The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 21, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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and in so far defeat popular govern- fifty cents or more. When buying your 6ented: "That wo recommend that practical organizations for the stopping
ineiit. " " tickets be sure and ask for a certificate. Minnesota defer action on the color of woman gossip in the churches, for tho
It is futile to argue from the anar- Fill in this certificate as required and question until after the General Feder- promotion and beautifyiog of streets,
rhists' side, because they do not rati
in every community there are a few
anarchists. Their existence is a men
are to the life of every one who has
agreed to live and do business accord
ing to the provisions of the Constitu
tun. They believe that it is merit
crious to kill officials elected by the
people to execute the laws passed by
ilic people. When they mark a man
present it at your earliest convenience ation baa acted in the matter." etc. Dr. Temple believe?, with the rest
on arriving in Wayne, to the chairman At one o'clock a luncheon was served of us, that the club life will broaden a
of transportation, Mrs. H.D.Neely, that in the church parlor to all club wom-n. woman's arena, make her life more
sho may present them to the ticket The color of the entertaining club were amenable to her daily duties, and that
agent at Wayne for bis signature, with- preen ana whito and you can imagine the work of tho clubs, with their thou
out which the rato of one-third return how pretty the table was, arranged with sands upon thousands of members, is
faro cannot be secured. srailax, white carnations and lilies of the resulting iu more good than we can ever
Presidents, read thiB letter to your valley. At each plate was a bunch of hope to properly realize "Women,'
cli'b, and urge the attendance of as lilies with the leaf. The serving was said he, "Lave the right ideas of things
many as possible from your city, to stay done by the daughters of the club wo- and some day something will happen in
through all the cession. You can't af- men. The toastB given were bright and temperance and good cilizenehip that
for deft ill they do not inform him or tford to miss it; attendance at this meet- original, the one upon "Our Forests" de-
anvune outside of their organization iug will give a greater impetus to your serving special mention.
df the sentence but execute it when year's work than any other one thing The afternoon was devoted to busi-
tlieir victim is least prepared to re- that you can do. ness, at the close of which the delegates
sl. With such a history ard such A directors meeting, which consists returned to their homes, brighter and
tenets there is no way for society to of the presidents of all clubs and tho happier for this short outing. You ask.
will startle the world." Dr. Temple's
peroration was a most beautiful and ap
propriate tribute to womankind.
Some ladies in journalism ana liter
ature, chief among thorn Mrs. Jennie
protect itself against them except to executive board, will meet Tuesday perheps, what was gained by this meet- June Crowly and A lice Cary, established
arrest and imprison them before they morning, October S, at 10:.'50 o'clock at
have an opportunity to kill and after the Boyd house. Questions will be dis
lliey have definitely identified them cussed at this meeting of particular in
selves as anarchists. The warning terest to club presidents,
rattle of the rattlesnake is enough to The executive board meeting will be
identify the snake as an enemy to held Monday evening, October 7, at
in in. Jl lie Stun mail uas oeuii up- eigui o ciock, ai me uoyu nouse.
pearing in the New York World and
in the Chicago American is
ng, and I will not speak of "inspiration, the Sorosis club in New York in 1805.
that hackneyed phrase, but of the feel- Previous to that there was only ono
ing of good will and of fellowship which woman's dub in existence, and that
mikes the whole world kin. naturally was in Boston. From these
beginnings feminine orgamzitionB
The Zatelic club of Weeping Water spread like the fire from Samson's foxes
held the first meeting of the year Satur- till they girdle the earth.
