deadwood, S. D., 313.f0. Final limit to
return Oct. 31st. City ticket ollice 117
S lO.h St. Depot Cor. 9.h and S Sts.
ParMtntntly Curti by
iu after Bm dj w.
i. i ! nr tar mmil: trfttfar t4
Wt MiU Wk fJ Upmilll MlT OD d.irr.
r hi Can. iiij umpenrj rrltaf f6rH.vr-
iMMMMa ,! i i i . G. ril.i ll.nrA.
Mwtr.iikMMriiit. b. ii.'kLine. 14.
31 Arch Strtct, Philadelphia, .model im.
M. B. KBTCHUM, A. D., Phar. D.
Practice limited to
Eye, Bar. Nose, Throat, Gatarrh
and Fitting Spectacles.
Phone 818. Hours 9 to 5; Sunday J
to 2:30. Rooms 313-314 Tnird Floor
Richards BIocK Lincoln, Nebr.
A Chicago lady, upon engaging a
new cook, was very careful to impress
upon her that no followers were allowed
at that establishment, and added that
the last cook bad been discharged
through breaking that rule. Shortly
afterward, suspecting that all was not
right in the culinary department, she
paid a surprise visit to the kitchen, and
upon making a tour of inspection, was
astounded to find a tine specimen of the
genus Atkins standing bolt upright in
a cupboard.
"Bridget! what is this man doing
"Faix, ma'am, he must have been left
there by your last cook,'' Eaid Bridget.
Among the latest political fashions is
a design for a thinking cap which is be
coming very popular with intelligent
democrats. Itiasiid that the result of
wearing this useful article will btcome
apparent in November when their voters'
will put another fea'.her in tne republi
can prosperity cap. About the same
time the democratic rainy -day skirt will
be male of sack cloth. New Lexington
(Ohio) Tribune.
'Supposing I give you your supper,''
siid the tired-looking woman; "what
will you do to earn it?'
"Madam," said Meandering Mike, "I'll
give you de opportunity of seein' a man
got t'roo a whole meal wit'out rindin'
fault wit" a single t'log.-'
The woman thought a minute and
then told him to come in and she'd set
the table. Washington Star.
"Always," said the astute city editor
to the new reporter "always be on the
lookout for any little bit of humor that
may brighten up your columns." That
evening the new reporter turned in a
story about a burglary in a butcher shop,
which commenced: "Mr. Hiram Cleav
er, the well known butcher, is losing
Hesh rapidly these days." Baltimore
One of the first things to attract the
attention of Baby Clarence was grand
ma's h attack' , made of a pair of deer
horns. One afternoon, when Le was
three years old, papa took him to a park.
When relating the incidents of bis trip
to his mamma on their retnrn, he ex
claimed: ''And, oh, mamma! I saw a
deer, and he had a hatrack oa his
head. Detroit Free Press.
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