All delegates should come to Wayne day. September 11. at the home of Mrs. Women's clubs have been working
just as prepared to pay their dues for the com- Gates, the president. The meeting was nearly forty years. long enough for it to
definite a defiance of and menace to ing year, beginning October, 1901, and called to order by the president and bo reasonably asked what they have
organized society. The editor of The ending October, 1902. after disposing of sundry matters tf accomplished for womankind and for
World and of The American is a more Badges may be secured on reaching business, the gavel was presented, with mankind in general. Something they
dangerous anarchist than Emma Wayne. a few welcome words, to our club "moth- have not done is the feature that im-
Gnldmati or than any other publisher er," Mrs. 1. N.Woodford, who responded predsesone most to start with. Of tho
of an anarchist paper. Social'st pa- The Mioden Woman's club has issued by a brief address in which the com hundreds of women's clubs that meet
purs have a small circulation and Hb year book for 1!K)1 19ttt Enclosed in a mented upon the fact that our club annually in the general federation not
their subscribers are depraved and pink contains the complete pro- may be termed of age, having reached one percent ot them have a roof of
l.iy loafers, whose only plan for mak- Rrams for the work of the club during its eighteenth year. The study of the their own to cover them; that, too,
iiig-money is to take it away from the coming year. Each meeting opens great art critic and essayist, Ruskin, led though woman is considered to be that
someone else. But the World and the with a discussion of current events, fol- by Mrs. Rouse, formed the afternoon's one-half of humanity that can cot exist
American are filled with pictures of lowed by a topic with three or more program. The childhood and home, without a home. One of the oldest and
t .actors in and the scenes of current divisions, each bandied by a member, manhood with its successes and failures, most widely known as well as one of the
events. The papers are very cheap The topic for the first meeting on Sep- declining years and final laying to rest wealthiest clubs in the United States,
and all sorts of respectable and high- tember tenth was "Geographical Ameri- of the renowned scholar were all brietly certainly the one whose members drees
ca,' whp me presiaents auuress. me related. A sKetcn by Mrs. weien wun most richly and rashionably.meeta twice
topics for tho remainder of the year will illustrative passages selected from the a month in hired rooms in a hotel, tho
be: "Romance of Exploration;" "Build- author' works closed the program. The rest of the time the members having, as
ers of the Now World;' "Nationalit;" meeting augurs well for the year to a club, no touch with the world or with
'Louisiana Purchase; 'Natural Won- come. each other.
dere:" American Fiction;'' "The Iloli- The well known women's clubs tha
minded people buy them. Thus the
poison reaches the very readers who
have heretofore been uninfected.
In seeking for the causes which and
tbe conspirators who encouraged the
assassination of the President, the
Most for the editorials in his paper.
In direct incitement to murder, in
lib.ild, uucuth and indecent ravings
against President McKinley, publish
er Hearst is far more guilty than pub
lisher Most. Herr Most's bold as
sumption of anarchy as a calling has
deceived the police into thinking him
a mere inveterate anarchist than
Hearst. Let the editorials for which
N led ice have seen tit to arrest Herr day American;" "Poetic Art;'"Organ- Dr. Temple, a clergyman of Seattle, have homes may be almost counted upon
izanons: -ocnooi isvBiem; "American wasmngion, aaaresseu me women b me fingers or one nana. (Juriously
Defense;" 'Transportation;'' "Recent clubs ot that city on a recent Sunday enough, too, the clubs most dis-
American Inventions:" "Fauna and evening. An interesting and instruct- anguished for doing sometning are
Flora;" "Journalism." On April S will ive review of the woman's club formed those that have houses of their own.
occur tbe election of ollicers and a vol- the first part of the address, the remarks The Woman's Century club of Philadel-
unteer program. The club consists of dating back to tbe time when Kate phia may be taken as a type of the best,
fifteen regular members and one bori- Field, :he energetic newspaper corre- The ladies have a handsome four-story
orary member, with tho following oIK spondent and possible type of the new gray stone huilding, with a spacious
cers: President, Mrs. Harriet Wimmer; woman, together with other ladies origi- front entrance, covered on occasion Arith
vice president, Mrs. Jennie Dean; re- nated the idea of woman's organization an awning out over the sidewalk. In
Most was arrested be placed beside cording secretary, Mrs. Mary E Gaarde; which afterwards developed into the the interior are restaurant accummoda-
Hearst's editorials of McKinley and corresponding secretary. Mrs. Minnie S. woman's club. It did not appear to be tions, a great audience hall, reception
the Must product is to the Hearst Cline; treasurer, Mrs. Susie M. Godfrey, the object of Dr. Temple to recognize room9 and committee rooms.
ptoduct as milk to venom. tne iD"uence ' ay outside force in Of course it is expensive to maintain
The following account of the District connection with his remarks, says tbe all this house room for one club, writes
Federation meeting held at St. Peter, Mail and Herald. During the di6- Alice W, Mortimer in the Omaha News,
Minnesota, last summer is sent by Mrs. course be paid many of tbe highest but tbe ladies have proved themselves
Lillian Gault, secretary of the Omaha compliments to woman, to her work, able to finance the enterprise. They let
Woman's club: and to her organization. He also point- out their audience hall and other roomB
You wish me to rite you of the Dig- ed out the stumbling blocks and pitfalls, that are wanted for the meetings of
"The city that harborB art," taid Dr. homeless club women and for lectures
Temple, "is progressing in the best way. of particular interest to their own sex.
Art leagues, therefore, are organizations Then, too, a considerable revenue is de
wortby of tbe highest commendation, rived from ladies who hire space for
but why Art League Bohemia? And private receptions. A woman wishes to
why call its meetings the high jinks?" receive her numerous friends on a given
- wooooMinii6Mmimnofrooooo3
To Club Presidents:
Dear President The seventh annual
meeting of the Nebraska Federation of
trict Federation I attended at S'. Peter,
Tho meetings were all held in tbe
Methodist church and were weli at
tended, tho town people Beeming as
niU:h interested as the club women.
Women's Clubs will be he'd in Wayno and, what is more gratifying, the club In this way did Dr. Temple kindly but day. She does not want the bore and
Ootobtr 8. 9, 10 and 11, inclusive. men were there. hrmly place bis disapproval upon tnat worry ot it in her own house, where all
Tne credentials, one for jour- The first meeting, which was held in class of art lovers who forget that to be things will be thereby turned upside
self or substitute the other for tbe the evening, was opened by music, fol- Bohemians is often to be most inartistic, down. She therefore rents for an after
chosen delegate or her substitute, must lowed by the invocation; then music by "Ad Astra club, to tbe stare;' "Philo- noon some rooms in the handsome club
be prosented to tbe committee on ere- tbe Gentleman's quartette, tha greeting mathean, love of learning;" "P. E.O. house, where there is every convenience
dentials, Mrs. John Erbardt of Sranton. to the guests and reeponse, more music, club, a woman's organization which, as for entertaining a number or people. A
chairman, before taking your seats. This a recitation and last an address by the a club, has demonstrated its ability to private reception or entertainment in a
committee will be ready to receive them state president, Mra. Williams. The keep a secret." In this way tbe doctor public apartment is now altogether the
at the Presbyterian church, where the evening closed with an informal recep- referred to different club?, their origin chic thing in cities large and small. In
open meetings will be held. tion. and significance. In a beautiful manner. New York, with all its wealth of oppor-
1'he Boyd house will be considered The morning session was given over also, were the clubs of elderly ladies re- tunity for women, there are few really
club headquarters. Dinner and supper to a discussion of the color question, ferred to. The Sunset club, the Sav- nrogressive ladies clubs. One or the
will be served here for twenty-tivo cents Tne status and main arguments on enty club, the club of Has Beens, and few is the Professional Women's league,
a meal. either side having been given, six mem- so on, are comprised of ladies wbo in which was founded by a very live wo-
RoomB and breakfast will bo provided bars from the different towns in the dis- truth are now in tho sunset period of man. Mrs. A. M. Palmer, and which does
hf the women of Wayne for all. trict led in tbe discussion which became their lives and yet see and believe in much more than hold monthly meetingp.
A rate of one and one-tbird fare has quite general. Tho women bad been the beauty of living a young life in spir- to which worn in come dressed in their
been granted on all roads in the state, asked to come prepared to take part in it, even while growing old in body. The best and read papers. This admirable
"n the certificate plan, provj ling opo tbe debate. At tho close of the morning financial abilities of the club women organization maintains classes where its
hundred lickttsard eo'd a.t ) cost uf beEsiou tb following motion wag pre- were referred tg in turn, also the more raernbers may got instruction, in almost
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